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Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET'2010). – 2010 р. : [301] Collection home page


У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.

Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали X Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2010, присвяченої 165-й річниці Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 23-27 лютого 2010 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 380 с.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 301
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Adaptation time-series analysis to number of calls on the modern telecommunication networkGannitskiy, IlliyaArticle2010Adaptation time-series analysis to number of calls on the modern telecommunication networkGannitskiy, Illiya
2010Information dynamic model of behavior entities in distributed computer systems, remote data accessNykolaychuk, L. M.; Plenyuk, M. D.Article2010Information dynamic model of behavior entities in distributed computer systems, remote data accessNykolaychuk, L. M.; Plenyuk, M. D.
2010Quality of experience for IPTVKyryk, Maryan; Kostiv, OrestArticle2010Quality of experience for IPTVKyryk, Maryan; Kostiv, Orest
2010WiMAX systems capability enhancementSunduchkov, A. K.; Fadeeva, E. A.; Jacyk, A. A.Article2010WiMAX systems capability enhancementSunduchkov, A. K.; Fadeeva, E. A.; Jacyk, A. A.
2010The quality increasing of information transmission over the cellular-radio systemsGolovchenko, І.; Ladik, О.Article2010The quality increasing of information transmission over the cellular-radio systemsGolovchenko, І.; Ladik, О.
2010Optimization of speech codecs on set of indicators of qualityBezruk, Valery; Skorik, YuliaArticle2010Optimization of speech codecs on set of indicators of qualityBezruk, Valery; Skorik, Yulia
2010Automation of radio controling systems in UkraineTararai, AnnaArticle2010Automation of radio controling systems in UkraineTararai, Anna
2010Feature analysis of the second generation standard DVB-S2 for satellite broad-band servicesAlizadeh, AbdolhadiArticle2010Feature analysis of the second generation standard DVB-S2 for satellite broad-band servicesAlizadeh, Abdolhadi
2010Extending social networks with service delivery capabilities for user-centric serviceSpillner, Josef; Caceres, Anton; Buder, Bastian; Kursawe, Ronny; Globa, Larysa S.; Schill, AlexanderArticle2010Extending social networks with service delivery capabilities for user-centric serviceSpillner, Josef; Caceres, Anton; Buder, Bastian; Kursawe, Ronny; Globa, Larysa S.; Schill, Alexander
2010The estimation and prediction model of the software reliability with the project size indexFedasyuk, Dmytro; Seniv, Maksym; Chabanyuk, Yaroslav; Khimka, UlyanaArticle2010The estimation and prediction model of the software reliability with the project size indexFedasyuk, Dmytro; Seniv, Maksym; Chabanyuk, Yaroslav; Khimka, Ulyana
2010Design of process of forming of time-tablesPasichnik, Roman; Vovkodav, AleksandrArticle2010Design of process of forming of time-tablesPasichnik, Roman; Vovkodav, Aleksandr
2010Modeling of problematic aspects in the Web site development processPasichnyk, NataliaArticle2010Modeling of problematic aspects in the Web site development processPasichnyk, Natalia
2010System of semantic classes for test’s generationMelnyk, Andriy; Pasichnyk, RomanArticle2010System of semantic classes for test’s generationMelnyk, Andriy; Pasichnyk, Roman
2010The principles of traffic processing and formation based on IXA networking processorsTchaikovsky, Ihor; Bak, RomanArticle2010The principles of traffic processing and formation based on IXA networking processorsTchaikovsky, Ihor; Bak, Roman
2010Specifying dynamic routing protocol in a form of CPNLitvin, DmitryArticle2010Specifying dynamic routing protocol in a form of CPNLitvin, Dmitry
2010Evolutionary algorithms in control systems engineeringUshakov, EduardArticle2010Evolutionary algorithms in control systems engineeringUshakov, Eduard
2010Influence of the intersymbol interference on the length of regeneration section in FOTSBreskin, Valentin; Masur, AnnaArticle2010Influence of the intersymbol interference on the length of regeneration section in FOTSBreskin, Valentin; Masur, Anna
2010Methods of optimization of multidimensional networksKrivuca, Volodimir; Berkman, Lubov; Kolobov, SergeyArticle2010Methods of optimization of multidimensional networksKrivuca, Volodimir; Berkman, Lubov; Kolobov, Sergey
2010Telemedicine system creation using programmable logic integrated circuitsVaskiv, Hryhoriy; Hravaris, Anastasios; Kukul, AnatoliyArticle2010Telemedicine system creation using programmable logic integrated circuitsVaskiv, Hryhoriy; Hravaris, Anastasios; Kukul, Anatoliy
2010Algorithms of networked control system designOlejnichenko, KaterynaArticle2010Algorithms of networked control system designOlejnichenko, Kateryna
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 301