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Title: The heat treatment influence on the main quality indicators of Ag/n-n+GaAs heterojunctions
Authors: Dmitriev, Vadim
Affiliation: Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Dmitriev V. The heat treatment influence on the main quality indicators of Ag/n-n+GaAs heterojunctions / Vadim Dmitriev // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 402–403. — (9th International academic conference «Computer science & engineering 2017» (CSE-2017)).
Bibliographic description (International): Dmitriev V. The heat treatment influence on the main quality indicators of Ag/n-n+GaAs heterojunctions / Vadim Dmitriev // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November, 2017. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2017. — P. 402–403. — (9th International academic conference «Computer science & engineering 2017» (CSE-2017)).
Is part of: Litteris et Artibus : матеріали, 2017
Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 2017
Conference/Event: 7th International youth science forum «Litteris et Artibus»
Journal/Collection: Litteris et Artibus : матеріали
Issue Date: 23-Dec-2017
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Temporal Coverage: 23–25 листопада 2017 року
23–25 November, 2017
Keywords: heterojunction
current-voltage characteristic
barrier height
nonideality factor
Number of pages: 2
Page range: 402-403
Start page: 402
End page: 403
Abstract: The effect of heat treatment on the parameters and characteristics of Ag/n-n+GaAs heterojunctions is studied. Various methods for the Schottky barrier height and the nonideality factor determining have been examined and tested. The most accurate method for determining the heterojunction parameters using the current-voltage characteristic was found.
ISBN: 978-966-941-108-2
Copyright owner: © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2017
References (Ukraine): [1] P. Jayavel, J. Kumar, P. Ramasam, R. Premanand, “On the evaluation of Schottky barrier diode parameters of Pd, Au and Ag/n-GaAs”, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, Vol. 7, №5-6. – pp. 340–343, 2001.
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References (International): [1] P. Jayavel, J. Kumar, P. Ramasam, R. Premanand, "On the evaluation of Schottky barrier diode parameters of Pd, Au and Ag/n-GaAs", Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, Vol. 7, No 5-6, pp. 340–343, 2001.
[2] Dmy`triyev V.S. "Inzhektuyuchi bar'yerni perehody` na osnovi arsenidu galiya dlya pry`ladiv NVCh diapazonu" Progresy`vni texnologiyi ta pry`lady`, No 10(1), pp. 50-53, 2017.
[3] A. V. Belyaev, N. S. Boltovecz, E. F. Venger y` dr., "Fy`zy`chesky`e metodi dy`agnosty`ky` v my`kro- y` nanoelektrony`ke", Khar`kov, Y`SMA, 284 p., 2011.
[4] S. M. Sze, K. K. Ng "Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd Edition", Hoboken, A John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 815 r., 2007.
[5] E. H. Rhoderick, R. H. Williams, "Metal-Semiconductor Contacts", Oxford, Clarendon Press, 252 p., 1988.
[6] S. Chand, L. Kamar, "Origin of non-ideal currentvoltage characteristics of metal-semiconductor contact: A numerical study", Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences. Vol. 7, No 5-6. pp. 268–273, 2000.
[7] Kudryk Ya.Ya., Shynkarenko V.V., Slipokurov V.S., Bigun R.I., Kudryk Ya.Ya, "Methods for determination of Schottky barrier height from I-V curves", CriMiCo’2014, September 7-13, Sevastopol, Crimea, pp. 673-674. 2014.
[8] M. P. Hernández, C. F. Alonso, J. L. Peña, "Barrier height determination in homogeneous nonideal Schottky contacts", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 34, No 8, pp. 1157–1162, 2001.
[9] N. Karaboga, S. Kockanat, H. Dogan, "The parameter extraction of the thermally annealed Schottky barrier diode using the modified artificial bee colony", Applied Intelligence, Vol. 38, No 3. pp. 279–288, 2013.
[10] A. Ortiz-Conde, Y. Ma, J. Thomson, etc, "Direct extraction of semiconductor deviceparameters using lateral optimization method", Solid-State Electronics, Vol. 43, No 4. pp. 845–848, 1999.
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2017 р.

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