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Title: Основи теорії морфології міста
Other Titles: Bases of the theory of morphology of the city
Основы теории морфологии города
Authors: Ідак, Юлія Володимирівна
Affiliation: Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Ідак Ю. В. Основи теорії морфології міста : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора архітектури : 18.00.01 – теорія архітектури, реставрація пам’яток архітектури / Юлія Володимирівна Ідак ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів, 2020. – 473 с. – Бібліографія: с. 388–447.
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Science degree: доктор архітектури
Defense council: Д 35.052.11
Supervisor: Диба, Юрій Романович
Committee members: Осиченко, Галина Олексіївна
Ричков, Петро Анатолійович
Коротун, Ірина Вадимівна
UDC: 711.4:911.37.1
Keywords: морфологія міста
морфологічний зміст
габітус міста
morphology of the city
morphological content
habitus of the city
морфология города
морфологический смысл
габитус города
Number of pages: 473
Abstract: У дисертації розроблено нові в концептуальному плані та важливі для теорії містобудування принципові положення теорії морфології міста. Ідея формування теорії ґрунтується на досвіді, представленому в численних наукових працях американських та європейських урбаністів, на синтезі морфологічних знань, отриманих на міждисциплінарному рівні, та на пошуку нових шляхів розв’язання проблем, пов’язаних із розвитком сучасної теорії містобудування. Демонстрації ефективності теоретико-методологічного інструментарію морфології міста і здійсненню необхідних узагальнень про закономірності та особливості формування матеріальної структури міста сприяли розроблена морфологічна модель «місто-пазл» та сформульована концепція «габітус міста». The thesis is devoted to the explanation of important issues in the field of urban planning, which are related to the contradiction between knowledge of morphology of the city, theoretical actions related to selection and ambiguity of interpretations of morphological concepts and categories in urban planning, and ignorance of techniques and methods of urban morphological research at different levels of city organization. Deep understanding of the morphological content and detailed study of the theoretical and methodological regulations of morphology, formulated in natural sciences and humanities, have become the starting points for solving the issue. The idea of establishing the bases of the theory of morphology of the city is based on the experience, presented in numerous scientific studies of American and European urbanists, the synthesis of morphological knowledge gained at the interdisciplinary level and on finding new ways of solving problems related to the development of the modern theory of urban planning. The purpose of the research is the development of theoretical and methodological and methodical regulations of morphology of the city which can explain the morphological content in urban planning and systematize knowledge of patterns and features of formation of a material structure of a city. Some regulations, new conceptually and also important for the theory of urban planning, and inferences, gained personally by the applicant, have been substantiated in the thesis, particularly for the first time: it has been established that the reflection of morphological features in urban planning is theoretical synthesis of knowledge of a form, aimed at studying of material reality, taking into consideration interdisciplinary knowledge of morphology and related scientific approaches; the basic elements have been determined and the logical structure of the theory of morphology of the city has been formulated, which summarize knowledge of morphology and enable to explain the specifics of morphological features in the learning of the city; it has been introduced the concept of "physical form of the city", which reveals semantic characteristics of morphological features in the learning of the city; it has been distinguished the main directions of urban morphology development – structural morphology, evolutionary morphology, which will contribute to expansion and extension of morphological ideas in the theory and practice of urban planning; it has been established the criteria for identifying of the main types of physical form and morphological structure of the city, which fix formal properties, aimed at determining patterns and features of formation of the material structure of the city; it has been developed the morphological model «city-puzzle», which summarizes patterns of formation of the material structure of the city and is reflected in the principles of morphology of the city. It has been proved the necessity of introducing the concept of the habitus of the city into the theory of urban planning, which enables to explain the peculiarities of the formation of the material structure of cities embodied in different historical periods; the following formulation of the concept has been offered for urban planning: the habitus of the city is a set of morphological characteristics of the material structure of the city, inherent only in a certain epoch and a certain culture. It has been stated the essence of such categorical concepts related to urban morphology as: morpheme, morph, morphological type, morphological unit, morphological feature, morphological structure, which distinguish objects according to certain specific features and reflect generally the morphological phenomenon and connections between them; it has been specified the meaning and interrelation of the concepts "urban morphology" and «morphology of the city», it has been proved that they are similar in their essential characteristics, but they are correlated as a dialectical whole and its part. It has been specified the morphological methods of the study of the city: morphometric, morphographic, morphotypological, which have an interdisciplinary status and promote methodological and instrumental integration with other scientific branches. It has been established that the method of morphological description is the methodological basis of the morphology of the city; the morphological approach to the typology of urban planning objects, based on the specifics of the morphological features, has been developed further which allows to evolve general techniques and principles of their urban organization. Knowledge of the theoretical bases of morphology of the city can be used during independent analysis of the methodology of scientific research of formative processes of architectural and urban planning objects, prerequisites for their development, elucidation of causal relationships of various phenomena, for unbiased assessment of theoretical and practical achievements of various fields of knowledge and understanding of the features of the transformation processes occurring in modern urban planning. В диссертации разработаны новые в концептуальном плане и важные для теории градостроительства принципиальные положения теории морфологии города. Идея формирования теории основывается на опыте, представленном в многочисленных научных трудах американских и европейских урбанистов, на синтезе морфологических знаний, полученных на междисциплинарном уровне, и на поиске новых путей решения проблем, связанных с развитием современной теории градостроительства. Демонстрации эффективности теоретикометодологического инструментария морфологии города и осуществлению необходимых обобщений о закономерности и особенности формирования материальной структуры города способствовали разработанная морфологическая модель «город-пазл» и сформулированная концепция «габитус города».
Content type: Dissertation
Appears in Collections:Автореферати та дисертаційні роботи

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