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dc.contributor.authorPashko, Anatolii-
dc.identifier.citationPashko A. Comparative analysis of simulation methods of the fractional brownian motion / Anatolii Pashko // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 6th International youth science forum, November 24–26, 2016, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2016. – P. 77–80. – Bibliography: 7 titles.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis paper analyzes the statistical simulation algorithms of generalized Wiener process and increases of the generalized Wiener process. Models built with specified accuracy and reliability in space ( ) 2 L T . To build statistical models we use various spectral representation of random processes – namely in the series and as integrals. The advantages and disadvantages of each representations was compared.uk_UA
dc.publisherLviv Polytechnic Publishing Houseuk_UA
dc.subjectGaussian random processesuk_UA
dc.subjectmodel accuracyuk_UA
dc.subjectreliability modelsuk_UA
dc.subjectgeneralized Wiener processuk_UA
dc.subjectrandom process with independent incrementsuk_UA
dc.subjectprocesses with stationary incrementsuk_UA
dc.subjectspectral representationuk_UA
dc.titleComparative analysis of simulation methods of the fractional brownian motionuk_UA
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationTaras Shevchenko National University of Kyivuk_UA
dc.relation.referencesen[1] K. O. Dzhaparidze, J.H. Zanten, A seriesexpansionoffractionalBrownianmotion. CWI. Probability, NetworksandAlgorithms, R0216. [2] А. О. Пашко, Оцінка точності моделювання узагальненого вінерівського процесу. Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія: мате- матика і інформатика. 2014. Вип. 25, № 1. - С. 106-113. [3] V. V. Buldygin, Yu. V. Kozachenko, Metric characterization of random variables and random processes. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, pp 260. [4] А. О. Пашко, Точність моделювання субгауссо- вих вінерівських процесів в рівномірній метриці. Журнал обчислювальної та прикладної математики. 2015. № 3(120). - С.160–169. [5] S. M. Prigarin, Numerical Modelling of Random Processes and Fields. Novosibirsk, pp 259. [6] Yu. V. Kozachenko, A.A. Pashko, Accuracy of Simulation of the Gaussian random processes with continuous spectrum. Computer Modelling and New Technologies. 2014.Vol.18, №3. — P. 7–12. [7] Yu. V. Kozachenko, A. A. Pashko, Simulation of random processes. Kyiv: T. Shevchenko University, pp 224.uk_UA
dc.citation.conferenceLitteris et Artibus-
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2016 р.

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