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Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET’2012). – 2012 р. : [389] Collection home page


У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.

Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали XІ Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2012, присвяченої 60-річчю заснування радіотехнічного факультету у Львівській політехніці, 21-24 лютого 2012 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012. – 552 с.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 389
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Designing of new antenna stations to the communication with low-orbital earth remote sensing satellitesPalamar, MykhayloArticle2012Designing of new antenna stations to the communication with low-orbital earth remote sensing satellitesPalamar, Mykhaylo
2012Information technology for implementing the electrophysiological method of identifying the reverse laryngeal nerve during surgery on thyroidDyvak, Mykola; Padletska, Natalia; Pukas, Andriy; Kozak, OlexandraArticle2012Information technology for implementing the electrophysiological method of identifying the reverse laryngeal nerve during surgery on thyroidDyvak, Mykola; Padletska, Natalia; Pukas, Andriy; Kozak, Olexandra
2012Fundamental backgrounds of the discrete logarithms theory in the rademacher-krestenson’s basisIvas’ev, Stepan; Kasyanchuk, Mykhajlo; Pazdriy, Ihor; Trembach, Rostyslav; Yakymenko, IhorArticle2012Fundamental backgrounds of the discrete logarithms theory in the rademacher-krestenson’s basisIvas’ev, Stepan; Kasyanchuk, Mykhajlo; Pazdriy, Ihor; Trembach, Rostyslav; Yakymenko, Ihor
2012Optical-electronic systems for new photomedical technologiesKozhukhar, OlexanderArticle2012Optical-electronic systems for new photomedical technologiesKozhukhar, Olexander
2012Simulation of system phase-locked-loop frequency controlKostyrja, Alexandr; Plehno, Sergey; H-Asaad, KhalidArticle2012Simulation of system phase-locked-loop frequency controlKostyrja, Alexandr; Plehno, Sergey; H-Asaad, Khalid
2012Introduction to current-mode converters of voltage logic levelsJankowski, Mariusz; Napieralski, AndrzejArticle2012Introduction to current-mode converters of voltage logic levelsJankowski, Mariusz; Napieralski, Andrzej
2012Current-mode based low-voltage to high-voltage range analog signal convertersJankowski, Mariusz; Napieralski, AndrzejArticle2012Current-mode based low-voltage to high-voltage range analog signal convertersJankowski, Mariusz; Napieralski, Andrzej
2012Linear filtration methods for statistical analysis of periodically correlated random processesKravets, IgorArticle2012Linear filtration methods for statistical analysis of periodically correlated random processesKravets, Igor
2012Peculiarities of approximations application to the identification of mathematical macromodelsMatviychuk, Yaroslav; Malachivskyy, Peter; Hasko, RomanArticle2012Peculiarities of approximations application to the identification of mathematical macromodelsMatviychuk, Yaroslav; Malachivskyy, Peter; Hasko, Roman
2012Sub-THz technologies state-of-the-ArtYashchyshyn, Yevhen; Urzędowska, Anna; Godziszewski, KonradArticle2012Sub-THz technologies state-of-the-ArtYashchyshyn, Yevhen; Urzędowska, Anna; Godziszewski, Konrad
2012Developing of homodyne detection at equipment design for experimental investigation of microwave propagationGimpilevich, Yu.; Shirokov, I.Article2012Developing of homodyne detection at equipment design for experimental investigation of microwave propagationGimpilevich, Yu.; Shirokov, I.
2012Principles of construction and application of modern microwave wireless energy transmission systemsGomozov, A. V.; Shokalo, V. M.; Gretskih, D. V.; Аl - Sammarraie, Sh. F. А.; Lukavenko, O. S.Article2012Principles of construction and application of modern microwave wireless energy transmission systemsGomozov, A. V.; Shokalo, V. M.; Gretskih, D. V.; Аl - Sammarraie, Sh. F. А.; Lukavenko, O. S.
2012Key principles for the provision of high quality telecommunication services 4G mobile users at speeds up to 300 km/hSunduchkov, Аrtem; Sunduchkov, KonstantinArticle2012Key principles for the provision of high quality telecommunication services 4G mobile users at speeds up to 300 km/hSunduchkov, Аrtem; Sunduchkov, Konstantin
2012Line codes generator for learning purposesBench, Andriy; Murak, Volodymyr; Velhan, Andriy; Zhelyak, RomanArticle2012Line codes generator for learning purposesBench, Andriy; Murak, Volodymyr; Velhan, Andriy; Zhelyak, Roman
2012Synchronous antiphased registration of biosignals by p-n junction of LEDMosiychuk, Vitaliy; Sharpan, OlegArticle2012Synchronous antiphased registration of biosignals by p-n junction of LEDMosiychuk, Vitaliy; Sharpan, Oleg
2012Features of formation of video signal in a scanning television optical microscopeGoy, Vitaliy; Hudz, Borys; Moldavan, Vasyl; Shkliarskyi, VolodymyrArticle2012Features of formation of video signal in a scanning television optical microscopeGoy, Vitaliy; Hudz, Borys; Moldavan, Vasyl; Shkliarskyi, Volodymyr
2012New approach for modeling processes of doping redistribution during oxidizationBerezhansky, VolodymyrArticle2012New approach for modeling processes of doping redistribution during oxidizationBerezhansky, Volodymyr
2012Termosurgical technology and equipment on prosthetics in implants for the elderly peoplePonomarenko, Victor; Kamalov, Rafik; Khudetskyy, IgorArticle2012Termosurgical technology and equipment on prosthetics in implants for the elderly peoplePonomarenko, Victor; Kamalov, Rafik; Khudetskyy, Igor
2012Generalized method of nonlinear filtering of biomedical signals with locally concentrated signPovoroznyuk, Anatoliy; Filatova, AnnaArticle2012Generalized method of nonlinear filtering of biomedical signals with locally concentrated signPovoroznyuk, Anatoliy; Filatova, Anna
2012Design of fuzzy control system of capacity of power generating attitudeKushnir, IhorArticle2012Design of fuzzy control system of capacity of power generating attitudeKushnir, Ihor
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 389