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Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET'2010). – 2010 р. : [301] Collection home page


У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.

Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали X Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2010, присвяченої 165-й річниці Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 23-27 лютого 2010 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 380 с.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 301
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Methods and facilities of construction of analog-digital coders of the special processors of the cross-correlation working of signalsAlbanskiy, IvanArticle2010Methods and facilities of construction of analog-digital coders of the special processors of the cross-correlation working of signalsAlbanskiy, Ivan
2010Frame based approach to construction of intelligent system for student knowledge controlMelnyk, Vitaliy; Vovk, Roman; Demchyna, MykolaArticle2010Frame based approach to construction of intelligent system for student knowledge controlMelnyk, Vitaliy; Vovk, Roman; Demchyna, Mykola
2010Bee colony optimization for clusteringOleynik, Alexey; Subbotin, Sergey; Oleynik, AndreyArticle2010Bee colony optimization for clusteringOleynik, Alexey; Subbotin, Sergey; Oleynik, Andrey
2010Authentification of person with dynamically entered signature using of normal ortogonal discrete transformationRybina, Irina; Nizhebetska, YuliyaArticle2010Authentification of person with dynamically entered signature using of normal ortogonal discrete transformationRybina, Irina; Nizhebetska, Yuliya
2010Method of universal algebra construction for image processingVorobel, RomanArticle2010Method of universal algebra construction for image processingVorobel, Roman
2010Construction of MDS-matrix for linear transformation of symmetric block ciphersRuzhentsev, Victor; Oliynykov, Roman; Stupak, ValeriyArticle2010Construction of MDS-matrix for linear transformation of symmetric block ciphersRuzhentsev, Victor; Oliynykov, Roman; Stupak, Valeriy
2010Hotelling’s statistic recurent formationStepanenko, OlesiaArticle2010Hotelling’s statistic recurent formationStepanenko, Olesia
2010Web content-based image retrieval system based on 4-D structural featuresTushnytskyy, Ruslan; Perevalova, Inna; Pavlyuk, GalynaArticle2010Web content-based image retrieval system based on 4-D structural featuresTushnytskyy, Ruslan; Perevalova, Inna; Pavlyuk, Galyna
2010Digital filters for power spectral density estimation of heart rhythmFalendysh, Volodymyr; Yavorskyy, Bohdan; Bachynskyy, MykhayloArticle2010Digital filters for power spectral density estimation of heart rhythmFalendysh, Volodymyr; Yavorskyy, Bohdan; Bachynskyy, Mykhaylo
2010Designing of an fuzzy controller at identical triangular membership functionsGostev, Vladimir; Skurtov, Serghiy; Nevolko, ViatcheslavArticle2010Designing of an fuzzy controller at identical triangular membership functionsGostev, Vladimir; Skurtov, Serghiy; Nevolko, Viatcheslav
2010Research of dependence PCMF’s with the slots in the ground plane impedances on the microstrip line thicknessKrischuk, Volodymyr; Furmanova, Nataliya; Farafonov, Olexiy; Shynkarenko, EduardArticle2010Research of dependence PCMF’s with the slots in the ground plane impedances on the microstrip line thicknessKrischuk, Volodymyr; Furmanova, Nataliya; Farafonov, Olexiy; Shynkarenko, Eduard
2010Method of processing of the differentiated images on the basis of formation and coding of the nonequilibrium punched numbersBarannik, V. V.; Shinkarev, V. V.; Trofimenko, A. A.Article2010Method of processing of the differentiated images on the basis of formation and coding of the nonequilibrium punched numbersBarannik, V. V.; Shinkarev, V. V.; Trofimenko, A. A.
2010Quasioptimal algorithm of timing recovery in coherent receiver of M-ary alphabets APK-signalsBalashov, Vitaliy O.; Lyakhovetskyy, Leonid M.; Panteleev, Victor V.Article2010Quasioptimal algorithm of timing recovery in coherent receiver of M-ary alphabets APK-signalsBalashov, Vitaliy O.; Lyakhovetskyy, Leonid M.; Panteleev, Victor V.
2010Optimal algorithm for parameter identification of nonlinear systemsGumen, Mykola; Gumen, TamaraArticle2010Optimal algorithm for parameter identification of nonlinear systemsGumen, Mykola; Gumen, Tamara
2010Multilevel image thresholding based on histograms` peaks clusteringKosarevych, Rostyslav; Kobasyar, Mykhaylo; Korniy, Valentyna; Rusyn, BohdanArticle2010Multilevel image thresholding based on histograms` peaks clusteringKosarevych, Rostyslav; Kobasyar, Mykhaylo; Korniy, Valentyna; Rusyn, Bohdan
2010Edge detection based on wavelets constructed by transforms of the graph of power functionPolyakova, Marina; Krylov, Victor; Volkova, NatalyaArticle2010Edge detection based on wavelets constructed by transforms of the graph of power functionPolyakova, Marina; Krylov, Victor; Volkova, Natalya
2010Complex cryptographic information secure system based on elliptic curvesChevardin, V. E.; Zaika, Y. L.; Sorokin, I. A.Article2010Complex cryptographic information secure system based on elliptic curvesChevardin, V. E.; Zaika, Y. L.; Sorokin, I. A.
2010Research of possibility of application of scaled functions for the analysis of signals of defect detection of railway railsNichoga, Vitalij; Ivanchuk, Viktor; Storozh, IhorArticle2010Research of possibility of application of scaled functions for the analysis of signals of defect detection of railway railsNichoga, Vitalij; Ivanchuk, Viktor; Storozh, Ihor
2010Information technology traffic data in the banking system based on multi-matrix modelsVozna, Natalia; Davletova, Alina; Pituh, IgorArticle2010Information technology traffic data in the banking system based on multi-matrix modelsVozna, Natalia; Davletova, Alina; Pituh, Igor
2010Essence of radio signals processing in close range reconnaissanceTymchuk, VolodymyrArticle2010Essence of radio signals processing in close range reconnaissanceTymchuk, Volodymyr
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 301