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Title: Інформаційні технології навчання учнів з аутизмом
Other Titles: Information technology for students with autism
Authors: Андруник, В. А.
Шестакевич, Т. В.
Пасічник, Володимир Володимирович
Кунанець, Наталія Едуардівна
Andrunyk, Vasyl
Shestakevych, Tetiana
Pasichnyk, Volodymyr
Kunanets, Nataliia
Affiliation: Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Інформаційні технології навчання учнів з аутизмом / В. А. Андруник, Т. В. Шестакевич, В. В. Пасічник, Н. Е. Кунанець // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Інформаційні системи та мережі. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2018. — № 901. — С. 76–88. — (Інформаційні системи, мережі та технології).
Bibliographic description (International): Information technology for students with autism / Vasyl Andrunyk, Tetiana Shestakevych, Volodymyr Pasichnyk, Nataliia Kunanets // Visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu "Lvivska politekhnika". Serie: Informatsiini systemy ta merezhi. — Lviv : Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2018. — No 901. — P. 76–88. — (Information systems, networks and technology).
Is part of: Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Інформаційні системи та мережі, 901, 2018
Journal/Collection: Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Інформаційні системи та мережі
Issue: 901
Issue Date: Feb-2018
Publisher: Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Place of the edition/event: Львів
UDC: 004.9
Keywords: інформаційні технології
соціальні навички
традиційне навчання
доповнена та альтернативна комунікація
доповнена/віртуальна реальність
information and communication technologies (ICT)
student with autism
augmented reality (AR)
Number of pages: 13
Page range: 76-88
Start page: 76
End page: 88
Abstract: Одним із найдієвіших способів соціалізації особи, що має особливі потреби, є навчання. Інформаційні технології, використовувані для супроводу навчання осіб з аутизмом повинні враховувати особливості психофізичного розвитку таких учнів. Забезпечення комфортного комунікаційного середовища, розвиток соціальних навичок є невід’ємною складовою навчання учнів з аутизмом. Дослідження інформаційних технологій, розроблених у світі, дасть змогу виявити найперспективніші напрями розвитку таких технологій.
One of the most effective ways of socializing a person with special needs is education. Information technology, that are used for education of children with autism should be designed with taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development of such students. Providing a comfortable communication environment, developing social skills is an integral part of teaching students with autism. The study of the developed information technologies enables to identify the most promising directions for the development of such technologies.
Copyright owner: © Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
© Андруник В. А., Шестакевич Т. В., Пасічник В. В., Кунанець Н. Е., 2018
URL for reference material:;;39;;;66
References (Ukraine): 1. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. – Available online:
2. What is autism? – Available online:
3. How prevalent is autism? – Autism Reading RoomAutism Reading Room. – Available online:: page_id=6523.
4. Проблема аутизму в світі і Україні. – Режим доступу:
5. 3 Ways Assistive Technology Can Help Students with Autism. – Available online:
6. SMARTASD: Matching Autistic People with Technology Resources. – Режим доступу:
7. Еecnologías de ayuda en personas con trastornos del espectro autista: guía para docentes. Francisco Tortosa Nicolás /Colegio Público de Educación Especial para Niños Autistas “Las Boqueras”. – Available online:
8. Takeo, T. Development application softwares on PDA for autistic disorder children / Takeo, T.; Toshitaka, N.; Daisuke, K.// IPSJ SIG Tech. Rep. – 2007. – No. 12. – Р. 31–38.
9. The Technology That’s Giving Students With Autism a Greater Voice.- Available online:
10. Rita Jordan Educational Interventions for Children with Autism: A Literature Review of Recent And Current Research / Rita Jordan, Glenys Jones, Dinah Murray. - Available online:
11. Powell S. The use of computers in teaching people with autism/ Powell S. // In Autism on the Agenda: Papers from a National Autistic Society Conference (NAS’96). – London, 1996.
12. Nuria Aresti-Bartolome, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain Technologies as Support Tools for Persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorder/ Nuria Aresti-Bartolome, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain // A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. – Available online:
13. ISO Homepage. – Available online:, last accessed 2018/11/09.
14. Universal Design for Learning: Enhancing Achievement of Student with Disabilities. Margaretha Vreeburg Izzo // Procedia Computer Science. – 2012. – No. 14. – Р. 343–250.
15. Inclusive Design Toolkit. – Available online:
16. Eric Sailers iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education / Eric Sailers, updates by Mark Coopin & Jennifer Marden. – Available online:
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18. МАКАТОН как способ альтернативной и вспомогательной коммуникации. – Режим доступу:
20. The iPad and Mobile Technology Revolution: Benefits and Challenges for Individuals who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication. – Режим доступу: needAccess=true.
21. Speech-generating devices: effectiveness of interface design–a comparative study of autism spectrum disorders / Chien-Hsu Chen, Chuan-Po Wang, I‑Jui Lee and Chris Chun-Chin Su // SpringerPlus. – 2016. – No. 5. – Р. 1682.
22. Dolic J. Evaluation of ainstream tablet devices for symbol based AAC communication / Dolic J., Pibernik J., Bota J. // Agent and multiagent systems. Technologies and applications / G. Jezic, M. Kusek, N.-T. Nguyen, R. J. Howlett, & L. C. Jain (Eds.). – Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2017. – P. 251–260.
23. David McNaughton The iPad and Mobile Technology Revolution / David McNaughton, Janice Light // Benefits and Challenges for Individuals who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication. – 2018. – No. 29:2. – Р. 107–116.
24. Grynszpan O. Using Facial Expressions Depicting Emotions in a Human-Computer Interface Intended for People with Autism/ O. Grynszpan, J.-C. Martin, J. Nadel // International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents. – 2005. – P 489–489.
25. Mark Coppin. – Available online:;
26. Scene Speak – wanderlust for all – Good Karma Apps. – Available online:
27. OUR APPS. – Available online:
28. Expert app reviews from our family in residence. – Available online:
29. App Wheel. – Available online:
30. Apps for Students with Autism Wheel. – Available online:
31. Taryadi, Ichwan Kurniawan Multimedia Augmented Reality With Picture Exchange Communication System for Autism Spectrum Disorder / Taryadi, Ichwan Kurniawan // IJCST. – 2016. – Vol. 7, ISSue 4. – Р. 34.
32. Design and development of VR learning environments for children with ASD / Yiyu Cai, Ruby Chiew, Zin Tun Nay, Chandrasekaran Indhumathi & Lihui Huang //Journal Interactive Learning Environments. – 2017. – Vol. 25, Issue 8. – Р.25–29.
33. Which Robot Features Can Stimulate Better Responses from Children with Autism in Robot-Assisted Therapy?/ Jaeryoung Lee, Hiroki Takehashi, Chikara Nagai, Goro Obinata and Dimitar Stefanov // International Journal of Advanced Robotic System. 2012. – Accepted 28 Jun. – Р. 56–59.
34. ZenoR25 Robots4Autism. – Available online: v=9vqZZIPyzOs&;
35. ROBOTS4AUTISM RESEARCH. – Available online:
36. Robot Design: The Curious Case of Social Robot Aesthetics. – Available online: category/service.
37. Robotic assistants in therapy and education of children with autism: can a small humanoid robot help encourage social interaction skills?/ B. Robins, K. Dautenhahn, R. Te Boekhorst, A. Billard // Universal Access in the Information Society. – 2005, Vol. 4, Issue 2. – P. 105–120;
38.Using Augmented Reality to Help Children with Autism Stay Focused. – Available online:;39. Zhen Bai. – Available online:
39. Augmented reality social story for autism spectrum disorder/ M. F. Syahputra, D. Arisandi, A. F. Lumbanbatu, L. F. Kemit, E. B. Nababan, O. Sheta // 2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics. 2017 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978. – 2018. – Р.120.
40. An Augmented Reality GameBook for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders / Jorge Brandão, Pedro Cunha, José Vasconcelos, Vítor Carvalho and Filomena Soares // ICELW, 2015 June 10th-12th. – New York, 2015. – Р.123–127.
41. Virtual Reality Social Cognition Training for children with high functioning autism / Nyaz Didehbani, Tandra Allen, Michelle Kandalaft, Daniel Krawczyk, Sandra Chapman // Computers in Human Behavior. – 2016. – No. 62. – Р. 703–711.
42. Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment
43. Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality Goddess.- Available online:
44. The State of Virtual and Augmented Reality Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Sinan Turnacioglu, Joseph P. McCleery, Julia Parish-Morris, Vibha Sazawal and Rita Solorzano // Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment, IGI Global. Publication forthcoming. – Available online: the-state-of-virtual-and-augmented-reality-therapy-for-aut.
45. Immersive Virtual Reality as a Tool to Improve Police Safety in Adolescents and Adults with ASD / Ravindran, Vijay Parish-Morris, Julia. – Available online:
46. Virtual Reality (VR) for Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) / Ali Adjorlu, Stefania Serafin // Interventions to Train Social and Everyday Living Skills. – Available online:
47. Centre for Innovative Applications of Internet and Multimedia Technologies AIMTech Centre, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong/ Sze Ngar Vanessa Yuan, Horace Ho Shing Ip // Using virtual reality to train emotional and social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder. – Available online: PMC6074644/.
48. A Virtual environment for teaching social skills: AViSSS. / J. A. Ehrlich, Miller J. R. – Available online: via%3Dihub.
49. Sue Fletcher-Watson ATargeted Review of Computer-Assisted Learning for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder / Sue Fletcher-Watson // Towards a Consistent Methodology. Rev J Autism Dev Disord. – Available online:
50. Mobile Technology for Students & Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) / Jenny A. Vlachou, Athanasios S. Drigas. – Available online: Mobile_Technology_for_ Students_Adults.
51. “LeFCA”: Learning Framework for Children with Autism / Vedad Hulusica, Nirvana Pistoljevic // Procedia Computer Science. – 2012. – Vol. 15. – P. 4–16. – Available online: /science/article/pii/S1877050912008149? via%3Dihub.
52. Integrated Learning of Autistics in Primary School through Computer / Sumalee Chanchalor, Krislada Chusinkunawut // International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBIT 2013). – Available online: Learning_of_ Autistics_in_Primary _School_through_ Computer.
53. Handheld “App” Offering Visual Support to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) / Bogdan Zamfir, Robert Tedesco, Brian Reichow // International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons. ICCHP 2012: Computers Helping People with Special Needs. – Available online:
54. Speaking and Understanding Morse Language, Speech Technology and Autism / András Arató, Norbert Markus, Zoltan Juhasz // Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11–13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II. – Linz, 2012. – P.311–314.
55. A Communication System on Smart Phones and Tablets for Non-verbal Children with Autism / Harini Sampath, Bipin Indurkhya, and Jayanthi Sivaswamy // Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11–13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II. – Linz, 2012. – P.323–330.
56. Kemi-tornio university of applied sciences: Application of Holographic Technology in Education // Oladapo Aina / Bachelor’s thesis of Degree Programme in Business Information Technology / Bachelor of Business Administration. – Available online:
58. To Disrupt The Paradigm of Education. – Available online:
59. Mayer R. E. The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning / Mayer R. E. – Cambridge: University Press, 2005. – P. 8.
60. Hurt C. Doing your masters dissertation: Realizing your potential as a social scientist. – London: Sage, 2005.
61. Harrison D. Real-Life teaching in a virtual world / Harrison D. // Campus Technology. – 2009. – Retrieved February 14. – Р. 201–203.
62. Connect with a Global Community. – Available online:;
63. 50 % Discount for Eligible Educators. – Available online:;
64. A second look at school life. The Guardian.- Available online:;66. 577 millones de personas hablan español, el 7,6 % de la población mundial. – Available online:
65. Virtual Reality (VR) for School Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Way of Rethinking Teaching and Learning. – Available online:
66. Learning through VR gaming with virtual pink dolphins for children with ASD/ Andrew Lu, Sandra Chan, Yiyu Cai, Lihui Huang, Zin Tun Nay & Sui Lin Goei // Journal Interactive Learning Environments. – 2018. – Vol. 26, Issue 6. – Р. 34–37.
67. Parsons S. Virtual environments for social skills training: Comments from two adolescents with autistic spectrum disorder / S. Parsons, Leonard A., Mitchell P. // Comput. Educ. – 2006. – No. 47. – Р. 186–206.
68. E-Learning and Augmented Reality (AR) for Chronic Wound Assessment: Promoting Learning and Quality of Care / Nelson Ribeiro Jorge, Lina Morgado and Pedro J. S. Gaspar; Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal. – Available online:
69. Safety and Lack of Negative Effects of Wearable Augmented-Reality Social Communication Aid for Children and Adults with Autism / Ned T. Sahin, Neha U. Keshav, Joseph P. Salisbury, Arshya Vahabzadeh. – Available online:
70. Voice output communication aid application for personal digital assistant for autistic children / Ippei Torii, Kaoruko Ohtani, Nahoko Shirahama, Takahito Niwa, Naohiro Ishii // Year. – 2012. – Vol. 1. – P. 329–333.
71. Effectiveness of the PECS Phase III app and choice between the app and traditional PECS among preschoolers with ASD / Jennifer B. Ganz, Ee ReaHong, Fara D. Goodwyn // Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. – 2013. – Vol. 7, Issue 8, August. – P. 973–983.
72. The perception and identification of facial emotions in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders using the Let’s Face It! Emotion Skills Battery / James W. Tanaka, Julie M. Wolf, Cheryl Klaiman, Kathleen Koenig, Jeffrey Cockburn, Lauren Herlihy, Carla Brown, Sherin Stahl, Mikle South, James McPartland, Martha D. Kaiser, and Robert T. Schultz // J Child Psychol Psychiatry. – 2012. – No. 53(12). – Р. 1259–1267.
73. Effectiveness of Virtual Reality for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Evidence-Based Systematic Review / Patricia Mesa-Gresa, Hermenegildo Gil-Gómez, José-Antonio Lozano-Quilis and José-Antonio Gil-Gómez // Sensors (Basel). – 2018. – No. 18(8). – Р. 2486.
74. Fengfeng Ke. Virtual-Reality-Based Social Interaction Training for Children with High-Functioning Autism / Fengfeng Ke, Tami Im // The Journal of Educational Research J. Educ. Res. – 2013. – No. 106. – Р.441–461.
75. Using Augmented Reality to Elicit Pretend Play for Children with Autism / Zhen Bai, Alan F. Blackwell, George Coulouris, George Coulouris // Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. – 2015. – No. 21(5). – Р. 598–610.
76. Using the social robot probo as a social story telling agent for children with ASD / Bram Vanderborght, Ramona Simut, Jelle Saldien, Cristina Pop, Alina S. Rusu, Sebastian Pintea, Dirk Lefeber and Daniel O. David // Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. – 2013. – No. 21(2). – Р. 10.
References (International): 1. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Available online:
2. What is autism? – Available online:
3. How prevalent is autism? – Autism Reading RoomAutism Reading Room, Available online:: page_id=6523.
4. Problema autyzmu v sviti i Ukraini, Access mode:
5. 3 Ways Assistive Technology Can Help Students with Autism, Available online:
6. SMARTASD: Matching Autistic People with Technology Resources, Access mode:
7. Eecnologías de ayuda en personas con trastornos del espectro autista: guía para docentes. Francisco Tortosa Nicolás /Colegio Público de Educación Especial para Niños Autistas "Las Boqueras", Available online:
8. Takeo, T. Development application softwares on PDA for autistic disorder children, Takeo, T.; Toshitaka, N.; Daisuke, K.// IPSJ SIG Tech. Rep, 2007, No. 12, R. 31–38.
9. The Technology That’s Giving Students With Autism a Greater Voice, Available online:
10. Rita Jordan Educational Interventions for Children with Autism: A Literature Review of Recent And Current Research, Rita Jordan, Glenys Jones, Dinah Murray, Available online:
11. Powell S. The use of computers in teaching people with autism/ Powell S., In Autism on the Agenda: Papers from a National Autistic Society Conference (NAS’96), London, 1996.
12. Nuria Aresti-Bartolome, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain Technologies as Support Tools for Persons with Autistic Spectrum Disorder/ Nuria Aresti-Bartolome, Begonya Garcia-Zapirain, A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Available online:
13. ISO Homepage, Available online:, last accessed 2018/11/09.
14. Universal Design for Learning: Enhancing Achievement of Student with Disabilities. Margaretha Vreeburg Izzo, Procedia Computer Science, 2012, No. 14, R. 343–250.
15. Inclusive Design Toolkit, Available online:
16. Eric Sailers iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education, Eric Sailers, updates by Mark Coopin & Jennifer Marden, Available online:
17. Enhancing lives today and accelerating a spectrum of solutions for tomorrow, Access mode:
18. MAKATON kak sposob alternativnoi i vspomohatelnoi kommunikatsii, Access mode:
20. The iPad and Mobile Technology Revolution: Benefits and Challenges for Individuals who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Access mode: needAccess=true.
21. Speech-generating devices: effectiveness of interface design–a comparative study of autism spectrum disorders, Chien-Hsu Chen, Chuan-Po Wang, I‑Jui Lee and Chris Chun-Chin Su, SpringerPlus, 2016, No. 5, R. 1682.
22. Dolic J. Evaluation of ainstream tablet devices for symbol based AAC communication, Dolic J., Pibernik J., Bota J., Agent and multiagent systems. Technologies and applications, G. Jezic, M. Kusek, N.-T. Nguyen, R. J. Howlett, & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2017, P. 251–260.
23. David McNaughton The iPad and Mobile Technology Revolution, David McNaughton, Janice Light, Benefits and Challenges for Individuals who require Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 2018, No. 29:2, R. 107–116.
24. Grynszpan O. Using Facial Expressions Depicting Emotions in a Human-Computer Interface Intended for People with Autism/ O. Grynszpan, J.-C. Martin, J. Nadel, International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 2005, P 489–489.
25. Mark Coppin, Available online:;
26. Scene Speak – wanderlust for all – Good Karma Apps, Available online:
27. OUR APPS, Available online:
28. Expert app reviews from our family in residence, Available online:
29. App Wheel, Available online:
30. Apps for Students with Autism Wheel, Available online:
31. Taryadi, Ichwan Kurniawan Multimedia Augmented Reality With Picture Exchange Communication System for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Taryadi, Ichwan Kurniawan, IJCST, 2016, Vol. 7, ISSue 4, R. 34.
32. Design and development of VR learning environments for children with ASD, Yiyu Cai, Ruby Chiew, Zin Tun Nay, Chandrasekaran Indhumathi & Lihui Huang //Journal Interactive Learning Environments, 2017, Vol. 25, Issue 8, R.25–29.
33. Which Robot Features Can Stimulate Better Responses from Children with Autism in Robot-Assisted Therapy?/ Jaeryoung Lee, Hiroki Takehashi, Chikara Nagai, Goro Obinata and Dimitar Stefanov, International Journal of Advanced Robotic System. 2012, Accepted 28 Jun, R. 56–59.
34. ZenoR25 Robots4Autism, Available online: v=9vqZZIPyzOs&;
35. ROBOTS4AUTISM RESEARCH, Available online:
36. Robot Design: The Curious Case of Social Robot Aesthetics, Available online: category/service.
37. Robotic assistants in therapy and education of children with autism: can a small humanoid robot help encourage social interaction skills?/ B. Robins, K. Dautenhahn, R. Te Boekhorst, A. Billard, Universal Access in the Information Society, 2005, Vol. 4, Issue 2, P. 105–120;
38.Using Augmented Reality to Help Children with Autism Stay Focused, Available online:;39. Zhen Bai, Available online:
39. Augmented reality social story for autism spectrum disorder/ M. F. Syahputra, D. Arisandi, A. F. Lumbanbatu, L. F. Kemit, E. B. Nababan, O. Sheta, 2nd International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics. 2017 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 978, 2018, R.120.
40. An Augmented Reality GameBook for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Jorge Brandão, Pedro Cunha, José Vasconcelos, Vítor Carvalho and Filomena Soares, ICELW, 2015 June 10th-12th, New York, 2015, R.123–127.
41. Virtual Reality Social Cognition Training for children with high functioning autism, Nyaz Didehbani, Tandra Allen, Michelle Kandalaft, Daniel Krawczyk, Sandra Chapman, Computers in Human Behavior, 2016, No. 62, R. 703–711.
42. Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment
43. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality Goddess, Available online:
44. The State of Virtual and Augmented Reality Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Sinan Turnacioglu, Joseph P. McCleery, Julia Parish-Morris, Vibha Sazawal and Rita Solorzano, Virtual and Augmented Reality in Mental Health Treatment, IGI Global. Publication forthcoming, Available online: the-state-of-virtual-and-augmented-reality-therapy-for-aut.
45. Immersive Virtual Reality as a Tool to Improve Police Safety in Adolescents and Adults with ASD, Ravindran, Vijay Parish-Morris, Julia, Available online:
46. Virtual Reality (VR) for Children Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Ali Adjorlu, Stefania Serafin, Interventions to Train Social and Everyday Living Skills, Available online:
47. Centre for Innovative Applications of Internet and Multimedia Technologies AIMTech Centre, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong/ Sze Ngar Vanessa Yuan, Horace Ho Shing Ip, Using virtual reality to train emotional and social skills in children with autism spectrum disorder, Available online: PMC6074644/.
48. A Virtual environment for teaching social skills: AViSSS., J. A. Ehrlich, Miller J. R, Available online: via%3Dihub.
49. Sue Fletcher-Watson ATargeted Review of Computer-Assisted Learning for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sue Fletcher-Watson, Towards a Consistent Methodology. Rev J Autism Dev Disord, Available online:
50. Mobile Technology for Students & Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Jenny A. Vlachou, Athanasios S. Drigas, Available online: Mobile_Technology_for_ Students_Adults.
51. "LeFCA": Learning Framework for Children with Autism, Vedad Hulusica, Nirvana Pistoljevic, Procedia Computer Science, 2012, Vol. 15, P. 4–16, Available online: /science/article/pii/S1877050912008149? via%3Dihub.
52. Integrated Learning of Autistics in Primary School through Computer, Sumalee Chanchalor, Krislada Chusinkunawut, International Conference on Information, Business and Education Technology (ICIBIT 2013), Available online: Learning_of_ Autistics_in_Primary _School_through_ Computer.
53. Handheld "App" Offering Visual Support to Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), Bogdan Zamfir, Robert Tedesco, Brian Reichow, International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons. ICCHP 2012: Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Available online:
54. Speaking and Understanding Morse Language, Speech Technology and Autism, András Arató, Norbert Markus, Zoltan Juhasz, Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11–13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II, Linz, 2012, P.311–314.
55. A Communication System on Smart Phones and Tablets for Non-verbal Children with Autism, Harini Sampath, Bipin Indurkhya, and Jayanthi Sivaswamy, Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 13th International Conference, ICCHP 2012, Linz, Austria, July 11–13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II, Linz, 2012, P.323–330.
56. Kemi-tornio university of applied sciences: Application of Holographic Technology in Education, Oladapo Aina, Bachelor’s thesis of Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Bachelor of Business Administration, Available online:
58. To Disrupt The Paradigm of Education, Available online:
59. Mayer R. E. The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning, Mayer R. E, Cambridge: University Press, 2005, P. 8.
60. Hurt C. Doing your masters dissertation: Realizing your potential as a social scientist, London: Sage, 2005.
61. Harrison D. Real-Life teaching in a virtual world, Harrison D., Campus Technology, 2009, Retrieved February 14, R. 201–203.
62. Connect with a Global Community, Available online:;
63. 50 % Discount for Eligible Educators, Available online:;
64. A second look at school life. The Guardian, Available online:;66. 577 millones de personas hablan español, el 7,6 % de la población mundial, Available online:
65. Virtual Reality (VR) for School Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Way of Rethinking Teaching and Learning, Available online:
66. Learning through VR gaming with virtual pink dolphins for children with ASD/ Andrew Lu, Sandra Chan, Yiyu Cai, Lihui Huang, Zin Tun Nay & Sui Lin Goei, Journal Interactive Learning Environments, 2018, Vol. 26, Issue 6, R. 34–37.
67. Parsons S. Virtual environments for social skills training: Comments from two adolescents with autistic spectrum disorder, S. Parsons, Leonard A., Mitchell P., Comput. Educ, 2006, No. 47, R. 186–206.
68. E-Learning and Augmented Reality (AR) for Chronic Wound Assessment: Promoting Learning and Quality of Care, Nelson Ribeiro Jorge, Lina Morgado and Pedro J. S. Gaspar; Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal, Available online:
69. Safety and Lack of Negative Effects of Wearable Augmented-Reality Social Communication Aid for Children and Adults with Autism, Ned T. Sahin, Neha U. Keshav, Joseph P. Salisbury, Arshya Vahabzadeh, Available online:
70. Voice output communication aid application for personal digital assistant for autistic children, Ippei Torii, Kaoruko Ohtani, Nahoko Shirahama, Takahito Niwa, Naohiro Ishii, Year, 2012, Vol. 1, P. 329–333.
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Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Інформаційні системи та мережі. – 2018. – №901

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