Title: | Technologies of supporting decision in understanding conditions for projecting technological processes |
Authors: | Brovarets, O. O. Kovbasa, V. P. |
Affiliation: | Kyiv Cooperative Institute of Business and Law Vinnytsia National Agrarian University |
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): | Brovarets O. O. Technologies of supporting decision in understanding conditions for projecting technological processes / O. O. Brovarets, V. P. Kovbasa // Econtechmod. — Lviv : University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019. — Vol 8. — No 3. — P. 25–32. |
Bibliographic description (International): | Brovarets O. O. Technologies of supporting decision in understanding conditions for projecting technological processes / O. O. Brovarets, V. P. Kovbasa // Econtechmod. — Lviv : University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow, 2019. — Vol 8. — No 3. — P. 25–32. |
Is part of: | Econtechmod, 3 (8), 2019 Econtechmod, 3 (8), 2019 |
Journal/Collection: | Econtechmod |
Issue: | 3 |
Volume: | 8 |
Issue Date: | 20-Mar-2019 |
Publisher: | University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow |
Place of the edition/event: | Львів Lviv |
Keywords: | information and technical system local operational monitoring soil samples variability size research |
Number of pages: | 8 |
Page range: | 25-32 |
Start page: | 25 |
End page: | 32 |
Abstract: | Modern agriculture involves the implementation of a particular technological operation, according to the appropriate map-task, which is developed pre-based on diverse information. Knowledge of a certain structure of soil cover variability, obtained using information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands, allows us to adopt effective operational decisions for efficient managemen tagrobiological potential of agricultural lands. Obviously, under such conditions, there is a need for fundamentally new approaches to agricultural production, which is to ensure the proper quality of technological operations. The quality of the implementation of technological operations is an integral indicator of the efficiency of production of agricultural products within the agrobiological field. The necessary quality of implementation of the basic technological processes in plant growing is provided by the integrated information and technical systems of operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands. This opens new prospects for organic farming using such “smart” agricultural machines. In connection with this, the task is to obtain reliable data on the agrobiological state of the soil environment by reducing the error in determining the magnitude of the electrical conductive properties of the soil, providing individual stabilization of the working electrodes and the mechanism of lifting / lowering the working electrodes, copying inequalities of the soil environment, reducing the intensity of the destruction of the soil structure , self-cleaning of the working contact of the electrode and ensuring the stability of the electrical contact of the electrode with the soil, by instrument design perfection. The task is achieved by using the information and technical system of operational monitoring of the soil environment of the structure to determine the conductive characteristics of the soil environment. The purpose of this research is to determine the critical loading at the loss of stability by thin-walled working electrodes made in the form of working electrodes of various shapes (thinwalled solid, three-spit and four-spindle discs with different thickness of the rim). Information and technical system of local-operational monitoring of agrobiological state of soil environment of different configurations with one-side compression. |
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Copyright owner: | © Copyright by Lviv Polytechnic National University © Copyright by University of Engineering and Economics in Rzeszow |
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References (Ukraine): | 1. Аrzhanyh О. І. 1968. Investigation and substantiation of parameters of working bodies of disk cultivators for increased speeds: author's abstract. dis Cand. tech Sciences: special 05/04/10 Chelyabinsk. 24 p. 2. Bagirov I. Z. 1963. Investigation of the deformation and resistance of soil to the wedge at different speeds. Author's abstract. dis Cand. tech Sciences: special 05/05/11 Minsk: Institute of Agriculture. 24 p. 3. Johnson Y., MillerP. 1979. Theory of plasticity for engineers. Per. from english M.: Mashinostroenie. 568 p. 4. Kovbasa V. P. 2001. Simulation of the distribution of stresses in the soil under the action of deformers. Proceedings of the Tavria State Agrotechnical Academy. Melitopol: TDADA. 2. vol. 16. P. 123–127. 5. Kulen A., Kuipers H. 1986. Modern agricultural mechanics. M.: Agropromizdat. 349 p. 6. Kushnarev A. S. 1980. Mechanic-technological bases of the process of vasimaction of working organs of soil cultivating machines and implements on soil: diss ... doc. tech Sciences: 05.20.01. Melitopol. 329 p. 7. Shukle, L. 1976. Rheological problems of soil mechanics. Moscow: Stroyizdat. 486 p. 8. Tsytovich, N. A. 1983. Mechanics of Soils. Moscow: Higher School. 288 p. 9. Vyalov S. S. 1978. Rheological Foundations of Soil Mechanics. M .: Whisper. School. 447 pp. 10. Ishlinsky A. Yu. 1986. Applied problems of mechanics. Book 1. Mechanics of visco-plastic and not quite elastic bodies. Moscow : Nauka. 360 p. 11. SW–Soil and Water. 2009. Relationship between pre-compaction stress and shear strength under confined and semi-confined loadings for а sandy loam soil. Biosystems Engineering Volume 102, Issue 2February 2009, Pages 219–226. 12. Research Paper: SW–Soil and Water. 2007. Numerical modelling of soil stress and pressure distribution on а flat tillage tool using computational fluid dynamics. DEM Biosystems Engineering Volume 97, Issue 3 July 2007, Pages 407–414. 13. Dynamic modeling of soil–tool interaction: An overview from а fluid flow perspective. In DEM Journal of Terramechanics. Volume 43, Issue 4October 2006, Pages 411–425. 14. Lurie A. I. 1970. The theory of elasticity. Moscow. 940 p. 15. Hertz A. Chad, John D. Hibbard. 2007. A Preliminary Assessment of the Economics of Variable Rate Technology for Applying Phosphorus and Potassium in Corn Production. In Farm Economics iss. 14, Department of Agricu 16. Medvedev V. V. 2007. Inhomogeneity of soils and precision agriculture. Part I. Introduction to the problem. Kharkiv Izd. Izd 13 printing house. 296 p. 17. Ivanov Yu. P. 1984. Complexation of informationmeasuring devices of aircraft. / Ivanov Yu. P., Syniakov A. N., Filatov I. V. 207 p. 18. Geonics in 19. Veristech. 20. Patent No. 66982 dated January 25, 2012, bullet. No. 2, IPC B62D 01/00. 21. Vadyunina A. F. 1937. To estimation of conductivity as a method of determination of soil moisture. Soil science. No. 3. pp. 391–404. 22. Wilcox G. G. 1947. Determination of electrical conductivity of soil solutions. In Soil Science. vol. 63. 107 p. 23. Ewart G. Y., Baver L. D. 1950. Salinity Effects on soil moisture electrical resistance relstionships. In Soil Scien. Soc. Amer. 1950 v. 15. pp. 56–63. 24. Vorobyov N. I. 1955. On the question of conductometric determination of salinity of soils and soils. Soil science. No. 4. 103 p. 25. Rhoades J. D., Schifgaarde J. Van. 1976. An electrical conductivity probe for determining soil salinity. Soil Scien Soc. Amer J. No. 5. pp. 647–651. 26. Kopikova L. P. 1979. Experience in the application of conductivity methods for the compilation of detailed soil-melioration maps. Bulletin of VIUA. \No. 43. with. 21–23. 27. UTC 26423-85. Soils Methods of determination of the specific electrical conductivity, pH and solid residue of aqueous extract. 7 p. 28. Pansy M. Gautheyrou J. 2006. Handbook of soil analysis. Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 993 p. 29. What does the electrical conductivity of the soil say? 30. Gukov Ya. S., Linik N. K., Mironenko V. G. 2001. Automated system of locally-dosed fertilizers, meliorants and plant protection products. In Proceedings of the 2nd MNPK on the problems of differential application of fertilizers in the system of coordinate agriculture. Ryazan. pp. 48–50. 31. Brovarets O. 1993. From the Straightforward to the Global Smart Agriculture. Engineering and Technology of the Agroindustrial Complex. 2016. No. 10 (85). pp. 28–30. 32. Adamchuk V. V., Moyseenko V. K., Kravchuk V. I., Voytyuk D. G. 2002. Technique for future agriculture. In: Mechanization and electrification of agriculture. Glevakha: NSC “IMESG”. Vol. 86. pp. 20–32. 33. Contemporary trends in the development of agricultural machinery designs. 2004. Ed. V. I. Kravchuk, M. I. Grytsyshina, S. M. Kovalya. Kyiv: Agrarian Science. 398 p. 34. Ormagy К. С. 1991. Quality control of field work. Moscow : Rosagropromizdat. 191 p. 35. Pontryagin L. S., Boltyansky V. G., Gamkrilidze R. V., Mishchenko E. F. 1983. Mathematical theory of optimal processes. Moscow : Science. 392 p. 36. Buracek V. G., Zheleznyak O. O., Zatserkovny V. I. 2011. Geoinformation analysis of spatial data. Nizhyn: Aspect-Polygraph Publishing Ltd. 440 p. 37. Masl I. P., Mironenko V. G. 1999. Automated system of locally-doped fertilizer and chemical plant protection products. UAAN: Developmentproduction. Kyiv : Agrarian Science. pp. 348–349. |
References (International): | 1. Arzhanyh O. I. 1968. Investigation and substantiation of parameters of working bodies of disk cultivators for increased speeds: author's abstract. dis Cand. tech Sciences: special 05/04/10 Chelyabinsk. 24 p. 2. Bagirov I. Z. 1963. Investigation of the deformation and resistance of soil to the wedge at different speeds. Author's abstract. dis Cand. tech Sciences: special 05/05/11 Minsk: Institute of Agriculture. 24 p. 3. Johnson Y., MillerP. 1979. Theory of plasticity for engineers. Per. from english M., Mashinostroenie. 568 p. 4. Kovbasa V. P. 2001. Simulation of the distribution of stresses in the soil under the action of deformers. Proceedings of the Tavria State Agrotechnical Academy. Melitopol: TDADA. 2. vol. 16. P. 123–127. 5. Kulen A., Kuipers H. 1986. Modern agricultural mechanics. M., Agropromizdat. 349 p. 6. Kushnarev A. S. 1980. Mechanic-technological bases of the process of vasimaction of working organs of soil cultivating machines and implements on soil: diss ... doc. tech Sciences: 05.20.01. Melitopol. 329 p. 7. Shukle, L. 1976. Rheological problems of soil mechanics. Moscow: Stroyizdat. 486 p. 8. Tsytovich, N. A. 1983. Mechanics of Soils. Moscow: Higher School. 288 p. 9. Vyalov S. S. 1978. Rheological Foundations of Soil Mechanics. M ., Whisper. School. 447 pp. 10. Ishlinsky A. Yu. 1986. Applied problems of mechanics. Book 1. Mechanics of visco-plastic and not quite elastic bodies. Moscow : Nauka. 360 p. 11. SW–Soil and Water. 2009. Relationship between pre-compaction stress and shear strength under confined and semi-confined loadings for a sandy loam soil. Biosystems Engineering Volume 102, Issue 2February 2009, Pages 219–226. 12. Research Paper: SW–Soil and Water. 2007. Numerical modelling of soil stress and pressure distribution on a flat tillage tool using computational fluid dynamics. DEM Biosystems Engineering Volume 97, Issue 3 July 2007, Pages 407–414. 13. Dynamic modeling of soil–tool interaction: An overview from a fluid flow perspective. In DEM Journal of Terramechanics. Volume 43, Issue 4October 2006, Pages 411–425. 14. Lurie A. I. 1970. The theory of elasticity. Moscow. 940 p. 15. Hertz A. Chad, John D. Hibbard. 2007. A Preliminary Assessment of the Economics of Variable Rate Technology for Applying Phosphorus and Potassium in Corn Production. In Farm Economics iss. 14, Department of Agricu 16. Medvedev V. V. 2007. Inhomogeneity of soils and precision agriculture. Part I. Introduction to the problem. Kharkiv Izd. Izd 13 printing house. 296 p. 17. Ivanov Yu. P. 1984. Complexation of informationmeasuring devices of aircraft., Ivanov Yu. P., Syniakov A. N., Filatov I. V. 207 p. 18. Geonics in 19. Veristech. 20. Patent No. 66982 dated January 25, 2012, bullet. No. 2, IPC B62D 01/00. 21. Vadyunina A. F. 1937. To estimation of conductivity as a method of determination of soil moisture. Soil science. No. 3. pp. 391–404. 22. Wilcox G. G. 1947. Determination of electrical conductivity of soil solutions. In Soil Science. vol. 63. 107 p. 23. Ewart G. Y., Baver L. D. 1950. Salinity Effects on soil moisture electrical resistance relstionships. In Soil Scien. Soc. Amer. 1950 v. 15. pp. 56–63. 24. Vorobyov N. I. 1955. On the question of conductometric determination of salinity of soils and soils. Soil science. No. 4. 103 p. 25. Rhoades J. D., Schifgaarde J. Van. 1976. An electrical conductivity probe for determining soil salinity. Soil Scien Soc. Amer J. No. 5. pp. 647–651. 26. Kopikova L. P. 1979. Experience in the application of conductivity methods for the compilation of detailed soil-melioration maps. Bulletin of VIUA. \No. 43. with. 21–23. 27. UTC 26423-85. Soils Methods of determination of the specific electrical conductivity, pH and solid residue of aqueous extract. 7 p. 28. Pansy M. Gautheyrou J. 2006. Handbook of soil analysis. Mineralogical, organic and inorganic methods. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 993 p. 29. What does the electrical conductivity of the soil say? 30. Gukov Ya. S., Linik N. K., Mironenko V. G. 2001. Automated system of locally-dosed fertilizers, meliorants and plant protection products. In Proceedings of the 2nd MNPK on the problems of differential application of fertilizers in the system of coordinate agriculture. Ryazan. pp. 48–50. 31. Brovarets O. 1993. From the Straightforward to the Global Smart Agriculture. Engineering and Technology of the Agroindustrial Complex. 2016. No. 10 (85). pp. 28–30. 32. Adamchuk V. V., Moyseenko V. K., Kravchuk V. I., Voytyuk D. G. 2002. Technique for future agriculture. In: Mechanization and electrification of agriculture. Glevakha: NSC "IMESG". Vol. 86. pp. 20–32. 33. Contemporary trends in the development of agricultural machinery designs. 2004. Ed. V. I. Kravchuk, M. I. Grytsyshina, S. M. Kovalya. Kyiv: Agrarian Science. 398 p. 34. Ormagy K. P. 1991. Quality control of field work. Moscow : Rosagropromizdat. 191 p. 35. Pontryagin L. S., Boltyansky V. G., Gamkrilidze R. V., Mishchenko E. F. 1983. Mathematical theory of optimal processes. Moscow : Science. 392 p. 36. Buracek V. G., Zheleznyak O. O., Zatserkovny V. I. 2011. Geoinformation analysis of spatial data. Nizhyn: Aspect-Polygraph Publishing Ltd. 440 p. 37. Masl I. P., Mironenko V. G. 1999. Automated system of locally-doped fertilizer and chemical plant protection products. UAAN: Developmentproduction. Kyiv : Agrarian Science. pp. 348–349. |
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