DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.advisor | Крикавський, Євген Васильович | - |
dc.contributor.author | Стець, Оксана Мефодіївна | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-05-15T09:30:46Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2019-05-15T09:30:46Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2019 | - |
dc.identifier.citation | Стець О. М. Стpaтегiя мapкетингу цiннoстi у фopмувaннi пoтенцiaлу кoнкуpентoспpoмoжнoстi пiдпpиємствa нa pинку мoлoкoпpoдуктiв : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук : 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) / Оксана Мефодіївна Стець ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів, 2019. – 240 с. – Бібліографія: с. 203–218 (176 назв). | uk_UA |
dc.identifier.uri | https://ena.lpnu.ua/handle/ntb/44920 | - |
dc.description.abstract | Досліджено теоретико-методологічні засади формування стратегії маркетингу цінності на ринку товарів швидкої ротації. Проведено аналіз еволюції маркетингових концепцій від маркетингу 2.0 до побудови стратегії маркетингу цінностей. Здійснено структуризацію маркетингу цінностей на ринку товарів швидкої ротації. Визначено головні чинники розвитку підприємств на ринку молокопродуктів. Досліджено динаміку та перспективи розвитку вітчизняного ринку молочної продукції в умовах цифрової економіки. Здійснено верифікацію маркетингу цінності як нової парадигми у забезпечення потенціалу підприємств на ринку молочної продукції. Досліджено споживчу поведінку цільової аудиторії на ринку молопродуктів. Обґрунтовано впровадження стратегічних ціннісноорієнтованих маркетингових рішень підприємств на ринку молочної продукції, визначено передумови формування ціннісноорієнтованих маркетингових рішень на ринку молокопродукції у межах ринку швидкої ротації. Досліджено цифровий інструментарій в реалізації комплексу маркетингу, орієнтованого на створення цінності. Здійснено модельну імплементацію стратегії маркетингу для забезпечення потенціалу конкурентоспроможності підприємств на ринку молокопродуктів. Исследованы теоретико-методологические основы формирования стратегии маркетинга ценности на рынке товаров быстрой ротации. Проведен анализ эволюции маркетинговых концепций от маркетинга 2.0 до построения стратегии маркетинга ценностей. Осуществлено структурирование маркетинга ценностей на рынке товаров быстрой ротации. Определены главные факторы развития предприятий на рынке молокопродуктов. Исследована динамика и перспективы развития отечественного рынка молочной продукции в условиях цифровой экономики. Осуществлено верификацию маркетинга ценности как новой парадигмы в обеспечении потенциала предприятий на рынке молочной продукции. Исследовано потребительское поведение целевой аудитории на рынке молокопродуктов. Обосновано внедрение стратегических ценносноориентированных маркетинговых решений предприятий на рынке молочной продукции, определены предпосылки формирования ценносноориентированных маркетинговых решений на рынке молокопродукции в пределах рынка быстрой ротации. Исследовано цифровой инструментарий в реализации комплекса маркетинга, ориентированного на создание ценности. Осуществлено модельную имплементацию стратегии маркетинга для обеспечения потенциала конкурентоспособности предприятий на рынке молокопродуктов. The theoretical and methodological principles of formation the strategy of value-based marketing at the FMCG-market are researched. An analysis of the evolution of marketing concepts from marketing 2.0 to the construction of the value-based marketing is conducted. Structuring of the marketing of valuas on the FMCG-market is carried out. The holistic structure of value-based marketing of the enterprise is substantiated by distinguishing components of value-responsibility, client orientation, social orientation, tolerance, efficiency and profitability, on the basis of which a hierarchy of values for FMCG is constructed, taking into account the identification of the level of reach of the characteristics and attributes of goods and brands. The importance of creating a chain of values and connecting them to a single closed holistic system in the process of forming a valu-based strategy on the basis of meaning, justice and spiritual needs are substantiated. Hierarchical structuring of marketing of values, which companies invest in their products and bring to consumers. The marketing structure of the hierarchy of brand values has been proposed to be formed from three main levels: the functions or processes that need to be demonstrated to consumers; functional or emotional benefits that bear the brand to consumers; the emotional and cultural values that the brand relates to. The main factors of development of enterprises in the market of dairy products are determined. The dynamics and prospects of development of the domestic dairy market in the conditions of the digital economy are studied. Verification of marketing value as a new paradigm for ensuring the potential of enterprises in the dairy market is carried out. The consumer behavior of the target audience on the market of dairy products is explored. The method of estimating the competitiveness of commodities of daily demand is developed, which, in contrast to existing, based on the group evaluation of product parameters in terms of consumer, economic and organizational and commercial characteristics, involves taking into account components of differentiated value for the consumer depending on the group of consumers and consumption time, which made it possible to carry out a rating of the competitiveness of the goods on the basis of a restructured system of parameters. Methods of assessing the competitiveness of a company's goods with consideration of value are improved. The proposed integrated contractor of the company's customer service offers the most up-to-date steps for the buyer. The management of the enterprises has been offered to strengthen its position to introduce a price-sensitive sub-item, thus offering the possibility of activity not only to the customer but also to the most important human values that are not lost to the consumer without interruptions. This applies to some of the following abstracts: - in the product policy - the creation or modification of the items that are taken in the hands of the patient's comprehension, with the maximal preservation of the submissions;- in the distribution policy - the maximum reduction of the cycle cycle from production to consumption, which will lead to a slight loss of natural properties, and consequently a radical reduction in the requirements for the protective function of the package, the maximum convenience of completeness of the use of dairy products and the disposal of packaging. The provisions on quantization of the level of the competitive potential of the enterprise in the FMCG-market, which, along with the existing provisions on the evaluation of physical and organoleptic characteristics of products, are also assessed, the assessment also includes the factors influencing the purchase decision and the factors of conformity of values from the side of the consumer and on the part of the enterprise, which allows estimation of such weakly structured and poorly formalized parameters to be carried out in the mode of benchmarking and this makes it possible to estimate Euclidean distance from the ideal state. The introduction of strategic values-based marketing decisions of enterprises in the FMCG-market is substantiated, the preconditions for the formation of value-based marketing decisions on the market of milk products within the FMCG-market are determined. The digital toolkit in the realization of a value-oriented marketing complex is explored. The model implementation of the marketing strategy is implemented to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises in the market of dairy products. The tools for identifying (identifying) key factors of success focused not only on the product and the client, but also on traditional human values that relate both to the implementation of commodity policies (targeting healthy eating with maximum conservation of natural properties) and the implementation of distribution policies have become further developed (radical reduction of the duration of the cycle, reduction of the protective packaging function, packaging utilization), which allowed to increase the price availability of products and to optimize the means promoted I products in the market. The possibilities of adaptation of digital tools to the conditions of realization of value-based marketing complex, working on a marketing value strategy in the context of the concept Marketing 3.0 are substantiated. It is found that while it is important to take into account the key trends in the development of digital marketing for the coming period. The strategic marketing structures of the enterprises are proposed to use the experience of TM "Molokiya", which positively interacts with the majority of the buyers: those who buy, and those for whom they put their product in a foil. The spontaneous spin-off of the mare is a positive affair, which is intensified by the peopevagami of the party: a good, sophisticated folk, spiritual and ecclesiastical empathy, the imagination of some kind of species, followed by secrecy. The system of values of "Molokiya" brand, which is based on the fundamental value, is in line with the expectations of the customers, and, according to the large-scale construction of the marketing system, the companies have all the necessary means to establish themselves in the market of the primary market.
The mechanism of segmentation and promotion of products in the market, based on which the predominant use of the digital strategy of promotion, in particular, the visual communication to promote the value of technological information, the media activity in the Google network, the tool WOM as an Internet activity generator, has made it possible to position the product more precisely in coordinates: harmlessness, pleasant taste and usefulness for the organism. The model of implementation of the values-based marketing at the FMCG-market is improved, which, along with the traditional stages, involves the implementation in the process of strategic management the observance stages of the value-oriented brand and the digitalization of the communication strategy of the enterprise, which gives grounds to assess the impact of the marketing values-based strategy introduction to create a competitive potential. | uk_UA |
dc.language.iso | uk | uk_UA |
dc.publisher | Національний університет "Львівська політехніка" | uk_UA |
dc.source.uri | http://lp.edu.ua/research/disscoun/d-3505203/stec-oksana-mefodiyivna | - |
dc.subject | стратегія маркетингу цінності | uk_UA |
dc.subject | конкурентоспроможність товарів швидкої ротації | uk_UA |
dc.subject | просування товарів швидкої ротації | uk_UA |
dc.subject | цінності споживання на ринку молокопродуктів | uk_UA |
dc.subject | стратегия маркетинга ценности | uk_UA |
dc.subject | конкурентоспособность товаров быстрой ротации | uk_UA |
dc.subject | продвижение товаров быстрой ротации | uk_UA |
dc.subject | ценности потребления на рынке молокопродуктов | uk_UA |
dc.subject | strategy of value-based marketing | uk_UA |
dc.subject | competitiveness of fast moving customer goods | uk_UA |
dc.subject | FMCG-promotion | uk_UA |
dc.subject | consumer values at the milk products market | uk_UA |
dc.title | Стpaтегiя мapкетингу цiннoстi у фopмувaннi пoтенцiaлу кoнкуpентoспpoмoжнoстi пiдпpиємствa нa pинку мoлoкoпpoдуктiв | uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative | Стpaтегия мapкетинга ценности в фopмировании пoтенциала кoнкуpентoспособности предприятия нa pинке мoлoкoпpoдуктов | uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative | The structure of the marketing of the property is based on the investment capability of the subsidiary in the field of marketing of goods | uk_UA |
dc.type | Dissertation Abstract | uk_UA |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» | uk_UA |
dc.contributor.committeeMember | Якимишин, Лілія Ярославівна | - |
dc.contributor.committeeMember | Кубрак, Надія Романівна | - |
dc.coverage.country | UA | uk_UA |
dc.format.pages | 240 | - |
thesis.degree.department | Д 35.052.03 | - |
thesis.degree.name | кандидат економічних наук | - |
dc.coverage.placename | Львів | uk_UA |
dc.subject.udc | 336.764 (075.8) | uk_UA |
Appears in Collections: | Автореферати та дисертаційні роботи