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dc.contributor.advisorКузьмін, Олег Євгенович-
dc.contributor.authorХарчук, Вікторія Юріївна-
dc.identifier.citationХарчук В. Ю. Формування та використання систем гармонійного розвитку в умовах глобалізації бізнесу : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора економічних наук : 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) / Вікторія Юріївна Харчук ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів, 2021. – 505 с. – Бібліографія: с. 393–453 (525 назв).uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ дисертації запропоновано вирішення науково-прикладної проблеми адаптації ідей та принципів концепції гармонійного розвитку для потреб вітчизняних підприємств, розвитку на його основі теоретико-методологічних підходів до формування та використання систем гармонійного розвитку. З цією метою розроблено метод виокремлення тематичних напрямків та інтелектуальної структури наукових розвідок, мультиаспектний метод обґрунтування та виокремлення сфер, двовекторний метод аналізування гармонійного розвитку підприємств, удосконалено концепт та процедури аналізування стану формування та використання системи гармонійного розвитку, розвинуто інструментарій відбору найбільш важливих стейкхолдерів, моделювання динаміки рівня гармонійного ь розвитку підприємств та бізнес-модель гармонійного розвитку «Канвас», які покликані сприяти довгостроковому процвітанню підприємства із врахуванням особливостей глобалізованого бізнес-середовища. В диссертации предложено решение научно-прикладной проблемы адаптации идей и принципов концепции гармоничного развития для нужд отечественных предприятий, развития на его основе теоретико-методологических подходов к формированию и использованию систем. С этой целью разработан метод выделения тематических направлений и интеллектуальной структуры научных исследований, мультиаспектний метод обоснования и выделения сфер, двухвекторной метод анализа гармоничного развития предприятий, усовершенствована концепт и процедуры анализа состояния формирования и использования системы гармоничного развития, развито инструментарий отбора наиболее важных стейкхолдеров, моделирование динамики уровня гармоничного развития предприятий и бизнес-модель гармоничного развития «Канвас», которые призваны способствовать долгосрочному процветанию предприятия с учетом особенностей глобализирующейся бизнес-среды. The dissertation offers a solution to the scientific and applied problems of sustainable development ideas and principles of adaptation for the domestic enterprises’ needs, development on its basic theoretical and methodological approaches to the sustainable development system formation and usage in order to maintain companies’ long-term prosperity. The relevance of the thesis subject, it connections with scientific programs, plans, university research areas, its purpose, objectives and methods of given research have been determined, the scientific novelty and practical significance of the obtained results have been highlighted, the information about approbation has been presented. Sustainable development (SD) becomes an object of heated debates for the last decade. At the same time when it comes to business area, establishing and ensuring it sustainability still demands more focus and elaborating state of the art recommendations, that suits, in particular, domestic enterprises’ needs. The urgency of given scientific problem is confirmed by the results of the current state of maintaining sustainable development by domestic business analysis, environmental challenges, the impact of globalization, rising different social concerns and the need to improve existing business models in Ukraine. Systematized scientific developments on the topic of sustainable development in business area, recommendations and standards of recognized international organizations and features of supporting such a development by domestic enterprises necessitate the development of theoretical, methodological and applied principles of systems formation and usage to support this development. In order to achieve highlighted above research goals author starts from analyzing both international and Ukrainian scientific research devoted to the aspects of sustainability concept in general and its adaptation for business purposes in particular. Therefore, approaches to interpretation of “sustainability”, “business sustainability”, “sustainable development of the company” and it’s translation into Ukrainian has been analyzed. As a result, author developed the interpretation of the notion “companies sustainable development” which points out the possibility to form inclusive business characteristics based on harmonization companies resources and stakeholders needs in all spheres of such a development. Sustainable development is an object of plenty scientific researches that depicts and developed various aspects. The author elaborates a methodological approach to identification of the intellectual structure of scientific research devoted to the problems of companies sustainable development, based on combination of bibliometric methods and obtained clusters of publications interpretations. On the basis of literature overview the types of sustainable development systems are systematized and some classification criteria are offered. A concept of sustainable development system forming and usage for business needs has been developed, which includes system forming – sustainable development spheres, corresponding elements, indicators and criteria; analyzing set of tools – selection of stakeholders, selection of key indicators for assessing sustainable development, modeling the dynamics sustainable development level and its comparison with the expectations of stakeholders; system usage – apply on practice developed sustainable development business model “Canvas”. A multifaceted method to substantiation and identification of companies’ sustainable development spheres is proposed. It is based on the simultaneous consideration obtained results on the interpretation of bibliometric analysis results, international standards for sustainable development analysis and the practice of national enterprises towards submitting sustainability related reports to GRI and Corporate register. Dissertation contains an approach for analyzing given types of reports submitted by Ukrainian companies. Offered approach includes analysis of two separate samples (GRI and CSR reports) based on assessing 23 aspects which refer to SD and CSR initiatives. Secondly, main aspects and pieces of information, which are commonly used for describing SD and CSR in business practice are considered in detail and summarized. As the result of applying multifaceted method were developed author's interpretation of the notion "the sphere of the business entity sustainable development" and the list of such a spheres, namely, economic, social, environmental, governance, and culture with corresponding elements. Complex approach to companies sustainable development analysis which includes improvement of comprehensive list of indicators is developed. Companies are affected by unpredictable environmental challenges, requests from a wide range of stakeholders, which, in turn, complicates the process of tracking and maintaining the sustainable development of the organization as a whole. The solution of the outlined problems is possible under the condition of application of relevant, crosscutting and systematic analysis of sustainable development, which will take into account both the multidimensional nature of the phenomenon, the existing conditions of enterprises and the level of implemented initiatives for such a development. The latter is ensured by the use of an adequate and representative system of indicators, which reflects both the peculiarities of the business sustainability and can be applied to various needs of the enterprise – both those that are only at the initial stage of adaptation of sustainable development ideas and those that implement outlined initiatives on a regular basis. As the result, it was suggested to form an indicators system that includes a set of measures, constructed within five sustainability spheres (economy, social, environment, governance, and culture) under three criteria – “effectiveness”, “development”, “stakeholder cooperation”. The final list of developed indicators contains 99 items. Two-vector method of analyzing the enterprises’ sustainable development system – the formation and usage of a system based on developing tools for selecting the most important stakeholders, identifying key indicators for assessing such development, and, on this basis, modeling the dynamics of the level of sustainable development of enterprises taking into account the expected levels of such development by stakeholders. In order to adapt the practices of initiating and maintaining sustainable development, the dissertation improved the business model of sustainable development "Canvas", which includes classical model, offered by Osterwalder and Pigneur, outlined five spheres of sustainable development, interaction with stakeholders and outlining additional benefits from sustainable development.uk_UA
dc.publisherНаціональний університет «Львівська політехніка»uk_UA
dc.subjectгармонійний розвитокuk_UA
dc.subjectсистема гармонійного розвиткуuk_UA
dc.subjectсфера гармонійного розвиткуuk_UA
dc.subjectінструментарій аналізуванняuk_UA
dc.subjectгармоничное развитиеuk_UA
dc.subjectсистема гармоничного развитияuk_UA
dc.subjectсфера гармоничного развитияuk_UA
dc.subjectинструментарий анализаuk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable development systemuk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable development sphereuk_UA
dc.subjectanalysis toolsuk_UA
dc.subjectbusiness modeluk_UA
dc.titleФормування та використання систем гармонійного розвитку в умовах глобалізації бізнесуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeФормирования и использования систем гармоничного развития в условиях глобализации бизнесаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeSustainable development systems forming and usage in the context of business globalizationuk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет «Львівська політехніка»uk_UA
dc.contributor.committeeMemberФілиппова, Світлана Валеріївна-
dc.contributor.committeeMemberБаюра, Дмитро Олександрович-
dc.contributor.committeeMemberПогорелов, Юрій Сергійович-
dc.format.pages505-Д 35.052.03-доктор економічних наук-
dc.subject.udc658:005. 44(043.5)uk_UA
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