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Title: Математичне та програмне забезпечення організації життєвого циклу віртуальних спільнот
Authors: Пелещиши, Андрій
Трач, Ольга
Голуб, Сергій
Пасічник, Наталія
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Трач О. Р. Математичне та програмне забезпечення організації життєвого циклу віртуальних спільнот : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук : 01.05.03 – математичне та програмне забезпечення обчислювальних машин та систем / Ольга Романівна Трач ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів, 2018. – 172 с. – Бібліографія: с. 145–158 (159 назв).
Bibliographic description (International): O. R. Trach. Mathematical and software support for the organization of the life cycle of virtual communities: dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences: 05.01.03 - mathematical and software support for computing machines and systems / Olha Romanivna Trach; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lviv Polytechnic National University. - Lviv, 2018. - 172 p. - Bibliography: p. 145–158 (159 titles).
Issue Date: 13-Apr-2018
Publisher: Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: м. Львів
Keywords: віртуальна спільнота
організація життєвого циклу
програмне забезпечення
управління спільнотою
захист від ризиків
organization of life cycle
community management
protection against risks
Number of pages: 172
Abstract: У дисертаційній роботі розв’язано важливе наукове завдання – розроблення математичного та програмного забезпечення організації життєвого циклу віртуальних спільнот, що дало змогу усунути недоліки у вже наявних спільнотах, забезпечити прогнозоване створення нових віртуальних спільнот, підвищити керованість та рівень забезпечення потреб творців та замовників спільноти. У роботі запропоновано методи підвищення ефективності організації життєвого циклу віртуальної спільноти та заходи захисту віртуальної спільноти з метою уникнення появи соціально-орієнтованих ризиків для ефективного та успішного управління віртуальною спільнотою. Розроблено програмно-алгоритмічний комплекс «Організатор життєвого циклу віртуальної спільноти» на основі визначення комплексу проектних робіт віртуальної спільноти, що дало змогу прогнозовано та структуровано створювати та управляти спільнотою та підвищити ефективність загального процесу створення віртуальної спільноти на 30-40 % залежно від специфіки віртуальної спільноти.
Description: In the dissertation the important scientific task is solved – development of mathematical support and software for the organization of the life cycle of virtual communities, which made it possible to eliminate shortcomings in already existing communities, providing for the predicted creation of new virtual communities. The stages and directions of the life cycle of the virtual community are formed, this made it possible to increase the manageability and level of support needed by the creators and customers of the community. In the first chapter, an analysis of the life cycle of the virtual community as an object of formalization, by analyzing virtual communities, organization of the life cycle of virtual communities, users and informational content of virtual communities and life cycles of adjacent areas of knowledge is carried out. Which helped create stages of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community. Also for the effective operation and development of the virtual community, the stages and characteristics of the virtual community are highlighted, which are called direction of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community. In the second chapter, the process of organizing the life cycle of the virtual community is formalized. A formal model for organizing the life cycle of the virtual community are built including a number of special stages and directions for the organization of the life cycle of virtual communities. The group of indicators of tasks of the directions of organization of the life cycle of the virtual community are formed, which allows structuring the execution of project tasks for the developers of the virtual community. The method of bottlenecks for managing the life cycle of a virtual community is developed. A model for organizing the life cycle of a virtual community based on Petri's network are developed, which made it possible to improve the effectiveness of community management. In the third chapter, the algorithm of determination of the index of community entering into the zone of socially-oriented risk is developed for applying the procedure of measures to protect the community from risks. The algorithm of formation of the planned indicator of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community are developed, the purpose of which is the correct formation of the planned indicator of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community. In the fourth chapter, the software-algorithmic complex of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community is developed, based on the mathematical and software organization of the life cycle of the virtual community. Which, unlike the existing, performs functions of the choice of indicators, determining the criticality of the indicators, the formation of the planned indicator, which is necessary for the creation of the community, which has made it possible to predict and structure the creation and management of the community.
Content type: Dissertation Abstract
Appears in Collections:Collection for students

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Petreniuk_aref.pdfIn the dissertation the important scientific task is solved – development of mathematical support and software for the organization of the life cycle of virtual communities, which made it possible to eliminate shortcomings in already existing communities, providing for the predicted creation of new virtual communities. The stages and directions of the life cycle of the virtual community are formed, this made it possible to increase the manageability and level of support needed by the creators and customers of the community. In the first chapter, an analysis of the life cycle of the virtual community as an object of formalization, by analyzing virtual communities, organization of the life cycle of virtual communities, users and informational content of virtual communities and life cycles of adjacent areas of knowledge is carried out. Which helped create stages of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community. Also for the effective operation and development of the virtual community, the stages and characteristics of the virtual community are highlighted, which are called direction of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community. In the second chapter, the process of organizing the life cycle of the virtual community is formalized. A formal model for organizing the life cycle of the virtual community are built including a number of special stages and directions for the organization of the life cycle of virtual communities. The group of indicators of tasks of the directions of organization of the life cycle of the virtual community are formed, which allows structuring the execution of project tasks for the developers of the virtual community. The method of bottlenecks for managing the life cycle of a virtual community is developed. A model for organizing the life cycle of a virtual community based on Petri's network are developed, which made it possible to improve the effectiveness of community management. In the third chapter, the algorithm of determination of the index of community entering into the zone of socially-oriented risk is developed for applying the procedure of measures to protect the community from risks. The algorithm of formation of the planned indicator of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community are developed, the purpose of which is the correct formation of the planned indicator of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community. In the fourth chapter, the software-algorithmic complex of the organization of the life cycle of the virtual community is developed, based on the mathematical and software organization of the life cycle of the virtual community. Which, unlike the existing, performs functions of the choice of indicators, determining the criticality of the indicators, the formation of the planned indicator, which is necessary for the creation of the community, which has made it possible to predict and structure the creation and management of the community.772.34 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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