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dc.contributor.authorGladkykh, Tetiana
dc.contributor.authorHnot, Taras
dc.contributor.authorGrubnyk, Roman
dc.coverage.temporal21-25 August 2018, Lviv
dc.identifier.citationGladkykh T. Music Content Selection Automation / Tetiana Gladkykh, Taras Hnot, Roman Grubnyk // Data stream mining and processing : proceedings of the IEEE second international conference, 21-25 August 2018, Lviv. — Львів : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — P. 599–604. — (Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition).
dc.identifier.isbn© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
dc.identifier.isbn© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
dc.description.abstractWe are proposing the solution for musical content recommendation, which is based on assessment of tracks similarity with taking into account tree factors - genre description, sound and rhythm patterns and user preferences. We have introduced the music compositions distance measure based on their representation as mel-spectrograms, and deeplearning approach to high-level (tags) music description, based on the extracted acoustic and rhythmic patterns from their spectra.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofData stream mining and processing : proceedings of the IEEE second international conference, 2018
dc.subjectmusic recommender
dc.subjecttracks similarity
dc.subjecttags recognition
dc.titleMusic Content Selection Automation
dc.typeConference Abstract
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2018
dc.contributor.affiliationData Science Group, SoftServe
dc.identifier.citationenGladkykh T. Music Content Selection Automation / Tetiana Gladkykh, Taras Hnot, Roman Grubnyk // Data stream mining and processing : proceedings of the IEEE second international conference, 21-25 August 2018, Lviv. — Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — P. 599–604. — (Machine Vision and Pattern Recognition).
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dc.relation.references[15] Anssi Klapuri, "Introduction to Music Transcription," in Signal Processing Methods for Music Transcription, edited by Anssi Klapuri and Manuel Davy, New York: Springer, 2006, pp. 1–20. ISBN 978-0-387-30667-4.
dc.relation.references[16] Stanley Smith Stevens, John Volkman and Edwin Newman, "A scale for the measurement of the psychological magnitude pitch". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 8 (3), pp 185–190,1937.
dc.relation.references[17] Douglas O'Shaughnessy, Speech communication: human and machine. Addison-Wesley,1987. ISBN 978-0-201-16520-3.
dc.relation.references[18] W. Dixon Ward, "Musical Perception," In Jerry V. Tobias. Foundations of Modern Auditory Theory. 1. Academic Press. 1970, pp. 405-447.
dc.relation.referencesen[1] "Shazam Launches Resonate TV Sales Platform," Billboard. 5 August 2014. Retrieved 15 June 2015.
dc.relation.referencesen[2] Bryan Jacobs, "How Shazam Works To Identify (Nearly) Every Song You Throw at It". Gizmodo. Retrieved 13 June 2017.
dc.relation.referencesen[3] Elia Alovisi, Was the Only Music Social Network That Made Sense, December, 2017, []
dc.relation.referencesen[4] "Pandora and Nature vs. Nurture in Music Recommenders," Words & Numbers, A blog by Steve Krause, January, 2006 []
dc.relation.referencesen[5] George Lawton, "How Pandora built a better recommendation engine," August 2017, []
dc.relation.referencesen[6] Recommendation Technology ‘Disco’, []
dc.relation.referencesen[7] Florian Eyben, Real-time Speech and Music Classification by Large Audio Feature Space Extraction. Springer, 2016.
dc.relation.referencesen[8] Justin Salamon, "Tonal Representations for Music Retrieval: From Version Identification to Query-by-Humming," International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp 45–58, March 2013.
dc.relation.referencesen[9] J.,Salamon, and E. Gómez, "Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals using Pitch Contour Characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol. 20, iss. 6, pp 1759-1770, 2012.
dc.relation.referencesen[10] E. Allamanche and B. Froba, "Content-based identification of audio material using mpeg-7 low level description," In in Proc. of the Int. Symp. of Music Information Retrieval, pp 197–204, 2001.
dc.relation.referencesen[11] J. Wood and J. Dykes, "Spatially ordered treemaps," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 14(6), pp. 1348–1355, 2008.
dc.relation.referencesen[12] J.-J. Aucouturier and F. Pachet, "Music similarity measures: What’s the use?,’ In Proc. Int. Conf. Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), Paris, pp. 157-163, 2002
dc.relation.referencesen[13] B. Logan and A. Salomon," A music similarity function based on signal analysis," In Multimedia and Expo,2001. ICME 2001. IEEE International Conference on, pp. 745–748, 2001.
dc.relation.referencesen[14] Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze, Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge University Press. 2008.
dc.relation.referencesen[15] Anssi Klapuri, "Introduction to Music Transcription," in Signal Processing Methods for Music Transcription, edited by Anssi Klapuri and Manuel Davy, New York: Springer, 2006, pp. 1–20. ISBN 978-0-387-30667-4.
dc.relation.referencesen[16] Stanley Smith Stevens, John Volkman and Edwin Newman, "A scale for the measurement of the psychological magnitude pitch". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 8 (3), pp 185–190,1937.
dc.relation.referencesen[17] Douglas O'Shaughnessy, Speech communication: human and machine. Addison-Wesley,1987. ISBN 978-0-201-16520-3.
dc.relation.referencesen[18] W. Dixon Ward, "Musical Perception," In Jerry V. Tobias. Foundations of Modern Auditory Theory. 1. Academic Press. 1970, pp. 405-447.
dc.citation.conferenceIEEE second international conference "Data stream mining and processing"
Appears in Collections:Data stream mining and processing : proceedings of the IEEE second international conference

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