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dc.contributor.authorЛюбицький, Р. І.
dc.contributor.authorLiubytskyi, R.
dc.identifier.citationЛюбицький Р. І. Містобудівні концепції створення мережі підземного трамваю у Львові в 70-80-х роках ХХ ст. / Р. І. Любицький // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. — № 893. — С. 159–166. — (Містобудування).
dc.description.abstractУ статті досліджено бачення майбутнього розвитку міського транспорту у м. Львові періоду 1970-1980 рр. Виділено містобудівні передумови, які зумовили виникнення ідеї будівництва підземного трамваю. На основі архівних матеріалів проаналізовано пропоновані варіанти прокладення ліній швидкісного трамваю із підземними тунелями у центральній частині Львова. Враховуючи сучасну транспортну ситуацію у м. Львові, оцінено сьогоднішню актуальність цих ідей, а також доцільність розвитку мережі підземного трамваю в майбутньому.
dc.description.abstractRapid growth of the population of Lviv in the Soviet period had led to the functional supersaturation of the city center. It caused the necessity of its decentralization. In the 1970s, the city center was planned to expand along the modern Chornovola avenue, additionally moving the separate functions to three planned subcenters, which had to be placed on highways near the city entrances. The plans of the city center expansion were implemented only partially by construction of the separate buildings along Chornovola avenue. Only one of three proposed subcenters started to develop - in the south part of the city on Stryiska str. In the 1970s-1980s, the transport infrastructure was planned to be developed in a way to ensure unobstructed access to the city center for buses, trolleybuses and cars. At the same time, it was believed that trams in the historical part of the city would complicate traffic. The development of a fast tram network (light rail) with dedicated lanes and underground tunnels under the historic city center was proposed. According to the plans, it had to ensure the unobstructed passenger transportation and reduce transport pressure on the historic city center of Lviv. For the first time, the construction of the underground tram tunnels was proposed in 1975. According to the project, underground tunnels were supposed to appear on three tram lines - Kniahyni Olhy - Lychakivska, Sykhiv - Zamarstynivska and Sykhiv - Levandivka - Riasne. Assuming the growth of population density, next to the tram underground stations the development of other underground objects (such as garages, pedestrian crossings, highway tunnels and even cinemas and cafes) was planned also. The ideas of the underground tram network development in the 1970-1980s were constantly evolving from project to project, changing the lines direction. Considering the construction cost, some planned underground tunnels were replaced by on-ground lines. As a result of the financial crisis, changes in the state system and engineering difficulties, the underground tunnels were not realized. Despite, by the end of the 1980s, the construction of separate dedicated tram lanes was finished, making possible an unobstructed tram traffic on a few streets. Taking into account the current transport situation in Lviv, which is accompanied by significant complications of transport and pedestrian traffic, interest in the ideas of the development of the fast tram network is gradually reviving. The population and growing density of Lviv necessitates the implementation of bold urban planning projects and the adoption of unpopular administrative measures. Due to the lack of funds, it is worthwhile to pay attention and evaluate the possibility of realizing less costly measures - the continuation of on-ground tram lines and the creation of dedicated lanes for them. In the case of the implementation of the network of Lviv fast tram, it would become the main type of urban transport, and today's transport problems would not be so acute. Moving a large passenger traffic between areas and downtown would be carried out regularly and without delays. In this case, the network of bus routes would be able to complement tram, providing a connection between uncovered tram areas. The attractiveness of driving a car within the city would fall. Today there is no comfortable city transport in Lviv - therefore residents often choose to move within the city with a private car, additionally overloading the street network.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.relation.ispartofВісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура, 893, 2018
dc.subjectпідземний трамвай
dc.subjectшвидкісний трамвай
dc.subjectміський транспорт
dc.subjectгромадський транспорт
dc.subjectтранспортні проблеми Львова
dc.subjectunderground tram
dc.subjectlight rail
dc.subjectfast tram
dc.subjecturban transport
dc.subjectpublic transport
dc.subjecttransport problems of Lviv
dc.titleМістобудівні концепції створення мережі підземного трамваю у Львові в 70-80-х роках ХХ ст.
dc.title.alternativeUrban planning concepts of the underground tram network creation in Lviv in the 70-80s of the 20th century
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
dc.rights.holder© Любицький Р. І., 2018
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenLiubytskyi R. Urban planning concepts of the underground tram network creation in Lviv in the 70-80s of the 20th century / R. Liubytskyi // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Arkhitektura. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2018. — No 893. — P. 159–166. — (Mistobuduvannia).
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Appears in Collections:Архітектура. – 2018. – №893

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