Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії (TCSET’2012). – 2012 р.
: [389]
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У книзі зібрано матеріали конференції, присвяченої науково-технічним проблемам у галузі радіоелектроніки,телекомунікацій та комп’ютерної інженерії. Видання призначене для науковців, інженерів та аспірантів.
Сучасні проблеми радіоелектроніки, телекомунікацій, комп'ютерної інженерії : матеріали XІ Міжнародної конференції TCSET'2012, присвяченої 60-річчю заснування радіотехнічного факультету у Львівській політехніці, 21-24 лютого 2012 року, Львів, Славське, Україна / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012. – 552 с.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 389
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Preview | Type | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2012 | Software and hardware to control a car model based on dSPACE controller | Gumeniuk, P. O.; Tokarchuk, V. V.; Lysenko, R. I. | | Article | 2012 | Software and hardware to control a car model based on dSPACE controller | Gumeniuk, P. O.; Tokarchuk, V. V.; Lysenko, R. I. |
| 2012 | Ultrasound energy for biomedicine | Bubulis, A.; Jurenas, V.; Minchenya, V. | | Article | 2012 | Ultrasound energy for biomedicine | Bubulis, A.; Jurenas, V.; Minchenya, V. |
| 2012 | Experimental study of double frequency method for measurements of rain characteristic | Belov, Ye.; Khlopov, G.; Khomenko, S.; Linkova, A.; Rudnev, G.; Voitovych, O. | | Article | 2012 | Experimental study of double frequency method for measurements of rain characteristic | Belov, Ye.; Khlopov, G.; Khomenko, S.; Linkova, A.; Rudnev, G.; Voitovych, O. |
| 2012 | Scattering of electromagnetic waves on aspheric dielectric particles | Khlopov, G.; Veselovska, G. | | Article | 2012 | Scattering of electromagnetic waves on aspheric dielectric particles | Khlopov, G.; Veselovska, G. |
| 2012 | The method of controlling the frequency of piezoelectric oscillators and filters using the direct control of the resonator | Hutornenko, Sergey; Semenets, Dmitry; Vasilchuk, Dmitry | | Article | 2012 | The method of controlling the frequency of piezoelectric oscillators and filters using the direct control of the resonator | Hutornenko, Sergey; Semenets, Dmitry; Vasilchuk, Dmitry |
| 2012 | Modelling of artery’s part mechanical impedance | Storchun, Evgen; Klymukh, Andriy | | Article | 2012 | Modelling of artery’s part mechanical impedance | Storchun, Evgen; Klymukh, Andriy |
| 2012 | Algorithms for complete analysis of VHF transmission lines junction twoport with vibrator-type exciter | Zakharia, Yosyp | | Article | 2012 | Algorithms for complete analysis of VHF transmission lines junction twoport with vibrator-type exciter | Zakharia, Yosyp |
| 2012 | The improving of the radar detection system under the influence of external actions | Gorbalysov, Mikhail; Yakimov, Alexander; Yurkov, Nikolay | | Article | 2012 | The improving of the radar detection system under the influence of external actions | Gorbalysov, Mikhail; Yakimov, Alexander; Yurkov, Nikolay |
| 2012 | A 2D and 3D electrical impedance tomography imaging using experimental data | Shulga, Dmitry | | Article | 2012 | A 2D and 3D electrical impedance tomography imaging using experimental data | Shulga, Dmitry |
| 2012 | The method of multiplying the frequency of the phase-shift keying signals | Limarenko, Pavel | | Article | 2012 | The method of multiplying the frequency of the phase-shift keying signals | Limarenko, Pavel |
| 2012 | Control system of pain by expanding pupil patient | Nagovicyn, Ostap; Petrovska, Halyna | | Article | 2012 | Control system of pain by expanding pupil patient | Nagovicyn, Ostap; Petrovska, Halyna |
| 2012 | Analysis of heart defibrillation under the influence of an exponential pulse | Smerdova, Tatjana | | Article | 2012 | Analysis of heart defibrillation under the influence of an exponential pulse | Smerdova, Tatjana |
| 2012 | Effect of feeding antenna on the scattering pattern of reflector antenna | Dghali, Mohamed | | Article | 2012 | Effect of feeding antenna on the scattering pattern of reflector antenna | Dghali, Mohamed |
| 2012 | Mathematical methods of research of the electric welding of soft biological tissues | Dubko, A. G.; Lebedev, A. V.; Lopatkina, E. G. | | Article | 2012 | Mathematical methods of research of the electric welding of soft biological tissues | Dubko, A. G.; Lebedev, A. V.; Lopatkina, E. G. |
| 2012 | Electronic digital laboratory for teaching natural science, engineering and biomedical disciplines in educational institutions | Yakimenko, Yurіy; Orlov, Anatolіy; Zhuikov, Valeriy; Spіvak, Vіktor; Bogdan, Oleksandr | | Article | 2012 | Electronic digital laboratory for teaching natural science, engineering and biomedical disciplines in educational institutions | Yakimenko, Yurіy; Orlov, Anatolіy; Zhuikov, Valeriy; Spіvak, Vіktor; Bogdan, Oleksandr |
| 2012 | Energy-effective electrical converters of solar energy based on semiconductor nanomaterials and their use in lighting systems of premises | Tirshu, Mihai; Berzan, Vladimir; Bogdan, Alexandr; Orlov, Anatolii | | Article | 2012 | Energy-effective electrical converters of solar energy based on semiconductor nanomaterials and their use in lighting systems of premises | Tirshu, Mihai; Berzan, Vladimir; Bogdan, Alexandr; Orlov, Anatolii |
| 2012 | Thermal images expert evaluation | Bozhenko, Valentina; Kondratov, Petro; Tebenko, Jaroslav | | Article | 2012 | Thermal images expert evaluation | Bozhenko, Valentina; Kondratov, Petro; Tebenko, Jaroslav |
| 2012 | Research of dynamic microobjects of the various sizes and forms with the help of a scanning television optical microscope | Matiieshyn, Yurij; Storozh, Volodymyr; Tebenko, Jaroslav | | Article | 2012 | Research of dynamic microobjects of the various sizes and forms with the help of a scanning television optical microscope | Matiieshyn, Yurij; Storozh, Volodymyr; Tebenko, Jaroslav |
| 2012 | Ergodic capacity of MIMO channel with and without channel state information | Lykhograi, Vasil; Vovchenko, Victoria; Nooh Taha, Nasif | | Article | 2012 | Ergodic capacity of MIMO channel with and without channel state information | Lykhograi, Vasil; Vovchenko, Victoria; Nooh Taha, Nasif |
| 2012 | The 2D – 3D – 2D' method for communication system research | Pelishok, Volodymyr | | Article | 2012 | The 2D – 3D – 2D' method for communication system research | Pelishok, Volodymyr |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 389