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Showing results 1 to 10 of 21
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)PreviewTypeIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Contradictions of the national legal and regulatory framework in the field of socio-economic diagnosing in conditions of European integrationKuzmin, O. Ye.; Melnyk, O. H.; Mukan, O. V.; Adamiv, M. Ye.Article2015Contradictions of the national legal and regulatory framework in the field of socio-economic diagnosing in conditions of European integrationKuzmin, O. Ye.; Melnyk, O. H.; Mukan, O. V.; Adamiv, M. Ye.
10-Feb-2018Diagnostics of investment attractiveness of business entities in conditions of European integrationMelnyk, O.; Adamiv, M.; Smereka, L.; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityArticle10-Feb-2018Diagnostics of investment attractiveness of business entities in conditions of European integrationMelnyk, O.; Adamiv, M.; Smereka, L.
2015Domestic labor market’s modern development trends in terms of European integrationAnhelko, Iryna; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityConference Abstract2015Domestic labor market’s modern development trends in terms of European integrationAnhelko, Iryna
23-Dec-2017Economic costs of corruption development in Ukraine and ways to overcome them in terms of European integrationMelnyk, Olga; Adamiv, Marta; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityConference Abstract23-Dec-2017Economic costs of corruption development in Ukraine and ways to overcome them in terms of European integrationMelnyk, Olga; Adamiv, Marta
22-Nov-2018Foreign Customs Experience as a Basis for Reforming Ukrainian Customs System in Terms of European IntegrationMelnyk, Olha; Adamiv, Marta; Todoshchuk, Andrii; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityConference Abstract22-Nov-2018Foreign Customs Experience as a Basis for Reforming Ukrainian Customs System in Terms of European IntegrationMelnyk, Olha; Adamiv, Marta; Todoshchuk, Andrii
2015Problems and development ways of regulatory-methodological support of socio-economic diagnostics in conditions of European integrationMelnyk, Olha; Adamiv, Marta; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityConference Abstract2015Problems and development ways of regulatory-methodological support of socio-economic diagnostics in conditions of European integrationMelnyk, Olha; Adamiv, Marta
2016Problems of regulatory-methodical support of diagnostics of financial conditions and the threat of bankruptcy of enterprises in conditions of European integrationMelnyk, Olha; Adamiv, Marta; Lviv Polytechnic National UniversityConference Abstract2016Problems of regulatory-methodical support of diagnostics of financial conditions and the threat of bankruptcy of enterprises in conditions of European integrationMelnyk, Olha; Adamiv, Marta
2014Supporting the competitiveness of dairy processing enterprises in terms of european integrationKubrak, N. R.Article2014Supporting the competitiveness of dairy processing enterprises in terms of european integrationKubrak, N. R.
2015Вплив євроінтеграційних процесів на розвиток туристичного ринку в УкраїніГорбаль, Н. І.; Ханіна, Р. І.; Ковальчук, О. І.Article2015Вплив євроінтеграційних процесів на розвиток туристичного ринку в УкраїніГорбаль, Н. І.; Ханіна, Р. І.; Ковальчук, О. І.
2019Економічна політика України в сфері енергетики в умовах євроінтеграціїКрикавський, Євген Васильович; Завербний, Андрій Степанович; Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»; Хаустова, Віктрія Євгенівна; Савіна, Наталія Борисівна; Дзьоба, Олег ГригоровичDissertation Abstract2019Економічна політика України в сфері енергетики в умовах євроінтеграціїЗавербний, Андрій Степанович