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dc.contributor.authorІващук, О. С.
dc.contributor.authorIvashchuk, O. S.
dc.identifier.citationIvashchuk O. S. Simulation of the cavitation process in the liquid mediums / O. S. Ivashchuk // Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substance. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 1. — No 1. — P. 99–104.
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто комп’ютерне моделювання процесу кавітації у рідких середовищах. Виконано експериментальні дослідження закономірностей процесу кавітації модельних розчинів, наведено залежності зміни параметрів ефективності процесу від концентрації розчину та частоти вібрації. Створено твердотільну модель лабораторного віброрезо- нансного електромагнітного кавітатора у програмному комплексі SolidWorks 2016 Educational Edition. На основі моделювання процесу кавітації визначено основні гідродинамічні параметри: зміну температури, статичного тиску та швидкості потоку у робочій камері лабораторної установки.
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to computer modeling of the process of cavitation in liquid mediums. The experimental researches of the regularities of the cavitation process was conducted, dependences of changes in the parameters of the process efficiency on the concentration of the solution and the frequency of vibration are shown. A solid– state model of a laboratory vibration resonance electromagnetic cavitator in SolidWorks 2016 Educational Edition software system was created. Based on the modeling of the cavitation process, the main hydrodynamic parameters are defined: temperature change, static pressure and flow velocity in the laboratory chamber.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofChemistry, Technology and Application of Substance, 1 (1), 2018
dc.subjectкомп’ютерне моделювання
dc.titleSimulation of the cavitation process in the liquid mediums
dc.title.alternativeКомп’ютерне моделювання процесу кавітації в рідких середовищах
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
dc.rights.holder© Ivashchuk O. S., 2018
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenIvashchuk O. S. Simulation of the cavitation process in the liquid mediums / O. S. Ivashchuk // Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substance. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 1. — No 1. — P. 99–104.
dc.relation.references1. Lamb, W. S. Cavitation and aeration in hydraulic systems. Bedfordshire, UK. BHRGroup, 1987,114 p.
dc.relation.references2. Rood, E. P. Review – mechanism of cavitation inception. Trans. ASME, J. Fluids Engng, 1991,113, 163–175.
dc.relation.references3. Knapp, R. T., Daily, J. W., and Hammitt, F. G. Cavitation. McGraw-Hill, New York,1970.
dc.relation.references4. Delannoy, Y. and Kueny, J. L. Two phase flow approach in unsteady cavitation modelling. In ASME cavitation and multiphase forum, 1990.
dc.relation.references5. Ellis, A. T., Cavitation in Hydrodynamics. HMSO, Paper 8, 1956.
dc.relation.references6. Martynov S.S., Mason D.J., and Heikal M.R. Numerical simulation of cavitation flows based on their hydrodynamic similarity, 2005.
dc.relation.references7. Shevchuk L.I. et al. Nyzkochastotni vibrorezonansni kavitatory, 176, 2013.
dc.relation.references8. Tickoo Sham. Solidworks 2016 for Designers. CADCIM Technologies, 2016.
dc.relation.references9. Instruction for SolidWorks: version for SOLIDWORKS 2016 SP05. 10. Pidhirnyi R., Hlukhaniuk A., Motrunich O., Ivashchuk O., Starchevskyy V. The simulation of cavitation process using the engineering analysis method. Proceedings of 7th International Youth Science Forum “Litteris Et Artibus”. 2017, P. 81–82.
dc.relation.referencesen1. Lamb, W. S. Cavitation and aeration in hydraulic systems. Bedfordshire, UK. BHRGroup, 1987,114 p.
dc.relation.referencesen2. Rood, E. P. Review – mechanism of cavitation inception. Trans. ASME, J. Fluids Engng, 1991,113, 163–175.
dc.relation.referencesen3. Knapp, R. T., Daily, J. W., and Hammitt, F. G. Cavitation. McGraw-Hill, New York,1970.
dc.relation.referencesen4. Delannoy, Y. and Kueny, J. L. Two phase flow approach in unsteady cavitation modelling. In ASME cavitation and multiphase forum, 1990.
dc.relation.referencesen5. Ellis, A. T., Cavitation in Hydrodynamics. HMSO, Paper 8, 1956.
dc.relation.referencesen6. Martynov S.S., Mason D.J., and Heikal M.R. Numerical simulation of cavitation flows based on their hydrodynamic similarity, 2005.
dc.relation.referencesen7. Shevchuk L.I. et al. Nyzkochastotni vibrorezonansni kavitatory, 176, 2013.
dc.relation.referencesen8. Tickoo Sham. Solidworks 2016 for Designers. CADCIM Technologies, 2016.
dc.relation.referencesen9. Instruction for SolidWorks: version for SOLIDWORKS 2016 SP05. 10. Pidhirnyi R., Hlukhaniuk A., Motrunich O., Ivashchuk O., Starchevskyy V. The simulation of cavitation process using the engineering analysis method. Proceedings of 7th International Youth Science Forum "Litteris Et Artibus". 2017, P. 81–82.
dc.citation.journalTitleChemistry, Technology and Application of Substance
Appears in Collections:Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances. – 2018. – Vol. 1, No. 1

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