Title: | Концепція культурного туризму у сучасному науковому дискурсі |
Authors: | Вербицька, Поліна |
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): | Вербицька П. Концепція культурного туризму у сучасному науковому дискурсі / Поліна Вербицька // Культурна спадщина: традиції та інновації : тези науково-практичної конференції, 27 травня 2019 року. — Львів, 2019. — С. 17–21. |
Bibliographic description (International): | Verbitska P. Kontseptsiia kulturnoho turyzmu u suchasnomu naukovomu dyskursi / Polina Verbytska // Kulturna spadshchyna: tradytsii ta innovatsii : tezy naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, 27 travnia 2019 roku. — 2019. — P. 17–21. |
Is part of: | Культурна спадщина: традиції та інновації : тези науково-практичної конференції, 2019 |
Conference/Event: | Культурна спадщина: традиції та інновації : тези науково-практичної конференції |
Journal/Collection: | Культурна спадщина: традиції та інновації : тези науково-практичної конференції |
Issue Date: | 1-Jun-2019 |
Place of the edition/event: | Львів |
Temporal Coverage: | 27 травня 2019 року |
Number of pages: | 5 |
Page range: | 17-21 |
Start page: | 17 |
End page: | 21 |
URI: | |
URL for reference material: | |
References (Ukraine): | 1. Binkhorst, E., den Dekker, T. and Melkert, M. (2010). Blurring boundaries in cultural tourism research, in Richards, G. and Munsters, W. (eds) Cultural Tourism Research Methods, Wallingford: CABI, 41-51. 2. Bourdieu Pierre, Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge University Press, 1977. 3. Cepaitiene, R. (2010). Cultural Heritage in a Global World. Vilnus: European Humanities University, Institute of Lithuanian History. 4. European Travel Commission. (2006). Cf. European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education, [in] Tourism trends for Europe, European Travel Commission, p.URL: Tourism and Leisure Studies. 5. Hewison, R. (1987). The Heritage Industry: Britain in a climate of decline. London: Methuen. 6. ICOMOS. (1999). International Tourism Charter.URL: 7. Hjalager, A.M. and Richards, G. (2002) Tourism and Gastronomy, London: Routledge. 8. Johnson, L. (2009). Cultural capitals: Revaluing the arts, remaking urban spaces. Farnham: Ashgate. 9. Maitland, R. (2007) Conviviality and everyday life: the appeal of new areas of London for visitors, International Journal of Tourism Research, 10: 15-20. 10. McKercher, B. and du Cros, H. (2002). Cultural Tourism. New York: Haworth Press. 11. Richards, G. (2011). Creativity and tourism: The state of the art. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4): 1225–1253. 12. Richards, G. and Raymond, C. (2000). Creative tourism. ATLAS News no. 23, pp. 16-20. 13. Richards, G. (2013). Cultural Tourism. in Blackshaw, T. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Leisure Studies. Routledge: London, pp. 483-492. 14. Richards, G. (1996). Production and consumption of European Cultural Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(2): 261-283. 15. Richards, G. (2001, ed.). Cultural Attractions and European Tourism. Wallingford: CABI. 16. Smith, L. (2012) The cultural work of tourism in Smith, L., Waterton, E. and Watson, S. (eds) The Cultural Moment of Tourism, London: Routledge. Smith, M. and Richards, G. (forthcoming) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism. London: Routledge. 17. Stebbins, R. A. (1996). Cultural tourism as serious leisure. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(4), 948-950. 18. Weissenborn, B. (1997). Kulturtourismus, in Trierer Tourismus Bibliographien, vol 10, Trier. 19. World Tourism Organization. (1985). The State's role in protecting and promoting culture as a factor of tourism development and the proper use and exploitation of the national cultural heritage of sites and monuments for tourism. Madrid, Spain: The Organization. |
References (International): | 1. Binkhorst, E., den Dekker, T. and Melkert, M. (2010). Blurring boundaries in cultural tourism research, in Richards, G. and Munsters, W. (eds) Cultural Tourism Research Methods, Wallingford: CABI, 41-51. 2. Bourdieu Pierre, Outline of a Theory of Practice. Cambridge University Press, 1977. 3. Cepaitiene, R. (2010). Cultural Heritage in a Global World. Vilnus: European Humanities University, Institute of Lithuanian History. 4. European Travel Commission. (2006). Cf. European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education, [in] Tourism trends for Europe, European Travel Commission, p.URL: Tourism and Leisure Studies. 5. Hewison, R. (1987). The Heritage Industry: Britain in a climate of decline. London: Methuen. 6. ICOMOS. (1999). International Tourism Charter.URL: 7. Hjalager, A.M. and Richards, G. (2002) Tourism and Gastronomy, London: Routledge. 8. Johnson, L. (2009). Cultural capitals: Revaluing the arts, remaking urban spaces. Farnham: Ashgate. 9. Maitland, R. (2007) Conviviality and everyday life: the appeal of new areas of London for visitors, International Journal of Tourism Research, 10: 15-20. 10. McKercher, B. and du Cros, H. (2002). Cultural Tourism. New York: Haworth Press. 11. Richards, G. (2011). Creativity and tourism: The state of the art. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4): 1225–1253. 12. Richards, G. and Raymond, C. (2000). Creative tourism. ATLAS News no. 23, pp. 16-20. 13. Richards, G. (2013). Cultural Tourism. in Blackshaw, T. (ed.) Routledge Handbook of Leisure Studies. Routledge: London, pp. 483-492. 14. Richards, G. (1996). Production and consumption of European Cultural Tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(2): 261-283. 15. Richards, G. (2001, ed.). Cultural Attractions and European Tourism. Wallingford: CABI. 16. Smith, L. (2012) The cultural work of tourism in Smith, L., Waterton, E. and Watson, S. (eds) The Cultural Moment of Tourism, London: Routledge. Smith, M. and Richards, G. (forthcoming) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism. London: Routledge. 17. Stebbins, R. A. (1996). Cultural tourism as serious leisure. Annals of Tourism Research, 23(4), 948-950. 18. Weissenborn, B. (1997). Kulturtourismus, in Trierer Tourismus Bibliographien, vol 10, Trier. 19. World Tourism Organization. (1985). The State's role in protecting and promoting culture as a factor of tourism development and the proper use and exploitation of the national cultural heritage of sites and monuments for tourism. Madrid, Spain: The Organization. |
Content type: | Conference Abstract |
Appears in Collections: | Культурна спадщина: традиції та інновації. – 2019 р. |
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