Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET'2010). – 2010 р.
: [301]
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У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.
Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали X Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2010, присвяченої 165-й річниці Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 23-27 лютого 2010 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2010. – 380 с.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 301
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Preview | Type | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2010 | Classification of DCT-based filtered multichannel images | Fevralev, Dmitriy; Lukin, Vladimir; Krivenko, Sergey; Ponomarenko, Nikolay; Kurekin, Andriy | | Article | 2010 | Classification of DCT-based filtered multichannel images | Fevralev, Dmitriy; Lukin, Vladimir; Krivenko, Sergey; Ponomarenko, Nikolay; Kurekin, Andriy |
| 2010 | Experimental FFT-Vokoder for VoIP | Tymchenko, Olexander; Zayarnyuk, Maxim | | Article | 2010 | Experimental FFT-Vokoder for VoIP | Tymchenko, Olexander; Zayarnyuk, Maxim |
| 2010 | Estimations of entropy measures of the different classes of information sources | Pogonets, Іhor | | Article | 2010 | Estimations of entropy measures of the different classes of information sources | Pogonets, Іhor |
| 2010 | Specifics of recognition of signals are on the basis of correlation neuronlike processor | Zavedyuk, T. O. | | Article | 2010 | Specifics of recognition of signals are on the basis of correlation neuronlike processor | Zavedyuk, T. O. |
| 2010 | The research of characteristics quasithree entropy manipulated signals on the basilar levels of the spread computer systems | Voronych, Artur | | Article | 2010 | The research of characteristics quasithree entropy manipulated signals on the basilar levels of the spread computer systems | Voronych, Artur |
| 2010 | Development and research of system descriptions of architecture processors is with address access in the base of Galois | Humenniy, Petro | | Article | 2010 | Development and research of system descriptions of architecture processors is with address access in the base of Galois | Humenniy, Petro |
| 2010 | An algorithm of calculation of degrees of numbers is in the delimited system of remaining classes(DSRC) | Volinskiy, Orest | | Article | 2010 | An algorithm of calculation of degrees of numbers is in the delimited system of remaining classes(DSRC) | Volinskiy, Orest |
| 2010 | Expanded gradient approach in vehicle detection and recognition systems | Boichenko, Cyril | | Article | 2010 | Expanded gradient approach in vehicle detection and recognition systems | Boichenko, Cyril |
| 2010 | Proposals of using chameleon-signature in Ukrainian prototype of combined PKI | Dolgov, Viktor; Ishchenko, Iuliia | | Article | 2010 | Proposals of using chameleon-signature in Ukrainian prototype of combined PKI | Dolgov, Viktor; Ishchenko, Iuliia |
| 2010 | Design of finned heatsinks having minimum mass | Shilo, G. N.; Ogrenich, E. V.; Gaponenko, N. P. | | Article | 2010 | Design of finned heatsinks having minimum mass | Shilo, G. N.; Ogrenich, E. V.; Gaponenko, N. P. |
| 2010 | Signature based authentication | Boyko, Anna; Rozorynov, Georgiy | | Article | 2010 | Signature based authentication | Boyko, Anna; Rozorynov, Georgiy |
| 2010 | Conceptual features of application of facilities of adaptive filtration are in the tasks of authentication of noise of communication channels | Boyko, Juliy; Babiy, Juliya; Karpova, Lesya | | Article | 2010 | Conceptual features of application of facilities of adaptive filtration are in the tasks of authentication of noise of communication channels | Boyko, Juliy; Babiy, Juliya; Karpova, Lesya |
| 2010 | Methods and facilities of construction of analog-digital coders of the special processors of the cross-correlation working of signals | Albanskiy, Ivan | | Article | 2010 | Methods and facilities of construction of analog-digital coders of the special processors of the cross-correlation working of signals | Albanskiy, Ivan |
| 2010 | The generator of cyclic signals for problems of testing of information systems | Demyanchuk, Nestor; Lupenko, Sergij | | Article | 2010 | The generator of cyclic signals for problems of testing of information systems | Demyanchuk, Nestor; Lupenko, Sergij |
| 2010 | Bidirectional exact pattern matching algorithm | Hussain, Iftikhar; Zubair, Muhammad; Ahmed, Jamil; Zaffar, Junaid | | Article | 2010 | Bidirectional exact pattern matching algorithm | Hussain, Iftikhar; Zubair, Muhammad; Ahmed, Jamil; Zaffar, Junaid |
| 2010 | Architecture of multi-channel digital filters under conditions of limited energy resource | Baranov, P. E; Sheik-Seikin, A. N.; Zaburunnov, D. A. | | Article | 2010 | Architecture of multi-channel digital filters under conditions of limited energy resource | Baranov, P. E; Sheik-Seikin, A. N.; Zaburunnov, D. A. |
| 2010 | Minimization of presentation of digital charts | Cherkaskyy, M. V.; Voloshok, V. O. | | Article | 2010 | Minimization of presentation of digital charts | Cherkaskyy, M. V.; Voloshok, V. O. |
| 2010 | Hypercell as a hybrid artificial immune system model | Zaitsev, Sergey; Subbotin, Sergey | | Article | 2010 | Hypercell as a hybrid artificial immune system model | Zaitsev, Sergey; Subbotin, Sergey |
| 2010 | Gestures recognition as a new information input device for automatic system control | Lomakina, Olena | | Article | 2010 | Gestures recognition as a new information input device for automatic system control | Lomakina, Olena |
| 2010 | Features of use wavelet transforms for processing and analysis of rail fault detection signals | Nichoga, Vіtaliy; Pavlysh, Volodymyr; Romanyshyn, Yuriy | | Article | 2010 | Features of use wavelet transforms for processing and analysis of rail fault detection signals | Nichoga, Vіtaliy; Pavlysh, Volodymyr; Romanyshyn, Yuriy |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 301