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Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET'2010). – 2010 р. : [301] Collection home page


У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.

Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали X Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2010, присвяченої 165-й річниці Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 23-27 лютого 2010 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 380 с.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 301
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Experimental checking of forming random numeral sequence by using meteor burst channelAntipov, Ivan; Shernin, Mykhailo; Tkalich, InnaArticle2010Experimental checking of forming random numeral sequence by using meteor burst channelAntipov, Ivan; Shernin, Mykhailo; Tkalich, Inna
2010Estimation of services quality given in convergence netsMurray, AleksandraArticle2010Estimation of services quality given in convergence netsMurray, Aleksandra
2010Modeling information-communication system of financial investment managementMaslyanko, Pavlo; Riabushenko, AndreyArticle2010Modeling information-communication system of financial investment managementMaslyanko, Pavlo; Riabushenko, Andrey
2010Transformation of two measurings of rademakhera of is in the system of remaining classesKruckevych, О.Article2010Transformation of two measurings of rademakhera of is in the system of remaining classesKruckevych, О.
2010Programming model to determine the effect of input parameters variations on the network characteristicsSakharova, SvetlanaArticle2010Programming model to determine the effect of input parameters variations on the network characteristicsSakharova, Svetlana
2010Research methods to provide services in NGNPolishchuk, Artur; Chernykhivsky, Evgen; Chervenets, Vladymyr; Romanchuk, VasylArticle2010Research methods to provide services in NGNPolishchuk, Artur; Chernykhivsky, Evgen; Chervenets, Vladymyr; Romanchuk, Vasyl
2010Principles of neural network artificial immune system design to detect attacks on computersGolovko, Vladimir; Komar, Myroslav; Sachenko, AnatolyArticle2010Principles of neural network artificial immune system design to detect attacks on computersGolovko, Vladimir; Komar, Myroslav; Sachenko, Anatoly
2010Matrix algorithms of processing of the information flow in computer systems based on theoretical and numerical Krestenson’s basisYakymenko, Іhor; Kasyanchuk, Mykhajlo; Nykolajchuk, YaroslavArticle2010Matrix algorithms of processing of the information flow in computer systems based on theoretical and numerical Krestenson’s basisYakymenko, Іhor; Kasyanchuk, Mykhajlo; Nykolajchuk, Yaroslav
2010Research of efficiency of the data transmission telecommunication systems with limited by the frequency stripe and powerGorbatyy, IvanArticle2010Research of efficiency of the data transmission telecommunication systems with limited by the frequency stripe and powerGorbatyy, Ivan
2010System for a cluster analysisStekh, Yuri; Sardieh, Fajsal M. E.; Lobur, MykhayloArticle2010System for a cluster analysisStekh, Yuri; Sardieh, Fajsal M. E.; Lobur, Mykhaylo
2010Content management system for Web portalNakwaski, Maciej; Zabierowski, WojciechArticle2010Content management system for Web portalNakwaski, Maciej; Zabierowski, Wojciech
2010T-wave alternans analysis in ambulatory ECG monitoringChłapinski, Jakub; Kaminski, Marek; Sakowicz, Bartosz; Kotas, RafałArticle2010T-wave alternans analysis in ambulatory ECG monitoringChłapinski, Jakub; Kaminski, Marek; Sakowicz, Bartosz; Kotas, Rafał
2010Comprehensive analysis of E-learning systems compatibility and solutionsMakowski, Tomasz; Sakowicz, Bartosz; Wojtera, MichałArticle2010Comprehensive analysis of E-learning systems compatibility and solutionsMakowski, Tomasz; Sakowicz, Bartosz; Wojtera, Michał
2010A flow-based model of two-level routing in multiservice networkLemeshko, Olexandr; Hailan, Ahmad M.; Ali, Ali S.Article2010A flow-based model of two-level routing in multiservice networkLemeshko, Olexandr; Hailan, Ahmad M.; Ali, Ali S.
2010A dynamic model of a TCP-session at the management by a length of queue with the use of RED mechanismStarkova, O. V.Article2010A dynamic model of a TCP-session at the management by a length of queue with the use of RED mechanismStarkova, O. V.
2010Routing in mobile ad hoc networks using fuzzy neural networksSova, Oleg; Romanjuk, Valeriy; Minochkin, DmytroArticle2010Routing in mobile ad hoc networks using fuzzy neural networksSova, Oleg; Romanjuk, Valeriy; Minochkin, Dmytro
2010Estimation of quality of intellectual services of NGNBazylevych, Rostislav O.Article2010Estimation of quality of intellectual services of NGNBazylevych, Rostislav O.
2010The theoretical basis of bisignal formation of information flow in computer systems with open optical signalsGrynchyshyn, Taras; Yakymenko, Ihor; Nykolajchuk, Yaroslav; Kasyanchuk, MykhajloArticle2010The theoretical basis of bisignal formation of information flow in computer systems with open optical signalsGrynchyshyn, Taras; Yakymenko, Ihor; Nykolajchuk, Yaroslav; Kasyanchuk, Mykhajlo
2010The architecture of the self-organizing long term evolution networksKovalenko, A. I.; Shelkovnikov, B. N.; Zhukov, R. V.Article2010The architecture of the self-organizing long term evolution networksKovalenko, A. I.; Shelkovnikov, B. N.; Zhukov, R. V.
2010Сorrection of clock jitter in analog-digital equipment of telecommunication systemBortnik, Gennadiy; Vasylkivskyj, Mikola; Cheloyan, VolodymyrArticle2010Сorrection of clock jitter in analog-digital equipment of telecommunication systemBortnik, Gennadiy; Vasylkivskyj, Mikola; Cheloyan, Volodymyr
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 301