Title: | Methodological approaches to determining the monopolisation level of primary residential real estate regional markets in Ukraine |
Authors: | Pavlov, K. |
Affiliation: | Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University |
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): | Pavlov K. Methodological approaches to determining the monopolisation level of primary residential real estate regional markets in Ukraine / K. Pavlov // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 5. — No 1. — P. 63–72. |
Bibliographic description (International): | Pavlov K. Methodological approaches to determining the monopolisation level of primary residential real estate regional markets in Ukraine / K. Pavlov // Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 5. — No 1. — P. 63–72. |
Is part of: | Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, 1 (5), 2018 |
Issue: | 1 |
Volume: | 5 |
Issue Date: | 10-Feb-2018 |
Publisher: | Lviv Politechnic Publishing House |
Place of the edition/event: | Lviv |
UDC: | 332.871 (477) |
Keywords: | competition definition methodology real estate market monopolisation developers competition residential real estate housing primary market market share of construction housing construction |
Number of pages: | 10 |
Page range: | 63-72 |
Start page: | 63 |
End page: | 72 |
Abstract: | In this article the author investigates the typology and main characteristics of the markets and provides the definition of the concept of “competition”. Several methodological approaches were suggested in order to determine the magnitude of the monopolisation level of primary residential real estate regional markets as well as the market share belonging to a certain construction company. The aims of these approaches are: to determine the concentration level in the market – the scale of the largest enterprises “threshold market share”; to analyse the state of the competitive environment – “The Index of market concentration”; the Linda index; “The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index”; “The Lerner Index”; “The Dispersion Index”; “The Entropy Index”; “The Lorentz curve”; The Gini coefficient. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 2312-3435 |
Copyright owner: | © Національний університет "Львівська політехніка", 2018 |
URL for reference material: | |
References (Ukraine): | 1. Belyayevskiĭ, I. K. (2004). Marketingovoye issledovaniye [Marketing Research]. MGU ekonomiki, statistiki i informatiki. – M. : Finansy i statistika [in Russian]. 2. Burkun, I. G. (2011). Orhanizatsiynoekonomichni zasady funktsionuvannya rehionalʹnoho rynku zhytlovoyi nerukhomosti [Organizational-economic principles of functioning of the regional market of residential real estate]. Extended abstract of сandidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian]. 3. Burkun, I. G. (2010). Osoblyvosti rozvytku i problemy funktsionuvannya rehionalʹnykh rynkiv zhytlovoyi nerukhomosti [Features of Development and Problems of the Functioning of Regional Markets of Residential Real Estate]. Ekonomika ta derzhava – Economy and the State,4 [in Ukrainian]. 4. Woolfel, C. J. (2003). Entsiklopediya bankovskogo dela i finansov [Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance]. Samara [in Russian]. 5. Gotra, V. V. (2009). 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References (International): | 1. Belyayevskiĭ, I. K. (2004). Marketingovoye issledovaniye [Marketing Research]. MGU ekonomiki, statistiki i informatiki, M. : Finansy i statistika [in Russian]. 2. Burkun, I. G. (2011). Orhanizatsiynoekonomichni zasady funktsionuvannya rehionalʹnoho rynku zhytlovoyi nerukhomosti [Organizational-economic principles of functioning of the regional market of residential real estate]. Extended abstract of sandidate’s thesis. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian]. 3. Burkun, I. G. (2010). Osoblyvosti rozvytku i problemy funktsionuvannya rehionalʹnykh rynkiv zhytlovoyi nerukhomosti [Features of Development and Problems of the Functioning of Regional Markets of Residential Real Estate]. Ekonomika ta derzhava – Economy and the State,4 [in Ukrainian]. 4. Woolfel, C. J. (2003). Entsiklopediya bankovskogo dela i finansov [Encyclopedia of Banking and Finance]. Samara [in Russian]. 5. Gotra, V. V. (2009). 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Kak obratit' otraslevuyu konsolidatsiyu sebe na pol'zu [To victory through the merger. How to draw industry consolidation to your advantage]. Retrieved from (date ofcirculation: 19.02.18 ) [in Ukrainian]. 9. Dyachenko, T. A. (2012). Teoretyko-metodychni zasady otsinky konkurentnoho seredovyshcha ta konkurentnoyi pozytsiyi pidpryyemstva na rynku [Theoretical and methodical principles of an estimation of competitive environment and competitive position of the enterprise in the market]. Marketynh i menedzhment innovatsii – Marketing and management of innovations, 4,203–208 [in Ukrainian]. 10. Zakon Ukrayiny Pro obmezhennya monopolizmu ta nedopushchennya nedobrosovisnoyi konkurentsiyi u pidpryyemnytsʹkiy diyalʹnosti [Law of Ukraine on Limitation of Monopoly and Preventing Unfair Competition in Business Activity] (1992,21, 296), Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy – Bulletin of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. 11. Kireev, S. (2013). Stan konkurentnoho seredovyshcha v ekonomitsi Ukraïny [The competitive environment in the economy of Ukraine] Konkurentsiya. Visnyk Antymonopolʹnoho komitetu Ukraïny – Competition. Bulletin of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, 1, 35-39 [in Ukrainian]. 12. Krivovozyuk, I. V., Tsimbalyuk, I. O. (2009). Mekhanizm rehulyuvannya konkurentnykh vidnosyn na rehionalʹnykh syrovynnykh rynkakh [Mechanism of regulation of competitive relations in regional commodity markets]. Lutsk: RVB LNTU [in Ukrainian]. 13. Lagutin, V. D., & Bakalinska, O. O., & Verteljeva, O. V. (2009). Konkurentsiya i konkurentna polityka: katehoriyi ta ponyattya [Competition and Competition Policy: sategories and soncepts]. V. D. Lagutin (Eds.). Kyiv: Kiev. nats trad.-ekon. Unt. [in Ukrainian]. 14. Metodolohiya: Koefitsiyent Dzhyni [Methodology: Gini coefficient]. Retrieved from (application date:19.02.18) [in Ukrainian]. 15. Minyailo, O. I. & Buryan, A. M. (2016). Suchasnyy stan konkurentsiyi na pervynnomu rynku nerukhomosti m. Kyyeva [The current state of competition in the primary real estate market of Kyiv]. Biznes Inform - Business Inform, 4,126–130. Retrieved from (application date:19.02.18) [in Ukrainian]. 16. Mocheryn, S. V. (2001). Ekonomichna teoriya [The Economic Theory]. Kyiv: Academy [in Ukrainian]. 17. Okhibhik, R. B., & Mihal, O. F. (2016). Metodychni aspekty vykorystannya kilʹkisnykh indykatoriv kontsentratsiyï tovarnoho rynku ta stupenya y̆oho monopolizatsiï [Methodological aspects of the use of quantitative indicators of concentration of the commodity market and the degree of its monopolization] Ukr. zhurn. pryklad. Ekonomiky – Ukr. journ example. the economy, Vol. 1, 4, 81–88 [in Ukrainian]. 18. Osetsky, V., & Marchenko, V. (2008). Konktsentratsiya v haluzyakh kharchovoyi promyslovosti Ukrayiny ta mozhlyvosti yiyi zminy v rezulʹtati svitovykh protsesiv konsolidatsiyi [Concentration in the Food Industry Industries of Ukraine and the Possibilities for Its Modification as a Result of World Consolidation Processes]. Visnyk Kyyivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka – Bulletin of the Taras Shevchenko National Taras Shevchenko University, 99, 85–89 [in Ukrainian]. 19. Pavlov, K. V., & Strrysenets, O. M. (2016). Osoblyvosti konkurentnykh vidnosyn na rehionalʹnykh rynkakh nerukhomosti [Features of Competitive Relations in Regional Real Estate Markets]. Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorodsʹkoho universytetu. Seriya "Ekonomika" – Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University. Series "Economics", 1, Vol. 2, 35–38 [in Ukrainian]. 20. Pavlov, K. V. (2013). Rehulyuvannya investytsiyno-zhytlovykh vidnosyn v Ukrayini [Regulation of Investment and Housing Relations in Ukraine]. Rivne: NUVGP [in Ukrainian]. 21. Strizenets, O. M., & Pavlov, K. V. (2016). Osoblyvosti konkurentnykh vidnosyn na rehionalʹnykh rynkakh nerukhomosti [Features of Competitive Relations in Regional Real Estate Markets]. Naukovyy visnyk Uzhhorodsʹkoho universytetu. Seriya "Ekonomika" – Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University. Series "Economics", 1, Vol. 2, 35–38 [in Ukrainian]. 22. Esipova, V. E. (Eds.). (2000). Tseny i tsenoobrazovaniye [Prices and pricing]. St. Petersburg: Peter [in Russian]. 23. Bakhvalov, N. S. (2008). Chislennyye metody [Numerical methods], M., BINOM [in Russian]. 24. Mazaraki, A., & Lagutin, V. (2014). Vnutrishniy rynok Ukrayiny v umovakh nestabilʹnoyi svitovoyi ekonomiky [Domestic market of Ukraine in an unstable global economy]. Visnyk Kyyivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho torhovelʹno-ekonomichnoho universytetu – Bulletin of the Kiev National Trade and Economic University, 6, 9–24. Retrieved from UJRN/Vknteu_ 2014_6_3 [Cited 2018, 21 Febr.] [in Ukrainian]. 25. Pavlov, K. (2017). Konkurentni osoblyvosti struktury rynku zhytlovoyi nerukhomosti z urakhuvannyam rehionalʹnykh vyznachenʹ [Competitive features in market structure of housing property with regard to regional definitions]. Baltiysʹkyy zhurnal z ekonomichnykh doslidzhen – Baltic Journal of Economic Studies,Vol. 3, 4. Riga: Izdevnieciba "Baltija Publishing" [in Latvia]. |
Content type: | Article |
Appears in Collections: | Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management. – 2018. – Vol. 5, No. 1 |
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