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Title: Selected problems of one-chip microcomputers’ applications in DC/AC converting circuits
Authors: Grzesiak, Wojciech
Maj, Tomasz
Cież, Michał
Zaraska, Wiesław
Kalita, Włodzimierz
Sabat, Wiesław
Affiliation: Institute of Electron Technology, Poland
Department of Electronic Systems, Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Selected problems of one-chip microcomputers’ applications in DC/AC converting circuits / W. Grzesiak, T. Maj, M. Cież, W. Zaraska, W. Kalita, W. Sabat // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2002. – № 458 : Елементи теорії та прилади твердотілої електроніки. – С. 13–19. – Bibliography: 5 titles.
Journal/Collection: Елементи теорії та прилади твердотілої електроніки
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Видавництво Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Львів
Number of pages: 13–19
Abstract: The paper presents problems connected with generation of sin – and trapezoidal signals as basic ones in the DC/AC energy conversion process. Questions on loads of various characters while alimented with sine – and trapezoidal voltages have been outlined. Basic construction features of both types microcomputer equipped inverters have been discussed, in particular those dealing with a significant number of safety measures and with characteristic attributes of final power stages, determining the behaviour of inverters in various output power conditions. On examined sample inverter types of own design a complete compliance with requirements of electromagnetic compatibility standards has been pointed out thanks to proper planning and structural solutions.
Copyright owner: © Wojciech Grzesiak, Tomasz Maj, Michał Cież, Wiesław Zaraska, Włodzimierz Kalita, Wiesław Sabat, 2002
References (Ukraine): [1] ! " # $ # % & ' ( )*+,-+ . *+,*+ Inverters” Proc. XXIV IMAPS Conf., Rytro 25-29.09.2000,p 329-334. [2] " + % " # $ ( /0 . -&& Microcomputers in Electric Energy Transformations in Low and Medium Power Devices”,5th Symposium on Microelectronic Technologies, Microsystems and MEMS, Pitesti, 7-9.06.2001, p.78-83. A C1 C2 􀀀 􀀀 R1 Rs B 1μF 0.1μF 50Ω Z P M 􀀀 1kΩ B 40Ω L1 5μH Inverter under test 􀀀 Battery 12V Lviv Polytechnic National University Institutional Repository 19 [3] " + " # $ ( /+ !& + . -+ $ ' Supplies”, Proc. 112 "-$0 + $ 34-29.09.2001, p. 283-286. [4] PN-ISO 7637/1997 Zaburzenia elektryczne przenoszone przez przewodzenie oraz przez & – ! & 532 [5] W. Walzik, L. Laske, W. Kühn, EMV in der Kfz-Technik, Franzis-Verlag GmbH, Poing 1995 s. 67÷68
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Елементи теорії та прилади твердотілої електроніки. – 2002. – №458

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