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Обчислювальні проблеми електротехніки (CPEE’2011) – 2011 р. : [67] Collection home page


Матеріали XII Міжнародного симпозіуму CPEE’2011

У книзі зібрано матеріали XII Міжнародного симпозіуму з обчислювальних проблем електротехніки. Видання призначене для науковців, аспірантів та фахівців у галузі електротехніки.

Обчислювальні проблеми електротехніки : матеріали XII Міжнародного симпозіуму CPEE’2011, 5–7 вересня 2011 року, Кострино, Закарпатська область, Україна / Національний університет «Львівська політехніка», Варшавський технологічний університет, Лодзький технічний університет, Університет Західної Богемії. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2011. – 80 с. – Паралельний титульний аркуш англійською.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 67
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Mathematical models of linear random processes in the description of the diagnostic signals of acoustic emission accompanying the work units of electrical equipmentMyslovich, Mikhail; Ulitko, OleksijArticle2011Mathematical models of linear random processes in the description of the diagnostic signals of acoustic emission accompanying the work units of electrical equipmentMyslovich, Mikhail; Ulitko, Oleksij
2011Formation and properties of signals based on recurrent codesYankevych, Roman; Prudyus, Ivan; Sumyk, MarkiyanArticle2011Formation and properties of signals based on recurrent codesYankevych, Roman; Prudyus, Ivan; Sumyk, Markiyan
2011Alternative color space construction in FISH image analysis for quantification of the HER2 gene amplificationMarkiewicz, Tomasz; Cichowicz, Marzena; Kozłowski, WojciechArticle2011Alternative color space construction in FISH image analysis for quantification of the HER2 gene amplificationMarkiewicz, Tomasz; Cichowicz, Marzena; Kozłowski, Wojciech
2011Implementation of linear discriminant analysis as a feature selection technique of EEG signal for brain-computer interfaceKołodziej, Marcin; Majkowski, Andrzej; Rak, Remigiusz J.Article2011Implementation of linear discriminant analysis as a feature selection technique of EEG signal for brain-computer interfaceKołodziej, Marcin; Majkowski, Andrzej; Rak, Remigiusz J.
2011Scenario based web system for numerical computationsStarzyński, Jacek; Szmurło, Robert; Chaber, Bartosz; Sawicki, Bartosz; Wincenciak, StanistawArticle2011Scenario based web system for numerical computationsStarzyński, Jacek; Szmurło, Robert; Chaber, Bartosz; Sawicki, Bartosz; Wincenciak, Stanistaw
2011Development of multifunctional sensor system for environmental and medical applicationsKlym, Halyna; Kostiv, YuriyArticle2011Development of multifunctional sensor system for environmental and medical applicationsKlym, Halyna; Kostiv, Yuriy
2011Selected aspects on optimization of wavelet based QRS complex detection algorithmJóśko, AdamArticle2011Selected aspects on optimization of wavelet based QRS complex detection algorithmJóśko, Adam
2011The shape reconstruction of unknown objects for inverse problemsFilipowicz, Stefan F.; Rymarczyk, TomaszArticle2011The shape reconstruction of unknown objects for inverse problemsFilipowicz, Stefan F.; Rymarczyk, Tomasz
2011Intelligent system for radiogram analysis – conception design and implemented algorithmsSikora, Ryszard; Chady, Tomasz; Baniukiewicz, Piotr; Lopato, Przemysław; Napierala, Lech; Pietrusewicz, Tomasz; Psuj, GrzegorzArticle2011Intelligent system for radiogram analysis – conception design and implemented algorithmsSikora, Ryszard; Chady, Tomasz; Baniukiewicz, Piotr; Lopato, Przemysław; Napierala, Lech; Pietrusewicz, Tomasz; Psuj, Grzegorz
2011Analytical synchronization of two-end voltage and current measurements under transmission line load conditionsIzykowski, Jan; Dawidowski, PawelArticle2011Analytical synchronization of two-end voltage and current measurements under transmission line load conditionsIzykowski, Jan; Dawidowski, Pawel
2011Electrophysiological method and interval model for identification the distance to reverse laryngeal nerve during surgery operation on the thyroidDyvak, Mykola; Pukas, AndriyArticle2011Electrophysiological method and interval model for identification the distance to reverse laryngeal nerve during surgery operation on the thyroidDyvak, Mykola; Pukas, Andriy
2011The methods and software for computer-based system of statistical impact diagnostics of electrical equipmentGorodzha, Konstantin; Myslovich, Mikhail; Sysak, RomanArticle2011The methods and software for computer-based system of statistical impact diagnostics of electrical equipmentGorodzha, Konstantin; Myslovich, Mikhail; Sysak, Roman
2011Maxwell stress tensor calculation offorces in AC dielectrophoresfsKurgan, EugeniuszArticle2011Maxwell stress tensor calculation offorces in AC dielectrophoresfsKurgan, Eugeniusz
2011Investigation of the reliability of computing systemsTrushakov, Dmitro; Moshna, DmitroArticle2011Investigation of the reliability of computing systemsTrushakov, Dmitro; Moshna, Dmitro
2011Reliability of communication in water monitoring systemDziadak, Bogdan; Makowski, Łukasz; Michalski, AndrzejArticle2011Reliability of communication in water monitoring systemDziadak, Bogdan; Makowski, Łukasz; Michalski, Andrzej
2011Maximal margin classifiers applied to DGA-based diagnosis of power transformersSzczepaniak, Piotr S.; Kłosiński, MarcinArticle2011Maximal margin classifiers applied to DGA-based diagnosis of power transformersSzczepaniak, Piotr S.; Kłosiński, Marcin
2011Applying ZigBee technique for monitoring vibration of dynamic objectBorowik, Bohdan; Kurytnik, Igor; Borowik, BarbaraArticle2011Applying ZigBee technique for monitoring vibration of dynamic objectBorowik, Bohdan; Kurytnik, Igor; Borowik, Barbara
2011Predicting the reliability of radio-electronic devices by the results of production defectiveness monitoringBobalo, Yuriy; Nedostup, Leonid; Kiselychnyk, Myroslav; Melen, MyhayloArticle2011Predicting the reliability of radio-electronic devices by the results of production defectiveness monitoringBobalo, Yuriy; Nedostup, Leonid; Kiselychnyk, Myroslav; Melen, Myhaylo
2011PCA transformation and support vector machine for recognition of the noisy imagesOsowski, Stanisław; Sikorska-Łukasiewicz, KatarzynaArticle2011PCA transformation and support vector machine for recognition of the noisy imagesOsowski, Stanisław; Sikorska-Łukasiewicz, Katarzyna
2011Approximate BEM analysis of thin electromagnetic shield of variable thicknessJabłonński, PawełArticle2011Approximate BEM analysis of thin electromagnetic shield of variable thicknessJabłonński, Paweł
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 67