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dc.contributor.authorTkachenko, Tetyana
dc.identifier.citationTkachenko T. Scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. The life path of Professor Voloskhina O. S. / Tetyana Tkachenko // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 19–23.
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the main scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture under the leadership of the Head of the Department of Labour Protection and the Environment, Doctor of technical sciences, Professor Voloshkina O. S. Current priorities of her scientific research are: management of ecological safety of atmospheric air in the area of motorway overpasses and formation of photochemical smog; increase in the environmental and energy efficiency of “green building"; introduction of “green structures” into the domestic construction in urbocenoses during the reconstruction and construction of residential and industrial premises; ecological issues in the construction industry.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofЕкологічні проблеми, 1 (4), 2019
dc.relation.ispartofEnvironmental Problems, 1 (4), 2019
dc.subjectecological safety
dc.subjectatmospheric air
dc.subjectmotorway overpasses
dc.subjectphotochemical smog
dc.subjectgreen building
dc.subjectgreen structures
dc.titleScientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. The life path of Professor Voloskhina O. S.
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019
dc.rights.holder© Tkachenko T., 2019
dc.contributor.affiliationKyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
dc.identifier.citationenTkachenko T. Scientific priorities of the development of environmental research in Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture. The life path of Professor Voloskhina O. S. / Tetyana Tkachenko // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 19–23.
dc.relation.references1. Gerd, A., Folberth, Timothy, M., Butler, William, J., Collins, Steven, T., Rumbold (2015) Megacities and climate change- A brief overview. Environment Pollution. 203, 235–242.
dc.relation.references2. Richard C. Flagan,John H. Seinfeld .(1988). Fundamentals of air pollution engineering. California Institute of Technology, by Prentice-Hall, Inc. A Division of Simon & Schuster, Printed in the United States of America. P. 542.
dc.relation.references3. Sipakov R. V. Assessment and forecast for the creation of photochemical smog over transport overpasses in Kyiv / Sipakov R. V., Trofimovich V. V., Voloshkina O. S., Bereznitskaya Y. O. // Prob. Scientific works “Ecological safety and nature management”, KNUBA, ITGIP NANU, K., 2018.-issue 25 p. 44–51.
dc.relation.references4. O. S. Voloshkina. Convective Model of Emission Distribution on the Road Overpass Under Neutral Weather Conditions / O. S. Voloshkina, V. V. Trofimovich, I. V. Klimova, R. W. Sipakov, T. M. Tkachenko // Prob. Scientific works “Ventyliatsiia, Osvitlennia Ta Teplohazopostachannia” KNUBA, K., 2018.-issue 27 p. 23–33.
dc.relation.references5] John, H., Seinfeld, Spiros, N., Pandis. (1997). Atmospheric chemistry and physics. A Wiley- Interscience Publication, Printed in the USA, QC879.6. S45. – 1356 P.
dc.relation.references6. V. V., Trofimovich, O. S., Voloshkina, M. M., Fandikova, I. V., Klimova, N. E., Zhuravska. (2012). Monitoring of atmospheric air. Problems of modeling and forecasting. Prob. Scientific works “Ecological safety and nature management”, KNUBA, ITGIP NANU, K., 10,102–120.
dc.relation.references7. R. Sipakov, Pollution of atmospheric air above the city highways. R. Sipakov, O. Voloshkina, D. Varavin, Y. Ampilova, T. Krivomaz, J. Bereznitska / USEFUL online journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 01–08, December 2018.
dc.relation.references8. Voloskhina O. S., Trofimovich V. V. Osoblyvosti ekologichnoy pidgotovki fachivciv vichoi osvityi u vidpovidnosti do Strategii nyizkovuglerodnogo rozvitku Ukraini do 2050 roku/Kolektivna monografiy za materialami ХУІІ Mijnarodnoy naukovo-praktichnoi konferenzii “Informaziyni technologii upravlinny ecologichnoyu bezpekoyu, prirodokorustuvannyam, zachodami v nadzvichainich situacijach: rozrobki ta dosyagnennya do 100-riccya NANU” (24–25 veresnya 2018 р.)., Кijv: ТОV “Vidavnictvo “Juston”, 2018. – 156–158 p.
dc.relation.referencesen1. Gerd, A., Folberth, Timothy, M., Butler, William, J., Collins, Steven, T., Rumbold (2015) Megacities and climate change- A brief overview. Environment Pollution. 203, 235–242.
dc.relation.referencesen2. Richard C. Flagan,John H. Seinfeld .(1988). Fundamentals of air pollution engineering. California Institute of Technology, by Prentice-Hall, Inc. A Division of Simon & Schuster, Printed in the United States of America. P. 542.
dc.relation.referencesen3. Sipakov R. V. Assessment and forecast for the creation of photochemical smog over transport overpasses in Kyiv, Sipakov R. V., Trofimovich V. V., Voloshkina O. S., Bereznitskaya Y. O., Prob. Scientific works "Ecological safety and nature management", KNUBA, ITGIP NANU, K., 2018.-issue 25 p. 44–51.
dc.relation.referencesen4. O. S. Voloshkina. Convective Model of Emission Distribution on the Road Overpass Under Neutral Weather Conditions, O. S. Voloshkina, V. V. Trofimovich, I. V. Klimova, R. W. Sipakov, T. M. Tkachenko, Prob. Scientific works "Ventyliatsiia, Osvitlennia Ta Teplohazopostachannia" KNUBA, K., 2018.-issue 27 p. 23–33.
dc.relation.referencesen5] John, H., Seinfeld, Spiros, N., Pandis. (1997). Atmospheric chemistry and physics. A Wiley- Interscience Publication, Printed in the USA, QC879.6. S45, 1356 P.
dc.relation.referencesen6. V. V., Trofimovich, O. S., Voloshkina, M. M., Fandikova, I. V., Klimova, N. E., Zhuravska. (2012). Monitoring of atmospheric air. Problems of modeling and forecasting. Prob. Scientific works "Ecological safety and nature management", KNUBA, ITGIP NANU, K., 10,102–120.
dc.relation.referencesen7. R. Sipakov, Pollution of atmospheric air above the city highways. R. Sipakov, O. Voloshkina, D. Varavin, Y. Ampilova, T. Krivomaz, J. Bereznitska, USEFUL online journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 01–08, December 2018.
dc.relation.referencesen8. Voloskhina O. S., Trofimovich V. V. Osoblyvosti ekologichnoy pidgotovki fachivciv vichoi osvityi u vidpovidnosti do Strategii nyizkovuglerodnogo rozvitku Ukraini do 2050 roku/Kolektivna monografiy za materialami KhUII Mijnarodnoy naukovo-praktichnoi konferenzii "Informaziyni technologii upravlinny ecologichnoyu bezpekoyu, prirodokorustuvannyam, zachodami v nadzvichainich situacijach: rozrobki ta dosyagnennya do 100-riccya NANU" (24–25 veresnya 2018 y.)., Kijv: TOV "Vidavnictvo "Juston", 2018, 156–158 p.
dc.citation.journalTitleЕкологічні проблеми
Appears in Collections:Environmental Problems. – 2019. – Vol. 4, No. 1

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