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dc.contributor.authorКолб, І. З.
dc.contributor.authorKolb, I.
dc.identifier.citationKolb I. Methods of creation and practical application of mask-maps of high-level terrain objects at orthotransformation of digital aerial photographs / I. Kolb // Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 89. — P. 29–35.
dc.publisherВидавництво Львівської політехніки
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofГеодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання (89), 2019
dc.relation.ispartofGeodesy, cartography and aerial photography (89), 2019
dc.subjectзшивання ортознімків
dc.subjectAerial photography
dc.subjectorthoimage stitching
dc.titleMethods of creation and practical application of mask-maps of high-level terrain objects at orthotransformation of digital aerial photographs
dc.title.alternativeСпосіб створення та практичне застосування карти-маски високих об’єктів місцевості для ортотрансформування цифрових аерознімків
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenKolb I. Methods of creation and practical application of mask-maps of high-level terrain objects at orthotransformation of digital aerial photographs / I. Kolb // Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 89. — P. 29–35.
dc.relation.referencesGoshtasby, A. A. (2005). 2-D and 3-D Image
dc.relation.referencesRegistration for Medical, Remote Sensing, and
dc.relation.referencesIndustrial Applications. John Wiley & Sons.
dc.relation.referencesBaltsavias, E. & Käser, Ch. (1998). DTM and
dc.relation.referencesorthoimage generation – a thorough analysis and
dc.relation.referencescomparison of four digital photogrammetric
dc.relation.referencessystems. IAPRS, 32, Part 4, Stuttgart, FRG.
dc.relation.referencesBielski, C., Grazzini, J., & Soille, P. (2007). Automated
dc.relation.referencesmorphological image composition for mosaicing
dc.relation.referenceslarge image data sets. International Geoscience and
dc.relation.referencesRemote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 4068–4071.
dc.relation.referencesChen, Q., Sun, M., Hu, X., & Zhang, Z. (2019) An
dc.relation.referencesimproved approach for generating globally
dc.relation.referencesconsistent seamline networks for aerial image
dc.relation.referencesmosaicking. doi:10.3390/rs61212334. Available
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dc.relation.referencesGeorgopoulos, A., & Skarlatos, D. (2003). A novel
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dc.relation.referencesof digital elevation models using orthophotographs.
dc.relation.referencesThe Photogrammetric Record. 18. 156–163.
dc.relation.referencesKerschner, M. (2000). Twin snakes for determining
dc.relation.referencesseam lines in orthoimage mosaicking. International
dc.relation.referencesArchives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
dc.relation.referencesVol. XXXIII, Part B4. Amsterdam 2000, 454–461
dc.relation.referencesLi P., Dong Y., Hu Y., Li X., & Tan P. (2018). A
dc.relation.referencesmethod for the seamlines network automatic
dc.relation.referencesselection based on building vector. ISPRS –
dc.relation.referencesInternational Archives of the Photogrammetry,
dc.relation.referencesRemote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
dc.relation.referencesXLII-3. 909-913. 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-3-909-2018.
dc.relation.referencesRemondino, F., Spera, M.G., Nocerino E., Menna F.,
dc.relation.referencesNex F., & Gonizzi B. S. (2013). Dense image
dc.relation.referencesmatching: Comparisons and analyses. IEEE
dc.relation.referencesProc. Digital Heritage Conference. Marceille,
dc.relation.referencesFrance, 2013. doi:10.1109/DigitalHeritage. 2013.6743712.
dc.relation.referencesDemianov, V. V., & Saveleva, E. A. (2010).
dc.relation.referencesGeostatistics. Theory and practice. Nauka.
dc.relation.referencesDorozhynskyi, O. L., & Tukai, R. (2008).
dc.relation.referencesFotogrammetric. Lviv Polytechnic Publishing
dc.relation.referencesInstruction on topographic scaling 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 1000 and 1: 500. (HKNTA-2.04-02-98), Order of
dc.relation.referencesthe Main Department of Geodesy, Cartography and
dc.relation.referencesCadastre under the Cabinet of Ministers of
dc.relation.referencesUkraine. No. 56 dated 09.04.98. (in the wording of 27.07.99)
dc.relation.referencesKadnychanskyi, S. A. (2010). Substantiation of the
dc.relation.referencesrequirements for the digital elevation model for
dc.relation.referencesorthophototransformation of aerial and satellite
dc.relation.referencesimages. Yzvestyia vysshykh uchebnykh zavedenyi
dc.relation.referencesheodezyia y aэrofotosemka. 5, 49–54.
dc.relation.referencesDorozhynskyi, O. L. (2015). Mathematical models of
dc.relation.referencesanalytical and space photogrammetry. Lviv
dc.relation.referencesPolytechnic Publishing House.
dc.relation.referencesChybunychev, A. A. (2002). Construction of digital
dc.relation.referencesorthoimages taking into account the heights of
dc.relation.referencesartificial structures. Yzvestyia vysshykh uchebnykh
dc.relation.referenceszavedenyi. Heodezyia y aerofotosemka. 6, 76–81
dc.relation.referencesenGoshtasby, A. A. (2005). 2-D and 3-D Image
dc.relation.referencesenRegistration for Medical, Remote Sensing, and
dc.relation.referencesenIndustrial Applications. John Wiley & Sons.
dc.relation.referencesenBaltsavias, E. & Käser, Ch. (1998). DTM and
dc.relation.referencesenorthoimage generation – a thorough analysis and
dc.relation.referencesencomparison of four digital photogrammetric
dc.relation.referencesensystems. IAPRS, 32, Part 4, Stuttgart, FRG.
dc.relation.referencesenBielski, C., Grazzini, J., & Soille, P. (2007). Automated
dc.relation.referencesenmorphological image composition for mosaicing
dc.relation.referencesenlarge image data sets. International Geoscience and
dc.relation.referencesenRemote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 4068–4071.
dc.relation.referencesenChen, Q., Sun, M., Hu, X., & Zhang, Z. (2019) An
dc.relation.referencesenimproved approach for generating globally
dc.relation.referencesenconsistent seamline networks for aerial image
dc.relation.referencesenmosaicking. doi:10.3390/rs61212334. Available
dc.relation.referencesenge_mosaicking [accessed Apr 23 2019]
dc.relation.referencesenGeorgopoulos, A., & Skarlatos, D. (2003). A novel
dc.relation.referencesenmethod for automating the checking and correction
dc.relation.referencesenof digital elevation models using orthophotographs.
dc.relation.referencesenThe Photogrammetric Record. 18. 156–163.
dc.relation.referencesenKerschner, M. (2000). Twin snakes for determining
dc.relation.referencesenseam lines in orthoimage mosaicking. International
dc.relation.referencesenArchives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
dc.relation.referencesenVol. XXXIII, Part B4. Amsterdam 2000, 454–461
dc.relation.referencesenLi P., Dong Y., Hu Y., Li X., & Tan P. (2018). A
dc.relation.referencesenmethod for the seamlines network automatic
dc.relation.referencesenselection based on building vector. ISPRS –
dc.relation.referencesenInternational Archives of the Photogrammetry,
dc.relation.referencesenRemote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences.
dc.relation.referencesenXLII-3. 909-913. 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-3-909-2018.
dc.relation.referencesenRemondino, F., Spera, M.G., Nocerino E., Menna F.,
dc.relation.referencesenNex F., & Gonizzi B. S. (2013). Dense image
dc.relation.referencesenmatching: Comparisons and analyses. IEEE
dc.relation.referencesenProc. Digital Heritage Conference. Marceille,
dc.relation.referencesenFrance, 2013. doi:10.1109/DigitalHeritage. 2013.6743712.
dc.relation.referencesenDemianov, V. V., & Saveleva, E. A. (2010).
dc.relation.referencesenGeostatistics. Theory and practice. Nauka.
dc.relation.referencesenDorozhynskyi, O. L., & Tukai, R. (2008).
dc.relation.referencesenFotogrammetric. Lviv Polytechnic Publishing
dc.relation.referencesenInstruction on topographic scaling 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 1000 and 1: 500. (HKNTA-2.04-02-98), Order of
dc.relation.referencesenthe Main Department of Geodesy, Cartography and
dc.relation.referencesenCadastre under the Cabinet of Ministers of
dc.relation.referencesenUkraine. No. 56 dated 09.04.98. (in the wording of 27.07.99)
dc.relation.referencesenKadnychanskyi, S. A. (2010). Substantiation of the
dc.relation.referencesenrequirements for the digital elevation model for
dc.relation.referencesenorthophototransformation of aerial and satellite
dc.relation.referencesenimages. Yzvestyia vysshykh uchebnykh zavedenyi
dc.relation.referencesenheodezyia y aerofotosemka. 5, 49–54.
dc.relation.referencesenDorozhynskyi, O. L. (2015). Mathematical models of
dc.relation.referencesenanalytical and space photogrammetry. Lviv
dc.relation.referencesenPolytechnic Publishing House.
dc.relation.referencesenChybunychev, A. A. (2002). Construction of digital
dc.relation.referencesenorthoimages taking into account the heights of
dc.relation.referencesenartificial structures. Yzvestyia vysshykh uchebnykh
dc.relation.referencesenzavedenyi. Heodezyia y aerofotosemka. 6, 76–81
dc.citation.journalTitleГеодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання
Appears in Collections:Геодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання. – 2019. – Випуск 89

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