DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | Стоцько, Р. З. | |
dc.contributor.author | Дацишин, Є. В. | |
dc.contributor.author | Хамар, І. Г. | |
dc.contributor.author | Stotsko, R. Z. | |
dc.contributor.author | Datsyshyn, Ye. V. | |
dc.contributor.author | Khamar, I. H. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2020-05-20T07:19:07Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2020-05-20T07:19:07Z | - |
dc.date.created | 2019-03-20 | |
dc.date.issued | 2019-03-20 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Стоцько Р. З. Архітектура сучасного духовно-освітнього центру УГКЦ як синтез функціонально-планувальних концепцій християнських освітніх закладів західного та східного типів / Р. З. Стоцько, Є. В. Дацишин, І. Г. Хамар // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — Том 1. — № 2s. — С. 72–79. | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/49913 | - |
dc.description.abstract | Розглянуто особливості духовно-освітньої діяльності та архітектурно-планувальної організації духовних освітніх закладів західного (католицького) та східного
(православного) типів, проілюстровано пошук об’єднавчої концепції духовноосвітнього закладу УГКЦ, висвітлено основні фактори, які вплинули на формування
архітектури сучасного центру богословської освіти Української Греко-Католицької Церкви. | |
dc.description.abstract | The article studies the peculiarities of spiritual and educational activity as well as architectural and
planning arrangement of spiritual educational institutions of western (Catholic) and eastern (Orthodox) types,
illustrates the search of a unifying concept of a spiritual and educational institution of Ukrainian Greek
Catholic Church, presents the main factors which have influenced the formation of architecture of a modern
centre for theological education at UGCC.
Throughout the years of predominance of an official atheistic ideology in Ukraine, spiritual and
educational centres were neither designed nor built. The ancient layer of spiritual schools, which had
cherished Ukrainian literature, culture, Christian morality and the basics of social order of Ukrainian society,
was not being researched. Nowadays there is a pressing need in such centres, in studying the spiritual as well
as architectural and artistic rules of their designing. The research of architecture of spiritual and educational
institutions development of Ukrainian Christian churches of the western and eastern ritual help to define the
main concept and principles of architectural and planning arrangement of a modern spiritual and educational
centre of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.
The aim of the research is to highlight the problems of forming the architecture of a modern spiritual
and architectural centre of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church as a synthesis of functional and planning
concepts of spiritual educational institutions of western and eastern types.
Political, ideological, spiritual, functional, natural and climatic as well as economic factors greatly
influence the formation of a planning structure and architectural image of a new educational centre as an
institution for spiritual education of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Therefore, the concept of architectural
image and architectural and planning arrangement of such a centre is close to the institutions for spiritual
education of both western and eastern types. Such approach is reflected clearly in the complex of buildings of
the Centre for higher theological education at UGCC in the city of Lviv at Khutorivka street, which was
being built during 2003–2008 (architects: Ye. Datsyshyn, Yu. Horalevych, R. Stotsko, Yu. Verkhola,
O. Khamar, I. Khamar). Having absorbed all the experience of spiritual and educational activity of similar
institutions of the western (Catholicism) and the eastern (Orthodoxy) types, a number of Greek Catholic
spiritual and educational institutions (theological seminary, theological university, monasteries-studentates)
have created a united educational complex within one architectural and planning structure where legally
independent spiritual and educational institutions follow a single spiritually-ideological and educational
doctrine. When it comes to architectural aspect, such approach has been reflected in the location of
institutions on the same territory, joint usage of sacral and educational buildings, common architectural image
of the buildings of each separate educational institutions, recreational territories and small architectural forms,
in solving daily administrative problems of a whole complex with the help of a common administrative
buildings block (boiler room, garages, workshops, laundry rooms, warehouses etc.). A newly-created
complex is located in Lviv and has become a powerful centre of theological education in the Western Ukraine. | |
dc.format.extent | 72-79 | |
dc.language.iso | uk | |
dc.publisher | Видавництво Львівської політехніки | |
dc.relation.ispartof | Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура, 2s (1), 2019 | |
dc.subject | сакральна архітектура | |
dc.subject | духовна освіта | |
dc.subject | навчальні заклади | |
dc.subject | духовно-освітній центр | |
dc.subject | : sacral architecture | |
dc.subject | spiritual education | |
dc.subject | educational institutions | |
dc.subject | spiritual and educational centre | |
dc.title | Архітектура сучасного духовно-освітнього центру УГКЦ як синтез функціонально-планувальних концепцій християнських освітніх закладів західного та східного типів | |
dc.title.alternative | Architecture of a modern spiritual and educational centre of UGCC as a synthesis of functional and planning concepts of Christian educational institutions of western and eastern types | |
dc.type | Article | |
dc.rights.holder | © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019 | |
dc.rights.holder | © Стоцько Р. З., Дацишин Є. В., Хамар І. Г., 2019 | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Національний університет “Львівська політехніка” | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Lviv Polytechnic National University | |
dc.format.pages | 8 | |
dc.identifier.citationen | Stotsko R. Z. Architecture of a modern spiritual and educational centre of UGCC as a synthesis of functional and planning concepts of Christian educational institutions of western and eastern types / R. Z. Stotsko, Ye. V. Datsyshyn, I. H. Khamar // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Arkhitektura. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2019. — Vol 1. — No 2s. — P. 72–79. | |
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dc.citation.journalTitle | Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура | |
dc.citation.volume | 1 | |
dc.citation.issue | 2s | |
dc.citation.spage | 72 | |
dc.citation.epage | 79 | |
dc.coverage.placename | Львів | |
dc.coverage.placename | Lviv | |
dc.subject.udc | 725.82 | |
Appears in Collections: | Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. – 2019. – Том 1, випуск 2s