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Title: Current state and prospects of development of cryptocurrency in Ukraine
Authors: Karpiv, Olesia
Pozniakova, Olena
Affiliation: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Karpiv O. Current state and prospects of development of cryptocurrency in Ukraine / Olesia Karpiv, Olena Pozniakova // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November 2018, Lviv. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — P. 155–157. — (7th International academic conference “Economics & management 2018” (EM-2018)).
Bibliographic description (International): Karpiv O. Current state and prospects of development of cryptocurrency in Ukraine / Olesia Karpiv, Olena Pozniakova // Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 23–25 November 2018, Lviv. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — P. 155–157. — (7th International academic conference “Economics & management 2018” (EM-2018)).
Is part of: Litteris et Artibus : proceedings, 2018
Conference/Event: 8th International youth science forum «Litteris et Artibus»
Journal/Collection: Litteris et Artibus : proceedings
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2018
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Temporal Coverage: 23–25 November 2018, Lviv
Keywords: Cryptocurrency
Number of pages: 3
Page range: 155-157
Start page: 155
End page: 157
Abstract: This report describes how cybercriminals behave in the market. The advantages and disadvantages of cryptography are described. In accordance with the current legislation, cryptocurrency as a mutual settlement can not be used, respectively, bitcoins as a means of payment - can not.
ISBN: 978-966-941-294-2
Copyright owner: © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2018
URL for reference material:
References (Ukraine): [1] «Zakon o kryptovaliute: staly yzvestny vse podrobnosty» [Law on cryptocurrency: all the details have become known], Apr. 22, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Oct. 6, 2018].
[2] «Finansovi rehuliatory faktychno samousunulys vid vyrishennia pytannia pravovoho statusu kryptovaliut» [Financial regulators have actually abandoned themselves from solving the issues if legal status of cryptocurrency], Aug. 14, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Oct. 8, 2018].
[3] «Kryptovaliuta: shcho tse take i yaki perspektyvy yii poshyrennia» [Cryptocurrency: what is it and what prospects for its dissemination], Sep. 25, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Oct. 3, 2018].
[4] «Perevahy i nedoliky investytsii v kryptovaliutu» [Advantages and disadvantages of investments in cryptocurrency], Nov. 24, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Oct. 2, 2018].
References (International): [1] "Zakon o kryptovaliute: staly yzvestny vse podrobnosty" [Law on cryptocurrency: all the details have become known], Apr. 22, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Oct. 6, 2018].
[2] "Finansovi rehuliatory faktychno samousunulys vid vyrishennia pytannia pravovoho statusu kryptovaliut" [Financial regulators have actually abandoned themselves from solving the issues if legal status of cryptocurrency], Aug. 14, 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Oct. 8, 2018].
[3] "Kryptovaliuta: shcho tse take i yaki perspektyvy yii poshyrennia" [Cryptocurrency: what is it and what prospects for its dissemination], Sep. 25, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Oct. 3, 2018].
[4] "Perevahy i nedoliky investytsii v kryptovaliutu" [Advantages and disadvantages of investments in cryptocurrency], Nov. 24, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Oct. 2, 2018].
Content type: Conference Abstract
Appears in Collections:Litteris et Artibus. – 2018 р.

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