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dc.contributor.authorLytvyn, Vasyl
dc.contributor.authorVysotska, Victoria
dc.contributor.authorChyrun, Lyubomyr
dc.contributor.authorHrendus, Mariya
dc.contributor.authorNaum, Oleh
dc.coverage.temporal25-27 June 2018
dc.identifier.citationContent analysis of Text-based information in E-commerce systems / Vasyl Lytvyn, Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Mariya Hrendus, Oleh Naum // Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, 25-27 June 2018. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2018. — Vol 2 : Workshop. — P. 81–94. — (Part 1. Keynote speakers talks).
dc.description.abstractInstrumental means, information technologies and software for constructing such systems have been analyzed and summarized in the article based on the analysis of the basic tasks of electronic content commerce system (ECCS). ECCS functional diagram with information resources processing subsystems has been developed. The overall architecture, objectives and principles of ECCS realization were described in details. The functional elements of the system were described according to GOST 24.204.80, GOST 24.201-79, GOST 19.201-78, GOST 34.602-89, IEEE Std 1233, 1998 Edition, IEEE Std 830-1998. Software creation tools as well as management and maintenance of content were developed. The software realizations of developed ECCSs with resources processing subsystems to set up e-commerce in online newspapers and online journals were presented.
dc.publisherLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.relation.ispartofComputational linguistics and intelligent systems (2), 2018
dc.subjectcommercial content
dc.subjectinformation resource
dc.subjectcontent management system
dc.subjectcontent lifecycle
dc.subjectelectronic content commerce system
dc.titleContent analysis of Text-based information in E-commerce systems
dc.typeConference Abstract
dc.rights.holder© 2018 for the individual papers by the papers’ authors. Copying permitted only for private and academic purposes. This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
dc.contributor.affiliationSilesian University of Technologyty, Gliwice, Poland
dc.contributor.affiliationDrohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University, Drohobych, Ukraine
dc.identifier.citationenContent analysis of Text-based information in E-commerce systems / Vasyl Lytvyn, Victoria Vysotska, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Mariya Hrendus, Oleh Naum // Computational linguistics and intelligent systems, 25-27 June 2018. — Lviv : Lviv Polytechnic National University, 2018. — Vol 2 : Workshop. — P. 81–94. — (Part 1. Keynote speakers talks).
dc.relation.references1. Vysotska, V.: Tekhnolohiyi elektronnoyi komertsiyi ta Internet-marketynhu. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.references2. Content Management Interoperability Services, Version V. 0.5, Hopkinton: EMC (2008)
dc.relation.references3. Lande, D., Andrushchenko, V., Balagura, I.: An index of authors’ popularity for Internet encyclopedia. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 47–55 (2017)
dc.relation.references4. Lande, D.: Creation of subject domain models on the basis of monitoring of network information resources. In: 1st Inter. Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.references5. Vysotska, V., Chyrun, L., Lytvyn, V.: Methods based on ontologies for information resources processing. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2016).
dc.relation.references6. Vysotska, V., Lytvyn, V.: Web resources processing based on ontologies. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.references7. Vysotska, V., Shakhovska, N.: Information technologies of gamification for training and recruitment. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.references8. Vysotska, V.: Internet systems design and development based on Web Mining and NLP. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.references9. CM Lifecycle Poster, Content Management Professionals, Access: (2010)
dc.relation.references10. Hackos, J.: Content Management for Dynamic Web Delivery. Hoboken: Wiley (2002)
dc.relation.references11. Halvorson, K.: Content Strategy for the Web. Reading: New Riders Press (2009)
dc.relation.references12. McGovern, G., Norton, R.: Content Critical. Upper Saddle River: FT Press (2001)
dc.relation.references13. McKeever, S.: Understanding Web content management systems: evolution, lifecycle and market. In: Industrial Management & Data Systems (MCB UP), 103(9), 686–692 (2003)
dc.relation.references14. Nakano, R.: Web content management: a collaborative approach. Boston: Addison Wesley Prof. (2002)
dc.relation.references15. Papka, R.: On-line News Event Detection, Clustering, and Tracking: thesis for the degree doctor of philosophy. Amherst: Massachusetts University (1999)
dc.relation.references16. Vysotska, V.: Computer linguistics for online marketing in information technology : Monograph. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.references17. Rockley, A.: Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy. New Riders Press (2002)
dc.relation.references18. Stone, W. Plagiarism, Duplicate Publication and Duplicate Submission: They Are All Wrong! In: IEEE Antennas and Propagation, 45(4) 47-49 (2003)
dc.relation.references19. Lytvyn, V., Vysotska, V., Chyrun, L., Smolarz, A., Naum O.: Intelligent System Structure for Web Resources Processing and Analysis. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 56-74 (2017)
dc.relation.references20. Lytvyn, V., Vysotska, V., Wojcik, W., Dosyn, D.: A Method of Construction of Automated Basic Ontology. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 75-83 (2017)
dc.relation.references21. The Content Management Possibilities Poster.
dc.relation.references22. Lytvynenko, V., Lurie, I., Radetska, S., Voronenko, M., Kornilovska, N., Partenjucha, D.: Content analysis of some social media of the occupied territories of Ukraine. In: 1st Inter. Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 84–94 (2017)
dc.relation.references23. Shepelev, G., Khairova, N.: Methods of comparing interval objects in intelligent computer systems. . In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 100–109 (2017)
dc.relation.references24. Orobinska, O., Chauchat, J.-H., Sharonova, N.: Methods and models of automatic ontology construction for specialized domains (case of the Radiation Security). In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 95–99 (2017)
dc.relation.references25. Hamon, T., Grabar, N.: Unsupervised acquisition of morphological resources for Ukrainian. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 20–30 (2017)
dc.relation.references26. Grabar, N., Hamon, T.: Creation of a multilingual aligned corpus with Ukrainian as the target language and its exploitation. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 10–19 (2017)
dc.relation.references27. Hamon, T.: Biomedical text mining. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, uploads/2017/04/2017COLINS-THAMON-keynote.pdf (2017)
dc.relation.references28. Protsenko, Y.: Intuition on modern deep learning approaches in computer vision. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.references29. Kolbasin, V.: AI trends, or brief highlights of NIPS 2016. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, uploads/2017/04/CoLlnS_TuS.pdf (2017)
dc.relation.references30. Kersten, W.: The Digital Transformation of the Industry – the Logistics Example. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.references31. Shalimov, V.: Big Data – Revolution in Data Storage and Processing. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.references32. Hnot, T.: Qualitative content analysis: expertise and case study. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, study.pdf (2017)
dc.relation.references33. Romanyshyn, M.: Grammatical Error Correction: why commas matter. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, matter.pdf. (2017)
dc.relation.references34. Yukhno, K., Chubar, E.: Gamification: today and tomorrow. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 139–140 (2017)
dc.relation.references35. Pidpruzhnikov, V., Ilchenko, M.: Search optimization and localization of the website of Department of Applied Linguistics. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 137–138 (2017)
dc.relation.references36. Olifenko, I., Borysova, N.: Analysis of existing German Corpora. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 135–136 (2017)
dc.relation.references37. Kolesnik, A., Khairova, N.: Use of linguistic criteria for estimating of wikipedia articles quality. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 133–134 (2017)
dc.relation.references38. Kirkin, S., Melnyk, K.: Intelligent data processing in creating targeted advertising. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 131–132 (2017)
dc.relation.references39. Hordienko, H., Ilchenko, M.: Development and computerization of an English term system in the fields of drilling and drilling rigs. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 129–130 (2017)
dc.relation.references40. Gorbachov, V., Cherednichenko, O.: Improving communication in enterprise solutions: challenges and opportunities. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 127–128 (2017)
dc.relation.references41. Didusov, V., Kochueva, Z.: Statistical methods usage of descriptive statistics in corpus linguistic. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 125–126 (2017)
dc.relation.references42. Verbinenko, Yu.: Discursive units in scientific texts. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 120–123 (2017)
dc.relation.references43. Titova, V., Gnatchuk, I.: Evaluation ofa formalized model for classification of emergency situations. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 110–119 (2017)
dc.relation.references44. Kotov, M.: NLP resources for a rare language morphological analyzer: danish case. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 31–36 (2017)
dc.relation.references45. Kuprianov, Ye.: Semantic state superpositions and their treatment in virtual lexicographic laboratory for spanish language dictionary. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 37–46 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen1. Vysotska, V., Tekhnolohiyi elektronnoyi komertsiyi ta Internet-marketynhu. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen2. Content Management Interoperability Services, Version V. 0.5, Hopkinton: EMC (2008)
dc.relation.referencesen3. Lande, D., Andrushchenko, V., Balagura, I., An index of authors’ popularity for Internet encyclopedia. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 47–55 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen4. Lande, D., Creation of subject domain models on the basis of monitoring of network information resources. In: 1st Inter. Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen5. Vysotska, V., Chyrun, L., Lytvyn, V., Methods based on ontologies for information resources processing. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2016).
dc.relation.referencesen6. Vysotska, V., Lytvyn, V., Web resources processing based on ontologies. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen7. Vysotska, V., Shakhovska, N., Information technologies of gamification for training and recruitment. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen8. Vysotska, V., Internet systems design and development based on Web Mining and NLP. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen9. CM Lifecycle Poster, Content Management Professionals, Access: (2010)
dc.relation.referencesen10. Hackos, J., Content Management for Dynamic Web Delivery. Hoboken: Wiley (2002)
dc.relation.referencesen11. Halvorson, K., Content Strategy for the Web. Reading: New Riders Press (2009)
dc.relation.referencesen12. McGovern, G., Norton, R., Content Critical. Upper Saddle River: FT Press (2001)
dc.relation.referencesen13. McKeever, S., Understanding Web content management systems: evolution, lifecycle and market. In: Industrial Management & Data Systems (MCB UP), 103(9), 686–692 (2003)
dc.relation.referencesen14. Nakano, R., Web content management: a collaborative approach. Boston: Addison Wesley Prof. (2002)
dc.relation.referencesen15. Papka, R., On-line News Event Detection, Clustering, and Tracking: thesis for the degree doctor of philosophy. Amherst: Massachusetts University (1999)
dc.relation.referencesen16. Vysotska, V., Computer linguistics for online marketing in information technology : Monograph. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2018)
dc.relation.referencesen17. Rockley, A., Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy. New Riders Press (2002)
dc.relation.referencesen18. Stone, W. Plagiarism, Duplicate Publication and Duplicate Submission: They Are All Wrong! In: IEEE Antennas and Propagation, 45(4) 47-49 (2003)
dc.relation.referencesen19. Lytvyn, V., Vysotska, V., Chyrun, L., Smolarz, A., Naum O., Intelligent System Structure for Web Resources Processing and Analysis. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 56-74 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen20. Lytvyn, V., Vysotska, V., Wojcik, W., Dosyn, D., A Method of Construction of Automated Basic Ontology. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 75-83 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen21. The Content Management Possibilities Poster.
dc.relation.referencesen22. Lytvynenko, V., Lurie, I., Radetska, S., Voronenko, M., Kornilovska, N., Partenjucha, D., Content analysis of some social media of the occupied territories of Ukraine. In: 1st Inter. Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 84–94 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen23. Shepelev, G., Khairova, N., Methods of comparing interval objects in intelligent computer systems. . In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 100–109 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen24. Orobinska, O., Chauchat, J.-H., Sharonova, N., Methods and models of automatic ontology construction for specialized domains (case of the Radiation Security). In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 95–99 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen25. Hamon, T., Grabar, N., Unsupervised acquisition of morphological resources for Ukrainian. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 20–30 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen26. Grabar, N., Hamon, T., Creation of a multilingual aligned corpus with Ukrainian as the target language and its exploitation. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 10–19 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen27. Hamon, T., Biomedical text mining. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, uploads/2017/04/2017COLINS-THAMON-keynote.pdf (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen28. Protsenko, Y., Intuition on modern deep learning approaches in computer vision. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen29. Kolbasin, V., AI trends, or brief highlights of NIPS 2016. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, uploads/2017/04/CoLlnS_TuS.pdf (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen30. Kersten, W., The Digital Transformation of the Industry – the Logistics Example. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen31. Shalimov, V., Big Data – Revolution in Data Storage and Processing. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen32. Hnot, T., Qualitative content analysis: expertise and case study. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, study.pdf (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen33. Romanyshyn, M., Grammatical Error Correction: why commas matter. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, matter.pdf. (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen34. Yukhno, K., Chubar, E., Gamification: today and tomorrow. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 139–140 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen35. Pidpruzhnikov, V., Ilchenko, M., Search optimization and localization of the website of Department of Applied Linguistics. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 137–138 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen36. Olifenko, I., Borysova, N., Analysis of existing German Corpora. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 135–136 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen37. Kolesnik, A., Khairova, N., Use of linguistic criteria for estimating of wikipedia articles quality. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 133–134 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen38. Kirkin, S., Melnyk, K., Intelligent data processing in creating targeted advertising. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 131–132 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen39. Hordienko, H., Ilchenko, M., Development and computerization of an English term system in the fields of drilling and drilling rigs. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 129–130 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen40. Gorbachov, V., Cherednichenko, O., Improving communication in enterprise solutions: challenges and opportunities. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 127–128 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen41. Didusov, V., Kochueva, Z., Statistical methods usage of descriptive statistics in corpus linguistic. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 125–126 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen42. Verbinenko, Yu., Discursive units in scientific texts. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 120–123 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen43. Titova, V., Gnatchuk, I., Evaluation ofa formalized model for classification of emergency situations. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 110–119 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen44. Kotov, M., NLP resources for a rare language morphological analyzer: danish case. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 31–36 (2017)
dc.relation.referencesen45. Kuprianov, Ye., Semantic state superpositions and their treatment in virtual lexicographic laboratory for spanish language dictionary. In: 1st International Conference Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS, 37–46 (2017)
Appears in Collections:Computational linguistics and intelligent systems. – 2018 р.

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