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Title: Calculation of the underground gas store functioning parameters in the water drive mode for maintenance of gas extraction process
Other Titles: Розрахунок параметрiв роботи ПСГ для пiдтримування процесу вiдбирання газу
Authors: Pyanylo, Ya.
Vavrychuk, P.
Affiliation: Centre of Mathematical Modelling of Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics NAS of Ukraine
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Pyanylo Ya. Calculation of the underground gas store functioning parameters in the water drive mode for maintenance of gas extraction process / Ya. Pyanylo, P. Vavrychuk // Mathematical Modeling and Сomputing. – 2016. – Volume 3, number 2. – Р. 208–216. – Bibliography: 4 titles.
Journal/Collection: Mathematical Modeling and Сomputing
Issue Date: 2016
Country (code): UA
UDC: 5196:539.3
Keywords: underground gas store (UGS)
mass flowrate
Bessel functions
gas-water contact (GWC)
gas-compressor station (GCS)
gas transportation system (GTS)
пiдземне сховище газу (ПСГ)
дебiт свердловини
функцiї Бес- селя
газо-водяний контакт (ГВК)
компресорна станцiя (КС)
газотранспортна система (ГТС)
Number of pages: 208–216
Abstract: A model problem for the gas extraction process from UGS while substituting it with water is developed. The connection between the mass flowrate and pressure values in the main gas pipeline and on the outer water surface is established. A mathematic model for calculation of the UGS functioning parameters during the period of gas extraction is constructed. The results obtained are tested on the model problem. Розроблено модельну задачу процесу вiдбирання газу з ПСГ витiсненням його водою. Побудовано зв’язок мiж дебiтом свердловини та значеннями тискiв у магiстральному газопроводi та на зовнiшнiй межi води. Наведено формули розрахунку параметрiв роботи ПСГ пiд час вiдбирання газу. Отриманi результати апробовано на модельнiй задачi.
References (Ukraine): [1] PrytulaN.M., Pyanylo J.D., PrytulaM.G. Undeground gas storage (mathematical models and methods). Lviv, RASTR-7 (2015), p. 266. [2] Pyanylo J.D., Vavrychuk P.H. Calculation of the gas-water boundary speed during operation of under- ground gas storage. Physico-mathematicalmodelling and informational technologies, no. 18, 165–172 (2013). [3] VecherikR. L., Pyanylo J.D., PrytulaM.H., Hayetskyy J.B. Mathematical modeling of gas flow in the system reservoir of underground gas storage-main pipeline. Oil and gas, no. 6, 83–89 (2014). [4] CarslawH. S., Jaeger J. S. Conduction of heat in solids. Oxford University Press, Amen House, London E.C.4. (1959), p. 509.
Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Mathematical Modeling And Computing. – 2016. – Vol. 3, No. 2

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