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dc.contributor.authorNyzhnyk, Oleksiy
dc.contributor.authorBurov, Yevhen
dc.contributor.authorZavushchak, Iryna
dc.coverage.temporal23-24 April 2020, Lviv, Ukraine
dc.identifier.citationNyzhnyk O. Intelligent Climate Control System in Office Space / Oleksiy Nyzhnyk, Yevhen Burov, Iryna Zavushchak // Computational linguistics and intelligent systems : proceedings of the 4nd International conference, 23-24 April 2020, Lviv, Ukraine. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 2 : Proceedings of the 4nd International conference, COLINS 2020. Workshop, Lviv, Ukraine April 23-24, 2020. — P. 349–351. — (Intelligent Systems).
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofComputational linguistics and intelligent systems : proceedings of the 4nd International conference (2), 2020
dc.titleIntelligent Climate Control System in Office Space
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2020
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenNyzhnyk O. Intelligent Climate Control System in Office Space / Oleksiy Nyzhnyk, Yevhen Burov, Iryna Zavushchak // Computational linguistics and intelligent systems : proceedings of the 4nd International conference, 23-24 April 2020, Lviv, Ukraine. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 2 : Proceedings of the 4nd International conference, COLINS 2020. Workshop, Lviv, Ukraine April 23-24, 2020. — P. 349–351. — (Intelligent Systems).
dc.relation.references1. System and method for climate control set-point optimization based on individual comfort. - Access mode:
dc.relation.references2. Climate control system including responsive controllers. -. Access Mode:
dc.relation.references3. System, method and computer program product for adding voice activation and voice control to a media player,
dc.relation.references4. Levchenko, O., Tyshchenko, O., Dilai, M.: Associative Verbal Network of the Conceptual Domain БІДА (MISERY) in Ukrainian. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 106-120. (2020).
dc.relation.references5. Starko, V.: Semantic Annotation for Ukrainian: Categorization Scheme, Principles, and Tools. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 239-248. (2020).
dc.relation.references6. Cherednichenko, O., Kanishcheva, O., Yakovleva, O., Arkatov, D.: Collection and Processing of a Medical Corpus in Ukrainian. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 272-282. (2020).
dc.relation.references7. Vysotska, V.: Ukrainian Participles Formation by the Generative Grammars Use. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 407-427. (2020).
dc.relation.references8. Bakurova, A., Pasichnyk, M., Tereschenko, E., Filei, Y.: Formalization of UkrainianLanguage Content for Fuzzy Product in Court. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 428-441. (2020).
dc.relation.references9. Romanyshyn, N.: Application of Corpus Technologies in Conceptual Studies (based on the Concept Ukraine Actualization in English and Ukrainian Political Media Discourse). In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 472-488. (2020).
dc.relation.references10. Shvedova, M.: The General Regionally Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (GRAC, Architecture and Functionality. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 489-506. (2020).
dc.relation.references11. Livinska, H., Makarevych, O.: Feasibility of Improving BERT for Linguistic Prediction on Ukrainian Сorpus. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 552-561. (2020)
dc.relation.references12. Bobrovnyk, K.: Automated building and analysis of Ukrainian Twitter corpus for toxic text detection. In: Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, COLINS, 2, 55-56. (2019)
dc.relation.references13. Vasyl, Lytvyn, Victoria, Vysotska, Dmytro, Dosyn, Roman, Holoschuk, Zoriana, Rybchak: Application of Sentence Parsing for Determining Keywords in Ukrainian Texts. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT, 326-331. (2017)
dc.relation.references14. Grabar, N., Hamon, T.: WikiWars-UA: Ukrainian corpus annotated with temporal expressions. In: Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, COLINS, 2, 22-31. (2019)
dc.relation.references15. Shandruk, U.: Quantitative Characteristics of Key Words in Texts of Scientific Genre (on the Material of the Ukrainian Scientific Journal). In: Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, COLINS, 163-172. (2019)
dc.relation.references16. Dilai, M., Onukevych, Y., Dilay, I.: Sentiment Analysis of the US and Ukrainian Presidential Speeches. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 2, 60-70. (2018)
dc.relation.references17. Kuzmina, M., Petrasova, S.: Method for Automatic Collocation Extraction from Ukrainian Corpora. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 2, 108-109. (2018)
dc.relation.references18. Grabar, N., Hamon, T.: Automatic Detection of Temporal Information in Ukrainian General-language Texts. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2136, 1-10. (2018)
dc.relation.references19. Grabar N., Hamon, T.: Creation of a multilingual aligned corpus with Ukrainian as the target language and its exploitation. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 10–19. (2017)
dc.relation.references20. Hamon, T., Grabar, N.: Unsupervised acquisition of morphological resources for Ukrainian. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 20–30. (2017)
dc.relation.references21. Chyrun, L., Chyrun, L., Kis, Y., Rybak, L.: Automated Information System for Connection to the Access Point with Encryption WPA2 Enterprise. In: Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making, 1020, 389-404. (2020)
dc.relation.references22. Kis, Y., Chyrun, L., Tsymbaliak, T., Chyrun, L.: Development of System for Managers Relationship Management with Customers. In: Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making, 1020, 405-421. (2020)
dc.relation.references23. Chyrun, L., Kowalska-Styczen, A., Burov, Y., Berko, A., Vasevych, A., Pelekh, I., Ryshkovets, Y.: Heterogeneous Data with Agreed Content Aggregation System Development. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2386, 35-54. (2019)
dc.relation.references24. Chyrun, L., Burov, Y., Rusyn, B., Pohreliuk, L., Oleshek, O., Gozhyj, A., Bobyk, I.: Web Resource Changes Monitoring System Development. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2386, 255-273. (2019)
dc.relation.references25. Gozhyj, A., Chyrun, L., Kowalska-Styczen, A., Lozynska, O.: Uniform Method of Operative Content Management in Web Systems. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2136, 62-77. (2018)
dc.relation.references26. Chyrun, L., Gozhyj, A., Yevseyeva, I., Dosyn, D., Tyhonov, V., Zakharchuk, M.: Web Content Monitoring System Development. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2362, 126-142. (2019)
dc.relation.references27. Basyuk, T., Vasyliuk, A., Lytvyn, V.: Mathematical Model of Semantic Search and Search Optimization. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2362, 96-105. (2019)
dc.relation.referencesen1. System and method for climate control set-point optimization based on individual comfort, Access mode:
dc.relation.referencesen2. Climate control system including responsive controllers. -. Access Mode:
dc.relation.referencesen3. System, method and computer program product for adding voice activation and voice control to a media player,
dc.relation.referencesen4. Levchenko, O., Tyshchenko, O., Dilai, M., Associative Verbal Network of the Conceptual Domain BIDA (MISERY) in Ukrainian. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 106-120. (2020).
dc.relation.referencesen5. Starko, V., Semantic Annotation for Ukrainian: Categorization Scheme, Principles, and Tools. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 239-248. (2020).
dc.relation.referencesen6. Cherednichenko, O., Kanishcheva, O., Yakovleva, O., Arkatov, D., Collection and Processing of a Medical Corpus in Ukrainian. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 272-282. (2020).
dc.relation.referencesen7. Vysotska, V., Ukrainian Participles Formation by the Generative Grammars Use. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 407-427. (2020).
dc.relation.referencesen8. Bakurova, A., Pasichnyk, M., Tereschenko, E., Filei, Y., Formalization of UkrainianLanguage Content for Fuzzy Product in Court. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 428-441. (2020).
dc.relation.referencesen9. Romanyshyn, N., Application of Corpus Technologies in Conceptual Studies (based on the Concept Ukraine Actualization in English and Ukrainian Political Media Discourse). In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 472-488. (2020).
dc.relation.referencesen10. Shvedova, M., The General Regionally Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (GRAC, Architecture and Functionality. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 489-506. (2020).
dc.relation.referencesen11. Livinska, H., Makarevych, O., Feasibility of Improving BERT for Linguistic Prediction on Ukrainian Sorpus. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2604, 552-561. (2020)
dc.relation.referencesen12. Bobrovnyk, K., Automated building and analysis of Ukrainian Twitter corpus for toxic text detection. In: Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, COLINS, 2, 55-56. (2019)
dc.relation.referencesen13. Vasyl, Lytvyn, Victoria, Vysotska, Dmytro, Dosyn, Roman, Holoschuk, Zoriana, Rybchak: Application of Sentence Parsing for Determining Keywords in Ukrainian Texts. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, CSIT, 326-331. (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen14. Grabar, N., Hamon, T., WikiWars-UA: Ukrainian corpus annotated with temporal expressions. In: Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, COLINS, 2, 22-31. (2019)
dc.relation.referencesen15. Shandruk, U., Quantitative Characteristics of Key Words in Texts of Scientific Genre (on the Material of the Ukrainian Scientific Journal). In: Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, COLINS, 163-172. (2019)
dc.relation.referencesen16. Dilai, M., Onukevych, Y., Dilay, I., Sentiment Analysis of the US and Ukrainian Presidential Speeches. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 2, 60-70. (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen17. Kuzmina, M., Petrasova, S., Method for Automatic Collocation Extraction from Ukrainian Corpora. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 2, 108-109. (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen18. Grabar, N., Hamon, T., Automatic Detection of Temporal Information in Ukrainian General-language Texts. In: Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, CEUR workshop proceedings, Vol-2136, 1-10. (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen19. Grabar N., Hamon, T., Creation of a multilingual aligned corpus with Ukrainian as the target language and its exploitation. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 10–19. (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen20. Hamon, T., Grabar, N., Unsupervised acquisition of morphological resources for Ukrainian. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 20–30. (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen21. Chyrun, L., Chyrun, L., Kis, Y., Rybak, L., Automated Information System for Connection to the Access Point with Encryption WPA2 Enterprise. In: Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making, 1020, 389-404. (2020)
dc.relation.referencesen22. Kis, Y., Chyrun, L., Tsymbaliak, T., Chyrun, L., Development of System for Managers Relationship Management with Customers. In: Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making, 1020, 405-421. (2020)
dc.relation.referencesen23. Chyrun, L., Kowalska-Styczen, A., Burov, Y., Berko, A., Vasevych, A., Pelekh, I., Ryshkovets, Y., Heterogeneous Data with Agreed Content Aggregation System Development. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2386, 35-54. (2019)
dc.relation.referencesen24. Chyrun, L., Burov, Y., Rusyn, B., Pohreliuk, L., Oleshek, O., Gozhyj, A., Bobyk, I., Web Resource Changes Monitoring System Development. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2386, 255-273. (2019)
dc.relation.referencesen25. Gozhyj, A., Chyrun, L., Kowalska-Styczen, A., Lozynska, O., Uniform Method of Operative Content Management in Web Systems. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2136, 62-77. (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen26. Chyrun, L., Gozhyj, A., Yevseyeva, I., Dosyn, D., Tyhonov, V., Zakharchuk, M., Web Content Monitoring System Development. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2362, 126-142. (2019)
dc.relation.referencesen27. Basyuk, T., Vasyliuk, A., Lytvyn, V., Mathematical Model of Semantic Search and Search Optimization. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol-2362, 96-105. (2019)
Appears in Collections:Computational linguistics and intelligent systems. – 2020 р.

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