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dc.contributor.advisorДиба, Юрій Романович-
dc.contributor.authorРочняк, Юрій Альфредович-
dc.identifier.citationРочняк Ю. А. Теоретичні основи формування архітектури залізничних вокзалів : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора архітектури : 18.00.01 – теорія архітектури, реставрація пам’яток архітектури / Юрій Альфредович Рочняк ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів, 2021. – 495 с. – Бібліографія: с. 375–418 (522 назви).uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ дисертації розкрито теоретичні основи формування архітектури залізничних вокзалів у історичному, морфологічному, художньому, просторовочасовому та соціокультурному аспектах у ході розвитку, змін і трансформацій. Визначено чинники, прототипи у появі та становленні цієї архітектури і утворенні просторово-дієвого художньо осмисленого конструкта. Відзначається роль архітектури залізничних вокзалів у поширенні соціальних та художньокультурних цінностей і взаємовплив з іншими об’єктами. Окреслюються загальні напрями та тенденції розвитку архітектури залізничних вокзалів. The dissertation is devoted to the disclosure of the theoretical foundations of the formation of the architecture of railway stations in historical, morphological, artistic, spatio-temporal and socio-cultural aspects in the process of their emergence, development, change and transformation. Historical aspects cover the main periods of development of the architecture of railway stations in the world and in Ukraine. The architecture of the railway stations originates from the historical regularities associated with other objects. This is noticeable in the railway station buildings of large cities in comparison with palaces and large public buildings, the architecture of the railway stations of small settlements is similar to manor housing, and that of landing platforms-stops - to the buildings of other public transport. Ukrainian national motifs are expressed by the ornamentation of facades and small plastic forms of stations buildings. Recently, there has been a search for national and regional expression in new and renovated railway stations, which took place at the turn of the previous century. Morphological aspects relate to the regularities of time-related changes of forms and are generalized in the morphological types of buildings of railway stations, perrons, crossings, station sqwares. Factors, prototypes of emersion of the building and formation of this architecture are determined. The morphological changes of railway station buildings at the level of urban planning, territorial level and that of the building itself are revealed. On the urban planning level there are scenarios (emersion of the building, changes in it, dismantling); at the level of the territory and construction of the railway station there are schemes (additive, multiplicative, inversion, inclusive, mixed); at the level of the building, changes in the perimeter of the walls are possible (adaptation, superstructure, radical re-planning, finishing). Artistic aspects as compositional and stylistic techniques and means of construction of railway stations are comparable to other public buildings, perrons have a separate order, and the railway station area is connected with the architectural and urban context. Compositional and stylistic groups of railway station buildings of some railway lines and areas reflect the temporal and territorial involvement in political, economic and other factors. The ways of group distribution of railway stations in Western Ukraine are established and the uniqueness for preservation and adaptation of them in view of the historical value is asserted. From the middle of the XIX century the architecture of the railway station has been perceived as an archetype with varying sizes, planning, composition, styles, etc., influencing other public architecture. Spatial-temporal aspects of the formation of the architecture of railway stations describe the geometric and topological schemes of their construction. The concept of the mode of time is based on a philosophical understanding of the category of time. A space-time model has been created that reflects the heterogeneity of parts of architectural space in different time modes. The selectivity of time modes is related to the psychological attitude and trajectory of movement of the client-passengers in different topos of the railway station. Socio-cultural aspects are based on a complex of emotional, religious, political, commercial, linguistic, artistic, memorial, thematic and game components. The railway station has become a socio-cultural phenomenon as an architecturally formed space-shell of departure and arrival as well as related processes. It is perceived as a stable "chronotope" - an image of spatial and temporal connectivity to meet needs, first of all of connection and conveyance. This phenomenon goes beyond the physical boundaries of the railway station and becomes part of the culture. The role of railway station architecture is important in spreading of social, artistic and cultural values and interacting with other objects and processes. The main directions of development of architecture of railway stations are outlined: operating of the existing stations, construction of new stations, construction of small stations and landing platforms. These directions follow from the priorities and factors in modelling of the architecture of railway stations. The processes of origin, development, change, decline, transformation and interpretation of morphological types, compositional, stylistic techniques and means in spatio-temporal connection and socio-cultural context are combined. The main trends in the architecture of railway stations are the expression of basic ideas that reflect the evolution of railway station architecture as borrowing, choice, recomprehension, interpretation of forms. These processes tend to form a stable architectural-spatial construct in character from the "architecture of expression and demonstration" through the "architecture of reglementation" to the "architecture of choice and promotion." В диссертации раскрыты теоретические основы формирования архитектуры железнодорожных вокзалов в историческом, морфологическом, художественном, пространственно-временном и социокультурном аспектах в ходе развития, изменений и трансформаций. Определены факторы, прототипы в появлении и становлении этой архитектуры и образовании пространственнодейственного художественно осмысленного конструкта. Отмечается роль архитектуры ж/д вокзалов в распространении социальных и художественнокультурных ценностей и взаимовлияние с другими объектами. Определяются общие направления и тенденции развития архитектуры ж/д вокзалов.uk_UA
dc.publisherНаціональний університет "Львівська політехніка"uk_UA
dc.subjectзалізничний вокзалuk_UA
dc.subjectrailway stationuk_UA
dc.subjectжелезнодорожный вокзалuk_UA
dc.titleТеоретичні основи формування архітектури залізничних вокзалівuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeTheoretical Bases of Formation of Railway Stations Architectureuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeТеоретические основы формирования архитектуры железнодорожных вокзаловuk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет "Львівська політехніка"uk_UA
dc.contributor.committeeMemberДреваль, Ірина Владиславівна-
dc.contributor.committeeMemberМихайлишин, Ольга Леонідівна-
dc.contributor.committeeMemberЛукомська, Зоряна Володимиріва-
dc.format.pages495-Д 35.052.11-доктор архітектури-
dc.subject.udc72.01: 656.211.5 (043.3)uk_UA
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