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Title: Comparative analysis of novel compact and usual smooth 90-degree twists
Authors: Kirilenko, A. A.
Kulik, D. Yu.
Rud, L. A.
Sverdlenko, A. E.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Comparative analysis of novel compact and usual smooth 90-degree twists / A. A. Kirilenko, D. Yu. Kulik, L. A. Rud, A. E. Sverdlenko // Теорія та техніка антен : матеріали 7-ої Міжнародної конференції, 9–12 червня 2009 року, Львів, Україна. – Львів : Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", 2009. – C. 328–330. – Bibliography: 7 titles.
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"
Keywords: corner-ridged square waveguides
rectangular waveguides
waveguide components
Abstract: Two types of compact 90-degree twists whose transformer sections are square waveguides with two square or stepped ridges are considered. Twist electromagnetic models are based on the mode matching and generalized scattering matrix techniques. Good agreements between calculated and experimentally measured characteristics of manufactured prototypes of the both type twists in the 23×10 mm waveguide are demonstrated. On the base of specially studies carried out, it is shown that, at close or even better performance, the lengths of proposed twists are ten and more times less than the ones of conventional smooth twists.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Теорія та техніка антен (ICATT 2009). – 2009 р.

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