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dc.contributor.authorМельник, Роман
dc.contributor.authorМельник, Віра
dc.contributor.authorMelnyk, Roman
dc.contributor.authorMelnyk, Vira
dc.identifier.citationМельник Р. Найдавніші дерев’яні церкви Сколівщини / Роман Мельник, Віра Мельник // Historical and Cultural Studies. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 6. — No 1. — P. 67–72.
dc.description.abstractНа усьому просторі Європи найбільша кількість, і то найцінніших зразків, дерев’яного будівництва збереглися на Україні. На Сколівщині і Турківщині у XVIII столітті відбувався процес створення нового типу сакрального об’єкта, тобто йшла своя західноукраїнська інтерпретація вертикальної композиції церковної споруди. Цей процес тривав майже два сторіччя і закінчився тим, що в цих двох районах сформувалось своє оригінальне об’ємно планувальне вирішення, яке пізніше отримало назву церкви бойківського типу
dc.description.abstractOn the whole of Europe, the largest and most valuable examples of wooden construction have survived in Ukraine. In the Skolevshchyna and Turkivshchyna in the XVIII century a process of creating a new type of sacred object took place, that is, its Western-Ukrainian interpretation of the vertical composition of the church structure was going on. This process lasted for almost two centuries and ended with the fact that in these two regions formed its original volumetric planning decision, which later became known as the Boyk-type church. Skolevshchyna is considered to be one of the centers where the Boyko type of church was built and where live examples can still trace the entire evolution of the development of sacral architecture for three centuries. The theme of the research of the sacral church building of the Skoliv district is not adequately covered in contemporary historiography. Many have done a lot for the objective promotion and study of the sacred wooden architecture of the Boykivshchyna Volodymyr Shcherbakivsky, Andrei Lushpinsky, Vasyl Zalozetsky, Volodymyr Sichynsky, Mikhail Dragan, Grigory Logvin, Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Dmitriy Antonovich, Vasyl Slobodian, Igor Grabar, but in their writings, we We do not meet the descriptions of individual churches. These are works relating to the general characteristics of sacred wooden architecture.Detailed descriptions of some churches in the Skole district are found by authors who are more concerned with the description of churches and bells. Among them are the works of Ivan Dumynets, Zinoviy Matisykevych, Taras Levytsky, Semen Srodnik, Vsevolod Karmazin – Kokovsky. The object of research is the architectural monuments of the Skole district. The subject of the study is wooden churches and bell tower in the Skolyshchyna. Chronological boundaries of the study are the beginning of the XVII – the end of XIX century. It was at this time when the sacred art of the Boych Church reached its age.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofHistorical and Cultural Studies, 1 (6), 2019
dc.subjectдерев’яна сакральна архітектура
dc.subjectwooden sacral architecture
dc.titleНайдавніші дерев’яні церкви Сколівщини
dc.title.alternativeFolk wooden churches of the Skolevshchyna
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019
dc.rights.holder© Мельник Роман, Мельник Віра, 2019
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenMelnyk R. Folk wooden churches of the Skolevshchyna / Roman Melnyk, Vira Melnyk // Historical and Cultural Studies. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 6. — No 1. — P. 67–72.
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Appears in Collections:Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2019. – Vol. 6, No. 1

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