Title: | Удосконалення методу й засобів захисту системи управління для графічного людино-машинного інтерфейсу інформаційної системи |
Other Titles: | Improved method and security control tools for graphical human-machine interface of information system |
Authors: | Дубук, В. І. Коцун, В. І. Чорний, М. В. Dubuk, V. I. Kotsun, V. I. Chornyj, M. V. |
Affiliation: | Національний університет “Львівська політехніка” Європейський університет, Львівська філія Lviv Polytechnic National University European University, Lviv Branch |
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): | Дубук В. І. Удосконалення методу й засобів захисту системи управління для графічного людино-машинного інтерфейсу інформаційної системи / В. І. Дубук, В. І. Коцун, М. В. Чорний // Український журнал інформаційних технологій. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — Том 1. — № 1. — С. 41–45. |
Bibliographic description (International): | Dubuk V. I. Improved method and security control tools for graphical human-machine interface of information system / V. I. Dubuk, V. I. Kotsun, M. V. Chornyj // Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2019. — Vol 1. — No 1. — P. 41–45. |
Is part of: | Український журнал інформаційних технологій, 1 (1), 2019 Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 1 (1), 2019 |
Journal/Collection: | Український журнал інформаційних технологій |
Issue: | 1 |
Volume: | 1 |
Issue Date: | 26-Sep-2019 |
Publisher: | Видавництво Львівської політехніки |
Place of the edition/event: | Львів Lviv |
Keywords: | автоматизована система управління програмний людино-машинний інтерфейс засоби захисту системи управління графічні двовимірні коди форма людино-машинного інтерфейсу елемент захищеного управління доступом automated control system software human-machine interface tools of defence control graphical two-dimensional codes form in human-machine interface element of secured access control |
Number of pages: | 5 |
Page range: | 41-45 |
Start page: | 41 |
End page: | 45 |
Abstract: | Визначено актуальність проаналізовано та описано практичну реалізацію удосконаленого методу і технологічних
захищених засобів системи управління людино-машинного інтерфейсу інформаційної системи. Встановлено особливості
програмних засобів системи управління інформаційної системи, побудованих на підставі графічних елементів. Проведено
порівняльний аналіз методів практичної реалізації засобів системи управління людино-машинного інтерфейсу інформаційної
системи. Визначено перевагу методів автоматизованого розумного кодування з використанням спеціального
програмного забезпечення над іншими методами проектування засобів системи управління людино-машинного
інтерфейсу. Описано особливості Q-платформи, яка базується на створенні і використанні графічних двовимірних QR-кодів
при практичній реалізації засобів системи управління людино-машинного інтерфейсу. Досліджено та описано
особливості програмного засобу Smart Tags виробництва BlackBerry Limited під час сканування, генерації та поширення малих
даних у формі штрих-коду, QR-коду і в декодованій формі імен файлів, цифрових послідовностей. Описано метод
практичної реалізації засобу управління людино-машинного інтерфейсу інформаційної системи. Наведено результат
практичної реалізації форми як засобу управління людино-машинного інтерфейсу. Протестовано роботу розробленого засобу
управління людино-машинного інтерфейсу. Подано практичну реалізацію захищеного засобу управління інформаційної
системи з елементом захищеного управління доступом до даних, що зберігаються віддалено. Досліджено можливість
крос-платформної переносимості розроблених графічних форм у складі ЛМІ та коду у середовищі табличного процесора
MS Office Excel під управлінням різних операційних систем сімейства Microsoft Windows. Розглянуто перспективні
напрямки розвитку проектування захищених діалогових засобів інформаційних систем. The actuality, analysis and practical realisation of improved method and technological secured control tools of human-machine interface of information system are considered and presented. The features of software control tools of information system built on the basis of graphical elements are defined. The correspondent analysis of methods of practical realization of control tools of human-machine interface of information system is fulfilled. The preference of methods of automated intelligent coding with utilisation of special software with respect to other methods of design of human-machine interface control is defined. The features of Q-platform, which is based on the creation and utilization of graphical two-dimensional QR-codes for practical realization of control tools of human-machine interface are described. The features of software Smart Tags produced by BlackBerry Limited for scanning, generation and spreading of small data in the forms of bar code, QR-code and in the decoded form for file names, digital series are investigated and presented. The method of practical realization of control tool in human-machine interface of information system is described. The different practical approaches for design of control elements in human-machine graphical users interface are considered and analysed. The complex approach for control tools development based on the merge of methods of visual program object-oriented coding with usage of built-in instruments of spreadsheets processors for developing of form interface and data analysis is used. The result of practical realization of form as control tool in human-machine interface is presented. The functionality of developed control tool in human-machine interface is tested. The practical solution of secured control tool of information system with element of secured access control to data, which are stored remotedly is developed and presented. The opportunity of cross-platform exchange of designed graphical forms in the content of human-machine interface and software code at the medium of spreadsheet processor MS Office Excel under the control of different operation systems from Microsoft Windows family is elaborated. The control tool, which is built on the basis of elaborated approach presented in the form with QR-code, was created successfully and tested at the content of information system. The perspective directions of design of secured dialogue tools of information systems are considered. |
URI: | |
Copyright owner: | © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019 |
URL for reference material: | https://www.densowave |
References (Ukraine): | [1] AUTO-ID TOP. (2019). Software. Retrieved from: [2] BlackBerry World. (2019). Smart Tags. Retrieved from: [3] Create Your QR Code For Free. (2019). Track Campaign Performance. Retrieved from: [4] Dubuk, V. I. (2014). The features of building of mathematical models of processes with using of software systems with elements of artificial intelligence. Modern information technologies in Economics, Management and Education (СІТЕМ-2014): Proc. IV All Ukrainian. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Lviv,20.03.2014 p. Lviv: Lviv Branch of European University, (pp. 90–94). [In Ukrainian]. [5] Dubuk, V. I., & Chornyj, М. V. (2018a). The elaboration of control elements of human-machine interface of information system with wise-coding using. Modern information technologies in Economics, Management and Education (СІТЕМ-2018): Proc. IX All Ukrainian. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Lviv,29.11.2018 p. Lviv: Lviv Branch of European University, (pp. 100–107). [In Ukrainian]. [6] Dubuk, V. I., & Chornyj, М. V. (2018b). The software elaboration with graphical human-machine interface in information- analytical system of power electric market estimation. Modelling and information technologies. Proc. Sc. Pap. IPMPE NAS Ukraine, (Vol. 82). Кyiv, (pp. 33–40). [In Ukrainian]. [7] Dubuk, V. I., & Kotsun, V. І. (2016). The features of software elaboration for imitational modelling of work of logical devices of information system. Modern information technologies in Economics, Management and Education (СІТЕМ-2016): Proc. VII All Ukrainian. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Lviv,8.12.2016 р. Lviv: Lviv Branch of European University, (pp.59–62). [In Ukrainian]. [8] Dubuk, V. I., & Kotsun, V. І. (2017). The features of humanmachine interface elaboration of software for automated data analysis. Theory and practice of modern science (p.ІІІ): Proc.ІІ International Sc.-Pr. Conference, Kyiv, 15-16.06.2017 р. Kyiv: International Center of Scientific Research, (pp. 40–43). [In Ukrainian]. [9] Dubuk, V. I., Chornyj, М. V., & Chornyj, V. М. (2017a). The features of software elaboration with graphical human-machine interface for analysis of small data. Modern information technologies in Economics, Management and Education (СІ- ТЕМ-2017): Proc. VIІI All Ukrainian. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Lviv, 30.11.2017 р. Lviv: Lviv Branch of European University, (pp. 81–84). [In Ukrainian]. [10] Dubuk, V. I., Chornyj, М. V., & Chornyj, V. М. (2017b). The features of software elaboration with graphical human-machine interface for market of services estimation. Technical news, 1(45), 2(46), 100–102. [In Ukrainian]. [11] Dubuk, V. I., Chornyj, М. V., & Homanchuk, B. B. (2018). The features of software elaboration with graphical humanmachine interface for estimation of export costs of electric power. Information technologies in economy, management and business. Problems of science, practice and education. Proc. ХХІV Int. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Kyiv, 20.11.2018 p. Ed. board: І. І. Tymoshenko and oth. Kyiv: European University, (pp. 41–44). [In Ukrainian]. [12] Dubuk, V. I., Kotsun, V. І., & Chornyj, М. V. (2019a). The elaboration of graphical human-machine interface for automated control system of electric power supply. Int. scientific Internet-Conference "Information Society: technological, economical and technical features of standing". Proc. of thesis, (Vol. 35), Ternopil, 5 Feb. 2019. Ternopil, (pp. 9 –11). [In Ukrainian]. [13] Dubuk, V. I., Kotsun, V. І., & Chornyj, М. V. (2019b). The elaboration of secured control tools of graphical human-machine interface of information system. Int. scientific Internet- Conference "Information Society: technological, economical and technical features of standing". Proc. of thesis, (Vol. 37), Ternopil, 2 April 2019. Ternopil, (pp. 16–19). [In Ukrainian]. [14] Geisel, W. A. (1990). Tutorial on Reed–Solomon Error Correction Coding (PDF). Technical Memorandum, NASA, August 1990, TM-102162 [15] Generating a QR code. (2019). Point for generating a WR code. Retrieved from: [16] Gryciuk, Yu. I., & Sivec, O. O. (2016). Ground of reasonable sufficientness of structure of the system of defence of informative resources of enterprise. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 26(7), 378–388. [In Ukrainian]. [17] Protecting Our World. (2019). Securing Your Future. Retrieved from: [18] Q platform. (2019). A cloud server that generates, reads, and logs QR Code. Retrieved from: https://www.densowave. com/en/system/qr/product/pratform.html [19] QR Code. (2019). What is QR Code Model 1 & Model 2. Retrieved from: [20] Reed, I. S., & Chen, X. (1999). Error-Control Coding for Data Networks, Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 324 p. [21] Reed, I. S., & Solomon, G. (1960). Polynomial Codes over Certain Finite Fields. Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 8(2), 300–304. [22] SQRC. (2019). A single code carries two types of data: public and private. Retrieved from: https://www.densowave. com/en/system/qr/product/sqrc.html |
References (International): | [1] AUTO-ID TOP. (2019). Software. Retrieved from: [2] BlackBerry World. (2019). Smart Tags. Retrieved from: [3] Create Your QR Code For Free. (2019). Track Campaign Performance. Retrieved from: [4] Dubuk, V. I. (2014). The features of building of mathematical models of processes with using of software systems with elements of artificial intelligence. Modern information technologies in Economics, Management and Education (SITEM-2014): Proc. IV All Ukrainian. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Lviv,20.03.2014 p. Lviv: Lviv Branch of European University, (pp. 90–94). [In Ukrainian]. [5] Dubuk, V. I., & Chornyj, M. V. (2018a). The elaboration of control elements of human-machine interface of information system with wise-coding using. Modern information technologies in Economics, Management and Education (SITEM-2018): Proc. IX All Ukrainian. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Lviv,29.11.2018 p. Lviv: Lviv Branch of European University, (pp. 100–107). [In Ukrainian]. [6] Dubuk, V. I., & Chornyj, M. V. (2018b). The software elaboration with graphical human-machine interface in information- analytical system of power electric market estimation. Modelling and information technologies. Proc. Sc. Pap. IPMPE NAS Ukraine, (Vol. 82). Kyiv, (pp. 33–40). [In Ukrainian]. [7] Dubuk, V. I., & Kotsun, V. I. (2016). The features of software elaboration for imitational modelling of work of logical devices of information system. Modern information technologies in Economics, Management and Education (SITEM-2016): Proc. VII All Ukrainian. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Lviv,8.12.2016 y. Lviv: Lviv Branch of European University, (pp.59–62). [In Ukrainian]. [8] Dubuk, V. I., & Kotsun, V. I. (2017). The features of humanmachine interface elaboration of software for automated data analysis. Theory and practice of modern science (p.III): Proc.II International Sc.-Pr. Conference, Kyiv, 15-16.06.2017 y. Kyiv: International Center of Scientific Research, (pp. 40–43). [In Ukrainian]. [9] Dubuk, V. I., Chornyj, M. V., & Chornyj, V. M. (2017a). The features of software elaboration with graphical human-machine interface for analysis of small data. Modern information technologies in Economics, Management and Education (SI- TEM-2017): Proc. VIII All Ukrainian. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Lviv, 30.11.2017 y. Lviv: Lviv Branch of European University, (pp. 81–84). [In Ukrainian]. [10] Dubuk, V. I., Chornyj, M. V., & Chornyj, V. M. (2017b). The features of software elaboration with graphical human-machine interface for market of services estimation. Technical news, 1(45), 2(46), 100–102. [In Ukrainian]. [11] Dubuk, V. I., Chornyj, M. V., & Homanchuk, B. B. (2018). The features of software elaboration with graphical humanmachine interface for estimation of export costs of electric power. Information technologies in economy, management and business. Problems of science, practice and education. Proc. KhKhIV Int. Sc.-Pr. Conference, Kyiv, 20.11.2018 p. Ed. board: I. I. Tymoshenko and oth. Kyiv: European University, (pp. 41–44). [In Ukrainian]. [12] Dubuk, V. I., Kotsun, V. I., & Chornyj, M. V. (2019a). The elaboration of graphical human-machine interface for automated control system of electric power supply. Int. scientific Internet-Conference "Information Society: technological, economical and technical features of standing". Proc. of thesis, (Vol. 35), Ternopil, 5 Feb. 2019. Ternopil, (pp. 9 –11). [In Ukrainian]. [13] Dubuk, V. I., Kotsun, V. I., & Chornyj, M. V. (2019b). The elaboration of secured control tools of graphical human-machine interface of information system. Int. scientific Internet- Conference "Information Society: technological, economical and technical features of standing". Proc. of thesis, (Vol. 37), Ternopil, 2 April 2019. Ternopil, (pp. 16–19). [In Ukrainian]. [14] Geisel, W. A. (1990). Tutorial on Reed–Solomon Error Correction Coding (PDF). Technical Memorandum, NASA, August 1990, TM-102162 [15] Generating a QR code. (2019). Point for generating a WR code. Retrieved from: [16] Gryciuk, Yu. I., & Sivec, O. O. (2016). Ground of reasonable sufficientness of structure of the system of defence of informative resources of enterprise. Scientific Bulletin of UNFU, 26(7), 378–388. [In Ukrainian]. [17] Protecting Our World. (2019). Securing Your Future. Retrieved from: [18] Q platform. (2019). A cloud server that generates, reads, and logs QR Code. Retrieved from: https://www.densowave. com/en/system/qr/product/pratform.html [19] QR Code. (2019). What is QR Code Model 1 & Model 2. Retrieved from: [20] Reed, I. S., & Chen, X. (1999). Error-Control Coding for Data Networks, Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 324 p. [21] Reed, I. S., & Solomon, G. (1960). Polynomial Codes over Certain Finite Fields. Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 8(2), 300–304. [22] SQRC. (2019). A single code carries two types of data: public and private. Retrieved from: https://www.densowave. com/en/system/qr/product/sqrc.html |
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