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Title: The analysis of factors of social interaction in the design of housing for highly skilled migrant workers
Authors: Khymytsia, Olha
Hnat, Galyna
Babyak, Volodymyr
Affiliation: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Khymytsia O. The analysis of factors of social interaction in the design of housing for highly skilled migrant workers / Olha Khymytsia, Galyna Hnat, Volodymyr Babyak // Інформація, комунікація, суспільство 2020 : матеріали 9-ї Міжнародної наукової конференції, 21–23 травня 2020 року, Львів. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — С. 156–157. — (Соціальні комунікації).
Bibliographic description (International): Khymytsia O. The analysis of factors of social interaction in the design of housing for highly skilled migrant workers / Olha Khymytsia, Galyna Hnat, Volodymyr Babyak // Informatsiia, komunikatsiia, suspilstvo 2020 : materialy 9-yi Mizhnarodnoi naukovoi konferentsii, 21–23 travnia 2020 roku, Lviv. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2020. — P. 156–157. — (Sotsialni komunikatsii).
Is part of: Інформація, комунікація, суспільство 2020 : матеріали 9-ї Міжнародної наукової конференції, 2020
Conference/Event: 9-ї Міжнародна наукова конференція "Інформація, комунікація, суспільство 2020"
Journal/Collection: Інформація, комунікація, суспільство 2020 : матеріали 9-ї Міжнародної наукової конференції
Issue Date: 21-May-2020
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Temporal Coverage: 21–23 травня 2020 року, Львів
Keywords: society
common space
Number of pages: 2
Page range: 156-157
Start page: 156
End page: 157
Abstract: In the article the analysis of factors of social interaction features for highly skilled working migrants was carried out.
ISBN: 978-966-941-464-9
Copyright owner: © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2020
References (Ukraine): [1] Ilganaeva V. O. Social communications: the sphere of practical activity and the object of theorizing / V. O. Ilganaeva // Social communications in the strategies of knowledge society formation: materials of the international. Science. Conf., Feb. 26-27. 2009 - Part 1. - H.: KHDAK, 2009. - P. 8–10.
[2] Hnes I. P. Multi-apartment housing: trends in evolution [Text]: monograph / Igor Gnes; Nat. Lviv Polytechnic University. - Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. Polytechnic University, 2013. - 650 p.
[3] Gabrel M. M Spatial organization of urban systems / Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. - Kyiv: ASS Publishing House, 2004. - 400 pp .: ill
[4] Babyak V. I. Social problems of housing integration for immigrants in the structure of urban housing units // Creative urbanism: to the century of urban education in Lviv Polytechnic: monograph / Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Nat. Lviv University. polytechnic ”; for general ed .: B. Cherkesa, G. Petryshyn.-Lviv, 2014.- (792) - P.419-424
References (International): [1] Ilganaeva V. O. Social communications: the sphere of practical activity and the object of theorizing, V. O. Ilganaeva, Social communications in the strategies of knowledge society formation: materials of the international. Science. Conf., Feb. 26-27. 2009 - Part 1, H., KHDAK, 2009, P. 8–10.
[2] Hnes I. P. Multi-apartment housing: trends in evolution [Text]: monograph, Igor Gnes; Nat. Lviv Polytechnic University, Lviv: Lviv Publishing House. Polytechnic University, 2013, 650 p.
[3] Gabrel M. M Spatial organization of urban systems, Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv: ASS Publishing House, 2004, 400 pp ., ill
[4] Babyak V. I. Social problems of housing integration for immigrants in the structure of urban housing units, Creative urbanism: to the century of urban education in Lviv Polytechnic: monograph, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Nat. Lviv University. polytechnic "; for general ed ., B. Cherkesa, G. Petryshyn.-Lviv, 2014, (792) - P.419-424
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Інформація,комунікація,суспільство (ICS-2020). – 2020 р.

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