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Title: Становлення і еволюція трудового права на території Східної Галичини у складі Другої Речі Посполитої (1918–1939 рр.)
Other Titles: Становление и эволюция трудового права на территории Восточной Галиции в составе Второй Речи Посполитой (1918–1939 гг.)
Establishment and evolution of labor law of East Galicia as part of Second Polish Republic (1918–1939 years)
Authors: Маланій, Оксана Ярославівна
Affiliation: Львівський державний університету внутрішніх справ
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Маланій О. Я. Становлення і еволюція трудового права на території Східної Галичини у складі Другої Речі Посполитої (1918–1939 рр.) : дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук : 12.00.01 – теорія та історія держави і права; історія політичних і правових учень / Оксана Ярославівна Маланій ; Міністерство освіти і науки України, Львівський державний університету внутрішніх справ. – Львів, 2018. – 243 с. – Бібліографія: с. 202–243 (388 назв).
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Національний університет "Львівська політехніка"
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Science degree: кандидат юридичних наук
Defense council: Д 35.052.19
Supervisor: Макарчук, Володимир Степанович
Committee members: Коритко, Лілія Ярославівна
Пайда, Юрій Юрійович
UDC: 349.2(477.83/.86)«1918/1939»
Keywords: трудове право
трудове законодавство
трудові відносини
Друга Річ Посполита
Східна Галичина
трудовий договір
умови праці
оплата праці
трудові спори
соціальне страхування
трудовое право
трудовое законодательство
трудовые отношения
Вторая Речь Посполитая
Восточная Галиция
трудовой договор
условия труда
трудовые споры
социальное страхование
labor law
labor legislation
labor relation
Second Polish Republic
East Galicia
labor contract
condition of work
payment of work
labor disputes
social insurance.
Number of pages: 243
Abstract: У дисертації комплексно досліджено особливості становлення та розвитку трудового права і правовий статус органів з регулювання трудових відносин в Польській Республіці міжвоєнного періоду. Проаналізовано основні положення нормативно-правових актів, якими регулювалися трудові відносини в Східній Галичині. Здійснено класифікацію трудового законодавства Другої Речі Посполитої. Розглянуто тогочасну практику вирішення трудових спорів. Вивчено особливості соціального страхування працівників за польським законодавством. В диссертации исследованы особенности становления и развития трудового права и правовой статус органов, регулирующих трудовые отношения в Польской Республике междувоенного периода. Дан анализ основных положений нормативно-правовых актов, регулирующих трудовые отношения в Восточной Галиции. Предложена классификация трудового законодательства Второй Речи Посполитой. Рассмотрена практика разрешения трудовых споров. Изучены особенности социального страхования работников согласно польского законодательства. The thesis provides us with the complex research, based on analysis of archive materials and regulatory laws, conducted on the peculiarities of foundation and development of labour law and legal status of labour relations regulatory bodies in interwar Poland in general. Chapter 1 «The state of the scale of a problem and exposition of the research sources» comprises two subsections, which analyse scholar works, generalize legal framework and observe archive materials upon the subject under the study. In subsection 1.1. «Historiography of the problem» the historiography material upon the given subject is subdivided into three periods: The first one is presented by the interwar scholars: Ukrainian scholars concentrated on the position of minorities in the Second Polish Republic, while Polish studies examine prerequisites of the state restoration, its system and development. The second period is presented by numerous soviet studies, which had tendentious approach to evaluation of the workers position in the Second Polish Republic. The third period of the research upon labour law foundation in the Second Polish Republic began with proclamation of the independence of Ukraine. In subsection 1.2. «Research sources basis» it is stated that reserch sources basis comprises general and local regulatory laws. It is denoted that important research sources are unpublished documents which are collected in Central State Archive, Lviv Region State Archive, Ivano-Frankivsk Region State Archive and Ternopil Region State Archive. Chapter 2 «Labour law and its implementing bodies in Eastern Galicia (1918–1939)» contains two subsections, which analyse regulatory laws, which regulated labour relations in interwar Eastern Galicia, and define legal status of labour relations regulatory bodies in general in interwar Poland. In subsection 2.1. «General legal characteristics of labour law in interwar Poland» it is pointed out that labour relations in Eastern Galicia were regulated with the standards of Austrian legislation, which was gradually losing its power due to the appearance of the corresponding laws and orders of the President of the Second Polish Republic, Minister Council, Labour and Social Welfare Ministry, Trade and Industry Ministry, Agriculture Ministry and other competent offices. In subsection 2.2. «Legal status of labour relations regulatory bodies in interwar Poland» it is denoted that the system of state bodies, which regulated the most important fields of labour relations with the help of labour law im-plementation, was formed and functioned in the Second Polish Republic. The objects under the study are national and local (voivodship) bodies of labour and social protection of population: Labour and Social Welfare Ministry, Labour Inspector, trade unions, Public Administration of Employment and Welfare of Emigrants, Unemployment Fund, Labour Fund, Sick Leave Office, arbitral committees for regulation of collective bargaining. Chapter 3 «Peculiarities of regulation of labour legal relations in interwar Eastern Galicia» comprises three subsections, which concentrate on legislative determination of working conditions, regulation of order of entering into an employment agreement in different branches of domestic economy, payment, social welfare of workers. In subsection 3.1 «Main principles of regulation of working conditions and payment in interwar Poland» it is stated that the development of principles of working conditions and payment regulation in interwar Poland was influenced by international conventions. It was proved that payment amount depended on the locality, work experience, age, sex and qualification level of workers. Employers violated one of the main principles of labour relations – the principle of labour rights equality. In relation to Ukrainians discrimination occurred during the employment process, which was motivated by national identity, language, religious beliefs. In subsection 3.2 «Execution of labour agreement and current experience of solving of labour bargaining in interwar Eastern Galicia» it is certified that regulation of execution and termination of labour agreement was conducted with Presidental Orders «About labour agreements of workers» and «About labour agreements of officials» 1928. The parts bargained about work place, worker functions, payment amount. Solving of labour bargaining in agriculture was imposed on committees of labour bargaining solving, reconciliative and capital committees. In subsection 3.3. «Social insurance of workers» it is pointed out that labour law in interwar Poland regulated issues of state social insurance of workers connected with unemployment, temporal incapacity, death, conditions of gaining status of unemployed and receiving of insurance payments. The right for social insurances was guaranteed with art. 102 of Constitution of 1921.
Content type: Dissertation Abstract
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