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Title: Determination of plumb lines with using trigonometric levelling and GNSS measurements
Other Titles: Визначення відхилень прямовисних ліній з використанням тригонометричного нівелювання та GNSS-вимірювань
Authors: Двуліт, П. Д.
Двуліт, З. П.
Сідоров, І. С.
Dvulit, P.
Dvulit, Z.
Sidorov, I.
Affiliation: Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Dvulit P. Determination of plumb lines with using trigonometric levelling and GNSS measurements / P. Dvulit, Z. Dvulit, I. Sidorov // Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 89. — P. 12–19.
Bibliographic description (International): Dvulit P. Determination of plumb lines with using trigonometric levelling and GNSS measurements / P. Dvulit, Z. Dvulit, I. Sidorov // Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 89. — P. 12–19.
Is part of: Геодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання (89), 2019
Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography (89), 2019
Journal/Collection: Геодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання
Volume: 89
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2019
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Place of the edition/event: Львів
UDC: 528.48
Keywords: тригонометричне нівелювання
вертикальна рефракція
відхилення прямовисних ліній
гравітаційне поле Землі
trigonometric levelling
vertical refraction
the deviation of the vertical lines
the gravitational field of the Earth
Number of pages: 8
Page range: 12-19
Start page: 12
End page: 19
References (Ukraine): Biro, P. (1983). Time variations of height and gravity,
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Brovar, B. V., Jurkina, M. I., and oth. (2010).
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Brovar, V. V. (1983). Gravitational field in engineering
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Konya, Turkey. Scientific Research and Essay, 4
(12), 1438–1444.
Czarnecki, K. (2010). Geodezja wspolczesna. Gall.
Dvulit, P. D. (1998). Gravimetry. Lviv astronomical
geodesic partnership.
Dvulit, P. D. (2008). Physical geodesy. Expres.
Dvulit, P. D., Holubinka, Y. I. (2005). Determination of
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satellite measurements. Herald of Geodesy and
Cartography 2, 12–21.
Dvulit, P. D., Holubinka, Y. I. (2008). About
determination of gravimetric components of
deviations of vertical lines. Herald of Geodesy and
Cartography, 2, 7–9.
Eremeev, V. F., & Jurkina, M. I. (1972). Theory of
heights in the gravitational field of the Earth.
Heiskanen, W. A., & Moritz, H. (1981). Physical
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Hradilek, L. (1963). Theoretische Begrundung der
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bestimmung auf jedem Punkte eines
trigonometrischen Hohennetres. Studia geophysica
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levelling in the course of geodesic networks of
condensation. Modern achievements of geodesic
science and production in Ukraine: Collection of
scientific works ZHT UTHK, II, 125–133.
Molodenskij, M. S., Eremeev, V. F., & Jurkina, M. I.
(1960). Methods of studying the external
gravitational field and the figure of the Earth.
Proceedings CNIIGAiK, 131.
Ogorodova, L. V. (2006). Higher geodesy. Geodezkartizdat.
Torge, W. (1989). Gravimetry. Walter de Gruyter.
Tretiak, K. R., & Sidorov, I. S. (2005). Optimization of
the construction of the geodesic network of the
Dniester HPSS by satellite radionavigation
technologies. Modern achievements of geodesic
science and production, 207–219.
Tretyak, K., Periy, S., Sidorov, I., & Babiy, L. (2015).
High accuracy satellite and field measurements of
horizontal and vertical displacements of control
geodetic network on Dniester Hydroelectric Pumped
Power Station (HPPS). Geomatics and
environmental engineering, 1, 83–96.
References (International): Biro, P. (1983). Time variations of height and gravity,
Ak. Kiado.
Brovar, B. V., Jurkina, M. I., and oth. (2010).
Gravimetry and geodesy. Nauchnij mir.
Brovar, V. V. (1983). Gravitational field in engineering
geodesy problems. Nedra.
Ceylan, A. (2009). Determination of the deflection of
vertical components via GPS and leveling
measurement: A case study of a GPS test network in
Konya, Turkey. Scientific Research and Essay, 4
(12), 1438–1444.
Czarnecki, K. (2010). Geodezja wspolczesna. Gall.
Dvulit, P. D. (1998). Gravimetry. Lviv astronomical
geodesic partnership.
Dvulit, P. D. (2008). Physical geodesy. Expres.
Dvulit, P. D., Holubinka, Y. I. (2005). Determination of
temporal deflections by ground gravimetric data and
satellite measurements. Herald of Geodesy and
Cartography 2, 12–21.
Dvulit, P. D., Holubinka, Y. I. (2008). About
determination of gravimetric components of
deviations of vertical lines. Herald of Geodesy and
Cartography, 2, 7–9.
Eremeev, V. F., & Jurkina, M. I. (1972). Theory of
heights in the gravitational field of the Earth.
Heiskanen, W. A., & Moritz, H. (1981). Physical
geodesy. Graz.
Hradilek, L. (1963). Theoretische Begrundung der
Methode fur die Refraktions_ und Lotabweichungs
bestimmung auf jedem Punkte eines
trigonometrischen Hohennetres. Studia geophysica
et geodaetica, 7, 2, 118–125.
Jakovlev, N. V. (1989). Higher geodesy. Nedra.
Jordan, Eggert, Kneissl (1969). Handbuch der
Vermessungkunde. Band VI. Stuttgart.
Litynskyi, V. O., & Perii, S. S. (2006). Trigonometric
levelling in the course of geodesic networks of
condensation. Modern achievements of geodesic
science and production in Ukraine: Collection of
scientific works ZHT UTHK, II, 125–133.
Molodenskij, M. S., Eremeev, V. F., & Jurkina, M. I.
(1960). Methods of studying the external
gravitational field and the figure of the Earth.
Proceedings CNIIGAiK, 131.
Ogorodova, L. V. (2006). Higher geodesy. Geodezkartizdat.
Torge, W. (1989). Gravimetry. Walter de Gruyter.
Tretiak, K. R., & Sidorov, I. S. (2005). Optimization of
the construction of the geodesic network of the
Dniester HPSS by satellite radionavigation
technologies. Modern achievements of geodesic
science and production, 207–219.
Tretyak, K., Periy, S., Sidorov, I., & Babiy, L. (2015).
High accuracy satellite and field measurements of
horizontal and vertical displacements of control
geodetic network on Dniester Hydroelectric Pumped
Power Station (HPPS). Geomatics and
environmental engineering, 1, 83–96.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Геодезія, картографія і аерофотознімання. – 2019. – Випуск 89

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