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dc.contributor.authorTymchuk, Ivan
dc.contributor.authorKanda, Maria
dc.contributor.authorMalovanyy, Myroslav
dc.identifier.citationTymchuk I. Utilising organic-mineral fertilisers produced from man-madewaste of poultry farms / Ivan Tymchuk, Maria Kanda, Myroslav Malovanyy // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 57–62.
dc.description.abstractThis research is devoted to ecological problems associated with the development of poultry farming in Ukraine. It provides practical approach to the reduction of ammonium emissions from poultry farms, which results in an opportunity to produce organicmineral fertiliser. Organic-mineral fertilisers obtained this way were tested in field.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofЕкологічні проблеми, 1 (4), 2019
dc.relation.ispartofEnvironmental Problems, 1 (4), 2019
dc.subjectpoultry farms
dc.subjectman-made waste
dc.subjectorganicmineral fertilisers
dc.subjectfield tests
dc.titleUtilising organic-mineral fertilisers produced from man-madewaste of poultry farms
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019
dc.rights.holder© Tymchuk I., Кanda M., Malovanyy M., 2019
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenTymchuk I. Utilising organic-mineral fertilisers produced from man-madewaste of poultry farms / Ivan Tymchuk, Maria Kanda, Myroslav Malovanyy // Environmental Problems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 57–62.
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dc.relation.referencesen1. Terty`chna O. V., Borodaj V. P. Ekologichni zasady rozvytku promyslovogo ptaxivnycztva. Agroekologichnyi zhurnal. 2015. #2. S. 6–12.
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dc.relation.referencesen3. Mel`ny`k V. O. Ekologichni problemy suchasnogo ptaxivnycztva: Mizhvidomchyj naukovyj tematychnyj zbirnyk "Ptaxivnycztvo", 2009, vy`pusk 63. S. 1–15. Rezhym dostupu
dc.relation.referencesen4. Tereshhenko O. V., Kateryny`ch O. O., Rozhkovs`ky`j O. V., Suchasni napryamy rozvytku ptaxivnycztva Ukrayiny: stan ta perspektyvy naukovogo zabezpechennya galuzi. Efektyvne ptaxivnycztvo. 2011. #11. S. 7–12.
dc.relation.referencesen5. A. E. Ghaly and K. N. MacDonald. Development and testing of an ammonia removal unit from the exhaust gas of a manure drying system. American Journal of Environmental Science. 2013. Vol. 9, No. 1. R. 51–61.
dc.relation.referencesen6. Pinchuk V. O., Terty`chna O. V., Borodaj V. P. Rozraxunok azotnogo balansu ptaxopidpry`yemstv. Agroekologichny`j zhurnal. 2016. #4. S. 35–39.
dc.relation.referencesen7. Savostyanova K. V., Melny`k V. O. Pidsushuvannya poslidu na strichkovyx transporterax klitkovyx batarej dlya utrymannya kurej-nesuchok : Mizhvidomchyj naukovyj tematy`chnyj zbirnyk "Ptaxivnycztvo". Kharkiv : IP UAAN. 2007, vypusk 59. S. 138–145.
dc.relation.referencesen8. Heat stress in poultry production:Mitigation strategies to overcome the future challenges facing the global poultry industry, Nawab A. et al. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2018. Vol. 78, P. 131–139.
dc.relation.referencesen9. İsmail Tosun. Ammonium removal from aqueous solutions by clinoptilolite: determination of isotherm and thermodynamic parameters and comparison of kinetics by the double exponential model and conventional kinetic models. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2012. No. 9. R. 970–984.
dc.relation.referencesen10. Schntider A. F. et al. Natural zeolites in diet or litter of broilers. British Poultry Science. 2016. Vol. 57, No. 2. R. 257–263.
dc.relation.referencesen11. Patent na korysnu model 118020 Ukrayina, MPK S02F 3/02, S02G 3/04. 144. Sposib otrymannya organichnogo granulovanogo dobryva, Kanda M. I., Odnorig Z. S., Malovanyy M. S. (UA); zayavnyk ta patentovlasnyk Nacionalnyj Universytet "Lvivska Politexnika". # a 2016 12981; zayav. 19.12.2016; opubl. 25.07.2017.
dc.relation.referencesen12. Dospexov B. A. Metodyka polevogo opyta [5-e izd., dop. i pererab.], B. A. Dospexov, M., Agropromy`zdat, 1985, 351 s.
dc.citation.journalTitleЕкологічні проблеми
Appears in Collections:Environmental Problems. – 2019. – Vol. 4, No. 1

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