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dc.contributor.authorПокровський, Костянтин
dc.contributor.authorМаврін, Ольгерд
dc.contributor.authorМузичак, Андрій
dc.contributor.authorОлійник, Володимир
dc.contributor.authorPokrovskyi, Kostiantyn
dc.contributor.authorMuzychak, Andriy
dc.contributor.authorMavrin, Olgerd
dc.contributor.authorOliinyk, Volodymyr
dc.identifier.citationAnalysis of Modes of Asynchronized Generator in Extra-High Voltage Power Grid / Kostiantyn Pokrovskyi, Andriy Muzychak, Olgerd Mavrin, Volodymyr Oliinyk // Energy Engineering and Control Systems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 5. — No 2. — P. 57–65.
dc.description.abstractЗастосування мереж надвисокої напруги призводить до низки проблем з компенсацією надлишкової реактивної потужності. Варіантом розв’язання таких проблем може бути застосування асинхронізованих генераторів, які мають ряд переваг перед традиційними синхронними генераторами. Ці переваги здебільшого проявляють себе в умовах роботи генератора у мережах із надлишковою реактивною потужністю. Типовим прикладом такої мережі є мережа надвисокої напруги “Острова БуТЕС” та енергомоста “Україна- ЄС”. У роботі наведено результати математичного моделювання режимів мережі “Енергомоста “Україна – ЄС”. Координати режимів визначалися для різних варіантів схеми та режимів роботи генератора. Отримані результати доводять можливість та ефективність пропонованого технічного рішення.
dc.description.abstractThe mathematical model of the air conditioning system has been developed. It is based on the analysis of thermoeconomic energy efficiency indicators and it is solved in a complex way: by defining the optimal parameters taking into account the non-stationary heat of the tides and by determining the optimal device for optimizing the operating modes of the refrigeration system. When designing an air-conditioning system, a thermoeconomic analysis was made for an object being created. An important problem of energy saving was solved during the design with taking into account the changes in electricity tariffs. The thermoeconomic model of the refrigeration unit of the air conditioning system with the definition of exergetic indices and exergic losses has been developed. These indices and losses are components of the thermodynamic efficiency criterion for energy systems that provide a minimum of reduced costs. Analysis of the model allowed obtaining an analytical decision, on the basis of which we can determine the optimal conditions for designing this air conditioning system and its operating modes.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofEnergy Engineering and Control Systems, 2 (5), 2019
dc.subjectасинхронізований генератор
dc.subjectасинхронізований режим
dc.subjectасинхронний режим
dc.subjectнадвисоковольтна мережа
dc.subjectенергоміст “Україна–ЄС”
dc.subjectthermoeconomic optimization
dc.subjectair conditioning
dc.subjectrefrigeration units
dc.subjectelectricity tariffs
dc.subjectheat exchange
dc.titleAnalysis of Modes of Asynchronized Generator in Extra-High Voltage Power Grid
dc.title.alternativeАналіз режимів асинхронізованого генератора у мережі надвисокої напруги
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenAnalysis of Modes of Asynchronized Generator in Extra-High Voltage Power Grid / Kostiantyn Pokrovskyi, Andriy Muzychak, Olgerd Mavrin, Volodymyr Oliinyk // Energy Engineering and Control Systems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 5. — No 2. — P. 57–65.
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dc.relation.references4. V. Zdanovskyi, O. Minyailo, V. Kryvyi. The operational experience of the asynchronized turbine generator ASTG–200. Electrical Stations, No. 1, pp. 37–41, 1993. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references5. M. Seheda, O. Minyailo, K. Pokrovskyy. Limitations in the economic distribution of reactive power between the generators. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, No. 89(6), pp. 299–300, 2013.
dc.relation.references6. K. Pokrovskyy, O. Mavrin, A. Muzychak. Synchronous mode analysis of an asynchronized generator in the scheme of power bridge “Ukraine–EU”. 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems, p. 85–89.
dc.relation.references7. Y. Zozulin, O. Antonov, V. Bychik, A. Borychevskyi, K. Kobzar, O. Livshyts, V. Rakohon, I. Rohovyi, L. Khaimovych, V. Cherednyk Creation of new types and modernization of existing turbine generators for thermoelectric power stations: [monograph]. Kharkiv: Kolegium, 2011. 223 p. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.references8. I. Postnikov, V. Asanbaev, A. Fink, V. Saratov, I. Cheremisov, Ju. Zozulin, D. Karpman. Research of parameters and characteristics of powerful asynchronized generators in synchronous mode: [Preprint 400]. IED AN Ukrainian SSR, Kiyiv, 1984, 42 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references9. I. Postnikov, V. Asanbaev, A. Fink, V. Saratov, I. Cheremisov, Ju. Zozulin, D. Karpman. Research of parameters and characteristics of powerful asynchronized generators in asynchronous mode: [Preprint 399]. IED AN Ukrainian SSR, Kiyiv, 1984, 52 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references10. Miniailo O. S., Pokrovskyi K. B. Static mathematical model of the block with ASTG. Technical Electrodynamics, No. 2, pp. 56–60, 1995.
dc.relation.references11. R. Glushenkov . Study of main aspects of implementation of the regime of day power regulation at Ukrainian NPS. Technical Audit and Production Preserves, No. 2/1(22), pp.18–26, 2015. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2015.41404.
dc.relation.referencesen1. Y. Nedashkovskyi. The pilot project "Energy Bridge Ukraine–EU" as the first step towards complete synchronization of power systems of Ukraine and the European Union. Energoatom of Ukraine, No. 1(44), pp. 5–9, 2017. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen2. Nekrasov A. M., Rokotian S. S. Long-distance power lines 750 kV. Moscow: Energia, 1974. book 1, p. 224. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen3. Guidelines for the diagnosis of developing defects in transformer equipment based on the results of chromatographic analysis of gases dissolved in oil. RD 153-34.0-46.302.00, Moscow, 2001. 42 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen4. V. Zdanovskyi, O. Minyailo, V. Kryvyi. The operational experience of the asynchronized turbine generator ASTG–200. Electrical Stations, No. 1, pp. 37–41, 1993. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen5. M. Seheda, O. Minyailo, K. Pokrovskyy. Limitations in the economic distribution of reactive power between the generators. Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, No. 89(6), pp. 299–300, 2013.
dc.relation.referencesen6. K. Pokrovskyy, O. Mavrin, A. Muzychak. Synchronous mode analysis of an asynchronized generator in the scheme of power bridge "Ukraine–EU". 2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power Systems, p. 85–89.
dc.relation.referencesen7. Y. Zozulin, O. Antonov, V. Bychik, A. Borychevskyi, K. Kobzar, O. Livshyts, V. Rakohon, I. Rohovyi, L. Khaimovych, V. Cherednyk Creation of new types and modernization of existing turbine generators for thermoelectric power stations: [monograph]. Kharkiv: Kolegium, 2011. 223 p. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen8. I. Postnikov, V. Asanbaev, A. Fink, V. Saratov, I. Cheremisov, Ju. Zozulin, D. Karpman. Research of parameters and characteristics of powerful asynchronized generators in synchronous mode: [Preprint 400]. IED AN Ukrainian SSR, Kiyiv, 1984, 42 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen9. I. Postnikov, V. Asanbaev, A. Fink, V. Saratov, I. Cheremisov, Ju. Zozulin, D. Karpman. Research of parameters and characteristics of powerful asynchronized generators in asynchronous mode: [Preprint 399]. IED AN Ukrainian SSR, Kiyiv, 1984, 52 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen10. Miniailo O. S., Pokrovskyi K. B. Static mathematical model of the block with ASTG. Technical Electrodynamics, No. 2, pp. 56–60, 1995.
dc.relation.referencesen11. R. Glushenkov . Study of main aspects of implementation of the regime of day power regulation at Ukrainian NPS. Technical Audit and Production Preserves, No. 2/1(22), pp.18–26, 2015. (in Russian) DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2015.41404.
Appears in Collections:Energy Engineering And Control Systems. – 2019. – Vol. 5, No. 2

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