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% of glazing 'cooperation-integration' "base-basis" "brain drain" "brick" style "business angels" "clean" project structures "click"-reactions "Clickers" "cloud" information services "compatible" and "incompatible" spectra "drug-like" compounds "Earth’s interiors, interiors spiritual” "emulsion water" "Geology, history, culture” "green" investments "green" logistics "ideal" mode "Information” "machines of desires" "Names” "Native School" "plenitude of power" "ring-on-rod" antenna "saturated" block "Science: new insights” "smart city" "smart" city "soft infrastructure" "Альтра" "Базальтовий”, "Гранітний” шари "Базальтовый”, "Гранитный” слои "великі" держави "відтік мізків" "Галицька брама" "Геология, история, культура” "Геологія, історія, культура” "деварваризація" "демографічний перехід" "добре" "закони права" "Имена” "Информация” "кирпичный" стиль "Клюнийской» право "машини бажань" "Надра земні, надра духовні” "належне" врядування "Наука: новые взгляды” "Наука: нові огляди” "Недра земные, недра духовные” "онтологічна стійкість" "повнота влади" "предмет – і – середовище" "проблемний" банк "тимчасовий" банк "умный" город "цегляний" стиль "Імена” "Інформація” (075.8)336.76=03.20 (091)(430) (316.2+316.7):002 (470 (477) (477.83-21) Зброжек (628.88 (719 (800 (808.7 (anti) crisis marketing (consideration) of stakeholder interests (degradation persistence (Gd,La,Y,Lu)3(AlGaSc)5O12 (GdCa)3(GaMgZr)5O12 (H-T) diagram (Lu1-xGdx)2SiO5:Ce Y2SiO5:Ce (meth)acrylate monomers (meth)acrylic esters (meth)acrylic monomers (PPP) (Slant Tropospheric Delay, STD) (Slant Water Vapor, S WV ) (ultra)thin layer (YEuTmCa)3(FeGe)5O12 (Zenith Tropospheric Delay, ZTD), (Zn,Co)O (ВТМ) export (мет)акрил (мет)акриловые эфиры (мет)акрилові естери (мет)акрилові мономери (постачальник) предмета (спектрофотометричний (ультра)тонкий шар , performance evaluation , thermistors -681.3 -flooding renewal -Krestenson basis -mean-risk approach‖ -натовські взаємовідносини . 341. 645. 48. . 351. 75 . 624.941 . 681.3 . 711 .004.9 .383.8 .621.187.3 .681.3-620.179 .7 .NET Framework CLR 0.45%C steel 00 001 001. 895 001.12 001.2 001.316.77 001.4 001.4(045) 001.4) 001.4:389/1 001.4’82 001.51 001.8 001.82 001.89 001.891 001.891.53 001.892 001.895 001.896 001.92 002(063) 002.2 (477) «1950/2021» 002.2(=111)(73)"192/193" 004 004(063) 004.01 004.02 004.021 004.023 004.027 004.031.4 004.031.42 004.031.42] 004.032 004.032.026 004.032.2 004.032.26 004.04 004.042+004.738 004.043 004.048 004.04:004.4:004.67:004.75 004.051 004.052 004.052+004.94 004.052.3 004.054 004.056 004.056.5 004.056.55 004.056.5:004.81(043.5) 004.075 004.087.2 004.2004.3 004.272 004.272.2 004.272.26 004.272.34 004.272.44 004.272:004.315.7:004.42 004.274 004.3 004.3. 004.31 004.382 004.383 004.384 004.3’124 004.4 004.4, 519.688 004.41 004.41/.42 004.413 004.414.2 004.415 004.415.2 004.415.3 004.415.532 004.416 004.418 004.42 004.421 004.421.2 004.421.6 004.422 004.422.81 004.424.4+004.424.5 004.45 004.451(86) 004.4`2 004.5 004.5/004.7 004.514.62 004.58 004.588 004.6 004.62 004.62:656.072 004.62:681.2.083:621.37:539.3:536.6 004.633 004.65 004.652 004.652.4 004.652.4+004.827 004.652.4004.738.5:001.102-049.5:351.862.4(043) 004.652.6 004.67 004.67+004.89+004.942 004.67:007.52:621.391 004.7 004.7 (043.3) 004.724.4 004.725 004.728 004.733 004.738.5 004.738.52 004.738.5:070:930.253 004.738.5] (477 004.738.5]=161.2’27 004.75 004.75:004.49 004.75:004.896 004.77 004.773 004.773.2 004.774 004.774(470 004.774.6 004.8 004.81 004.827 004.827+004.89 004.832.3 004.85 004.852 004.855.5 004.87 004.89 004.89 + 004.932 004.89+004.932 004.891 004.891 (045) 004.891.2 004.891.3 004.896 004.896:621.3.049.779 004.8:004.89:519.17 004.9 004.9 621.39 004.91 004.915 004.921 + 004.93:002.1-028.25(043.3) 004.924 004.93 004.93'14 004.93.1 004.931 004.932 004.932.2;620.18 004.934 004.94 004.94+316.77:004 004.942 004.942:519.876.5 004.942;674.047 004.94; 674.047 004.94;674.047 004.9:658.589(043) 004.9BIM 004.[89+942] 004.[9+896] 005 005-047.58 005.001. 8 005.1 005.21 005.21:339.137.2:338.45 005.21] 005.3 005.31 005.332.4-043.82 005.332.8 005.334 005.336.2 005.336.3 005.336.4 005.336.4:334.716 005.342:331.1:332.02:334.02:35.085.2:658 005.35 005.4 005.44 005.441 005.5 005.52 005.52] 005.562 005.574 005.585 005.585+005.412]:005.336.2:334.7 (043.3) 005.591.6 005.5] 005.6 005.7 005.8 005.9 005.932 005.932:005.2018:658.27 005.934 005.95 005.95/.96 006 006.015.5 006.015.5; 625.163:630;26:629.3.015.6 006.015.8 006.0152.7 006.024 006.032 006.034 006.057 006.1 006.32 006.352:004.738.5 006.354 006.7/8 006.72 006.72.54 006.83 006.86 006.86+614.841.33; 620; 628.34; 658.56 006.91 006.91:543.37.6:615.327 006.91:681.121 006: 658.516 006:004.9:60:620 006:658.8 006;004.9;60;620 006ЄС 007 007 : 304 : 070 007 : 35.088.6 007(477) 007.159.955 007.5 007.51 007.52 007: 316.77: 327 (477: 100) 007: 681.516.4 681.511.4 681.5.011 681.513.6 681.513.5 007:304-028.27 007:304:001 007:304:070 007:351]:004.77(477) 007:654.19(477) 007:[37.016:[070 + 004]:061.2] 008 008 (477)(043.5) 008(719)(075.8) 009 01 01/02] - 116 01.05.02 0125 016 016:712.00 016:929]:72.012 (477) “19/20” 02 02-05 “914-915” 021.1-028.27 021.4:004.946.5.056 024 027.021:021:004(06)(477+438) 027.6 04.738.5+004.773.2 047 05.13.06 05.13.21 050 06.07 061.1ЄС 061.1ЄС] 061.2:327.3:341.215.2(043.5) 061.5 061.6 061.68 0624.042 069 069.44 069.5 069.53-028.27:930.253 069.5:2 070 070 : 304 : 001 070 : 304 : 655 070 : 351.95:655.535.5 070 – 051 070 – 053.5(477)(091) 070(470 070(477)»1972/1973» 070(477.83/.86)”185/193” 070(=111)-026.39 070-053.2(477) «19/20»(091) 070.11 070.13/.14(477) 070.13(477.75)«2014/2017» 070.3 070.41 070.424 070.431 070.431-043.98 071 083.74 1 1 (091) 1 ,5-заміщені тетразоли 1 2 3-triazoles 1 2 3-триазоли 1 2 4- triazoles 1 3 5-triazine 1 3 5-триазин 1 3-dipolar cycloaddition 1 3-диполярне циклоприєднання 1 4(1 1 нитроэтены 1/111.83:"06" 1/14 1(091) 1(091) (44) [Дельоз] 1(091) “15/19” 1(091)477 1(092)(73) Сорокін 1(2)-amino-9,10-anthracenediones 1(2)-azido-9 1(2)-азидо-9 1(2)-амино-9,10-антрацендионы 1(2)-аміно-9,10-антрацендіони 1(2)-аміноантрацендіони 1,2,3-triazole 1,2,3-triazoles 1,2,3-заміщені гуанідини 1,2,3-триазол 1,2,3-триазола 1,2,3-триазоли 1,2,3-триазолу 1,2,3-триазолы 1,2,4- triazoles 1,2,4- та 1,2,3-триазоли 1,2,4-thiadiazole 1,2,4-triazole 1,2,4-тиадиазол 1,2,4-триазола 1,2,4-триазолу 1,2,4-тіадіазол 1,2,4]триазоло3,4-b[1,3,4]тіадіазол 1,2-bis(4,6-dichloro-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)diazene 1,2-dichloroethane 1,2-diclorethane 1,2-дихлоретан 1,2-дихлорэтан 1,3,2-оксазаборолідини 1,3,4-oxadiazole 1,3,4-оксадиазол 1,3,4-оксадіазол 1,3,4-триметилциклогекс-3-енкарбонова кислота 1,3,5-triazine 1,3,5-triazines 1,3,5-триазин 1,3,5-триазини 1,3,5-триазины 1,3- диоксоланы 1,3- діоксани 1,3-benzoxathiole 1,3-dioxanes 1,3-dioxolanes 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition 1,3-dipolar-cycloaddition 1,3-dypolar cycloaddition reaction 1,3-dypolar cycloaddition reactions 1,3-oxazine 1,3-бензоксатиола 1,3-диоксаны 1,3-диполярне 1,3-диполярное [3+2]-циклоприсоединение 1,3-діоксолани 1,3-оксазин 1,3-тіазолідин-2,4-дитіон 1,4-benzoxazines 1,4-butanediol 1,4-dihydropyridine 1,4-naphthoquinone 1,4-naphthoquinones 1,4-naphthoquinonе 1,4-naphthoxazepines 1,4-naphthoxazines 1,4-naphtoquinone 1,4-naphtoquinonе 1,4-quinones 1,4-бутандіол 1,4-дигидропиридин 1,4-дигідропіридин 1,4-нафто-хінон 1,4-нафтохинон 1,4-нафтохиноны 1,4-нафтохінон 1,4-нафтохінони 1,4-хінони 1,8-diaminonaphthalene 1,8-dioxodecahydroacridines 1,8-диоксодекагидроакридины 1,8-діоксодекагідроакридини 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2- naphthol 1-(2-піридилазо)-2-нафтол 1-(benzoyloxy)urea 1-(бензоїлокси)сечовина 1-1 electrolytes 1-1 електроліти 1-3-5-triazine 1-3-5-триазин 1-amino-9 1-arene-3,3-dymethyl-1-triazenes 1-arenesulfonyl-1 1-arene­sulfonyl-1 1-butanol 1-linoleyl-2-oleoyl-3-linolenoyl-glycerol 1-methylquinoline-2(1H)-one 1-nitroethens 1-octene 1-pentanol and its esters 1-аміно-9 1-арен-3,3-диметил-1-триазены 1-аренсульфонил-2-бутены 1-арилсульфоніл-1 1-бутанол 1-лінолеїл-2-олеоїл-3-ліноленоїлгліцерин 1-метилхинолин-2(1Н)-он 1-метилхінолін-2(1Н)-он 1-нітроетени 1.2-dichlorethane 1.3-dipolar [3 + 2] – cycloaddition 1.3-диполярне [3+2]- циклоприєднання 1.4-naphthoquinone 1.4-нафтохфнон 10% sieve 10% сито 10-anthracenedione 10-anthracenediones 10-anthraquinone 10-anthraquinones 10-dione 10-dioxo-9 10-dioxoanthracenyl hydrazones 10-dyhidroanthracene-2- sulfanate 10-антрахінон 10-антрахінони 10-антрацендіони 10-антрацендіону 10-дигідроантрацен-2- сульфонатної кислоти 10-діоксо-9 10-діоксоантраценілгідразони 10-діон 100) 100.7.165 101 101.3 10Sc1CeSZ powder 11 11.161.2’373.46 11.64(477.83)(043.5) 111/119 111.82 / 17.023.36: 7.03’06 111.84 111.84/276 111.852 113 113/119 116 12 122/129.72 123 124 124.3 124.4 129 12Cr1MoV steel 12Х1МФ сталь 13 130. 174:35.08 130.2 130.3 І.М. 137 138 14 140 140.8 141 141 “-07/-05” (092)(091) 141.30 141.42 141.5 15.41.69 153 159.01 159.9 159.9.019 159.9.07 159.91 159.923 159.932 159.937 159.937-057.875 159.93] 159.95 159.953.2 159.953.3 159.955-021.431 159.962 159.964.21 159.964:616.89-008.442.6 159.9] 16 161/162 161.1 161.113 161.2 161.2.81’37 164 164.01 165 165.0 165.12; 161.22 165.195 165.212 165.23 165.6/.8 165.62 165.7 165.742 165.75 167.1 167.3 167.7 168.1 168.522 168.53 17 17.022.1 17.022.1](477)» 2014…»654.197(477) 17.023.34 172 172.1 (43671) 172] 177. 008 1785М 179.7(100) 17] 17](477.83/86) “1920-1939” 18 18-Crown-6+ZnCl2 catalyst 18-molybdodiphosphate 18-краун-6 +ZnCl2,каталізатор 18-молібдодифосфат 18.01 180° balun 19 1906-1914 1906-1914 г. 1906-1914 роки 1918 1918 р 1920- 1930 1920-1930 рр. 1920–1930-ті рр. 1920–1930s 1920–30-е гг. 1920–30-ті рр. 1920–30s 1939 рік 1940–1950 years 1940–1950 р.р. 196.5 1960-80 гг. 1960-80 рр. 1960-80s 1960–199т0-ті рр. 19th century 1D model of EDL 1D модель подвійного електричного шару 1H 1H 2H 2H-perfluorooctyl triethoxysilane (FOTS) 1H and 13C spectra 1H NMR spectroscopy 1H ЯМР-спектроскопія 1H-tetrazole 1Н ЯМР- спектроскопія 1Н і 13С ЯМР спектри 1Н-піроли 1Н-тетразол 1Н-тетразоли 2 2'-дезоксирибонуклеотид 2 3-dimethylbuta-1 3-diene 2 аминотиофены 2,3-dichloronaphthoquinone 2,3-dimethyl-buta-1,3-diene 2,3-dimethylbuta-1,3-diene 2,3-phtaloylpirokolin-1-carboxylic acid 2,3-диметилбута- 1,3-дієн 2,3-диметилбута-1,3-дієн 2,3-дихлорнафтохинон 2,3-дихлорнафтохінон 2,3-фталоїлпіроколін-1-карбонова кислота 2,4 thiazolidinеdiones 2,4-тиазолидиндионы 2,4-тіазолідиндіони 2,5-dialkyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-carbaldehydes 2,5-dialkyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-carboxylic acids and salts of 2,5-dialkyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-carboxylic acids 2,5-dialkyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-methanols 2,5-диалкил-3,4-дигидро-2Н-пиран-2-карбальдегиды 2,5-диалкил-3,4-дигидро-2Н-пиран-2-карбоновые кисло-ты и соли 2,5-диалкил-3,4-дигидро-2Н-пиран-2-карбоновых кислот 2,5-диалкил-3,4-дигидро-2Н-пиран-2-метанолы 2,5-диметил-3,4-дигідро-2Н-піран-2-карбонова кислота 2,5-діалкіл-3,4-дигідро-2Н-піран-2-карбальдегіди 2,5-діалкіл-3,4-дигідро-2Н-піран-2-карбонові кислоти та солі 2,5-діалкіл-3,4-дигідро-2Н-піран-2-карбонових кислот 2,5-діалкіл-3,4-дигідро-2Н-піран-2-метаноли 2,6-di-tert-butylphenol 2,6-dibenzylidenecyclohexanone 2,6-ди-трет-бутилфенол 2,6-дибензиліденциклогексанон 2,6-ді-трет.-бутил-фенол 2- дифеніл-1-пікрилгідразил 2-(R-phenylimino)-1 2-(R-феніліміно)-1 2-1-423.44 2-1.191(092) 2-135 2-67(477) “15/16” 2-[2-(morpholin-4-yl) diazenyl] anthracene-9 2-[2-(морфолін-4-іл) діазеніл] антрацен-9 2-allyloxybenzaldehyde 2-amino ketones 2-amino-4,9-dioxo-4,9-dihydro-naphtho[2,3-b]thiophene-3-ethylcarboxilate 2-amino-9 2-aminothiazoles 2-aminothiophene 2-aminothiophenes 2-aminotiazol-4-one 2-azido-3-aryl-(2-methyl) propanamides 2-butyl-2-oxazoline 2-carboalkoxy2,5-dialkyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrans 2-cyano-3-[5-(2-nitrophenyl)-2-furyl]-2-propenamide; 2-cyano-3-[5-(2nitro-4metylfenil)-2-furyl]-2-propenamid 2-cyano-3-[5-(2-oxy-methyl-4-nitrophenyl)-2-furyl]-2-propenamide 2-cyano-3-[5-(4-methylphenyl)-2-furyl]-2-propenamide 2-cyano-3-[5-(phenyl)-2-furyl]-2-propenamide 2-dichloroethane 2-diphenyl- 1-picrylhydrazyl assay 2-furyl-2-cyano-2-propenamide 2-furyl-2-cyano-2propenamide 2-hexenal 2-hydrcoxethyl methacrylate 2-hydro- xyethylmethacrylate 2-hydroxy-ethylmethacrylate 2-hydroxyethy methacrylate 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate emboli 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate sorption 2-hydroxyethyl-1,3,4-trimethylcyclohex- 3-en carboxylate 2-hydroxyethyl-1,3,4-trimethylcyclohex-3- ene-1-carboxylate 2-hydroxyethyl-1,3,4-trimethylcyclohex-3-encarboxylat 2-hydroxyethyl-1,3,4-trimethylcyclohex-3-ene-1- carboxylate 2-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate 2-hydroxypropyl methacrylate 2-mercaptothiazoles 2-methyl-5-(2 2-methyl-5-(2-chloro-5-trifluoromethylphenyl)-furan-3-carboxylic acid 2-methyl-5-(4-methylphenyl)-furan-3-carboxylic acid 2-methyl-5-phenylfuran-3-carboxylic acid 2-nitrothiophen 2-Opt 2-phenyl-2-oxazoline 2-propanone 2-propargyloxybenzaldehyde 2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid 2-terminal reliability 2-азидо-3-арил-(2- метил) пропанаміди 2-аллилоксибензальдегид 2-алілоксибензальдегід 2-аминотиазол-4-он 2-аминотиазолы 2-аміно-4,9-діоксо-4,9-дигідранафто2,3-d]тіофен-3-етилкарбоксилат 2-аміно-9 2-амінотіазол-4-он 2-амінотіазоли 2-амінотіофени 2-бутил-2-оксазолін 2-гексаналь аліфатичний ангідрид 2-гидроксиэтилметакрилат 2-гідро-ксіетилметакрилат 2-гідроксиетил метакрилат 2-гідроксиетил- 1,3,4-триметилциклогекс-3-енкарбоксилат 2-гідроксиетил-1,3,4-триметилциклогекс-3-енкарбоксилат 2-гідроксиетилметакрилат 2-гідроксіетил метакрилат 2-гідроксіетилметакрилат 2-дихлоретан 2-карбо-алкокси-2,5-діалкіл-3,4-дигідро-2Н-пірани 2-меркаптотиазолы 2-меркаптотіазоли 2-метил-5-(2 2-метил-5-(2-хлор-5-трифторметил-феніл)-фуран-3-карбонова кислота 2-метил-5-фенілфуран-3- карбонова кислота та 2-метил-5-(4-метилфеніл)-фуран-3- карбонова кислота 2-нафтохінон-4- сульфонат натрію 2-нитротиофен 2-нітротіофен 2-оксиэтилметакрилат 2-пропаргилокси-бензальдегид 2-пропаргілоксибензальдегід 2-піролідинкарбонова кислота 2-рК модель 2-термінальна надійність 2-тіазолідон 2-феніл-2-оксазолін 2-фурил-2-ціано-2-пропенамід 2-фурил-2-ціано-2пропенамід 2-ціано-3-[5-(2-нітрофеніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід 2-ціано-3-[5-(2-оксі-метил-4-нітрофеніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід 2-ціано-3-[5-(2нітро-4метилфеніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід2-furyl]-2-propenamide 2-ціано-3-[5-(4-метилфеніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід 2-ціано-3-[5-(феніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід 2-ціано-3-[5-(феніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід; 2-ціано-3-[5-(4-метилфеніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід; 2-ціано-3-[5-(2-нітрофеніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід;2-ціано-3-[5-(2нітро-4метилфеніл)-2-фурил]-2-пропенамід 20.18я73 20.809 2016/079 2019 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 20ХН3А 21 213.44 215 215.111 22 of May 22 травня 22.23+32.88 22.338 22.34 220 229.138 23 23Na MAS-NMR 24 24 механизм «сдержек и противовесов» 246 24h heart rate 25 years of the conference 25 років конференції 250Х15Г2НМФТ 253+271.2-1:27 256 26 26(477) «1939−1941» 261.2 261.5 261.6 264.02 264.131.55/138.26 265.011 27 27(477.83-21)(091) 27- 64](477) 27-523.4 27-585 27-74 271-788-055.2-46″1953/1980″ 271.2-788-055.2](477.83-21)"1621/1691" 271.22 271.4(477)1438/1439 272-36 272-732.2 272.5 277.4-854(092)»195/196» 28-768(4) 281.9 282 282.247.31 284 29 29-та гренадерська дивізія військ СС 291.1 : 211 : 216 (477) “1860/1970” 292.452) 298.9 299.2 29th Grenadier Division of the SS Forces (Russian No. 1) 2] 2`-azobis(2-methylpropionitrile) 2`-азо-біс-(2-метилпропіо- нітрил) 2BQ3 2D building outline 2D image 2D візуалізація 2D-networks 2D-neural networks 2D-зображення 2‑карбоалкокси-2,5-диалкил-3,4-дигидро-2Н-пираны 3 3 dB power divider 3(091) 3,3',5,5'- tetramethylbenzidine 3,3',5,5'-тетраметилбензидин 3,3'- [(3,3’-dichloro)-4,4'-biphenyl (methane, sulfone) bis (2-azido-(2-methyl) propanamides)] 3,3'- [4,4'-biphenyl(methane, sulfone)bis(2-chloro(bromo, thiocyanato)-(2-methyl)propanamides)] 3,3'- бензен-1 3,3’-[(3,3’-дихлоро)-4,4’-дифеніл (метан, сульфон) біс (2-азидо-(2- метил)-пропанаміди)] 3,4-bifunctional pyrazole derivatives 3,4-dihydroisocoumarins 3,4-dimethyl-1-alkylcyclohexenic acids 3,4-бифункциональные производные пиразола 3,4-біфункціональні похідні піразолу 3,4-дигидроизокумарины 3,4-дигідроізокумарини 3,4-диметил-1-алкілциклогек- сенові кислоти 3- sulfopropylacrylate potassium salt 3-(5-aryl-2- furyl)acroleins 3-(5-арил-2- фурил)акролеины 3-(5-арил-2- фурил)акролеїни 3-(N-феніл-, 1- і 2-нафтилкарбоксамідо)- N-бензилпіридинійхлориди 3-(pyrazol-4-yl)propenoic acid 3-(пиразол-4-ил)пропеновые кислоты 3-(піразол-4-іл)пропенові кислоти 3-aminothiophene 3-aminothiophenes 3-arylsydnone 3-butadienes 3-D model 3-D modeling tools 3-D модель 3-D-display 3-diene 3-dimensional coordinates 3-dimethylbuta-1 3-DOF 3-methacryloxypropyl trimethoxysilane 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane 3-methoxybenzene acid hydrazide 3-methylcrotonic acid 3-metilkrotonova acid 3-Opt 3-probe sensor 3-thiazoline 3-аминотиофены 3-амінотіофени 3-арилсиднон 3-бутадиены 3-бутадіени 3-метакрилоксипропілтриметоксисилан 3-метилкротонова кислота 3-тіазолін 3.072.2 30 30.14 303 303.094.5 303.094.5: 303.443.2:316.774: 316.776: 330.47:65.012.45:658.5: 659.118.2:681.518:659.441.38 303.4](477)``/9/20``(092) 303.62 303.66 303.725.34 303.732.4 303.732.4:004.9]:316.772.5 303.8 (004) 303.823.3 304 304 (477) 304.4 304.42 304.4:323(477:4) 305.7 31 31.2 311 314(038) 314.1 314.15(=411.16)»1930» 314.151.3-054.7 314.156 314.7 314.74 314.743 315.7 316 316(477) 316(94) 316,77:125 316. 1-47.44 (043.3) 316.12 316.3 316.32 316.33 316.343.652 316.346.32-053.2 316.347 316.36 316.4 316.42 316.42(477) 316.47 316.472.4 316.472.4] 316.48(075.8) 316.485.6 316.6 316.61 316.614 316.62 316.624) 316.624.3 (316.343.656) 316.647.6 316.653 316.7 316.722 316.73/438.32/ 316.752:2]-044.922:[316.42:004] 316.75](47 316.77 316.773.3-021.111 316.773.3] 316.773.3–024 316.774:654.197]:070:34 316.776 316.77:125 316.77:159.937:001.102 316.77] 318 31P 32 32 (477) “15/19” 32 (477) “18/19” (092) 32 (477) “1917/1921” 32-95 32. 001 (091) “Стар.” 32.001 32.001:327:001.4 32.01 32.019.51 32.019.51] 32.784.71 32.84 32.841 32.842я2 32.844.2 32.97 320.12 321 321 (091) "155/19" 32.001 321 (477.8) 321.01 321.01(043.3) 321.01(4) 321.015 321.317.351 321.6 321.6(44)“1799/1814/1815” 321.6.159.942(470 321.64 321.64) 321.7 321.72[342.3:342.5](477)(043.5) 322 322.2 323 323 (447) 323(477 323.1 323.1 (477) «1920-1933» 323.1(092) 323.1(477) 323.15 323.173 323.2 323.22/28 323.22(437) 323.221(477)(092) 323.232]″1946/1936/1953″ 323.25 323.266] 323.269(477)»1941-1944» 323.28 323.281 323.282 (47 323.283 323.396 323] 324 324(438) “2015” 324.8 324:342.8 325 325.1 325.2 325.455 327 327(477 327(477+438) “18/19”:070(477) 327(4=061.1ЄС) 327(94) 327. 8 327. 82 327.2 327.3 327.36/.37(55-2) 327.374 327.39 327.5 327.51 327.7 327.8 327.8(55 327.82 327.88 327:061.1(100) 327:395.5 327:7 328.18 328.36 329 329.05 329.1 329.1/.6(477+438)"1989/2019"(043) 329.15-028.79] 329.17 329.17(477)»19»] 329.4 329.73(477)’19’ 33 33.02 33.021 33.025.2+005.585]:330.332:338.24:658.589 33.331.5 33.334 330 330. 163. 11 330. 341 330.016 330.1 330.1 (477) 330.1 005 (477) 330.101.54 330.111.62:330.34:330.5 330.12 330.123.3 330.131 330.131.3(477) 330.131.7 330.1317 330.133.2 330.133.7 330.14 330.142.211:332.1(477) 330.142.22 (100 330.142.26 330.15 330.15:504 330.161 330.22:336.76 330.23 330.3 330.322 330.322.1 330.322.14.025.12(477)(043.5) 330.322.2:336.717.061 330.322.2:336.71:336.717.061 330.322.4:338.24:338.48-53 330.322.5 330.33.012 330.332 330.332] 330.34 330.34(477) 330.34.01:330.341.1:658 330.341 330.341. 330.341.1 330.341.1 (477) 330.341.1(477) 330.341.1. 330.341.1.001.76 330.341.1:338.24(477) 330.341.1:65.012.16 330.341.2 330.341.2(477) 330.341.304.4 330.341.4 330.342 330.354 330.4 330.42 330.43 330.43:658.8 330.45 330.46 330.47 330.522.4:553.98 (477) 330.526.5 330.55 330.55(477) 330.552 330.564.2(477) 330.59 (477) 330.5:338.24:330.722.4 330.65 330.8(4/9) 330.8(4/9)«18/19» 330.828.6 330.831.2 330.837 330.88 331 331. 211:658.8 331.005.95/.96; 159.9.316.6 331.015 331.1 331.1(075.8) 331.1+005.95 331.101.262 331.101.262:339.9:351 331.101.3 331.101.5 331.108 331.108.2 331.108.2. 331.215.1 331.339.9 331.341 331.461 331.5 331.5.024 331.5.024.54/330.524 331.522 331.556.4 331.556.4(450) 331.556.46 331.556.46 (410) 332 332.012.324 332.02 332.021 332.025 332.025.2 332.1 332.12 (1-21) (477) 332.122 332.122:379.84 332.135 332.14 332.142.6 332.146 332.146:334.012.64 332.2 332.21 332.3 332.33 332.36 332.5 332.82 332.83 332.834.1+330.131.7 (043.3) 332.871 (477) 334 334. 746 334.012 334.012.23 334.012.46 334.012.61-022.51 334.012.64 334.02 334.021.1 334.7 334.716 334.72 334.722 334.722.8 334.735 334.74.001.76 334.752 334.752(045) 334.752:334.012.32/.33]:[330.322+330.341.1] (043.3) 334.758 334.758.4(100) 334.761 334.784 336 336 + 338.61.9 336 І 19 336(477) 336.025 336.027 336.1 336.113.12 336.113.2 (477) 336.132 336.14 336.14+336.2+336.5 336.14.01 336.14.01:658 336.14.027:628А032]:343.1 (043.5) 336.142 336.144 336.2 336.22 336.221 336.225 336.225.6 336.226.2 336.22] (477) 336.233.021 336.41 336.5.02 336.531 336.531.2:330.322(477) 336.563 336.63.338.31 336.64 336.6:658.144.7 336.7 336.7(438) 336.71 336.711 336.711(477) 336.722 336.733/.734 336.733/.734](477) 336.74 336.74+336.67:330.4 336.744 336.747.5 336.76 336.761 336.763.2 336.764 336.764 (075.8) 336.764.2 336.767 336.767.017.2 336.77 3367.76 338 338(075.8) 338. 3+ 504. 054 338. 45: 664. 6 338. 48:316.42(43) 338.002.2 338.012 338.054.23 338.1 338.12 338.124 338.124.6 338.14 338.14.001 338.1:629.33 338.2 338.22.021.2 338.22.021.4 338.23 338.24 338.24-658.014 338.24.01 338.241.2 338.242 338.242.2 338.242.2: 658.1 (477) 338.242.2:339.138 338.242.2:658.1(477) 338.244 338.246 338.246.025.2 338.246.2 338.246.83 338.246.87 338.24:364.35(043.5) 338.256 338.26 338.26.015 338.268 338.27 338.28 338.2:339.97:66.013.2:332.135: 339.924:339.923:061.1:658.26 338.2jel= 338.3 338.3.01 338.32.053.3-4 338.33 338.368 338.3] 338.4 338.4 : 621.31 338.409.4:330.322 338.409.9 338.42 338.43 338.43.02 338.432 338.432.003.13 338.433 338.436 338.439 338.439.02:332.1 338.439.22.002.68 338.439.4 338.439.5 338.45 338.45(518) 338.45:658.012(621) 338.46 338.46(048) 338.467 338.467.6 338.46] 338.47 338.47: 658.8 338.48 338.48 (477 338.48 (477) 338.48(091) 338.48(477.8) 338.48-61 338.482.2 338.483.12 338.484.6 338.486 (477) 338.486(477) 338.486.1.025.12:330.322]:338.43 338.487 338.49 338.4:658]:005.2(043.5) 338.4:[334.716:658.589] (043.3) 338.4:[658:005.5](043.3) 338.4:[658:005.8](043.5) 338.512 338.516.4 338.519.004.7 338.583 338.64 338.657 338.658 338.658.502 338.658.8 338.8 338.86.056 338.9 338.911 338.912.3 338.921 338: 658.512 339 339(4) 339. 187. 44 339. 188.4 339.061.5 339.1 339.13 339.13.012.434 339.13.017 339.13.053 339.13.07 339.133.017 339.137 339.137 (477.87) 339.137.2 339.137.22 339.137.2:658.511 339.138 339.138:330.075.8 339.138:658.8 339.14 339.144 339.146 339.166.5 339.184 339.187 339.187.2:657.1 339.187.62 339.188 339.188.4 339.188: 658.8 339.33(477) 339.331.5 339.37 339.5 339.5.012 339.543 339.543.021.8(477) 339.56 339.564 339.658 339.689.3.06 339.727.22 339.727.22(045) 339.727.22. 339.9 339.9.02.18 339.92 339.92(410)(ЄС) 339.92(477) 339.922 339.924 339.94 339.944 339.944:339.92:332:135:658 339.97 339.972 339.976.2 339.9:658]:336.24.07(043.5) 33913 339:519.87 34 34 (09) 34 (094) 340.13 34(066) 34(091):342.2(456.31)(043.5) 34(477) (09) “18/19”+ 32.001(477) (09) “18/19 34(=161.2) 34.023 34.06 34.5 340 340 (091) 340(091) 340.1 340.1(091) (4301 47157) 340.11 340.113 340.113=161.2 340.115.4 340.116 340.12 340.12 (043) 340.12(477) 340.12+342.71 340.12:342.727–048.23 (477) (043.3) 340.12:378 (477) 340.12:[342.7:611] (043.3) 340.12; 351.88 340.12; 572: 316, 347 340.12; 572; 316; 347 340.13 340.13(043.3) 340.132.6 340.134 340.137 340.142 340.143 340.15 340.15 346 340.15(477.83/86–11)”185/194”(043.3) 340.17[(477) 340.5 340.5; 34.023; 34.09 340.6 340.61 340.62 340.65 341 341. 48 341. 9 341.1 341.123 341.16 341.176(4) 341.1; 34(477) 341.222 341.223.2(477.75)»2014» 341.231.14 341.24-056.42 341.326.658 341.4 341.418 341.675(540) 342 342 951:61.05(477.5) 342. 336.717.1 342. 9 342. 9 (477) 342. 951 342.072.2 (477) 342.078 342.07:349.6 342.1 342.115 342.118.27 342.12 342.12 . 342.121.54(477) 342.123 342.123.17 342.124(477) (043.3) 342.125 342.127.15 342.127.15.855[477] 342.15 (477) 342.154:17](477) 342.156 342.157.9(477) 342.15:381 342.17.157 342.17.567 342.176 (477) 342.237.172 342.25 342.31.01 (477) 342.343.18 342.347.152.18 342.349.6 342.351.9 (477) 342.352.07(477) 656.02 342.373.5.016 342.4 342.4 (045) 342.4(477) 342.41 342.413 342.413 (477) 342.456.12.793 342.5 342.53 342.533 342.535:351.74](477+100)(091) 342.546 342.54] 342.56 342.56.038 342.56.218 342.565.4 342.565.4:353(477)(043.5) 342.567.844 (477) 342.567.844(477) 342.591.92 342.5: [34+17] 342.658 342.6:342.922(477) 342.7 342.7/. 9 342.7.116 342.71 342.72 342.721 342.725 342.725 (477) «1991/2020» (043.2) 342.726 342.727 342.8 342.81 342.828(477) 342.841(477) 342.85.340.114 342.857.213 342.897 342.9 342.9 (477) 342.9. 625.1. 656.2 342.92 342.92 (477) 342.92(477) 342.922 342.924 342.925+ 342.951 342.92: 342.7 342.92:347.99(477) 342.95 342.95.03:347.99](477) (043.3) 342.951 342.951(477) 342.951.1 342.951:331.556.46 342.951:351.713 342.951:351.746.1 (477) 342.951:351.755.61](477) 342.951:351.82 342.951:37.014.5(043.3) 342.951:[349.3-624](477) 342.959 (045) 342.965.27 342.97 342.97:348.328 342.98 342.998.85 342.9:351 342.9:351](477):343.62-053.2(043.3) 342.9:[331.1.:316.334.3] (477) (043.5) 343 343. 123 343. 163 (477. 83/. 86) “1849/1918” (043.5) “303.446.4” 343. 326 343. 37 343. 82 343. 91 343. 983 343.098. 06.022 343.1 343.1 3 343.102 343.102; 343. 359.3 (447) 343.122 343.123 343.123. 343.123.12 343.123.12+343.575 (043.3) 343.123.12:343.37 343.13 343.131 343.131:343.131.2 343.132 343.133 343.135 343.140.02 343.144.5 343.148 343.156 343.161.1 343.163 343.163(477) (043.3) 343.18](477) 343.1:343.541:616.97/98](477)(043.3) 343.2 343.226 343.228 343.232-029 343.241.2 343.265.2 343.26:343.13](477)(043.3) 343.275 343.28/29(477) 343.3 343.326 343.33 343.345-053.6:343.226]:343.1(043.5) 343.35 343.351 343.351:351.746.1 343.352 (477) 343.37 343.37(477) 343.373 343.4 (477) 343.46 343.533(477) 343.533.9 343.53:343.9(043.5) 343.541 343.541(477) 343.6 343.61:343.9(043.5) 343.62:343.91-053.6](477)(043.3) 343.6: 343.85 343.7 343.8 343.815 343.82 343.85 343.85(043.3/5) 343.9 343.9 (477) 343.91 343.915 343.976 343.98 343.985.7 343.985:343.326:662.15] (477)(043.3) 343.9:343.102 346.1 346.13 346.546 346.546.7 346.548 346.9 346.91 346](477) 347 347. 67 347. “18/19” 347.113 347.122 347.132.14/.6 (477) 347.135.224(477) 347.152:347.121.2 347.2 347.214(075.8) 347.218.1 347.232 347.27 347.451.8 (477) 347.463 347.513 347.6 347.61 347.62 347.625.1 347.7 347.73 347.73(477) 347.735] 347.73:336.531.2(477) 347.77 347.772 347.774.023 347.9 347.961 347.961.1 347.963 347.963. “18/19” 347.965 347.96] ’’ 20 347.97/.99(477) «1944/1953» 347.973 347.99 347.995 347.998.85 348. 519.123 348.06 349.2 349.2 (477) 349.2(477.83/.86)«1918/1939» 349.41:[528.46:717.14 349.42 349.6 349.6 (477) 349.951 34: 321](477): 32+94](477) “18/19” (092)](043.3) 34] 34] (4 34](436 35 35.07(477) 35.071 35.072 351 351 (477) 351 (47783/86) “18/19” 351.132.6 351.72 351.74 351.746 351.746.1 351.746.1 (477) 351.746.1(477.53) 351.751-026.452(477)(091) 351.755 351.756.6 (477) 351.778.542 351.81.085 351.81.085 (477) 351.81.085(477) 351.811.122 351.82 351.821 351.823.1] (447) 351.84 351.851 351.853 351.87 351.88 (477) 351.88](477) 351.9 351:005:159.944.4(043.5) 351:330.142.211:338. 43:63 (043.5) 351](477.83-2) 352 352 (477) 352(477) 353 354 354.1 354.31 355 355. 318. 2 (430) 355.01 355.02 355.233] (477) “19” (092) 355.318.2(100 355.4 355.40(477.64) «1943» 355.425/477/1942-1943 355.425.4(477)”1944” 355.48(470 355.72 355] 356.15](477) “XIX” 356.169 357.75 36(477) «1920/1923» 361 364-3 364.46 364.632 364.652.4 365.22 365.26 366.5 368 368.01/.04 368.021 368.021:519.866 (477) 368.024.4 368.025 368.1 368.1/.9 368.914](477) 368.916 369.06 369.061 369.223.213 369.51 37 37.01 37.011.3 37.011.3-051](477.83/.86-22)"195/196"(093.2) 37.014 37.014(=161.2)] «1940/1944» 37.014.5 37.014.5 «1914/1918» 37.014.5] 37.014.6 37.014.61 37.015.6 37.017(477)-029 37.017.18 37.018.4 37.018.43=03.111=161.2 37.026 37.035.4 37.04 37.044.588 37.063 37.07 37.091.12: 36-051 (71) 37.091.2 37.091.31 37.091.32 3704 371 371(091)(521) 371(094.5) 371.13 371.13.035 371.2(477) 371.21 371.214 371.245 371.32 372.4 372.8 (045) 372.832 372.851 372.862 372.881 372.893 373.027:8 373.2 373.21 (73) + 373.21 (71) 373.23 373.29(438) 373.46 373.5.013.3(09)(477)"18/19" 373.5.016 373.611=03111=161.2 3735.016 376-056.2 376.3 376.56 377/378.]:[37.013.2:005.336.5] (043.5) 377.018.48 377.111.3 377.4 378 378 (100) 378/37.09 378(338.24) 378(438) 378,4:02:930,25 378-057(477) «192» 378.003 378.005.6 378. 378.014.5 378.014.543.3(477 378.014.61(485)(043.3) 378.016 378.016.018.43 378.02 378.046 378.046-021.64 378.046.4 378.091.12:004.774 378.091.2 378.091.2-051 378.091.2:005.591.1/.3]:303.4](73) 378.091.2:615.15 (043.3) 378.091.2:629.331]:004(043.5) 378.094+371.134 (043.3) 378.1 378.124.92 378.14 378.14.015.62 378.145 378.147 378.147/81’373 378.147(045) 378.147.0913.016 378.147.111 378.147.2 378.147.330.341.316.362 378.147.88 378.147:316.444.5 378.37 378.37.004 378.37.014.25 378.4 378.4/6.014.54:351.851(477) 378.4(477.83-25) “1816/2017” 378.4.091.212-054.6(73)(043.5) 378.4:02:930.25 378.4:02:94(38) 378.4:32(410.1) 378.4:377:61:004"ХХ/ХХІ"(043.3) 378.4:73(043.5) 378.4:[378.22:34](71)(043.5) 378:001.89(043.5) 378:005.963.2-051(430)(043.3) 378:091:378.22:02:930.25 378:37.011.33:53 378:37.014.6 378:37.091.12:36-051]:005.336 (043.3) 379.822+008 379.85 379.851:004.031.43:044.89 37:005.35(71) 37:93/94-057.875 38 381.327 382 383.8 386.14 389.14 389.681.121.089 39 39(477)»1932-19 33»(Од) 394.92 396.1 398.01 398.223 398.8 398.81(477.83-2) 398.87 (=821.161.2) 3] 3D and 4D modelling 3D and 4D моделювання 3D cube 3D electromagnetic fields 3d elements 3D geoelectric model 3D geological and geophysical model 3D gravity in version 3d illusions 3D integrated model 3D magnetic models 3D magnetic sensors 3D model 3D modeling 3D orientational order 3D reconstructio 3D reconstruction 3D Scanner 3D scanning 3D technologies 3D technology training 3D visualization 3D візуалізація 3D геогустинна модель 3D геоелектрична модель 3D геолого-геофизическая модель 3D геолого-геофізична модель 3D геоплотностная модель 3D геоэлектрическая модель 3d елементи 3D интегральная модель 3D магнитные модели 3D магнітні моделі 3D модели 3D модель 3D орієнтаційна впорядкованість 3D сканери 3D технологій навчання 3D технології 3D інтегральна модель 3D- моделирование 3D- моделювання 3D-geoelectric model 3D-model 3d-model of relief in GIS 3D-modelling 3D-printer 3D-printing 3D-scanner 3D-scanning 3D-visualization 3D-друк 3D-зонд магнітного поля 3d-метал 3D-моделирование 3D-модель 3d-модель рельефа в ГИС 3d-модель рельєфу в ГІС 3D-моделювання 3D-принтер 3D-сканер 3D-сканування 3D-технології 3DTV 3PIP cores 3PIP ядра 3PL- оператори 3PL-operators 3PL-provider 3PL-провайдер 3’ 4 4 aminothiazoles 4 тіазолідинони 4) 4- oxadiazole-2-thione 4- tetrahidropirymidyn-5-carboxylate 4- амінотолуен 4- хлорометилпиразолы 4-acetamidotoluene 4-acetaminotoluene 4-acetyl-3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid 4-acetylphenyldiazonium salts 4-aminoacetophenone 4-aminomethylpyrazoles 4-aminotoluene 4-bischalcones 4-bromo-1-amino-9,10-dioxo-9,10-dyhidroanthracene-2-sulfanate 4-carbosubstituted derivatives of pyrazole 4-chloromethylpyrazoles 4-chloroquinazoline 4-dihydropyrimidin-2-(1H)-ones/thiones derivatives 4-electrodes compensated method registration 4-functionally replaced 1-arenesulfonyl-2-butenes 4-hydroxymethylpyrazoles 4-imidazole substituted 9 4-naphthoquinone 4-naphthoquinones 4-oxadiazole 4-phthalimidomethylbenzenthiosulfoacid esters 4-pyrazolecarbaldehydes 4-pyrazolecarboxylic acid 4-pyrazolylaldimines 4-pyrazolylamidoximes(amidrazones) 4-pyrazolylazoles(azines) 4-quinolinecarboxylic acids 4-substituted derivatives 1-amino-9 4-tetrahidropirymidyn-5-carboxylate 4-thiazolidinone 4-thiazolidinones 4-thioxo-thiazolidin-2-one 4-triazole 4-trimethylcyclohex-3- enecarboxylate 4-way handshake 4-амино-ацетофенон 4-аминометилпиразолы 4-аминотиазолы 4-аміноацетофенон 4-амінометилпіразоли 4-амінотолуен 4-амінотіазоли 4-ацетамідотолуен 4-ацетамінотолуен 4-ацетил-3,5-диметил-1-пірол-2-карбонова кислота 4-бром-1-аміно-9,10-діокси-9,10-дигідроантрацен-2-сульфокислота 4-бісхалкони 4-гидроксиметилпиразолы 4-гідроксиметилпіразоли 4-дигідропіримідин-2-(1H)-ону/тіону 4-діїл-біс(1-фенілпроп-2-ен-1-он) 4-заміщені похідні 1-аміно-9 4-карбофункционализированные производные пиразола 4-карбофункціональні похідні піразолу 4-нафтохінон 4-нафтохінони 4-оксадіазол 4-оксадіазол-2-тіон 4-пиразолил-амидоксими(амидразоны) 4-пиразолилазолы(азины) 4-пиразолилальдимины 4-пиразолкарбальдегиды 4-пиразолкарбоновые кислоты 4-піразолкарбальдегіди 4-піразолкарбонові кислоти 4-піразолілазоли(азини) 4-піразолілальдіміни 4-піразоліламідоксими(амідразони) 4-тетрагідропіримідин-5- карбонової кислоти 4-тетрагідропіримідин-5-карбонових кислот 4-тиазолидиноны 4-тріазол 4-тіазолідинон 4-тіазолідинони 4-тіоксо-1,3-тіазолідин-2-он 4-тіоксо-тіазолідин-2-он 4-функционально замещенные 1-аренсульфонил-2-бутены 4-функціонально заміщені 1-арил- сульфоніл-2-бутени 4-х електродний метод реєстрації 4-х электродный метод регистрации 4-хинолинкарбоновые кислоты 4-хлорометилпіразоли 4-хлорхіназолін 4-хінолінкарбонові кислоти 4-імідазол заміщенні 9 40 40-50 р. ХХ ст. 41 41.231.14+342.7 410)] 413 430) “1939-1945” 437)»1930/1939» 438) 438)«1944/1951» 438.41 439) “18” 447.012 456 4567457 470) 476 477 477) 477) «71» 477.75 356.363 (323.2) «2003–2009» 483(09)(034) 4] 4D modelling 4G/5G 4k movie 4PL-provider 4PL-провайдер 4’-tetrahydroxyflavone 5 5 (477) 5(477) 5)- diazido-9 5)- діазидо-9 5,8- хінолінхінон 5,8-quinolinquinone 5,8-хинолинхинон 5,8-хінолінхінон 5-(2-nitrophenyl)-furan-2-carbaldehyde 5-(2-нітрофеніл)-фуран-2-карбальдегід 5-11) 5-alkenyl-functionalized 4-chloroimidazoles 5-aminoslicylic acid 5-arylfuran-2-carbaldehyde 5-arylfuran-2-carbaldehydes 5-arylsubstituted 2-aminothiazol-4(5H)-ones 5-carbofunctionalization imidazoles 5-carboxyphenylene-1,3-bisdiazonium tetrafluoroborate 5-dichlorophenyl)-furan-3-carboxylic acid 5-hexanedione 5-hydroxyimino-4- imino-1,3-thiazolidin-2-one 5-hydroxyimino-4-imino-1,3- thiazolidin-2-one 5-R-1,4-naphthoquinone 5-R-1,4-naphthoquinones 5-R-1,4-нафтохінони 5-R-2,3-dichloro-1,4-naphthoquinones 5-triazine 5-triazine (cyanuric chloride) 5-алкенилфункционализированные 4-хлоримидазолы 5-алкенілфункціоналізовані 4-хлороімідазоли 5-арилза- міщені 2-амінотіазол-4(5Н)-они 5-арилфурфуроли 5-арилфурфуролы 5-гександіон 5-гідроксиіміно-4-іміно-1,3- тіазолідин-2-он 5-дихлор-феніл)-фуран-3-карбонова кислота 5-карбофункционализовани имидазолы 5-карбофункціоналізовані імідазоли 5-триазин 5-триазин (ціанурхлорид) 501 502 502/504 502+504.45 502.14 502.17 502.1–049.5:502.51(282.05)(477.7)(043.5) 502.3:504:5:662.6/74 502.4 502.5/504.062 502.56/568:631.812.12 502.6 502.63 502.7 504 504.05 504.054. 504.06 504.062 504.062.2 504.064 504.064.3 504.064.36; 504.058; 628:47 504.064.4:658.567.1 504.064; 528.854 504.3/.7 504.54.056+504.064.2+581.14+632.151+712.24 504.5:551.577.13 504.75:681.2.543 504.9 504:628.31:544.723.22(043.5) 504:658.562 508.04-378.225 51(09) 51-72 51-73 51.001.57 51.001.57. 510 510.22 510.52 510.6 510.6.16+004.89 510.635 510.67 510.67(07) 510;519.6;530.1;538.9 511.128.13 511.13 511.176 511.2 511.217 511.37 511.41 512. 552. 12 512.546 512.552.12 512.624 512.64 512.643 512.8 514 514.181.22 514.74 515.125 515.2 517.11 517.2 517.382 517.443 517.5 517.51 517.513 517.519 517.519+517.96 517.524 517.526 517.53 517.53.57 517.538.3 517.564/565 517.57 517.9 517.912 517.926 517.927 517.927.2 517.927.6 517.93 517.94 517.946 517.946.4 517.95 517.955 517.956 517.956.4 517.957 517.958 517.977 517.977.1 517.982.254 517.984.52 517.997 518.33 518.61 518.958 519 519-7 519. 713 519.1 519.10 519.101 519.15 519.17 519.170.2 519.2 519.2 (477.8) 519.2.4 519.21 519.216 519.218.82 519.233.5 519.24 519.242 519.242.7 519.248 519.25 519.281 519.5 519.6 519.612 519.62 519.63 519.65 519.654 519.673 519.677 519.68 519.681.5 519.682.2 519.688 519.688.517.957 519.6:539.3 519.7 519.71 519.711.3 519.718 519.718.2+519.248 519.72 519.76 519.765 519.76:811.111’32(043.3) 519.8 519.81 519.816 519.83 519.85 519.852.33 519.856.2 519.86 519.87 519.872 519.873 519.876.2 519.876.5 519.876.5:004.891.2 519.876.5;537.8 519.876.5;66.011 519.8766.5 519.9 519.95 5196:539.3 52 523.9 523.9-47 523.9-7 524.31.084 524.352.3 524.384 526.7 528 528 (091) 528(071) 528.001 528.01/.06 528.021 528.022 528.022.11 528.023 528.023.2 528.04 528.1 528.11 528.14 528.18 528.2 528.2/.3 528.2/.3+ 528.88 528.2/3 528.2./.3 528.21 528.21/22 528.235.1 528.236.4 528.24 528.241(474.3) 528.27 528.3 528.3+556.3+556.5 528.31+551.242.1 528.32 528.33 528.4 528.44 528.44:332.64:332.38 528.44](062) 528.46 528.48 528.481 528.482+528.8.042 528.482.3 528.51 528.66 528.71 528.71(474.3) 528.71, 528.72 528.72/73 528.721 528.721.287 528.721.287:537.533.35 528.8 528.854 528.88 528.88(474.334.2) 528.88](477.85) 528.9 528.91 528.91 / 94 528.92 528.92, 528.71, 528.42 528.921 528.93 528.94 528.94:004:332.33 53 53(091) 53.01.043 53.043 53.072.11 53.082 53.082.4 53.082.54 53.083 53.084.6 53.087.92 53.088.7 530.1 530.145 530.29 531.13 531.3 531.36 531.3:541.459 531.4 531.6 531.714.7 531.733 531.742 531.75 531.751 531.76 531.767:532.574 531.787 531.8 53136 532 532.135 532.135:532.517.4:532.555.2/556.2 532.135:532.542:532.517.4 532.137 532.5 532.5-1/-9.071.4 532.5-1/-9.071.4:532.555.2:532.517.4:532.542.4 532.516 532.517.4 532.517.4:532.135:532.55 532.517.4:532.135:532.555.2 532.517.4:532.135:532.555.2/556.2 532.517.4:532.135:532.556.2 532.517.4:532.542.4:532.135:532.556.2 532.522 532.522.2 532.522.2:532.542.4:532.556.2 532.522.2:532.542:532.556.2 532.528:532.542 532.536 532.538 532.54 532.54.013.2 532.542 532.542.4 532.542.4:532.556.4 532.542:532.517:532.555.2 532.542:532.556.2:535.5-1.011.12 532.542:539.559.3 532.546.3 532.555.2 532.555.2/556.2 532.555.2:532.542.4 532.556.2 532.556.2:532.542.4 532.559.2 532.559.3 532.559.3:532.551:532.135 532.559.8 532.55:532.517.4:532.542:532.556 532.575.2 532.582.82 532.595 532.695 532.72 532.73 532.738 533.2.7 533.275 533.6 533.723 534 534-8 534.1 534.111 534.232 (088.8) 534.29 534.3 534.621.5 534.647(-87) 534.833.004.122 534.843 534.843:004.9 534.86 534:621.39 535-92 535. 327 535. 343. 2 535. 6 535.21 535.215 535.32 535.327 535.34 535.341 535.343.2 535.36 535.37 535.37+548.76 535.370 535.37:537.311.33 535.394 535.3:538.9:624.315.592 535.3; 535.42; 51-7 535.4 535.417 535.5 535.551 535.6 535.8:666.189.2 535:621.373.826:539 536 536.12 536.2 536.2.022+536.24.023+691.421-478 536.2.023 536.2.083 536.24 536.242 536.3 536.422:622.691.2 536.5 536.51.083 536.52 536.53 536.531 536.531(2) 536.531(532) 536.532 536.532 (088.8) 536.55 536.58 536.5; 536.5.081 536.6 536.6.081 536.75 536.755 536.96 537.2+519.632+681.7 537.221.005.57(045) 537.226(4 537.226.4 537.226.8+544.018.2+621.315.5 537.311.3.082.7 537.311.322 537.311.33 537.312 537.32 537.33 537.5.8 537.523 537.533.35 537.63 537.8 537.876 537.876.23 537.9 5377.8 538 538 56 538.0 538.245 538.56 538.9 538.915 538.93 538.958+538.975 538.971:621.311.6:541.136.88 539 539.1 539.1.074 + 621.039.58 539.1.08 539.12.04 539.12.04+621.378.325 539.2 539.21 539.21+548.4+53.06 539.211 539.213 539.216.2 539.226 539.23 539.232 539.233 539.291.1 539.293.011.44 539.3 539.3 + 546.4 + 548.2 + 537.3 539.3.01 539.301 539.315 539.373 539.374: 658.589: 518.61 539.375 539.376 539.383 : 548.24 539.43 539.9 5393 54 54+628(06) 54-126 54.001.4 54.052 54.655.6 541 541. 182 541.11 541.12 541.127 541.128 541.128.13 541.128.13: 66.095.3:661.742.24 541.128.7 541.13 541.136.2 541.144.8:533,72:667,2 541.145.4 541.158 541.18 541.183 541.184 541.1: 66: 669. 13. 001.5 541.381 541.49.267’72 541.49:546.776:547.23 541.64 541.64: 539.2: 678.742.2 541.64: 539.2: 678.742.2: 678.742.3 541.64:543.266 541.64:577.156 541.64; 541.182 541.64; 544.773.432; 66.095.26-922.3 541.64; 544.777; 541.69/.697 541.678 541.68 542 542.816:66.081 542.943.7 543) 543.082.621.317.33 543.257 543.27 543.271 543.271.089.06 543.544+ 543.544.943.3 543.57 543.576.9]((477.61/62)) 544.022.822 544.032.65:621.315.59 544.22 544.23.057 544.25.057 544.3 544.34 544.7 544.77 544.773.432 544:544.33:547.827(043.5) 546 546.215 546.22/24 546.284 546.682 546.682.86+621.382.61 546.682.86:548.522+621.382.61 547 547-31-39 547-39 547.124 547.128.13 547.26.122 547.271 547.295.9 547.39+547.7 547.391.3 547.412.23.07; 541.128.1. 661.723.2 547.422.22-31 547.427.1 547.461.2 + 547.464 547.462 547.473 547.525-39 547.532:620.193.16 547.538 547.543 547.5468.1-39 547.562.4:666.96-032.37(043.5) 547.655.6 547.673 547.673.+ 547.496.2 547.673.+547.791+547.496.2+547.556.93+547.821.2 547.673.5 547.673.5+547.496.3+547.673.7+547.791 +547.496.2+547.556.93+547-304.9 547.7+547.72 547.71.07 547.717 547.718 547.721/729 547.781.4 + 547.79 + 547.74 + 547.814 + 615.31 547.789/793/653/563 547.789+547.859.1+547.778.3+547.831.8 547.791:542.91+547.796.1 547.831+547.814.5+547.812.5 547.831.8+ 547.789.6+ 547.789.8 547.874+547.863+547.673+547.655.6 547.874.1 547.874.13+547.874.14+ 547-304.4 547.874.14 547.915.5 547.924. 547.995.1 548.0 548.0:535.511 548.24; 539.24 548.28 548.4 548.5 549.621.2.01/.02(477.8 55 55 (091) 550.3 550.311 550.34 550.344 550.347.097 550.348.432 550.36 550.38 550.382.3 550.385.1 550.386 550.422 550.8.05 550.83 550.831 550.832 550.834 550.837 551.131 551.14 551.2.03 551.21 551.24 551.24 (477.8) 551.24.05 551.241 (477) 551.242 551.3.051 551.351.2 551.4 551.466.66 551.51 551.510 551.521.2 551.568.85 551.577.21 551.588 551.73 (477.8) 551.733.3 551.75 551.87 (477.8) 552.512(477.8) 552.52 553.242 553.98 553.98(477) 553.98.061.4 553.98.551.7.242 (477.8) 553.981/982 (477.8) 554.47.051.7+54-126+ 554.47.051.7+; 54-126+ 556.31 + 57: 012.4 + 017.7 + 052 + 086.3 + 577. 121 556.31+57:012.4+017.7+052+086.3+577.121+581.144.2 556.537 563.2 563.5 567 567.809.55 57 57) 57.083.13 570 571) 572](477.83/.86) 573/.574 573.5 574) 574.24+628.315.23+628.357.4 577 577.115 577.125 577.152 577.16 577.31 578.3 578.6.086.83 579 579.26/222.2:547.91+ 581.6+504.61 579.695:504.45.058+628.355.2 579.811.2/3+577.12.+577.151 579.852.11.22 58 582. 587.862 59 592.4 598.91 5G 5G/6G 5S 5th generation networks 5І9.68 6 6 58 6-di-tert-butylphenole 6-hydroxyhexanoic acid 6-methyl-2-oxo-4-aryl-1 6-R-3-(2-aminophenyl)-2Н-[1,2,4]triazin-5-ones 6-R-3-(2-амінофеніл)-2Н-[1,2,4]-тріазин 5-они 6-trichloro-1 6-гідроксигексанова кислота 6-ди-трет-бутилфенол 6-трихлор-1 60 604 60–90’s XX-th century 61 61(02)(043) 61(477.54) 61) 61.746 611.7.068 612.023 612.1/.8 612.172.2 612.315.592 612.335.43 – 501.72 612.6 612.8 612.82 612.821 612.822 613.2.099 614 614.2 614.2+355.58 614.215 614.3 614.31 614.31.001 614.313 614.48 614.8 614.841 614.841.332 614.841.41 614.842.86 614.844:532.542:532.55 614.8] 615 615.012.014 615.014.2.07:615.451.6:615.322:582.685/933 615.1 615.1(092)(477.84) 615.1-057.4 615.17 615.2/.4]-048.445 615.21 615.235 615.322:528.948.2 615.47 615.471.03 615.825.004 615.84 615.849 616 616-006.06 616-036.22] 616-053.2 616-073.75 616-089.23 616-093.75 616.082 616.31 616.31-089(048) 616.71 616.8-072.7(035) 616.89.001.4 616.98 617.542 618.515 618.518.2 619 62 62-492.2 62-5 62-50 62-503.56 62-503.57 62-523.8 62-53 62-531.7 62-54 62-543:621.646.3:532.135 62-54:621.646.3:532.542:532.135 62-55 62-551.4 62-614 62-658.5-338.3 62-664.2 62-752 62-755 62-82 62-83 62-83-52 62-837 62-93 62-971 62.01.09 62.187.4 62.492 62.50 62.503.56 62.507 62.519 620 620. 193. 16 620.162 620. 620.172.224.1-26 620.178.152 620.179 620.179 (035) 620.179.1.05 620.179.112 620.179.13 620.179.14 620.179.14.05 620.179.147 620.179.16 620.186 620.19 620.193 620.193.16 620.193.16:628.316.12:547.562.1 620.193.2] 620.194 620.194. 620.197 620.197.5 620.197.6 620.197.6: 678.043 620.198 620.198+621.793 620.311.82 620.3:621.787:620.178 620.4 620.9 620.91-049.5 620.92 620.93 620.97 620.97: 697.329 621 621 (477.8) 621/ 621-028.63 621-52 621-868 621. 1 621. 314 621. 315. 592; 535. 37 621. 325 621. 363. 6 621. 373. 54 621. 385 621. 385. 883 621. 391 621. 396. 66 621. 455 621. 656 621. 656-83 621.001 621.001.21 621.004.18 621.01 621.01+621.03 621.01+621.9.015+621.787.4+621.715.2 621.014.24 621.036. 621.07.014 621.086.065 621.09 621.1 621.113 621.12 621.142.4 621.18 621.182.1 621.182.2 621. 621.184.4/.5 621.187 621.2.088 621.22 621.3 621.3(075.8) 621.3.01 621.3.011.7 621.3.019 621.3.019.3 621.3.045 621.3.049 621.3.049.77 621. 621. 621.3.049.776.22:620.199.1 621.3.051.2 621.3.052.31 621.3.061 621.3.07 621.3.072.2 621.3.077.4:621.311.2.072(043.3) 621.3.078 621.3.082 621.3.083 621.3.084 621.3.085 621.3.089 621.3.09 621.302 621.307 621.31 621.311 621.311.018.001.5 621.311.13 621.311.18:628.1΄17 621.311.2.002.5 621.311.22 621.311.22; 662.933.1 621.311.24 621.311.25 621.311.317 621.311.4(477.8)(477.44) 621.311.62-5 621.313 621.313.17.001.2 621.313.175 621.313.2 621.313.3 621.313.32 621.313.322-752.001.4 621.313.322-81 621.313.333 621.314 621.314.1 621.314.2 621.314.21 621.314.222 621.314.224.8 621.314.27 621.314.5 621.314.54 621.314.624 621.315 621.315.1 621.315.2.016.2 621.315.21 621.315.5/.6 621.315.562 621.315.592 621.315.592; 537.63 621.316 621.316.11 621.316.17 621.316.1:658.262(043.5) 621.316.3 621.316.327.53 621.316.726 621.316.761.2 621.316.765 621.316.925 621.316.93-049.6 621.317 621.317. 681.325 621.317.07 621.317.08 621.317.1 621.317.3 621.317.3/4 621.317.33 621.317.335 621.317.39 621.317.4 621.317.42 621.317.44 621.317.445 621.317.6 621.317.7 621.317.727 621.317.73 621.317.732:536.5 621.317.755 621.317.77 (088.8) 621.317.772 621.318 621.318.1 621.318:599,23 621.325 621.326Л 621.327 621.327.534 621.335 (088.8) 621.34 621.34.07 621.35 621.35/546.59 621.359.7 621.363 621.365 621.365.3.036.7 621.365.512 621.365.7.03.14 621.365; 66.096.5; 661.666; 661.961; 661.665.12 621.37 621.37+004.942 621.37.139.001 621.371 621.371+537.862 621.372 621.372(075) 621.372.061 621.372.061: 519.87(043) 621.372.521 621.372.54 621.372.542 621.372.632 621.372.8 621.372.8.049 621.372.8.049.75 621.372.8.076.2 621.372.852.001.11 621.372.852.1 621.372; 621.396.6 621.373.43 621.373.43:537.523 621.373.5 621.373.52 621.373.52:539.1.078 621.373.54 621.373.826:61 621.374 621.374.5 621.374.55 621.375 621.375.029.64 621.375.826 621.376.32 621.376.53(088.8) 621.378.324 621.378.325 621.38 621.38.049.77 621.382 621.382.002 621.382.2 621.382.3 621.382.323 621.382.323:536.53 621.382.33 621.382.592 621.382: 536.62 621.382: 681.58:681.32 621.382:551.508 621.383 621.384 621.384.3 621.384.6 621.385 621.39 621.39+004.3 621.391 621.391+681.3 621.391.01 621.391.19 621.391.3 621.391.331 621.391.7.001 621.391.8 621.391.82 621.391.822 621.391.96 621.395 621.396 621.396.2 621.396.4 (075.8) 621.396.6 621.396.6-192.002 621.396.6.001.63 621.396.6.004:004.896 621.396.6.019.3 621.396.66 621.396.67 621.396.67.01 621.396.69.002 621.396.6:621.373.5+517.938 621.396.6:681.3 621.396.93 621.396.96 621.396.965.8 621.396.969.3 621.397 621.397.133 621.397.3 621.397.331 621.397.61 621.398 621.432.3 621.432.4 621.436 621.437 621.438 621.4:621.318:621.316.56 621.52 621.532.3.004.17:681.142:622.691.24:536.12 621.536.24 621.548 621.55.001 621.56 621.56/59 621.568 621.57 621.578 /088.8/ 621.578/088.8/ 621.59.01 (075.8) 621.63 621.64.029 621.646 621.646 (035) 621.646.3 621.66.051 621.664:66.028.2:532.135 621.67 621.7.02 621.7.079 621.74 621.74.01 621.74.043 621.757 621.757.06-52 621.762.8(088.8) 621.77(088 621.771. 621.777 621.78.311.004.18 621.784:621.794.61 621.785.062] 621.785.539 621.787 621.787(063) 621.789 621.789. 621.791 621.791.05 621.791.052 621.791.72.052 621.791.755 621.791.763 621.791.763.2 621.793 621.793.1 621.81 621.818.1 621.825.5 621.825.5/.7 621.83 621.833.002 621.833.002-19 621.833.1 621.833.16 621.833.65 621.852.001.24 621.855 621.856.8 621.86 621.86.534–16 621.864.8 621.865 621.865.8 621.867 621.867.52 621.87 621.878 621.879 621.879.2 621.88 621.888.6 621.891 621.891.22 621.892.2 621.9 621.9(075.8) 621.9.01 621.9.015 621.9.02 621.9.025.011 621.9.025.1 621.9.044 621.9.048 621.9.048.6 621. 621.9.08 621.9.14 621.9.4 621.9008:620.179.17 621.91 621.91/2 621.91.01 621.914.5 621.923.7 621.924 621.926 621.928.93 621.929.7 621.935 621.971.7. 621.983.044 621.983.044.4 621.983.073 62172 622 (477.6) 622(477) 622. 276 622. 276.6 622.02.658.284 622.21 622.24 622.24.051.55 622.24.053 622.24.085.5 622.242:534-16](043.5) 622.245 622.24:004.384(043.5) 622.276.438 622.279 622.3 622.323 622.4 622.64.029 622.647.2 622.648-757.42 622.691.24 622.691.4 622.691.4.054 622.691](4 622.692.4 622.74 622.77 622.7: 658.562 622.867 623.1(084.3) 623.4.012 623.41 623.419 623.437.4 623.444.1 623.455.1 623.465.35 623.6 623.61 623.746 624 624. 011:620.172/.178.2 624.004 624.004.0125 624.01 624.01/.07 624.01.07 624.011.14+624.046+ 624.044 624.011.2 624.012 624.012.035 624.012.2 624.012.25 624.012.3 624. 624.012.35 624.012.4 624.012.4 : 624.012.35 624.012.4+691.32 624.012.44 624.012.45 624.012.45.044 624.012.45:620.17 624.012.46 624.012.6 624.012.6+691.615.5 624.012.616.6 624.014 624.014.2 624.014.25(088.8) 624.04 624.04(075.8) 624.042 624.044 624.046.2 624.046.5 624.059.3 624.072.24 624.072.2; 691.328.4 624.074.43 624.075 624.131 624.135.17 624.153.5 624.191.5 624.21 624.21.004.69 624.21.012 624.318 624.96 625 625.3.001 625.7/8 625.711.4 625.712 625.72 625.745.2 625.841 628 628. 54 628.1 628. 628.11-047.36 628.16 628.166 628.21 628.218 628.222 628.29 628.3 628.311 628.314 628.316.12: 544.723.212: 549.281: 546.76 628.316: 628.356.23 628.321 628.322 628.33.6 628.334.6 628.336.32 628.337:546.221 628.35 628.394 628.4.02. 628.4.03+ 628.46 628.47 628.4:502.1 628.5 628.511 628.54 628.54 (075.8) 628.543 628.8 628.83 628.87 628.97 6281 628:35+544.723.2 628:35:662.767.2 629 629.01 629.022 629.03 629.039.58, 621.396.9 629.056.88 629.058 629.083 629.083 (075.8) 629.1 629.1-47 629.1.073 629.113 629.113(075.8) 629.113-59.001.4 629.113-592 629.113-752 629.113.001 629.113.001-585.2.001 629.113.004 629.113.01 629.113.04 629.113.06 629.113.066 629.113.3 629.114.01 629.114.4 629.114.5 629.114.6 629.12 629.12(075.8) 629.12.03 629.13 629.3 629.3.015.6 629.3.027.3 629.3.027.75 629.3.03 629.3.076 629.313.33 629.33 629.33.02 629.331 629.34 629.341 629.369 629.4 629.4-592 629.4.014.4 629.4.015 629.4.083 629.45.027.35 629.5 629.5.064.5:621.3.016.4 629.656 629.7 629.73(477)-05 (082) 629.73.083:338.47-044.3(477) 629.735.015.4 629.735.051 629.78 629.783 62]"1944/1980" 63 63-027.3(4) 630 630*524.4 630*53 630*[5 630.24.056 630.323 631 631.1.027 631.111.2 631.16 631.171 631.22 631.3.05 631.302 631.33.024.2 631.356.2 631.363 631.4 631.6 631.67 631.8 631.857(088.8) 632.381 632.981.2 632381 634 636.51 636.5: 502.55 637 637.07:637.5.04/.07 637.1 637.127.576.8 637.52 638.1-047.3 638.235.231 642 643.334.002 644. 356 644.1 644.6 644] (477) 64](477.83./86) 64QAM 65.01 65.011 65.011.1 65.011.3 65.011:65.262.1 65.012 65.012.123 65.012.23 65.012.32 65.012.34 65.012.34:65.012.45 65.012.45 65.012.8 65.014.1 65.014.134 65.015.3 65.016 65.018 65.018.02 65.018:637.1 65.02 65.050.286 65.263я73+65.9(4Укр)263я73 65.9 (4 Укр) 26я7 65.9 (4Укр)26 65.9(4Пол)26я73 65.9(4Укр)261.3+65.9(4Укр)261.4+65.9(4Укр)261.5+65.9(4Укр)261.6 65.9(4Укр.)262.2 65.9.(2)30-5 651.1 651.3 651.4/.9(075.8) 652 652.512 652.62 653.11 654.07 654.072 654.16 654.165 654.195 654.195(477 654.197 654.197 (477.61) 654.197(477) 654.197-0127.541 654.197](477.61/.62) 654.1] 654.1]-028.45 (477.61) “192I193” 655 655 (477) 655.218 655.26:7.012.185](477.83/.86)"18/19" 655.28 655.3.024 655.3.062.2 655.41 655.63 656 656.001.5 656.01 656.015 656.02 656.022 656.025 656.025.2 656.025.4 656.05 656.051 656.071.39 656.072 656.072.27 656.073 656.073.28 656.073.5 656.078 656.078.111 656.08 656.09 656.1 656.1/.5 656.1.004 656.11 656.11(083.74) 656.113 656.12 656.13 656.13.072 656.13.072/.073 656.132 656.135.4 656.135.8 656.13–051 656.14 656.142 656.183 656.2 656.211 656.212.5 656.259.21 656.611/.616 656.615.(47) 656.7.08 656.96 657 657(477) 657. 1 657. 1 (477) 657. 37 657.01 657.075 657.076.4 657.1 657.2.016 657.21 657.221 657.37 657.4 657.41/45 657.411.6 657.412.7 (477.8) “18/19” 657.412.7(477.8) «18/19» 657.42 657.42.330.322.5 657.421.32 657.43 657.444 657.471 657.6 657.6.000 (477) 657.62 657.62:338 657.631 657.633 657.633.5 657.92 658 658,8 658-6(91477) 658. 567.1 658. 657. 62 658. 7 658.001.76 658.01 658.011 658.011.3 658.012 658.012.011.56 658.012.01156 658.012.12 658.012.122 658.012.2 658.012.32 658.012.324 658.012.34 658.012.65 658.014.1.001 (043.3) 658.041 658.1 658.11 658.114 658.114.3 658.114.5:005.21 658.115.31 658. 658.12 658.14 658.14 (477) (075.8) 658.14/.17 658.14/17 658.14(477)(075.8) 658.14.17 658.14:330.142.22 658.15 658.152 658.153 658.155.2 658.16 658.2 658.26 658.26.003 658.27:658.152 658.29 658.3 658.310.8] 658.336.8 658.339.1 658.339.13.01 658.34 658.386.4.012.4 658.4 658.5 658.5(075.8) 658.5.011 658.5.011.46 658.5.012.7 658.51 658.511 658.511.4:621.7 658.512 658.512.011 658.512.011.56 658.512.23/74 658.516 658.519 658.52.011.56 658.528 658.56 658.562 658.562(075.8):005.915(621) 658.562.4 658.562.6.012 658.567 658.58 658.589 658.589 (043) 658.589.012 658.589:621]:005(477)(043) 658.5:005 658.5:346 658.6 658.62 658.628 658.62:658.562 658.64 658.7 658.7(075) 658.7.011.1 658.727 658.788 658.788.5 658.8 658.8 + 338.47 658.8.012 658.8.012.12 658.8.03 658.81 658.818.2:621 658.821 658.84 658.84:004.738 658.8:339.188 658.9 658.921 658: [005.21: 005.334-025.44] 658:005. 44(043.5) 658:005.334](043.3) 658:005.334]-048.66:339.92](043.3) 658:005.3:621:330.142](477) 658:005.591.61:005.591.452-044.247 (043.3) 658:005:336.22 658:330.341:621 658:338.4:62 658:656.2 659.1 659.1(477) 659.113.7 659.123 659.138 659.2 659.3 659.3 (477) 659.3(477) 66 66. 063 66.01/.09 66.011 66.011,519.855 66.013 66.013.8:504 66.021.3 : 615.015.14 66.021.3+ 66.021.3: 615.015.14 66.045 66.047 66.047.4 66.047.41+539.215 66.061 66.061.1 66.061.34/542.61+581.143+615.322 66.061.4 66.063.8 66.067.1 66.067.8 66.069.856.022.3 66.074.3:546.22 66.074.5 66.074.5:661.214 66.078.2 66.084 66.084+541.182.4/.65 66.084+541.182; 628.1; 658.265 66.094.942 66.094.942+66.095.132 66.095.13 66.095.132 66.095.26 66.095.26-922 66.096.5 66.097.3 (088.8) 66.47 66.684 660.04 661. 24 661.015.23 661.097.3 661.121 661.183.2 661.2/6.001.2 661.21.06 661.24 661.43 661.5 661.63:66.015.23 661.715 661.715.21 661.728.8:547-39 661.742.14 661.778 661.7:547. 2/4 661.832 (088.8) 661.832(088.8) 661.94/66.021.1 661: 658.567.1 662.276.52.532.529 662.611.2 662.612 662.613.5 662.74 662.754 662.767 662.92 662.987 663.12/14 663.12/18 663.15:577.15 663.534(088.8) 663.577 664 664.002.5 664.002.5.(075) 664.1 664.12 664.3 664.6/.7 664.68 664.8.047 665 665.327.3 665.327.3:66.095.26-921,922:541.68 665.6 665.622.3/.4 665.63.013:669.017:620.193 665.63.048 665.633 665.636 : 66.094.3 665.637.8 665.652.86 665.656.2 665.6; 665.664 665.7 665.7 (083.75) 665.765-404 666. 942 666. 943 666.11.01. 666.11.03 666.3/.7 666.3-127.2 666.395 666.521.7 666.64.492 666.762 666.793.6:625 666.9 666.9.002.5 666.9.035 666.94 666.942.32:666.9.035 666.943 666.944.017 666.945 666.965.2 666.97 666.972 666.972.16 666.973 666.974.2 667.6 667.621.6 667.862.088.8 668 668.392.023.758.04 668.744.4.198.689 669.013 669.015.23 669.018.294 669.13 669.162 669.168.009.12 669.296.5 674 674.047 674.048 674.05 674.053 674.7 674.815 675.026.265 677.11.21 677.494.675:536.495 678 678-13 :678. 744:678.046 678-13:678.744:678.046(043) 678. 746 678. 747 678.0 678.01 678.026 678. 678.043 678.067. 5 678.067.5 678.5 678.5.046 678.6/.7 678.643 678.675.278:54-126.61 678.7 678.7/621.793.3 678.74 678.742.3 678.743 678.743.22 678.743.2:544.773.432-025(043.5)67 678.744 678.745; 678.674 678.746.523;678.073 678.746.744 678.746.744.339-13 678.747 678.764.4 678.764.4:743.22:546.284 678.84 678.84 + 544.022.822 679.85 681 681. 3 681. 513 681. 846.73 681.12 681.121 681.121/123; 532.57 681.121.089 681.121.84 681.121.852.08 681.121.89 681.125 681.125: 681.121.84 681.14 681.142 681.142.1 681.142.2 681.142.37 681.142.4 681.142.6 681.2 681.2.083 681.2.087 681.2.089 681.2.08:57.087.3 681.211 681.242.389 681.3 681.3 .07 681.3.01 681.3.019 681.3.049 681.3.06 681.3.06(075) 681.3.07 681.3.67 681.32 681.32.03 681.32.06 681.322 681.324 681.325 681.325.36 681.325.5 681.325:004.38 681.326 681.326.32 681.327 681.327(03) 681.327.12.001.362 681.327.8 681.32: 004.93 681.335 (088.8) 681.3:656.1 681.4 681.5 681.5 : 629.584 681.5, 621.3 681.5.013 681.5.015 681.5.015.4 681. 681.5.017 681.5.042 681.51 681.513 681.513.5 681.513.672 681.515 681.518 681.518.3 681.518.5 681.52 681.533 681.533.3 681.586 681.586.54 681.6 681.624. 681.7 681.7.036 681.7.064.82 681.7.08 681.7.08; 536.6.081 681.723 681.723+621.385.833 681.72:620.3 681.831.2(088.8) 681.84.083 681.84.087 681.84.087.4 681.846.73 681.884 683.1 685.34.016.3 687 69 69.002.51 69.003 69.05 69.055 69.059 69.059.25 69.059.7](477.83-25) 69.691 691 691.175.743 691.3 691.327.33 691.328 691.328.4 691.328.4:692.51 691.335.478.9 691.42 691.421:691.535 691.5 691.53 691.535 691.553 691.5:666.971 691.624.01 691.88 692.382 693.546 694.6 697 697.1 697.14 697.3 697.32 697.34 697.7 697.9 697.9 (075.8) 697.92 697.921.47 697.922.564 697.922.565 697.94 (075) 697.94(075.8) 697.94.(075) 699.86 6H-нафто[2,3-h]піридо[2,1-b]хіназолін-6,9,14-триони 7 7 792(100) 7-амінопентацик- ло[,6.03,10.05,9]ундекан-4-ол 7-гідроксипентацик- ло[,6.03,10.05,9]ундекан-4-он 7. 025. 4 7.01 7.011.3 7.012 7.012:7.074:7.091(043.5) 7.013 7.025.4 7.025.4(092) 7.025.4-032.5 7.032 7.032 : 72.01: 72.032 7.032:72.01:72.032 7.038.6 7.04 7.04 Дімаров 7.045/.046 7.07 (477) 7.078.(477) 7.096(477)-053.2(043.5) 7.11.01 70.19 709 709.4 710.5 711 711.01 711.03 711.1 711.13:314.15(043.5) 711.14 711.16:72.05 711.27 711.3(477) 711.4 711.4 “1920–1940” 711.4(477.83) 711.4(477.83) “ХХ-ХХІ” 711.4(477.83)+72(477.83) 711.4+712.23:502.4 711.4-043.86 (043.3) 711.4.01 + 711.01/09 711. 711.424 711.433 711.4:712.2 711.4:72.01:719 (045) 711.4:911.37.1 711.4; 711.455; 711-1 711.4; 711.558; 711.557; 712.25; 712.01 711.5 711.553.2(477.83-25)(043.5) 711.554 711.61 (477) (043.5) 711.712.23 711.728.31 711.73 712.00 712.253 712.26] (477.8) 719 719.67 72 72. 01 72. 035 (477) 72.007 72.009 72.009.378 72.01 72.01(03) 72.01+725.31(477.87) 72.01. (477) 72.012 72.012.1 72.012:623.11(477.7)“16/18” 72.012:[614.212:616.89] 72.013 72.014 72.017 72.01: 656.211.5 (043.3) 72.02 72.02 «1960/1980» 72.025.4/5 72.025:069.4 72.03 72.03/036 72.03(477.83) 72.032 72.033 72.033.4(477)16/19'' 72.035 72.035.5 72.036 72.04 72.04(477) “XVIIIˮ 72.04+7.025.4 72.04:726:72.012.8 72.06 72.07 72.477/8 721 721(477.44-25)"18/19"+ 711.4(477.44-25)"18/19" 721.001 721.01 721.01 727 721.011.12 721.014.04(477.83-25)"19/20" 725.1 725.1(438.32)"18" 725.181:728.1(043.3) 725.1:656.2](477.87) 725.21 725.4 725.51 725.53/.59 725.8.01 725.82 725.82.04 725.822.5 725.826:792.051 725.945 726 726 (477.84) 726-523.4 726.054 726.056 726.3 (477.4) 726.3(477.4) 726.5 726.5 (477.8) «19/20» 726.5 (722.033) 726.5(091)(477.54) 726.54 726.54 (477) 726.6 726.69 726.71 727 727.3 727.364 727.5 727.82 727.9 728 728.03 728.1 728.1(477.74)(043.5) 728.1.”313” 728.6 728.8.035.2(477.44)"17/19"+712.253.035.2(477.44)"17/19" 728.82 (438) (043.3) "18/19" 728.83 728:711.55-021.58-021.68 728:711.55-021.58-021.68](477.83-25)(043.3) 72:7.025.4:929.6(477.83) «XVI-XXI» 72:711.61](477)(043.3) 72:738.5(477.83)"19/21" 72:792.071.1(477) 72]”16” 73 73.01/.09 73.039 730 738.5 74.01/.09 74.01/.09 (569.5) 743.22 744 747.54 747:725.54(043.2) 75 Нарбут (477.46) 75.022.31 75.044 75.045 752.82 76.01 76.120.4 778 778.53]– 057.875 77: 165.75 77]”20” 78 78 (038) 78(038) 78.07/071 78.071 78.087.6 78.087.68 78.27 78.29/Т-46 78.2У 784 785 796/799 797.2 798.2 7] 8) 8-methacryloyloxy styrylquinoline 8-метакрилокси стирилхінолін 80 800 800.1 801(091) 801(092) 801.3 801.316.4. (=83) 801.316.4.(=83) 801.4 801.55 801.730.060.24’255.4=111=161.2 801.81 802.0 - 561.32 802.0-323.2-82.03 802.11 802.11n 8020 808.3 808.3-16.4 808.3-541.2 808.3’811 161.2 808.5 808.51 81 81'0 81'06-81'26-81'373 81'322.2:[004.774+004.773.7+004.624] 81'373 81'373.611 81'374 81 ’367.7 81 ’373.613 81/82 (477.83) 81(092) 81.2 81.373 81.373.422 81.373.7 811 811. 161.2 811.111 811.111 ’255(045) 811.111*255 (045) 811.111’06 811.111’25’373.4 811.111’373.46 811.112.2’373.45 811.124'373.45.46 811.124’373.46 811.133.1’373.46 811.161 811.161.1 811.161.1’373.611/7”312’ 811.161.2 811.161.2'243 811.161.2'255.4 811.161.2'255.4=131.1] 811.161.2'37 811.161.2'373.46 811.161.2'42 811.161.2'42'373.46 811.161.2 (07) 811.161.2 – 7.08 Леся Українка 811.161.2((811.161.1 811.161.2(09) 811.161.2(092) 811.161.2*276.6 811.161.2.33 811.161.272 811.161.2]’374.26 811.161.2`271.14 811.161.2`373.46 811.161.2»18/19» 811.161.2ʼ373 (4 УКР) 811.161.2’06’373.46 811.161.2’06’373.46.005 811.161.2’243 811.161.2’26 811.161.2’271.12 811.161.2’271.12’374 811.161.2’271] 811.161.2’276.6 811.161.2’276.6-048.445 811.161.2’33 811.161.2’366 811.161.2’367.624 811.161.2’37 811.161.2’373 811.161.2’373.2-112 811.161.2’373.22 811.161.2’373.237 811.161.2’373.4 811.161.2’373.46 811.161.2’373.46(о75).8 811.161.2’373.48 811.161.2’373.611 811.161.2’373.611-811.161.2’374.26 811.161.2’373.613 811.161.2’373.76 811.161.2’374 811.161.2’374/78 811.161.2’374.3 811.161.2’38 811.161.2’42] 811.161.3’373.46 811.1612(477.83/86)’373.2 811.162.1=162.2’374.822 811.162.3*37 811.162.3’373.46 811.521.38 811.581’276.6 811.611 811Л61.2’25 8142 81`42 81‘276.6 81’038.03 81’06-81’26-81’373 81’11+32+33: 004.773.2 81’22 81’23 81’246.3](477) 81’25- 81’255 81’255.2 81’255=(зШ -161.2) 81’27 81’271 81’272(477) 81’276 81’276.6 81’276.6:001.4 81’322.2 81’33 81’366.57 81’367 81’367.625.45 81’373 81’373.4 81’373.43 81’373.46 81’373.46=81.371 81’374 81’374.2 81’374.8-022.214 81’37’373’374 81’42 81′33 82 82 (091) 82 – 312.2 82(092) 82-15 82-2 82-343 82-92 82-94]«20» 82.09 82.091 82.161.2 Українка 82.161.2-4.09 821 821/161/2/09’05 Укр 821.111 821.111.09’’155/20’’ 821.161 821.161.1.09(045) 821.161.2 821.161.2'06-1 821.161.2 - 1``19`` 821.161.2 – .09(19) 821.161.2 – 2.09 821.161.2 – 31”20 821.161.2(71)-1.09 821.161.2-1-6.09(477.83-25) Л.Українка 821.161.2-1.09 Л.Українка 821.161.2-14.09»189»Л.Українка 821.161.2-1Укр 821.161.2-2.09 821.161.2-6 Українка 821.161.2. 821.161.2.0(092)655.41(477)(091) 821.161.2.09 821.161.2.09 Л. Українка 821.161.2.09 Українка 821.161.2.09(092) 821.161.2.09(477.83-25)»1939/1941» 821.161.2.09-94 821.161.2.0’06 821. 821.161.2](01) 821.161.2’05-1/9.09Українка 821.161.2’06-94 821.161.2’06.09 821.161.26 Українка (02.038) 821.1612-92Демкович-Добрянський.304.2(477)”195/198” 821.162.1 821.512.133’06.09 82Українка 83 83) 84 852[654.198 86 86) 868MHz 89 891 8PSK 8PSK-радіосигнали 9 9 10-anthracenedione 9 10-anthraquinone 9 10-антрацендіон 9,10-anthracene 9,10-anthracenedione 9,10-anthraquinone 9,10-anthraquinones 9,10-dioxo-9,10-dihydro-1-anthracenediazony cation 9,10-антрахінон 9,10-антрахінони 9,10-антрацендіон 9,10-антроцендион 9,10-діоксо-9,10-дигідро-1-антрацендіазоній катіон 902(477.83) 902) 903.22 904 910.26 (477.83/.86) 910.27 (477) 911. 911.03 911.2 911.2/3 911.3 911.3(477) 911.375.1) 911.5 929 929 (477.8) 929 Пчілка 929 Українка 929*Леся Українка 929.52ОРЖ] 929.53(477.83/.86) 93 930 930(477) 930.2 930.2.008.2 930.22 930.25:004.775 930.25:[004:327.8:351.75](470:4-15)”191/20” 930.85 930.8:005.44 932.2 935.3 93|94 94 94 (061.236.6) + 340.12 94 (100) 94 (477 94 (477/ 930.2) 94 (477) 94 (477) “1917/1918” 94 (477) “1941/1945” 94 (477) ‹’1917/ 94 (477-25) 94 (477.82) “1943” 94 (477.83/.86)»18/19» 94 (477.83/86) 94(4) 94(4)”1939/1945” 94(437)”1989” 94(438) «1941/1945» 94(450) 94(477 94(477) 94(477) «1932/1933" 94(477) «1932/1933» 94(477) «1960» 94(477) “1941/1945” 94(477)-027.542(043.2) 94(477)«1944-1945» 94(477)’19’329 94(477)” 1941” 94(477)”13/17” 94(477)”13” 94(477)”18/19” 94(477)”1914/1918” 94(477)”1917” 94(477)”1918” 94(477)”191” 94(477)”192/194” 94(477)”1920/1939” 94(477)”1929/1939”(06) 94(477)”1929/1939”(06) : 930.22 94(477)”1939/1945” 94(477)”1939/1945”(06) 94(477)”1941/1943” 94(477)”1943” 94(477. 83/. 86) 94(477.43/44)”!939” 94(477.43/44)”1939/1941” 94(477.43/44)”1939/1945” 94(477.43/44)”1939” 94(477.44) «1943» 94(477.44)„1914/1920» 94(477.46)-057.4 94(477.7) 94(477.74)«1920» 94(477.8)”192/193” 94(477.8)”193/194” 94(477.8)”194” 94(477.81/82)”1939” 94(477.81/82)”1941/1955” 94(477.82) «19» 94(477.83/.86) 94(477.83) 94(477.83) «1947» 94(477.83-25) 94(477.83-25)”1918/1923”ЗУНР] 94(477.83-25=411.16):271-789.25-46”1942/1943” 94(477’’179/1917) 94. 477 (355.01) 94.(477) 908. 654 94.(477)904. 654 947.48 948 94] (477) 96.003 : 519.63:532.5 : Christianity : credit risk : High Council of Justice : legislation of USSR : NET Framework : sacral architecture : steel : будівлі культури : емоційно-смисловий аналіз :нотаріальна діяльність =656.072 [ 007 : [ 070 : 304] : 654.19 (477) [ 007 : [ 070 : 304] : 654.197 (477) [005.57 [070.1 [070.42 [070.422 [1+2] cycloaddition [1+2] циклоприєднання [1,2,3]triazolo[1,5-a]quinazoline [1,2,3]триазоло[1,5-a]хіназолін [1,2,3]триазоло[1,5-а]хиназолин [1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazine [1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazole [1,2,4]triazolo[3,4-b][1,3,4]thiadiazoles [1,2,4]триазоло[3,4-b][1,3,4]тиадиазол [1,2,4]триазоло[3,4-b][1,3,4]тіадіазол [1,2,4]триазоло3,4-b[1,3,4]тиадиазин [1,2,4]триазоло3,4-b[1,3,4]тиадиазол [1,2,4]триазоло3,4-b[1,3,4]тіадіазин [1,2,4]триазоло3,4-b[1,3,4]тіадіазол [2+2] фотоциклізація [2+3] cycloaddition [3+2]- циклоприєднання [3+2]-cycloaddition [3+3] cyclocondensation [3+3] циклоконденсація [316.64/.65 [316.75 (4)] [32(410)-027.6-043.65 [321 [321.64-028.79 [323.2 [323.266 [324(47 [330.31 [338.46 [338.49 [340.12+378.245](477.85)“187/201” [341.231.14] [342. 828 (477)] [342.565.2] [343.12 [347.44 [347.73 [347.73 : 336.22] (477) [355 351 [37.013-043.86]:971(=1-81) [378.046.4] [378.4 [379.823-029 [4+2]- циклоприєднання [4+2]-cycloaddition [4+2]-циклоприсоединение [4+2]-циклоприєднання [502.1-049.5: 628.1] (043.5) [528.422 [528.88 [548.5:546]:621.375.826:539.1.074.3 [553.578.1 [61 [613:005.336.2]:[37.011.3-051:373.5]:37.018.46(043.3) [616.9-022-021484 [620.17 [620.91 [620.91-026.52] [621.316.1:621.311.29]:006.015.5(043.5) [654.197 [657 [658 [658.15 [658.567:547.962.9]:504(043) [669.296 [7.04 [711.4:711.55+338.48-53:556] (477.83) [726.54 [904 [912 [930.2 [94 [94 (410)+070.48] ”1837/...” [Rh(CO)2Cl]2 ^ порушені землі A a compressor station a gas underground storage facility a safety factor of strength a universal stand A and B Texts a barrier a behaviour a between war period a binary bitmap image skeleton a bird a bischofite is from pestle solutions of production of potassium saltpetre a board between being and non-being a case of administrative offense a catalyst a cause and effect diagram a census a Centre of coordination a change in the company a church a circular waveguide a cluster a co-plaintiff a common air space a communicative nucleus a competitive advantage competitive advantages transformational lever life cycle a corporation a complex load a complex of research methods in financial policy a composition element of architectural ensemble of city construction a compressor station a computer experiment a computer information-measuring system a computer system a conceptual model a conceptual model of governance a conduct is with a rejection a constitutional state a contingent of consumers a Continuous Deployment a continuum a cost stream a criminal group a criteria a cultural and educational institution a cultural capital is incorporated a decision support system a decision-making process a defence a depreciation policy a digital university a direct and return problem a discharge pulse a dispersion a document only confirming the right of property of the real estate a dynamic model of the system a factor of development a firearm a fixed capital a foreign investor a form of law a function of purchases a functional condition a fundamental problem a gas underground storage facility a geoelectric cut a graded-index field a group of related parties a health informatics professional a hierarchy a historical type of state a horned cattle a key component a laser beam a law-enforcement actions a legal act a legal conflict a library a man of social and natural aspects a management level a mathematical model of filtration – diffusion processes a measure of confidence a measurement error a medieval shop a member of the administrative proceedings a method a method of analysis of images a method of differentiation formulas back a method of statistical processing a method of the geometrical theory of diffraction a mixture of salts a mobile application testing a model a model of organizational culture a model of personality formation a model repository a modified parametric adjustment method a monument of architecture a multifunctional approach a national debt a national idea a network is the Internet a network of cities a network of markets a network of reference stations a network of values a neural element with a threshold activation function a new international law a new union a non-integrative form of development a normative document a notice a participant in non-judicial administrative proceedings a peoples-democratic trend a permanent station a person a person concerned a person who wishes to get married a person with special educational needs a personal manager a phytoremediation a phytotoxicity a piecewise-homogeneous half-space a political myth a porous medium shleyfovo-sewer system a posterior optimization of geodetic networks a posteriori probability density a potential area is cartful a priori truth a private prosecution a procedure to execute search a project is an estimate documents a project of the church in Syedliski a random variable a range of key a range of key images a reactor with an electrothermal fluidised bed a recurrent algorithm a reference station a reflection a regional approach a regression equation a relativistic charge a report on intellectual capital a reservoir bed a response of the company to the competitor`s actions, game theory a risk management decision a rolling stock a scientific scene (picture) of the world a sense of justice a separate unit a service level a set of interrelated works A simple Galois field a specialized processor a specialized processor model a specimen a state of life A steel-concrete column a study of passenger flows a subdivision of a commune a suicide (valid, covered, demonstrative) a synergistic effect a system model a system of algebra-differential equations a system of attracting foreign direct investment a systematic approach a tank school a teaching complex a technological sorry forecasting a term a tourism destination a tourist cluster a transformer with rotating half a transport corridor a trap of carbons a Ukrainian a Ukrainian pre-school educational institution in the US and Canada a unified Ukrainian system of information-psychological resistance to the Russian mass media a village) a violent acquisitive crime against property a virtual workshop a volume of the accumulated gas a wave of democratization a wooden church a zeolite A/B-Test a,B-unsaturated ketones a- Al2O3 a- and β-lizardite a- methylene carbonyl compounds a- і β-лізардит a-alkylacrolein dimers A-equivalence a-ethylacrolein a-posteriori estimation error a-етилакролеїн a-оксіпропіонова кислота a-токоферол A. Feuerbach A. Gramsci A. Lobanova A. Melnychuk A. Popel A. Rӧhring A. Sheptytsyi A4B6 ab initio ab initio calculation ab initio розрахунок abacus abbot abbreviation abbreviations ABC analysis of the survey results ABC method ABC/M (Activity-Based Costing/ Management) ABC- and XYZ-analysis ABC-analysis ABC-XYZ analysis abdominal cavity organs abdominal ECG abel group Abeles matrix method Abelian symmetry group abeyance in the Ukrainian society ability Abkhazia abnormal modes abnormal tidal abnormally low stratum pressure ABO3 aboratory termobaric investi- gations of rocks abort rate abortion aboveground section aboveground station abrasion abrasion wear resistance abrasive abrasive blasting abrasive grain abrasive grinding abrasive wheel ABS ABS plastic abscess absence absenteeism absenteeism factors Absolute absolute and relative measurements of the gravity acceleration absolute and relative coefficients absolute and relative gravimeters absolute and relative synonyms absolute ballistic measurements of Galilean acceleration absolute categories absolute cross-section absolute gas permeability absolute gravity absolute human rights absolute humidity absolute measurements gravity acceleration absolute permeability absolute scales absolute synonymy absolute truth absolutetruth absolutism absolutized ethanol absorbability absorbent surface absorber absorber with dispersant similar to scoop absorbing clearing absorbing screens absorbing solution absorbtion absorption absorption and emission of greenhouse gases absorption and release of dyes absorption bands absorption cell absorption cross-section absorption edge absorption humidity absorption of nitrogen oxides absorption of the laser beam absorption of the second type absorption properties absorption solution absorption spectra absorption spectroscopy abstract algorithms abstract and real problems abstract concepts imaging abstract everedge good abstract graphic uniterm abstract individual autonomy abstract linear algebra abstract machine abstract notions abstract operator abstract thinking abstract workflow abstracting abuse abuse of law abuse of power abuser abusive treatment AC MONOMAKH AC motor AC SCAD Office AC/DC converter ACAB Acacia mangium academic circles academic competitions academic conference academic cooperation academic course academic discipline academic discourse academic enterprise academic entrepreneurship academic environment academic group academic high-tech entrepreneurship academic integrity academic language academic libraries academic libraries – use studies academic library academic mobility academic service-learning academic subject academic terms academic understanding of the legal organization of public life academicism academy academy of science accelerated motion accelerated multiplication device accelerated servicing acceleration acceleration energy acceleration of convergence acceleration of movement of microobject acceleration of simulation acceleration of the fourth order acceleration of the integration Acceleration Process acceleration stabilization accelerations accelerator accelerometer accent accentual acceptance level indicators acceptance of a promise acceptance of a proposal access access area access control access matrix access mode access network Access Network (AN) Access Network Transport (ANT) Access Node Access Point access rights access to collections access to court access to courts access to education access to information law limitation access to justice access to public information accessibility accessibility quotient Accession Treaty accidence accident error of phase distribution accommodation accommodation methods account account of factor of time for forming of the system of aims account receivable accountability and control of authority accountability measures accountability of educational institutions accountancy profession accountant accounting accounting and analytical disciplines accounting and analytical experience accounting and analytical issues accounting and analytical providing accounting and analytical reflection accounting and analytical security accounting and analytical support accounting and analytical system accounting and control accounting and reporting Accounting book accounting costs accounting culture accounting ensuring accounting for the cost of fundraising accounting information accounting information provision accounting literature accounting models accounting objects accounting of environmental costs accounting of semifinished goods accounting of wastes accounting organizing accounting policies accounting policy accounting principles accounting regulations Accounting Statement (Standard) 30 “Biological assets” accounting system accounting system adaptive accounting system as a socio-economic institute accounting theory accounting- analytical providement accounting-analytical information accounting-analytical mainten accounting-analytical workers accountinganalytical system accounting’s organization accounts accounts receivable accreditation accretion prism accretionary prism accretionary wedge acculturation in the right dialohovist culture accumulated metal damage accumulation accumulation charge accumulation of charge accumulation of heat energy accumulative subsystem accumulator accumulator battery accuracy accuracy and stability Accuracy characteristics accuracy estimation accuracy of binding accuracy of coordinate time series accuracy of determination of coordinates Accuracy of measurement accuracy of model accuracy of parameters accuracy of results accuracy of the coordinates accuracy order accuracy reconstruction accuracy surveing in geodetic engineering accused ACE from OPP Hexapod acetaldehyde acetales of α-alkylacroleins acetic acid acetone acetonitryle acetophenone acetylenes acetylsalicylic acid achievement achievement motivation achievements acid acid activation acid corrosion acid decomposition acid formation acid hydrolysis acid main drainage acid number Acid rains acid resistance acid sludge acid treatment acid-base centers acid-proof finishing acid-resistance acidbase interactions acidcatalyzed cyclodehydration acidic media acidoresistance acids acidulants acilizotiocianati and tiosechevini Ackermann's formula ACM acme program acme specialist acmeological and competency based approaches acmeological approach acmeology acmeology education acmeology management aconsonant acousitic field acoustic characteristics acoustic logging acoustic and optical phonons acoustic and vibroacoustic channels of information leakage acoustic anisotropy acoustic cavitation acoustic channel of lithosphere-atmosphere connection acoustic channels of information leakage acoustic effect Acoustic emission acoustic emission signal acoustic emission signals acoustic field acoustic fields acoustic influence acoustic information acoustic leakage acoustic log acoustic logging acoustic measurement method acoustic measurements acoustic MEMS elements acoustic noise acoustic path acoustic paths acoustic performance acoustic phonon dispersion acoustic properties of inner spaces acoustic protected Acoustic research methods acoustic resonator acoustic signal acoustic signals acoustic source Acoustic Technique acoustic tensor acoustic vibrations of nanospheres acoustic waves acoustic-structure interaction acoustics acoustics of halls acousto-optic efficiency acousto-optic figure of merit acousto-optical modulators acousto-optics acousto-optics deflectors acoustooptic figure of merit acoustooptical cell acousto–optical modulators acquired thermoelectric inhomogeneity acquiring system acquisition acquisitions acridine acridine-9(10H)-one across borders strategies of enterprises (global, transnational, international and multinational) acrylamide acrylate acrylate copolymer acrylate monomers acrylated-epoxidized soybean oil acrylates acrylation acrylic acid acrylic acid dopant acrylic and methacrylic acids amides acrylic copolymers acrylic glue acrylic monomer acrylic monomers acrylic polymeric acrylic PSA acrylonitrile acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber act act of self-realization act of terrorism action action of high temperature action button action of act action of brain action of loading and aggressive environment action “Wisła” actions actions of a collective formed activad carbon activated bentonite clay activated carbon activated carbon material activated clay activated gypsum activated plaster activated sludge activating activating carboxyl group activating measures activation activation energy activation energy activation function activation functions activation of granulated blast furnace slag activation of heterogeneous catalysts activation of innovative activity of personnel activation of the innovative activity activation tools activations of innovative-investment activity activator activator vibrations active active continental margins active ability active access active and creative preparation active and passive operation active and reactive constituents active and reactive loads active and reactive power control Active area active blade consistometer active center active centers Active component Active Component of Admittance active component of the conductivity active composition of wind power station active consumer active filter active form active geodetic monitoring networks active innovative enterprises active integrated antennas active losses active low frequency filter active meaning active mineral additives active minority Active Network active network of reference stations ZAKPOS / UA-EUPOS active nozzle chamber active packaging active packaging carvacrol, thymol, strawberries, bread, thermal properties, volatile compounds. active participle active pharmaceutical ingredient active phased-array antenna active power active power filters active power loss active rectifiers active resistance of ring active set of wind power plant active shape model active shape model active silt active sludge active stator steel active stegoanalysis Active Switch activeness ActiveX technology ActiveX контролер activities activities of women’s monastic communities activity activity approach activity coefficients activity diagram activity efficiency activity of ions activity of lawyer activity of libraries activity of subdivisions activity of the state activity of tourism enterprises activity of travel agency activity quality activity. object actor Actor model acts of acceptance actual attributes actual audit actual verifications actualization actualizator actuarial actuarial and financial terminology actuarial calculations actuarial mathematics actuarial report reinsurance actuating capacitor induction motor actuating induction motor actuating medium actuator actuators acyclic digraph acylation acylisothiocyanates ad hoc Ad-Hoc AD9856 adaptability adaptability assessment of QSM adaptation adaptation duration adaptation in a society adaptation management adaptation methods adaptation of borrowings adaptation of foreign students adaptation of legislation adaptation of machine-building enterprises adaptation of migrant adaptation of personnel adaptation policy adaptation process adaptation program adaptation syndrome adaptation to school adapted wavelet adaptiv routing adaptive method adaptive ACs number adjusting adaptive algorithm adaptive beamforming Adaptive Beamforming GPS/GLONASS adaptive buffering adaptive cellular coverage analyzed to show the requirements and desired features of the antenna system adaptive clustering Adaptive coding and modulation (ACM) adaptive comparision adaptive control adaptive control system adaptive data acquisition process adaptive data collection process adaptive diagnosis adaptive digital filter adaptive error adaptive filter adaptive filters adaptive forecasting adaptive fuzzy models adaptive game method adaptive hybrid models adaptive information system adaptive learning adaptive learning algorithms adaptive learning methods adaptive management adaptive measurement and computational processes adaptive measuring and computing process adaptive median filtering adaptive method adaptive method of the transmission of information adaptive models adaptive mother wavelet adaptive noise removal adaptive ontologies adaptive ontology adaptive partitioning adaptive planning innovation adaptive prediction adaptive presentation adaptive process adaptive process of information gathering adaptive recurrent method adaptive regulatory reserves adaptive resonance theory adaptive resources management adaptive scheme adaptive self-regulatory organization of conscious development adaptive signal processing Adaptive space filtering adaptive spectrum utilization adaptive strategies adaptive synthesis adaptive system adaptive technology adaptive technology machines Adaptive Testing adaptive train control adaptive Web-gallery Adaptive welding adaptive-oriented approach adaptiveness ADC added value added value chain adder adder cascade scheme addiction addictive ADDIE adding codes adding materials additieve addition-modified additional armature additional education additional erorr additional error additional errors additional increments additional logic variables additional losses additional motivation additional paid educational leave additional production additional reinforcement additional services additional statement additional tourist services additional uncertainty additive additive and multiplicative errors of temperature measurement additive catalyst additive correction additive electrodes additive error additive model additive noise additive ratio additive test additive uncorrelated impulse interference additives additives and multiplicative to the model of pricing additives of polycarboxylates address of aims addressee addresser adequacy adequacy criteria of testing adequacy of the model adequate citizen adgesion adhered anchors adhesion adhesion ability adhesion promoter adhesion stability adhesion work adhesive adhesive composition adhesive mastics adhesive properties adhesive strength adhesive strength to the base adhesiveness adhocratic-creative model adiabatic index adipic acid adipic acid with adit adjectival suffixes adjective adjective terms adjoint Green operators adjustable belt-driven transmission adjustable electric drive adjustable speed drives adjusted spherical harmonic analysis adjusting adjusting mechanisms adjusting of stress deformation state (SDS) adjusting of risks of housing building adjusting volume adjustings adjustment adjustment channels adjustment process administration administration and legal framework administration management administration of community charges administration of data administration of justice Administration of land resources administration of local taxes and duties administration VLE administrative administrative management administrative activities administrative agreement administrative amenability for moonshine administrative and legal activity administrative and legal basis. institutional block administrative and legal characteristics administrative and legal guarantees administrative and legal guarantees of religious organizations administrative and legal measures administrative and legal measures of counteraction to corruption administrative and legal mechanism administrative and legal methods and forms of regulation administrative and legal norm administrative and legal phenomenon decrees Parliament of Ukraine administrative and legal principles administrative and legal protection administrative and legal regulation administrative and legal regulations administrative and legal status administrative and legal support administrative and legal support of public management administrative and procedural guarantees of activities of religious organizations administrative and procedural regulation administrative and psychosocial methods administrative and territorial reform administrative appeals administrative body administrative case Administrative children administrative coercion administrative compulsion administrative costs Administrative Court administrative court jurisdiction administrative courts administrative crime administrative decision administrative decisions administrative decisions of innovative activity administrative delinquent proceedings administrative dispute administrative documents of the accounting policies administrative enforcement administrative fees and charges administrative fine administrative functions administrative innovation administrative jurisdiction administrative jurisdiction case administrative justice administrative Law administrative law regulation administrative legal proceedings administrative legal regulation administrative legal relations administrative liability administrative liability for violation of legislation on alcohol turnover administrative management administrative offence administrative offence in the sphere of road traffic administrative offences administrative offense administrative offenses administrative offenses prevention and precaution administrative offenсe administrative offenсes administrative penalties administrative potential administrative procedural principles administrative procedure administrative procedure of inspection authorities realization administrative proceeding administrative proceedings administrative process administrative punishment administrative reform administrative regulation administrative regulations administrative responsibility administrative rulemaking administrative service Administrative Service Centers administrative services administrative status administrative violation administrative violations administrative-contractual competence administrative-legal adjusting administrative-legal aspect administrative-legal counteraction administrative-legal dispute administrative-legal disputе administrative-legal environmental administrative-legal guarantees of protection of citizens’ legal interests in the property field administrative-legal guarantees of protection of the property rights administrative-legal mechanism administrative-legal protection administrative-legal protection citizens legal interests in the property field administrative-legal protection of intellectual property administrative-legal protection of the citizens’ legal interests’ in the property field administrative-legal providing administrative-legal regime administrative-legal regulation administrative-legal regulation of education administrative-legal relations administrative-legal standard administrative-legal status administrative-legal support administrative-procedural legislation administrative-territorial reform administrative-tort proceedings administrativeprocedural law administrator administrators of PPF Admittance admittance active component admittance cartography Admittance spectroscopy admittans admixture decay admixtures of air entraining action Adobe Captivate Adobe Connect adolescence adolescent age adolescents Adolf Beck Adonis Adonis vernalis adoption of individual administrative acts adornments AdpA ads adsolubilization adsorbed drying of ethanol adsorbent adsorbents adsorbents synthesis adsorbtion adsorptin adsorption adsorption capacity adsorption dynamic adsorption dynamics adsorption isotherm adsorption kinetics adsorption layer adsorption modification adsorption modifying adsorption of ammonia adsorption peptization adsorption processes adsorption technology adsorption-desorption processes ADT adult education Advanced Encryption Standard advanced experimental and research-designers studies Advanced Library Technologies advanced materials advanced technologies. advanced training advanced training of university libraries specialists advantages advantages and difficulties of introduction and maintenance of coaching advantages and disadvantages advantages and disadvantages of distance learning advantages and disadvantages of the crypto currency advantages of strengthening advantages small businesses AdvantEdge software advection-diffusion adverb adversarial principle adverse effects advertisement advertisement discourse advertiser advertising advertising agencies advertising agency advertising and charges of production advertising appeals advertising budget advertising campaign advertising costs advertising effectiveness advertising individualisation advertising IT advertising market advertising monument advertising name advertising product advertising services advertising space advertising standardisation advertising strategy in foreign markets advisers advisory board advisory referendum advocacy advocacy ethics advocate advocate activity advocate self-government advocate trade union advocatory self-government adypic acid AEAD AED AEMIC aerated concrete aerated concrete aerated concrete blockwork aerating admixture aeration aeration devices aerial image aerial photography aerial photography materials aerial photoshooting aerial pipeline crossing aerial station aerial survey aerial surveying aerial survey| aero photo image aero-inertial drive aerobic lagoon aerobic lagoons aerobic oxidation aerobic processes aerobic processes anoksydni processes aerobic silt aeroconcrete aerocrete aerocrete mixture aerodromes aerodynamic coefficient aerodynamic resistance aerodynamics aerogel aerosol aerosol deposition aerosol nanocatalysis aerospace methods aerospace shots aerospace trade aerosurveying aerotanks AES AES-GCM AESA aesthetic and legal values aesthetic consciousness aesthetic culture aesthetic culture a person aesthetic culture lawyer aesthetic culture of a lawyer aesthetic education aesthetic feelings aesthetic fillings aesthetic ideal aesthetic ideas aesthetic landmarks aesthetic object aesthetic properties aesthetic taste aesthetic worldview aesthetical perception aesthetics aesthetics of asceticism AF-Adaptive Filter AFBN AFC affection affective equivalence affective lexicons affects affiliate affiliated company affiliation affinage affine coordinates affine system affine transformation affine transformations affix affix probabilistic context free grammar affixation affixe affixes affordability affordable housing affordable housing development areas affricate affricates AFM AFP AFR after crises terms after penetration velocity after privatization stage after-postmodernism aftershock Ag/Cu catodes Ag/Cu катоди agaptation age age classification age crises age differences age groups age incapacity age of victim age periodization age-old cycles age-old motions Ageing ageing elements ageing population ageism agencies and services for children Agency theory agent agent fi le agent-based modeling agent-oriented approach agents agents computing agents design AgentX agglomerates agglomeration aggravating circumstances aggregate data aggregate interference Aggregate measurements aggregate obsolescence aggregate of measures aggregate of point models aggregate structure aggregate supply aggregated associative dependency aggregating aggregation aggregation operation aggregator aggression aggressive behavior aggressive environment aggressive media aggressive war aggressiveness agile aging aging process agitation agitator aglomeracja agnosticism agrarian business agrarian enterprises agrarian issues agrarian protectionism agrarian reforms agrarian relations agrarian sphere agreed price agreement agreement (consideration) interests of stakeholders Agreement about European Economic Space agreement of interests of the investment process parties agreement of purchase-sale of real estate agreement on legal aid agreement with the real commodity Agreement “About Interregional Association” agreements in criminal proceeding agreements on the transfer of property ownership agri-food clusters agribusiness agricultural agricultural industry goods agricultural production agricultural activity agricultural business agricultural complex agricultural cooperation agricultural cooperatives agricultural enterprise agricultural enterprises agricultural goods agricultural insurance agricultural land agricultural land use agricultural market agricultural marketing agricultural policy agricultural producers groups agricultural production agricultural products agricultural products market agricultural sector agricultural sector investment capital agricultural system agricultural wastes Agriculture agrilogistic system agrilogistic-chain supplies agrilogistics Agrilogistics of sales agro-ecosystem agro-food system agro-industrial complex agro-industrial wastes agro-industry agriculture agro-law contract AgroBelum NPK's agroecological researches agroholdings agroindustrial integration efficiency agromarketing agrotourism agroturizm AHDL AHP AHP method AIC AIC criterion aim aim of review aims aims of development aims of logistics aims of reinzhiniringu air air jet’s air balance air blast air brake drive air carrier air cleaning air condensation air condition air conditioner air conditioning air conditioning system air conditioning systems air distribution air distribution device air distributor air dryers air duct air exchange air exchange organization air exchange rate air filtration air flow air flow rate air gear air heating boiler air heating system air infiltration air jet air line air passenger market crisis air passenger transport market air permeability air pollution air pollution dynamics air pollution reduction air pressure in the tires air pressure loss air productivity air quality air route air services market air solar collectors air solar heating system air split-conditioner air split-conditioners air supply air supply device air suspension air swirl air jet air temperature air termination conductor air traffic management air transport air velocity air ventilation rate air waybill air-entraining admixtures air-entraining agent air-placed concrete air-steam mixture air-tracks with the protected send-offs airborne laser scanning Airborne systems aircraft aircraft's engine aircraft antennas Aircraft Crisis aircraft engine-building aircraft equipment aircraft factories aircraft industry airflow rate airflow resistance airionizer airline airline competition airphotoshooting airplane airport airports Ajax Akademichna Street akcelerator elektromagnetyczny aksiological world aktsydentsiya Al2O3 Al2O3-ZrO2-CeO2-Y2O3 system Al2TiO5 alabaster alabaster works alarm alarm system albumin alchemization of poetry alchemy alcohol alcohol fraction alcohol industry alcohol intoxication alcohol oxidase alcohol yeast alcohol-hydrocarbon fuel alcohol-telomer alcoholic fermentation alcoholic fraction alcoholism alcohols alcohols C2–C5 alcohols C4–C8 alcoholysis aldehidmonoperacetic aldehyde aldehydes aldol condensation ALEPH Alexidze problem Alexis de Tocqueville Alfresco algal bloom algebra algebra algorithms algebra of algorithms Algebra of Finite Predicates Algebra of ystems algebra-algorithmic facilities algebra-geometrical codes on the spatial curves algebraic cryptanalysis algebraic equation algebraic manifold algebraic reconstruction of images algebraic structure algebraic system algebraic systems algebraic type algebraic type system algebraic-geometrical codes algebraic-topological structures algebraically special field algorithm algorithm Bellman-Ford algorithm clonal selection algorithm design and analysis algorithm detalisation algorithm DyXY algorithm error algorithm flow graph algorithm for calculating the stress theory of elastic deformable body silo foundation algorithm for citation obtaining algorithm for determining algorithm for recognizing pupil of the eye algorithm FOREL algorithm formation on export algorithm identify algorithm mechanism algorithm of branches and bounds algorithm of calculation algorithm of calculation of losses algorithm of flow algorithm of forest management algorithm of information gathering algorithm of Prima algorithm of search algorithm of Steiner’s tree algorithm of the functional behavior algorithm of the identification algorithm of the type Robins-Monro algorithm of Viterbi algorithm of work algorithm operation algorithm RSA algorithm synthesis algorithmic and heuristic methods of teaching algorithmic approaches algorithmic classification tree algorithmic core algorithmic correction algorithmic method algorithmic model algorithmic operational device algorithmics algorithms algorithms algebra algorithms flowgraphs algorithms for segmentation of phonocardiograms algorithms of decoding algorithms of forming and decoding of codegrams algorithms: DES, 3DES, IDEA, AES, CAST-128 algoritm algorythm of work algorytmy ewolucyjne algorytmy obliczeń naturalnych algorytmy predykcji sygnału algorytmy rojowe algorytmy uczenia aliants alias components aliasing alignment alignment algorithm alignment factor alignment of interests Alignment Planing alilthiosulfanilate alimony aliphatic aldehyde aliphatic dicarboxylic acids aliphoaromatic alcohols aliphoaromatic sulphides ALIS Aleph alizarin-complexone alkali alkali activation alkali oxides alkali treatment alkali-activated Portland composite cement alkaline accelerator alkaline activation alkaline aluminum-containing activator alkaline cements alkaline factor alkaline hydrolysis alkaline medium alkaline water electrolysis alkaline Рortland cement alkaline-halide crystals (AHC) alkanes С3-С5 alkene alkenes alkogoliz alkogoliz of dibutiladipinatu alkoxyl group alkyd coating alkylacrylic acids alkylaromatic alkylation alkylation and acylation reactions alkylbenzoates alkylbenzoylformates alkylcyclohexencarboxylates all optical network all possible speed range All-Optical Network all-optical network (AON) All-Russian Special Commission (rus. VCC) all-sufficientness All-Ukrainian National Council All-Ukrainian Special Commission (rus. VUCC) Allan variance allegiance allies Allium aflatunense Allium chrystophii Allium sativum Allium schoenoprasum allocation allocation of conditionally-permanent charges allocation of costs allocation of permanent charges allowable error allowable noise level allowances alloy alloyed industrial lubricant I-20A alloyed steel alloying alloying elements ALLTED alluvial and diluvial deposits alluvial-deltaic system allyl acetate allyl alcohol allyl formate allyl methacrylate allyl-1 allyl-1,3,4-trimethylcyclohex-3-encarboxylate allyl-1,3,4-trimethylcyclohex-3-ene-1-carboxylate allylmethacrylate allyltriphenylphosphonium Almon’s method almost equivalency class almost degenerate matrix almost factorspace almost linear differentially-functional equation with stochastic parameters almost periodic functions almost periodic solution almost periodic solutions alogue design alpha-cut alphabet alphabet sign language alphabetical catalogue Alpine folded structure Alpine foldings Alpine-Himalayan folded system also defined ALTERA alternating energy alternating low-cycle loadings alternation points alternative alternative aviation fuel alternative channels of communication alternative communications alternative commuting means of transport alternative content alternative dispute resolution alternative energy alternative energy sources alternative fuel alternative fuels alternative fuels and raw materials alternative mass media alternative media alternative power engineering alternative renewable energy alternative sources alternative sources of energy alternative strategies alternative voting methods alternative water cleaning ways alternatives of development alternatives of the decision Altimetry altitude position altruism alum (Kal(SO4)2.12H2O) alumina aluminates aluminium aluminium alloy aluminium coagulant aluminium zirconia silicates aluminosilicate granules aluminum aluminum alloy aluminum alloy aluminum alloys aluminum and chromium ions aluminum sulfate aluminum sulfate octadecahydrate aluminum-doped magnesium zinc oxide aluminum-yttrium garnet alumni alumni society aluomosilicate adsorbents Amaranth amaranth material amateur amateur art amateur art amateur choreographical education amateur performances amateur talent activities ambassador ambient medium ambiguity ambiguity function ambiguous tokens ambipolar semiconductors AMD Agreement American identity American librarianship American middle class American people American politics American spirituality American students Americans AMI amide amides amides and nitriles of unsaturated acids amidoximes aminar mode of motion of liquid amine curing amines amino acid amino acids aminoacids aminoanthraguinone aminoanthraquinones aminobenzene aminocarbonic acid aminoderivatives aminohydrazones aminoliz aminolysis aminooxidase aminooxoethylpyridinium chlorides aminophosphonic acid aminopirydine aminosilane aminothiotriazoles amlodipine besylate ammetric and voltammetric methods ammonia ammonia ions ammoniacal nitrogen ammonium ammonium ions ammonium nitrate ammonium nitrogen ammonium paratungstate ammonium pollution Ammonium sulfate (AS) ammonium tungstate Ammonium-Nitrogen ammophos amnesty amonolysis Amorphophallus oncophyllus amorphous alloys amorphous condition amorphous ferromagnets amorphous films amorphous materials Amorphous metal alloy amorphous polymer amorphous semi-conductors amorphous silica amorphous silicon dioxide amortisation amortization amortization policy amortization policy concept amount of air amount of bulk land amount of chipboard amount of fuel amount of heat amount of pores amount of secure RSA parameters amount of warmth amperesecond characteristic amperometric biosensor amperometric type amperomeyric determination amphiphilic comb-like copolymers amphiphilic copolymers amphiphilic diesters of pyromellitic acid amphiphilic oligomer amphiphilic polymers amphiphilic polymers for biomedical purpose amphitheater amphitheatre amphoteric impurities Ampicillin amplification amplification coefficient amplification factor amplifier amplifiers of class D amplitude amplitude spectrum amplitude -modulated screening amplitude and phase attenuation coefficient amplitude and phase measurements amplitude and phase spectra amplitude and power radiation patterns amplitude directivity pattern amplitude errors amplitude fluctuations amplitude modulation amplitude modulation of many components amplitude of oscillations amplitude of the ripple voltage amplitude pattern amplitude phase modulation amplitude radiation pattern amplitude-frequency and phase-frequency characteristic amplitude-frequency characteristic amplitude-frequency characteristic of medium (AFCM) amplitude-frequency characteristics amplitude-frequency response (AFR) Amplitude-frequency-temporal spectrum amplitude-phase spectra amusement park an anomaly an indirect near-boundary elements technique an additional penalty an administrative offense an administrative tort jurisdiction an advocate an alternative fuel blend petrol an anticorrosive covering an apartment an applicant an application for holding mass events an arbitrator an architectural ensemble an array of information an artificial neural network an authorized unit of the National Police an automatic generation of test’s tasks an ecological policy an effectiveness an electronic diary an enterprise an enterprise intellectual potential interaction an enterprise management an environment protection an equilibrium mode an essence an estimation of quality an idea of the peoples government An impedance an indicator of regulatory systems’ activity an indirect near-boundary elements technique an individual trajectory of education an industrial enterprise management solution an infrastructure of support an initialization method an innovative drug an innovative project an integrated approach an interdisciplinary character an interelectrode gap an interests an investment consultant an offense an official an open innovation an optimality vector an optimization potential an optimum mode an unconscious population an underground gas storage anaerobic and aerobic environment anaerobic digestion anaerobic fermentation anaerobic fermentation temperatures anaerobic microbiological fermentation anaerobic processes analcime analisys analitic prolongation analiza falkowa analiza i eksploracja danych analiza skupień analiza układów elektrycznych analog circuit simulation Analog Front End analog memory analog registration analog sensor analog signal analog-digital circuits analog-digital conversion analog-digital converter analog-digital converter (ADC) analog-to-digital converter analog-to-digital converters analog-to-digital convertor (ADC) analog-to-digital functional conversion analogs of 3-d panels analogue analogue K-winners-take-all neural circuit analogue KWTA neural circuit analogue neural circuit analogue to digital conversion analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) analogy analys analysed the peculiarities of military strategy analysing analysis analysis biomedical images analysis of the efficiency analysis and prediction methods of the theory of chaos analysis based on preferences analysis kinematics and dynamics analysis of the coverage analysis of activity analysis of content analysis of environmental and economic damage analysis of incidents analysis of information requests analysis of information resources analysis of innovative infrastructure analysis of learner's guide analysis of market analysis of project analysis of technological processes analysis of the highest and the best use analysis of the impact analysis of the internal potential of the company analysis of the websites analysis process and evaluation of quality costs process analysis risk assessment analysis task analysis technology analysis tools analytic function analytic hierarchy method Analytic Hierarchy Process analytic model Analytic Network Process analytic philosophy analytic philosophy of mind analytic signal analytic synchronisation analytic systems analytic term analytical analytical and asymptotic calculation methods analytical and simulation models analytical and synthetic processing analytical approximation analytical continuation analytical devices analytical function analytical genres Analytical Hierarchic Process analytical hierarchy Analytical Hierarchy Process analytical method analytical model analytical modelling of the discrete-continuous stochastic systems analytical patterns analytical philosophy analytical research analytical solution analytical support analytical synchronisation analytical term analytical theory of numbers analytical theory of weight functions analytical tools of management analytical work analytical-numerical method analytical-statistical going analytico-synthetic processing of documents analyz analyze analyzer analyzes analyzing anammox ANAMMOX-process ANAMMOX-процес ANAMMOX-процесс anamorphosis anaphora resolution anatase anatase nanoparticles Anatoly Dimarov anatomic terminology Anatoxin-a Anaxagoras AnC anchor anchor plates anchor reaction compensation anchorage of steel reinforcement anchoring anchoring of adhered CFRP plates anchoring of the longitudinal reinforcement anchors in masonry anchors of embedded details anchors of screw-bolts anchors under tension anchors with plastic sleeve Ancient Greece Ancient Greek Philosophy ancient history of oriental peoples ancient platform Ancient Rome ancient thinkers Ancient trees and asymmetry interrelation and avoidance strategy and by evaporation of mother solution and cartoon additive error calibrated impact on zvuzhuvalnyy device and comprise no more than five semantic concepts and customs regulation and Evaluation and food availability and geopolitics and gravity and import data and intellectual capital and perception and selfish character and social business responsibility and social crisis and tangential stress and techniques and term-formation model and the estimated amortization periods of operation of the enterprise and their aesthetic design and virtual learning environment AND-OR-tree Anderson anion andragogical paradigm andragogy Andrea Palladio Andrey Sheptytskiy Andriy Melnyk androgenic approach androgens androgyny android Android SDK Anemone nemorosa L. anesthesia Angelin Pedra Angelo Banti angle angle between matrices angle of airflow angle of incidence angle of incline angle of slope to horizon angle of wetting angle sensors Anglicanism anglicisms Anglo-American legal family Anglo-Saxon notary system anguage Angular angular boundary values Angular displacements angular illusion street art angular momentum angular speed of nutation angular transitions angular velocity anharmonicity of the current-phase relation anhydride anhydride curing ani-sotropies aniline Anima animal health market animal feed animal health market animation Animus anion exchange membrane anion exchange resin anionarylation anionarylsulfonylation anionic arylation anionic domino reactions Anishchenko-Astakhov anisotropic anisotropic lattice anisotropic material anisotropic medium anisotropic parabolic equation anisotropic plate anisotropic transformation anisotropy anisotropy of mechanical properties ANN ANN with “bottles neck” annealed film annealing annexation anniversary anniversary conference annotated thematic catalogue annotation annotation generalization annotation scheme annotations annual precipitation amount annuity annular permanent magnet annular winding anode anode materials anode melting anodic biofilm anodic dissolution anodization anoelectronics anoksydni processes anolyte anomal gradients of temperature anomalies of conductivity anomalies of gravity anomaly anomalous Bouguer gravity anomalous dynamics of electromagnetic fields anomalous magnetic field anomaly anomaly correction anomaly correction algorithms anomaly detection anomaly detection systems anomaly network traffic anomaly – precursor anorthite anoxic event ANR method answer answer checking ANSYS ANSYS Polyflow ANSYS Structural ANSYSPolyflow ANT ant algorithm ant algorithm genetic algorithm ant algorithms ant colony Ant Colony Algorithm ant colony behavior model ant colony genetic algorithm ant colony method ant colony optimization ant colony system ant colony system (ACS) antagonism Antarctic Peninsula Antarctic plate Antarctic region Antarctica Antarctics antedating method antenna antenna measurements antenna adjustment antenna amplitude-phase synthesis Antenna array antenna array feeds antenna arrays antenna assembly antenna efficiency antenna gain antenna height antenna opening antenna simulation antenna station antenna synthesis problem antenna system antenna technique antenna-oscillator antennas antennas appertura antennas arrays anthocyanin anthracene anthracite culm (AC) anthraquinone anthraquinonediazonium kation anthropocentric paradeigma anthropocentrism anthropoecology anthropogenic anthropogenic activity anthropogenic effects anthropogenic elements anthropogenic environment anthropogenic impact anthropogenic load anthropogenic loading anthropogenically disturbed lands anthropogenous factors anthropological dimension anthropological items anthropological limits of human existence anthropological principle anthropology anthropology of city anthropology of law anthropology of law and order anthropology of tourism anthropometrical characteristics anti – partisan War anti(heat)detonation heat dissipation anti-Americanism anti-competitive behavior anti-corruption expertise regulations anti-corruption legislation anti-corruption policy anti-corruption program anti-crisis actions anti-crisis management anti-crisis management goals anti-crisis measures Anti-Crisis Shield anti-crisis strategies anti-frost heavy course (layer) anti-krisis management anti-money laundering measures anti-reflective coating anti-religion anti-religious policy anti-soviet formations anti-state extremism anti-storm protection anti-terrorist war anti-totalitarianism anti-Ukrainian politics antibacterial antibacterial activity antibacterial and antifunginal properties antibacterial and antiplasmolytic activity antibacterial properties antibactirial activity antibiocorrosive cover antibiotic antibiotic resistance Antibiotic treatment antibiotics antibody antibolshevik fight anticancer anticancer activity anticancer agents anticancer drugs anticancer preparations anticipative management anticipatory management anticorrosive pigments anticorrosive protection anticrisis management anticrisis program antidepressants antidiscrimination expertise antiferroelectrics antiforensic antifoundationalizm antifriction additive antifungal antifungal activity antifungal agents antigen antigorite antihypertensive activity antiidea antiinsurgent fight antilauter screen antimicrobial activity antimicrobial activity of medicinal agents antimicrobial agents antimicrobial and antifungal activity antimicrobial and antitubercular activity antimicrobial properties antimony halides antimony(III) Antin Lototsky antinoise coding antioxidant antioxidant activity antioxidant and antibacterial activity antioxidants antiplatelet antiplatelet activity antipodean-uniform grid antique socium Antiquity antirecessionary management antireflection coating antireflection of dielectric layer antireflective coating antirisk action antirisky strategy antiscalants antiscaner technologies antisocial (delinquent) behavior antisocial orientation Antiterroristical operation antithesis antithetic fault antituberculous activity antitumor activity antitumor effect antiutopia antiviral antiviral activity Antiviral Compound Prediction antiviral drugs antivirus antiwear properties Antoine Prost Antoni Komorowski antonym antonym-conversion antonymous relation antonymy antraquinone antropocenttrism antropogenic safety antroponym antyplahiat software antyprzysłowie antysurzhyk anxiety anxiety about itself AODV apartheid aparthotel apartment apartment buildi ngs of the late XIX – early XX century apartment building apartment buildings of the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries apartment buildings of the late XIX – early XX centuries apartment organization planning apartments apatite apeiron aperture aperture antennas aperture synthesis&