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dc.contributor.authorNoskova, Margaryta
dc.contributor.authorMukan, Nataliya
dc.contributor.authorKhamuliak, Nataliia
dc.identifier.citationNoskova M. Miksike: USE of Estonian online tools in Ukrainian schools / Margaryta Noskova, Nataliya Mukan, Nataliia Khamuliak // Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 2. — No 1. — P. 29–32.
dc.description.abstractThe analysis presented in this article is drawn from a broader qualitative study examining the experience of using online tools of the educational platformMIKSIKE (Estonia) in the EU, focusing especially on the Baltic countries, as well as its implementation in the Ukrainian schools. The authors highlight the literature review (Bykov &Ovcharuk, 2013; Hurevych & Kademiia, 2014; Morze & Vorotnikova, 2016; Mukan, Noskova & Baybakova, 2017; Patarkin, 2017a, 2017b; Robert, 2008, 2010; Vorotnikova & Kovalchuk, 2017; Zhaldak, 2005 etc.) as well as methods (theoretical methods: comparative analysis, logical and systemic analyses; applied methods: examining, inquiry, and conversations) used in this study. The researchers focus on the advantages of MIKSIKЕ online tools and their usage in the educational process. The dynamics of development and national expansion of the Project are presented. The authors analyse possibility to compare the results of different users, describe the selection of arranged mathematical exercises and problems, define the opportunity to create, store and use didactic materials on various school subjects. They determine the tool for creating test tasks of different complexity with the integrated conversion system of the obtained points into school grade.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofUkrainian Journal of Educational Research, 1 (2), 2017
dc.subjectPranglimine instructional training program
dc.subjectinteractive exercises
dc.subjectteaching community involved in the project
dc.subjecteducational reform
dc.subjecteducational institution
dc.subjecteducational online tools
dc.titleMiksike: USE of Estonian online tools in Ukrainian schools
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2017
dc.rights.holder© Noskova M., Mukan N., Khamuliak N., 2017
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenNoskova M. Miksike: USE of Estonian online tools in Ukrainian schools / Margaryta Noskova, Nataliya Mukan, Nataliia Khamuliak // Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 2. — No 1. — P. 29–32.
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dc.relation.referencesen[1] Bykov, V. Yu., & Ovcharuk, O. V. (2013). Informatsiina pidtrymka realizatsii mizhpredmetnoho pidkhodu v shkilnii osviti [Informational support of interdisciplinary approach realisation in schooling]. Informatsiini tekhnolohii ta zasoby navchannia, 37(5). Retrieved from
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dc.relation.referencesen[3] Hurevych, R., & Kademiia, M. (2014). Smart-osvita – nova paradyhma suchasnoi systemy osvity [Smart-education – new paradigm of modern education system. Teoriia i praktyka upravlinnia sotsialnymy systemamy, 4, 71–78.
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dc.relation.referencesen[5] MIKSIKE in Ukraine Facebook group. (2017). Retrieved from:
dc.relation.referencesen[6] MIKSIKE in Ukraine. (2017). Retrieved from:
dc.relation.referencesen[7] Morze, N. V., & Vorotnikova, I. P. (2016). Model IKT kompetentnosti vchyteliv. [The model of teachers’ ICT competence]. ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education, 10(6), 4–9.
dc.relation.referencesen[8] Mukan, N., Noskova, M., & Baybakova, I. (2017). The formation of school principals’ readiness to use internet technologies in their work in the system of continuous pedagogical education. Science and Education, 4, 123–132.
dc.relation.referencesen[9] Ovcharuk, O. V., & Soroko, N. V. (2015). Ohliad porivnialnopedahohichnykh doslidzhen u haluzi rozvytku informatsiinokomunikatsiinoi kompetentnosti v systemi osvity. [Review of comparative and pedagogical researches dedicated to development of information and communication competence in educational system]. Informatsiini tekhnolohii ta zasoby navchannia, 45(1), 50–58.
dc.relation.referencesen[10] Patarakin, E. D. (2017a). Wikigrams-Based Social Inquiry. Digital Tools and Solutions for Inquiry-Based STEM Learning, 1, 112–138. Retrieved from: inquiry/180861
dc.relation.referencesen[11] Patarkin, E. (2017b). Scaffolding Educational Community of Practice Using Visual Storytelling. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, 355–358.doi:10.1145/3047273.3047378
dc.relation.referencesen[12] Robert, Y. V. (2008). Teoriia i metodika informatizatsii obrazovaniia (psikholoho-pedahohicheskiie i tekhnolohicheskiie aspekty). [Theory and methodology of education informatization (psychological, pedagogical, and technological aspects)]. Moscow, Russian Federation: IIO RAO.
dc.relation.referencesen[13] Robert, Y. V. (2010). Sovremennye informatsionnye tekhnolohii v obrazovanii: didakticheskie problemy; perspektivy ispolzovaniia. [Modern Informational Technologies in Education: didactic problems; implementation perspectives]. Moscow, Russian Federation: IIO RAO.
dc.relation.referencesen[14] Vorotnikova, I. P., & Kovalchuk, V. I. (2017). Modeli vykorystannia elementiv dystantsiinoho navchannia v shkoli. [The models of distance learning usage at school]. Informatsiini tekhnolohii ta zasoby navchannia, 60(4), 58–76.
dc.relation.referencesen[15] Zakon Ukrainy "Pro osvitu" [The law of Ukraine "On Education"]. (n.d.) Retrieved from
dc.relation.referencesen[16] Zhaldak, M. I. (2005). Pro deiaki metodychni aspekty navchannia informatyky v shkoli ta pedahohichnomu universyteti [Some aspects of computer science learning at school and pedagogical university]. Naukovi zapysky Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho unshversytetutu im. V. Hnatiuka, 6, 17–24.
dc.citation.journalTitleUkrainian Journal of Educational Research
Appears in Collections:Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research. – 2017. – Vol. 2, No. 1

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