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dc.contributor.authorЛисяк, Владислав
dc.contributor.authorОлійник, Михайло
dc.contributor.authorСівакова, Ольга
dc.contributor.authorСабат, Мирослав
dc.contributor.authorLysiak, Vladyslav
dc.contributor.authorOliinyk, Mykhailo
dc.contributor.authorSivakova, Olha
dc.contributor.authorSabat, Myroslav
dc.identifier.citationDynamic Modelling of Centrifugal Hydraulic Load of Pumping Station Electric Drive / Vladyslav Lysiak, Mykhailo Oliinyk, Olha Sivakova, Myroslav Sabat // Energy engineering and control systems. — Львів : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 5. — No 1. — P. 1–8.
dc.description.abstractПроаналізовано сучасні тенденції моделювання відцентрового гідравлічного навантаження електро- приводу помпових станцій. Виявлено, що переважно застосовується гранично спрощений підхід до представлення однієї з нерозривно пов’язаних підсистем (гідравлічної чи електромеханічної), що значно звужує можливості комплексного аналізу процесів, які відбуваються в окремих її елементах. Моделі, побудовані на таких засадах, можна ефективно застосовувати для вирішення вузькоспеціалізованих задач, і вони не завжди дають достатнє уявлення про стан і режими усіх елементів підсистем. Частково цю проблему вирішено під час моделювання усталених режимів помпових станцій. Запропоновано вдосконалену динамічну модель відцентрового гідравлічного навантаження електроприводу помпової станції, яка дає змогу досліджувати процеси, що відбуваються в основних елементах відцентрової помпи з урахуванням її внутрішніх параметрів та залежності цих параметрів від фізичних параметрів рідини.
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyzes modern trends in modelling the centrifugal hydraulic load of the pumping station electric drive. It was found that a very simplified approach to the representation of one of the inextricably linked subsystems (hydraulic or electromechanical) is mostly used, which significantly reduces the possibility of a complex analysis of the processes in its individual elements. Models based on this approach can be effectively applied to solve highly specialized tasks and do not always give a clear idea of the state and modes of all the elements of the subsystems. This problem was partially solved while carrying out the simulation of the steady state modes of the pumping stations. The paper offers an advanced dynamic model of the centrifugal hydraulic load of the pumping station electric drive which enables studying the processes in the main elements of the centrifugal pump, taking into account its internal parameters and dependences of these parameters on the physical parameters of the fluid.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofEnergy engineering and control systems, 1 (5), 2019
dc.subjectпомпова станція
dc.subjectвідцентрова помпа
dc.subjectгідравлічна мережа
dc.subjectelectric drive
dc.subjectpumping station
dc.subjectcentrifugal pump
dc.subjecthydraulic network
dc.titleDynamic Modelling of Centrifugal Hydraulic Load of Pumping Station Electric Drive
dc.title.alternativeДинамічне моделювання відцентрового гідравлічного навантаження електроприводу помпової станції
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2019
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenDynamic Modelling of Centrifugal Hydraulic Load of Pumping Station Electric Drive / Vladyslav Lysiak, Mykhailo Oliinyk, Olha Sivakova, Myroslav Sabat // Energy engineering and control systems. — Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 5. — No 1. — P. 1–8.
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dc.relation.references2. Bohdanov, R. M. Methods of calculating the structure of electricity consumption in oil pipeline transportation // Electronic scientific journal “Oil and Gas Business”, 2012, No. 1. – pp. 23–26. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references3. Mukany Eme Borys. Modes of operation of power supply systems of oil and gas fields: thesis abstract for the degree of candidate of technical sciences: specialty 05.09.03 “Electrotechnical complexes and systems” / Mukany Eme Borys; Rus. state un-t oil and gas them. I. M. Gubkin . – Moscow, 2011. – 25 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references4. Fedorov, A. V. System of uninterrupted power supply of technological objects of the oil and gas complex: dissertation abstract for a degree of candidate of technical sciences: specialty 05.09.03 “Electrotechnical complexes and systems” / A. V. Fedorov; Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “St. Petersburg Mining University” . – St. Petersburg, 2016. – 20 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references5. Ryabukhin M. I. Development and mathematical modelling of an axial centrifugal motor-pump with a squirrel cage: dissertation abstract for a degree of candidate of technical sciences: specialty 05.09.03 “Electrotechnical complexes and systems” / Kuban. state tehnol. un-t. – Krasnodar, 2005. – 24 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references6. Lysiak, V. H., Shelekh, Yu. L., Sabat, M. B. Mathematical model of electrotechnical complex for power supply system. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 733–743 (in Russian). – doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-4-733-743.
dc.relation.references7. Lysiak, V. H. The Steady-State Modes of the Complex “Electrical Supply System – Pumping Station" / V. H. Lysiak, Y. L. Shelekh, M. B. Sabat // Electrotechnical And Computer Systems, 2017. – No. 25 (101). – pp. 34–43. – doi: 10.15276/eltecs.25.101.2017.04. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.references8. Paranchuk, Y. S., Lysiak, V. H. Energy efficient power supply system and automatic control of the complex “power supply – pumping station” modes. Scientific bulletin of National Mining University, 2018, No. 3, pp. 115–124. – doi: 10.29202/nvngu/2018-3/16. Vladyslav Lysiak, Myhailo Oliinyk, Olha 8 Sivakova, Myroslav Sabat
dc.relation.references9. Lysiak V., Oliinyk M. Modelling of Hydraulic Load of Electric Drive in Electrical Complex of Pumping Station. Energy Eng. Control Syst., 2018, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 31–36. – doi: 10.23939/jeecs2018.01.031.
dc.relation.references10. Mukhortov I. S. Increasing the energy efficiency of a group of electric drives of reservoir pressure maintenance systems: dissertation abstract for a candidate of technical sciences degree: specialty 05.09.03 “Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems” / Ivan Sergeevich Mukhortov; Samara State Technical University . – Samara, 2014. – 25 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references11. Andrushchak, S. V. Mathematical and simulation modeming of the process of transportation and dosing of sludge / S. V. Andruschak, P. V. Besedin // Scientific statements Bel SU. Ser. Economy. Computer science, 2016. – No. 16(237), issue 39. – pp. 115–122. (in Russian)
dc.relation.references12. Jafar Ghafouri. Dynamic Modelling of Variable Speed Centrifugal Pump Utilizing MATLAB / SIMULINK / Jafar Ghafouri, Farid Khayatzadeh H., Amin Khayatzadeh H. // International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 5, June 2012. – pp. 44–50.
dc.relation.references13. Khayatzadeh, F., & Ghafouri, J. (2015). Dynamical Modelling of Frequency Controlled Variable Speed Parallel Multistage Centrifugal Pumps, Archive of Mechanical Engineering, 62(3), 347-362. doi:
dc.relation.references14. Uossef Ghomrokchi A., Parvaresh Rizi A. Dynamic Modelling of Variable Speed Pumps in Pressurized Irrigation System Considering Energy Consumption Analysis (Case Study: Ashrafieh Agro-Industry Irrigation System). Irrigation and Drainage Structures Engineering Research. – Vol.18. – No.68, 2017. – pp. 143–160. – doi: 10.22092/ARIDSE.2017.107049.1117.
dc.relation.references15. Lozynskyi, А. О., Kutsyk, А. S., Kinchur, О. F. The research of efficiency of the use of neuropredictor in the control system of watersupply pump electric drive. Scientific bulletin of National Mining University, 2017, No. 1, pp. 93–99.
dc.relation.references16. Kostyshyn, V. S. Simulation of performance characteristics of centrifugal pumps by the electro-hydrodynamic analogy method / V. S. Kostyshyn, P. O. Kurlyak // Journal of Hydrocarbon Power Engineering. – 2015. – Vol. 2, No. 1. – pp. 24–31.
dc.relation.referencesen1. Kutsyk, A. S. Mathematical model of the system "frequency-controlled electric drive – pump – water supply network", A. S. Kutsyk, A. O. Lozynskyi, O. F. Kinchur, Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Electrical Power and Electromechanical Systems, 2015, No. 834, pp. 48–55. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen2. Bohdanov, R. M. Methods of calculating the structure of electricity consumption in oil pipeline transportation, Electronic scientific journal "Oil and Gas Business", 2012, No. 1, pp. 23–26. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen3. Mukany Eme Borys. Modes of operation of power supply systems of oil and gas fields: thesis abstract for the degree of candidate of technical sciences: specialty 05.09.03 "Electrotechnical complexes and systems", Mukany Eme Borys; Rus. state un-t oil and gas them. I. M. Gubkin , Moscow, 2011, 25 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen4. Fedorov, A. V. System of uninterrupted power supply of technological objects of the oil and gas complex: dissertation abstract for a degree of candidate of technical sciences: specialty 05.09.03 "Electrotechnical complexes and systems", A. V. Fedorov; Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "St. Petersburg Mining University" , St. Petersburg, 2016, 20 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen5. Ryabukhin M. I. Development and mathematical modelling of an axial centrifugal motor-pump with a squirrel cage: dissertation abstract for a degree of candidate of technical sciences: specialty 05.09.03 "Electrotechnical complexes and systems", Kuban. state tehnol. un-t, Krasnodar, 2005, 24 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen6. Lysiak, V. H., Shelekh, Yu. L., Sabat, M. B. Mathematical model of electrotechnical complex for power supply system. Scientific and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, 2017, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 733–743 (in Russian), doi: 10.17586/2226-1494-2017-17-4-733-743.
dc.relation.referencesen7. Lysiak, V. H. The Steady-State Modes of the Complex "Electrical Supply System – Pumping Station", V. H. Lysiak, Y. L. Shelekh, M. B. Sabat, Electrotechnical And Computer Systems, 2017, No. 25 (101), pp. 34–43, doi: 10.15276/eltecs.25.101.2017.04. (in Ukrainian)
dc.relation.referencesen8. Paranchuk, Y. S., Lysiak, V. H. Energy efficient power supply system and automatic control of the complex "power supply – pumping station" modes. Scientific bulletin of National Mining University, 2018, No. 3, pp. 115–124, doi: 10.29202/nvngu/2018-3/16. Vladyslav Lysiak, Myhailo Oliinyk, Olha 8 Sivakova, Myroslav Sabat
dc.relation.referencesen9. Lysiak V., Oliinyk M. Modelling of Hydraulic Load of Electric Drive in Electrical Complex of Pumping Station. Energy Eng. Control Syst., 2018, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 31–36, doi: 10.23939/jeecs2018.01.031.
dc.relation.referencesen10. Mukhortov I. S. Increasing the energy efficiency of a group of electric drives of reservoir pressure maintenance systems: dissertation abstract for a candidate of technical sciences degree: specialty 05.09.03 "Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems", Ivan Sergeevich Mukhortov; Samara State Technical University , Samara, 2014, 25 p. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen11. Andrushchak, S. V. Mathematical and simulation modeming of the process of transportation and dosing of sludge, S. V. Andruschak, P. V. Besedin, Scientific statements Bel SU. Ser. Economy. Computer science, 2016, No. 16(237), issue 39, pp. 115–122. (in Russian)
dc.relation.referencesen12. Jafar Ghafouri. Dynamic Modelling of Variable Speed Centrifugal Pump Utilizing MATLAB, SIMULINK, Jafar Ghafouri, Farid Khayatzadeh H., Amin Khayatzadeh H., International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, Volume 1, Issue 5, June 2012, pp. 44–50.
dc.relation.referencesen13. Khayatzadeh, F., & Ghafouri, J. (2015). Dynamical Modelling of Frequency Controlled Variable Speed Parallel Multistage Centrifugal Pumps, Archive of Mechanical Engineering, 62(3), 347-362. doi:
dc.relation.referencesen14. Uossef Ghomrokchi A., Parvaresh Rizi A. Dynamic Modelling of Variable Speed Pumps in Pressurized Irrigation System Considering Energy Consumption Analysis (Case Study: Ashrafieh Agro-Industry Irrigation System). Irrigation and Drainage Structures Engineering Research, Vol.18, No.68, 2017, pp. 143–160, doi: 10.22092/ARIDSE.2017.107049.1117.
dc.relation.referencesen15. Lozynskyi, A. O., Kutsyk, A. S., Kinchur, O. F. The research of efficiency of the use of neuropredictor in the control system of watersupply pump electric drive. Scientific bulletin of National Mining University, 2017, No. 1, pp. 93–99.
dc.relation.referencesen16. Kostyshyn, V. S. Simulation of performance characteristics of centrifugal pumps by the electro-hydrodynamic analogy method, V. S. Kostyshyn, P. O. Kurlyak, Journal of Hydrocarbon Power Engineering, 2015, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 24–31.
Appears in Collections:Energy Engineering And Control Systems. – 2019. – Vol. 5, No. 1

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