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Title: Domestic labor market’s modern development trends in terms of European integration
Authors: Anhelko, Iryna
Affiliation: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Anhelko I. Domestic labor market’s modern development trends in terms of European integration / Iryna Anhelko // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings of the 5th International youth science forum, November 26–28, 2015, Lviv, Ukraine / Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. – P. 266–267. – Bibliography: 4 titles.
Conference/Event: Litteris et Artibus
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Lviv
Keywords: labor market
development of the labor market
European integration
employment rate
welfare of population
shadow employment
Number of pages: 266-267
Abstract: The main trends of the domestic labor market in terms of European integration are considered. It is mentioned that the current development model of the domestic labor market is quite paradoxical and characterized by contradictions which make obstacles for effective integration. To remove the obstacles for effective integration of the domestic labor market in the European area was proposed to conduct numerous measures that should be aimed to protect domestic producers and employees, to stimulate its competitiveness, to strengthen the role of the state and public organizations in providing national priorities and its accordance with international standards.
References (International): [1] Demographic and social statistics [Online]. Available: [2] The shadow economy in Ukraine: сauses and сures [Online]. Available: 118/70/pdf [3] The art of living in the shadows. Ukrainian economy will not the government, and the scheme of tax evasion [Online]. Available: abakunec/article/6151.aspx [4] What are the minimum wages in the EU [Online]. Available: u-yevrosoyuzi-412012.html.
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2015 р.

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