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Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET'2010). – 2010 р. : [301] Collection home page


У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.

Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали X Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2010, присвяченої 165-й річниці Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 23-27 лютого 2010 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 380 с.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 301
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010Classification of DCT-based filtered multichannel imagesFevralev, Dmitriy; Lukin, Vladimir; Krivenko, Sergey; Ponomarenko, Nikolay; Kurekin, AndriyArticle2010Classification of DCT-based filtered multichannel imagesFevralev, Dmitriy; Lukin, Vladimir; Krivenko, Sergey; Ponomarenko, Nikolay; Kurekin, Andriy
2010Experimental FFT-Vokoder for VoIPTymchenko, Olexander; Zayarnyuk, MaximArticle2010Experimental FFT-Vokoder for VoIPTymchenko, Olexander; Zayarnyuk, Maxim
2010Estimations of entropy measures of the different classes of information sourcesPogonets, ІhorArticle2010Estimations of entropy measures of the different classes of information sourcesPogonets, Іhor
2010Specifics of recognition of signals are on the basis of correlation neuronlike processorZavedyuk, T. O.Article2010Specifics of recognition of signals are on the basis of correlation neuronlike processorZavedyuk, T. O.
2010The research of characteristics quasithree entropy manipulated signals on the basilar levels of the spread computer systemsVoronych, ArturArticle2010The research of characteristics quasithree entropy manipulated signals on the basilar levels of the spread computer systemsVoronych, Artur
2010Development and research of system descriptions of architecture processors is with address access in the base of GaloisHumenniy, PetroArticle2010Development and research of system descriptions of architecture processors is with address access in the base of GaloisHumenniy, Petro
2010An algorithm of calculation of degrees of numbers is in the delimited system of remaining classes(DSRC)Volinskiy, OrestArticle2010An algorithm of calculation of degrees of numbers is in the delimited system of remaining classes(DSRC)Volinskiy, Orest
2010Expanded gradient approach in vehicle detection and recognition systemsBoichenko, CyrilArticle2010Expanded gradient approach in vehicle detection and recognition systemsBoichenko, Cyril
2010Proposals of using chameleon-signature in Ukrainian prototype of combined PKIDolgov, Viktor; Ishchenko, IuliiaArticle2010Proposals of using chameleon-signature in Ukrainian prototype of combined PKIDolgov, Viktor; Ishchenko, Iuliia
2010Design of finned heatsinks having minimum massShilo, G. N.; Ogrenich, E. V.; Gaponenko, N. P.Article2010Design of finned heatsinks having minimum massShilo, G. N.; Ogrenich, E. V.; Gaponenko, N. P.
2010Signature based authenticationBoyko, Anna; Rozorynov, GeorgiyArticle2010Signature based authenticationBoyko, Anna; Rozorynov, Georgiy
2010Conceptual features of application of facilities of adaptive filtration are in the tasks of authentication of noise of communication channelsBoyko, Juliy; Babiy, Juliya; Karpova, LesyaArticle2010Conceptual features of application of facilities of adaptive filtration are in the tasks of authentication of noise of communication channelsBoyko, Juliy; Babiy, Juliya; Karpova, Lesya
2010Methods and facilities of construction of analog-digital coders of the special processors of the cross-correlation working of signalsAlbanskiy, IvanArticle2010Methods and facilities of construction of analog-digital coders of the special processors of the cross-correlation working of signalsAlbanskiy, Ivan
2010The generator of cyclic signals for problems of testing of information systemsDemyanchuk, Nestor; Lupenko, SergijArticle2010The generator of cyclic signals for problems of testing of information systemsDemyanchuk, Nestor; Lupenko, Sergij
2010Bidirectional exact pattern matching algorithmHussain, Iftikhar; Zubair, Muhammad; Ahmed, Jamil; Zaffar, JunaidArticle2010Bidirectional exact pattern matching algorithmHussain, Iftikhar; Zubair, Muhammad; Ahmed, Jamil; Zaffar, Junaid
2010Architecture of multi-channel digital filters under conditions of limited energy resourceBaranov, P. E; Sheik-Seikin, A. N.; Zaburunnov, D. A.Article2010Architecture of multi-channel digital filters under conditions of limited energy resourceBaranov, P. E; Sheik-Seikin, A. N.; Zaburunnov, D. A.
2010Minimization of presentation of digital chartsCherkaskyy, M. V.; Voloshok, V. O.Article2010Minimization of presentation of digital chartsCherkaskyy, M. V.; Voloshok, V. O.
2010Hypercell as a hybrid artificial immune system modelZaitsev, Sergey; Subbotin, SergeyArticle2010Hypercell as a hybrid artificial immune system modelZaitsev, Sergey; Subbotin, Sergey
2010Gestures recognition as a new information input device for automatic system controlLomakina, OlenaArticle2010Gestures recognition as a new information input device for automatic system controlLomakina, Olena
2010Features of use wavelet transforms for processing and analysis of rail fault detection signalsNichoga, Vіtaliy; Pavlysh, Volodymyr; Romanyshyn, YuriyArticle2010Features of use wavelet transforms for processing and analysis of rail fault detection signalsNichoga, Vіtaliy; Pavlysh, Volodymyr; Romanyshyn, Yuriy
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 301