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Title: Ергодизайнерські принципи організації інтер’єрних просторів ресторанних закладів
Other Titles: Эргодизайнерские принципы организации интерьерных пространств ресторанных заведений
Ergodesign principles of the organization of interior spaces of restaurant establishments
Authors: Дудка, Світлана-Роксолана Олександрівна
Affiliation: Харківська державна академія дизайну і мистецтв
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Дудка С.-Р. О. Ергодизайнерські принципи організації інтер’єрних просторів ресторанних закладів : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата мистецтвознавства : 17.00.07 – дизайн / Світлана-Роксолана Олександрівна Дудука ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Харківська державна академія дизайну і мистецтв. – Львів, 2019. – 322 с. – Бібліографія: с. 191–208 (265 назв).
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Харківська державна академія дизайну і мистецтв
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Science degree: кандидат мистецвознавства
Defense council: К 35.052.25
Supervisor: Мироненко, Віктор Павлович
Committee members: Алфьорова, Зоя Іванівна
Павлів, Андрій Петрович
UDC: 72.012:[614.212:616.89]
Keywords: ергодизайнерські принципи
ресторанні заклади
організація просторів
інклюзивний дизайн
эргодизайнерськие принципы
ресторанные заведения
организация пространств
инклюзивный дизайн
ergodesign principles
restaurant facilities
space organization
interior design
inclusive design
Number of pages: 322
Abstract: Диссертационное работа является первым комплексным многоаспектным исследованием эргодизайн в предметно-пространственной среде ресторанных заведений. Проанализированы теоретические предпосылки развития оптимизационных подходов в проектировании предприятий общественного питания ресторанов. Сформулированы основные свойства эргодизайнерського подхода, к которым сегодня можно отнести: инклюзивность, экологичность, оптимальность, компактность, функциональность. Предложено использовать графоаналитический метод моделирования и метод экспертной оценки предметно-пространственной среды ресторанов как одни из 20 основополагающих методов для исследования комфортности ресторанных интерьеров. Обобщены профессиональные представления о внутреннем пространстве в виде художественных концепций, а также проведен анализ их использования на объекте исследования: художественная концепция «динамического» пространства (которое развивается, гибкое, многоплановое пространство) художественная концепция «переливания» в структуру интерьера (закономерные связи между построением внутреннего пространства и внешними факторами, влияющими на его формирование). В работе сформулированы приемы и средства оптимизации современных интерьерных пространств ресторанов и выведено практические меры по дизайн-проектированию современных ресторанных заведений (исходя из потребностей посетителей и персонала, на основе проведенного социологического опроса). В диссертационном исследовании определены эргодизайнерськие принципы организации интерьерных пространств ресторанных заведений. The dissertation is the first comprehensive multidimensional study of ergodesign in the subject-spatial environment of restaurant establishments. The theoretical prerequisites for the development of optimization approaches in the design of restaurants catering enterprises are analyzed. The basic properties of the ergodesign approach are formulated, which today include: inclusiveness, environmental friendliness, optimality, compactness, functionality. It is proposed to use the grapho-analytical method of modeling and the method of expert assessment of the subject-spatial environment of restaurants as one of the fundamental methods for studying the comfort of restaurant interiors. Professional ideas about the internal space in the form of artistic concepts are generalized, and an analysis of their use at the object of study is carried out: the artistic concept of «dynamic» space (which is developing, flexible, multifaceted space), the artistic concept of «transfusion» into the interior structure (natural connections between building the internal space and external factors affecting its formation). In the work, methods and means of optimizing the modern interior spaces of restaurants are formulated and practical measures for the design of modern restaurant establishments are derived (based on the needs of visitors and staff, based on a sociological survey). On the basis of systematic empirical historical experience of interior design of restaurant establishments, the principles of compositional organization and structuring of interior space of modern restaurants were revealed, namely: a). principle of interpenetration of internal and external space; b). the principle of integrity of the structure of interior space; in). the principle of composite unity of the interior and its material-object filling (this principle allows to determine the peculiarities of the organization of purposeful movement of people in the object-space environment of the restaurant interior and the ergonomic characteristics of the spaces themselves. Incorporation of ergodesign research data into the system of normative-instructive provision of restaurant establishments plays an important role in the process of further formation of comfortable working conditions for the staff of the establishment and rest of restaurant visitors (the so-called life activity of people in the subject-space environment of restaurants). The criteria for the study in this case are: functional comfort (mental and psychophysiological components, characterized by pleasure from the activity and interaction with the interior spaces and the material and object filling the interior of the restaurant people); accessibility; informative; optimality of construction of interior spaces; environmental friendliness; compactness; functionality, etc. The systems of constructive and innovative technological solutions used in the organization of interior spaces of restaurants have been deduced, their ergonomics has been investigated and the ergodesign principles of organization of the subject-space environment of restaurant establishments have been determined, namely: the principle of multifaceted design of restaurant interiors (it envisages creation of possibilities of spatial and material-object choice for both the restaurant visitors and its employees); the principle of interpenetration and connectivity of functional and typological zones of the restaurant (means the possibility of multifunctional use of elements of the spatial environment, creating a coherent space); the principle of "ruggedness" and manageability of the interior spaces of the restaurant (it provides for the possibility of functional changes of different material and technical environment, depending on class requirements and available architectural possibilities (change of design due to change of concept, creation of additional space, etc.); the principle of updating and "digitizing" the interior spaces of restaurants (associated with providing additional up-to-date information to both employees and visitors. It enhances their ability to manage this environment (the possibility of various configurations and enhancements using ergonomic solutions). Use of modern technologies and means for high-quality and comfortable stay of people of all categories, regardless of their physical, mental and other characteristics (creation of inclusive design); the principle of personalization and "subjectivity" of restaurant interior spaces (provides subjects of the restaurant environment (visitors and employees) with the opportunity to meet the need for personalized space (creating purposeful movement, graphoanalytic modeling of the spatial zones of different classes of restaurants); the principle of autonomy and independence of the interior spaces of restaurants. Provides the ability to live in the most favorable rhythm, corresponding to age, individual and other characteristics for both employees and visitors. The object-space environment of the restaurant is not related to external factors, the restaurant is considered as a universal building with full autonomy).
Content type: Dissertation Abstract
Appears in Collections:Автореферати та дисертаційні роботи

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