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2012Influence of oxygen and boron distribution on superconducting characteristics of nanostructural Mg-B-O ceramicsPrikhna, T. A.; Gawalek, W.; Kozyrev, A.; Eisterer, M.; Weber, H. W.; Moshchil, V.; Karpets, M.; Basyuk, T.; Sverdun, V.; Kovylaev, V.; Shaternik, A.; Chaud, X.; Borimskiy, A.; Habisreuther, T.Article2012Influence of oxygen and boron distribution on superconducting characteristics of nanostructural Mg-B-O ceramicsPrikhna, T. A.; Gawalek, W.; Kozyrev, A.; Eisterer, M.; Weber, H. W.; Moshchil, V.; Karpets, M.; Basyuk, T.; Sverdun, V.; Kovylaev, V.; Shaternik, A.; Chaud, X.; Borimskiy, A.; Habisreuther, T.
2009Nanostructural superconducting materials for fault current limitaters and cryogenic electrical machinesPrikhna, T.; Gawalek, W.; Sokolovsky, V.; Kozyrev, А.; Savchuk, Ya.; Sergienko, N.; Moshchil, V.; Vajda, J.; Kosa, J.article2009Nanostructural superconducting materials for fault current limitaters and cryogenic electrical machinesPrikhna, T.; Gawalek, W.; Sokolovsky, V.; Kozyrev, А.; Savchuk, Ya.; Sergienko, N.; Moshchil, V.; Vajda, J.; Kosa, J.
29-May-2017Presence of Oxygen in Ti-Al-C MAX Phases-Based Materials and their Stability in Oxidizing Environment at Elevated TemperaturesPrikhna, T.; Sverdun, V.; Basyuk, T.; Karpets, M.; Ostash, O.; Cabioc`h, Th.; Javorska, L.; Chartier, P.; Ivasyshyn, A.; Moshchil, V.; Kalinka, A.; Cyboroń, J.; Dub, S.; Podhurska, V.; Kovylaev, V.; Starostina, A.; Serbenyuk, T.; Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Avtozavodskaya Str., 04074 Kiev, Ukraine; Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Naukova Str., 79060 Lviv, Ukraine; Universite de Poitiers, CNRS/ Laboratoire PHYMAT, UMR 6630 CNRS Universite de Poitiers SP2MI, BP 30179; F-86962 Chasseneuil Futuroscope Cedex, France; The Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, ul. Wroclawska 37A, 30-011 Krakow, Poland; EDL «Proton 21», 48a Chernovola Str., Kiev's region 08132, Vishnevoe, UkraineConference Abstract29-May-2017Presence of Oxygen in Ti-Al-C MAX Phases-Based Materials and their Stability in Oxidizing Environment at Elevated TemperaturesPrikhna, T.; Sverdun, V.; Basyuk, T.; Karpets, M.; Ostash, O.; Cabioc`h, Th.; Javorska, L.; Chartier, P.; Ivasyshyn, A.; Moshchil, V.; Kalinka, A.; Cyboroń, J.; Dub, S.; Podhurska, V.; Kovylaev, V.; Starostina, A.; Serbenyuk, T.