Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET’2012). – 2012 р.
: [389]
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У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.
Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали XІ Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2012, присвяченої 60-річчю заснування радіотехнічного факультету у Львівській політехніці, 21-24 лютого 2012 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012. – 552 с.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 389
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Preview | Type | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2012 | Analysis of defectoscopic signals using the wavelet, adapted to detection signals from Transverse cracks in the head of a Rail | Vashchyshyn, Liubomyr; Nichoga, Vitalij; Storozh, Igor | | Article | 2012 | Analysis of defectoscopic signals using the wavelet, adapted to detection signals from Transverse cracks in the head of a Rail | Vashchyshyn, Liubomyr; Nichoga, Vitalij; Storozh, Igor |
| 2012 | Coherent estimation of probabilistic characteristics for periodically correlated random processes in the case of preliminary determination of period | Javorskyj, Igor; Yuzefovych, Roman; Matsko, Ivan; Kravet, Igor | | Article | 2012 | Coherent estimation of probabilistic characteristics for periodically correlated random processes in the case of preliminary determination of period | Javorskyj, Igor; Yuzefovych, Roman; Matsko, Ivan; Kravet, Igor |
| 2012 | New principles of measurement scales conversion of DAC and ADC on the basis Attenuator-Divider Trotsyshyna | Trotsyshyn, Ivan; Voituk, Oleg | | Article | 2012 | New principles of measurement scales conversion of DAC and ADC on the basis Attenuator-Divider Trotsyshyna | Trotsyshyn, Ivan; Voituk, Oleg |
| 2012 | Models of fault-tolerant systems with reconfiguration of the core of structure of “K of N” | Volochiy, Bohdan; Ozirkovskyy, Leonid; Zmysnyi, Mykhailo | | Article | 2012 | Models of fault-tolerant systems with reconfiguration of the core of structure of “K of N” | Volochiy, Bohdan; Ozirkovskyy, Leonid; Zmysnyi, Mykhailo |
| 2012 | Design smart antenna for GPS/GLONASS using adaptive beamforming | Herasymenko, K. V.; Dubrovka, F. F.; Laush, A. G. | | Article | 2012 | Design smart antenna for GPS/GLONASS using adaptive beamforming | Herasymenko, K. V.; Dubrovka, F. F.; Laush, A. G. |
| 2012 | The structure, parameters, the algorithm adaptive filters in digital signal processing of modern telecommunication systems | Novosyadlyy, S. P.; Novosyadlyy, S. V.; Miller, L. V. | | Article | 2012 | The structure, parameters, the algorithm adaptive filters in digital signal processing of modern telecommunication systems | Novosyadlyy, S. P.; Novosyadlyy, S. V.; Miller, L. V. |
| 2012 | Calculation of thin disk non axis symmetric vibration resonant frequencies | Ianovska, Iuliia; Petrishev, Oleg; Bogdan, Oleksander; Yakymenko, Yuriy | | Article | 2012 | Calculation of thin disk non axis symmetric vibration resonant frequencies | Ianovska, Iuliia; Petrishev, Oleg; Bogdan, Oleksander; Yakymenko, Yuriy |
| 2012 | Differential transmission data on the channel with ambiguity | Banket, V. L.; Totmina, J. N. | | Article | 2012 | Differential transmission data on the channel with ambiguity | Banket, V. L.; Totmina, J. N. |
| 2012 | Selection of sampling step for correlation analysis of cyclostationary processes | Yuzefovych, Roman | | Article | 2012 | Selection of sampling step for correlation analysis of cyclostationary processes | Yuzefovych, Roman |
| 2012 | A problem of providing of coherent treatment of signals is during realization of non-coherent methods of radio-location | Shyncaruk, Oleg; Chesanovskiy, Ivan | | Article | 2012 | A problem of providing of coherent treatment of signals is during realization of non-coherent methods of radio-location | Shyncaruk, Oleg; Chesanovskiy, Ivan |
| 2012 | Immunity-based security architecture for active switch | Jingsong, Pan | | Article | 2012 | Immunity-based security architecture for active switch | Jingsong, Pan |
| 2012 | Ontology model of concept “Microsensor” in microelectromechanical system | Vasyliuk, Iaroslavk; Teslyuk, Vasyl; Denysyuk, Pavlo | | Article | 2012 | Ontology model of concept “Microsensor” in microelectromechanical system | Vasyliuk, Iaroslavk; Teslyuk, Vasyl; Denysyuk, Pavlo |
| 2012 | Research of the discrete frequency-modulated signals properties | Kuzyk, Andrii; Prudyus, Ivan; Sumyk, Markiyan | | Article | 2012 | Research of the discrete frequency-modulated signals properties | Kuzyk, Andrii; Prudyus, Ivan; Sumyk, Markiyan |
| 2012 | Application of the symmetrical and non-symmetrical models for innovative coded design of signals | Riznyk, Volodymyr | | Article | 2012 | Application of the symmetrical and non-symmetrical models for innovative coded design of signals | Riznyk, Volodymyr |
| 2012 | The optimisation of the pyrovidicon camera target reparation operational cycles | Bozhenko, Valentina; Kondratov, Petro; Kondratov, Oleg; Goy, Vitaliy | | Article | 2012 | The optimisation of the pyrovidicon camera target reparation operational cycles | Bozhenko, Valentina; Kondratov, Petro; Kondratov, Oleg; Goy, Vitaliy |
| 2012 | Automation of building of behavior models of the non-markov discrete-continuous stochastic systems by the method of erlang phases | Volotchiy, Bohdan; Osirkovskyy, Leonid; Kulyk, Ihor | | Article | 2012 | Automation of building of behavior models of the non-markov discrete-continuous stochastic systems by the method of erlang phases | Volotchiy, Bohdan; Osirkovskyy, Leonid; Kulyk, Ihor |
| 2012 | Reliability analysis of technical systems without redundancy with limited number of repairs | Bobalo, Yuriy; Mandziy, Bohdan; Volochiy, Bohdan; Osirkovskyy, Leonid | | Article | 2012 | Reliability analysis of technical systems without redundancy with limited number of repairs | Bobalo, Yuriy; Mandziy, Bohdan; Volochiy, Bohdan; Osirkovskyy, Leonid |
| 2012 | Computation technique for IP-traffic tensor modeling | Vorobiyenko, Petro; Tykhonova, Olena; Smirnov, Igor | | Article | 2012 | Computation technique for IP-traffic tensor modeling | Vorobiyenko, Petro; Tykhonova, Olena; Smirnov, Igor |
| 2012 | Model of the meteor trail coherent scattering | Kharchenko, Helen V. | | Article | 2012 | Model of the meteor trail coherent scattering | Kharchenko, Helen V. |
| 2012 | Retrieval information from the uwb pulse signal using the karhunen loeve transform | Greitans, Modris; Aristov, Vladimir | | Article | 2012 | Retrieval information from the uwb pulse signal using the karhunen loeve transform | Greitans, Modris; Aristov, Vladimir |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 389