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dc.contributor.authorStudent, Mykhaylo
dc.contributor.authorVeselivska, Galyna
dc.contributor.authorGvozdeckii, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorGolovchuk, Myron
dc.contributor.authorDzyubyk, Liudmyla
dc.contributor.authorSirak, Yaryna
dc.identifier.citationCorrosion-mechanical resistance of arc-sprayed coatings made from cored powders / Mykhaylo Student, Galyna Veselivska, Volodymyr Gvozdeckii, Myron Golovchuk, Liudmyla Dzyubyk, Yaryna Sirak // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 12–20.
dc.description.abstractResult of investigations of resistance against corrosion and mechanical resistance of obtained by means of arc-spray metallization (with the use of cored wires) coatings are presented. The cored wires (CWs) enable us to regulate the chemical composition and, consequently, properties of the deposited coating in a wide range. With this, the characteristic feature is its high structural heterogeneity, which is caused by rapidness of the processes of melting of components of the CW in the arc; this promotes incompleteness of dissolving of change materials in the melt of the metallic shell, and thus, there forms of heterogeneous as to its chemical components melt. The determination of the first-type residual stresses in coatings was conducted according to the developed for bimetal rings technique. The tensile strength (cohesion) of ASC was determined with the use of an experimental set-up which consisted of two pipes. Electrochemical investigations were conducted in an electrochemical cell in potentiodynamic regime with the use of hard-ware-software complex which was designed for automation of investigations with the help of CBЛ-1Б-М voltamperometric system. The rate of corrosion was determined by means of extrapolation of linear segments of polarization curves to the potential of corrosion or on the basis of segments which corresponded to passive state. In order to develop experimental sets of CWs, there additionally were investigated some materials with different charge components (chromium, ferro-chromium, boron carbide, ferrochromium- boron, ferro-silicium, ferro-manganise, self-fluxing alloy) (Table 1). High hardness is characteristic of coatings made from CWs. Such a high hardness is due to 3 % of boron in the coating. However, the cohesive strength of such coating is low and does not exceed 100 MPa. This is caused by high tensile residual first-type stresses, which can lead to emergence of crack during machining. In order to reduce the level of residual stresses, it is necessary to preliminarily heat machine parts to 150–2000 °C. Electrochemical parameters and the character of polarization curves, despite some changes in chemical composition of coatings, do not essentially differ. With this, the potential of corrosion shifts towards the segment of negative values, and the corrosion current of such coatings are within one decimal order of their values. Open porosity, that is an important factor, which influences the corrosion behaviour of the material and its matrix is a characteristic feature of all the coatings. The corrosive medium, because of the presence of porosity, penetrates through such pores down to the matrix and creates conditions for proceeding of under-coating corrosion. In this case, products of corrosion accumulate at the coating – matrix interface, and they cause the separation of the coating from the basis (phenomena of ply-separation). The presence of chromium, ferro-chromium, ferro-silicon, and ferro-manganese in the charge for CW 90Cr17BMnSi leads to minimal chemical heterogeneity of the coating, and consequently to high corrosion resistance of the coating. The presence of ferro-chromium-boron, chromium, and self-fluxing alloying composition in the charge for CW 20Cr16B3Ni2SiAl ensures high content of chromium in the coating, low coefficient of microheterogeneity, and high resistance against corrosion.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofUkrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 1 (4), 2018
dc.subjectarc-sprayed coatings
dc.subjectcored powders
dc.subjectresidual stresses
dc.subjectelectrochemical parameters
dc.titleCorrosion-mechanical resistance of arc-sprayed coatings made from cored powders
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2018
dc.rights.holder© Student M., Veselivska G., Gvozdeckii V., Golovchuk M., Dzyubyk L., Sirak Ya., 2018
dc.contributor.affiliationKarpenko Physico-Mechanical institute of the NAS of Ukraine
dc.identifier.citationenCorrosion-mechanical resistance of arc-sprayed coatings made from cored powders / Mykhaylo Student, Galyna Veselivska, Volodymyr Gvozdeckii, Myron Golovchuk, Liudmyla Dzyubyk, Yaryna Sirak // Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 12–20.
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dc.relation.referencesen[7] V. Pokhmurskyi, et al., "Zasady stvorennia koroziinostiikykh elektroduhovykh pokryttiv iz poroshkovykh drotiv" ["Principles of creation of corrosion-resistant electric arc coatings from powdered wires"], Fizyko-khimichna mekhanika materialiv [Physico-Chemical Mechanics of Materials], special issue 9, vol. 2, pp. 600–606, 2012. [in Ukrainian].
dc.relation.referencesen[8] K. A. Yushchenko, et al., Inzheneriia poverkhni [Surface engineering]. Kyiv, Ukraine: Naukova Dumka Publ., 2007. [In Ukrainian].
dc.relation.referencesen[9] H. V. Pokhmurska, M. M. Student, and V. I. Pokhmurskyi, Hazotermichni pokryttia [Gas-thermal coatings]. Lviv, Ukraine: Prostir-M Publ., 2017. [In Ukrainian].
dc.relation.referencesen[10] M. A. Babichev, Metody opredeleniia vnutrennikh napriazhenii v detaliakh mashin [Methods for determining internal stresses in machine parts]. Moscow, Russia: AN SSSR Publ., 1955. [in Russian].
dc.citation.journalTitleUkrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Appears in Collections:Ukrainian Journal of Mechanical Engineering And Materials Science. – 2018. – Vol. 4, No. 1

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