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dc.contributor.authorMelnyk, Anatoliy
dc.identifier.citationMelnyk A. Ordered access memory and its application in parallel processors / Anatoliy Melnyk // Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 2. — No 2. — P. 54–62.
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, after analyzing the known memory access methods, conventional memory organization and its challenging problems, we propose new ordered memory access method and a new type of memory – the ordered access memory. This method is aimed at working with data arrays and provides memory access in the prescribed manner. Proposed method unlike widely used method of sequential memory access allows extending the functionality of the memory as it provides not only sequential, but also any other ordered memory access. Unlike another widely used method of address memory access, the implementation of the proposed method provides parallel conflict-free memory access. It also allows eliminating data binding to a specific memory location that makes it possible to disintegrate the apparatus for data ordering and eliminates the need to store addresses of locations the data are placed in, and the need to submit the address to the address inputs during data writing and reading. The new method distinctive features compared to the known memory access methods are considered. Input data, their indices and output data of the ordered access memory are described as well as the approaches to this type of memory design and use. The interface of the ordered access memory is considered as well as its advances compared to the random, associative, and sequential access memories. An example of the ordered access memory usage in application-specific processors with parallel and pipeline structures is demonstrated and the results of the ordered access memory implementation in FPGA are considered.
dc.publisherLviv Politechnic Publishing House
dc.relation.ispartofAdvances in Cyber-Physical Systems, 2 (2), 2017
dc.subjectComputer memory
dc.subjectMemory wall
dc.subjectMemory types
dc.subjectParallel memory
dc.subjectMemory access method
dc.subjectOrdered access memory
dc.subjectMemory organization
dc.subjectParallel processors
dc.titleOrdered access memory and its application in parallel processors
dc.rights.holder© Національний університет „Львівська політехніка“, 2017
dc.rights.holder© Melnyk A., 2017
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National University
dc.identifier.citationenMelnyk A. Ordered access memory and its application in parallel processors / Anatoliy Melnyk // Advances in Cyber-Physical Systems. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 2. — No 2. — P. 54–62.
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dc.relation.references[31] J.Leverich Comparative Evaluation of Memory Models for Chip Multiprocessors/ J. Leverich, H. Arakida, A. Solomatnikov, A. Firoozshahian, M. Horowitz, C. Kozyrakis // ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization. – November 2008.
dc.relation.referencesen[1] National Research Council. The Future of Computing Performance: Game Over or Next. Level? The National Academies Press. 2011.
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dc.relation.referencesen[9] A. Melnyk. Structure organization of ordered access memory based on the tunable sorting networks., Informatics and computing technique. University "Ukraine", 2011, pp. 34–46.
dc.relation.referencesen[10] A. Melnyk. Ordered access memory, Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2014, 330 p.
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dc.relation.referencesen[14] Bruce Jacob. Memory Systems: Cache, DRAM, Disk, Bruce Jacob, Spencer Ng, David Wang, Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design, 2007.
dc.relation.referencesen[15] V. Cuppu, B. Jacob, B. Davis, and T. Mudge. High-performance drams in workstation environments. IEEE Transaction on Computer, 50(11):1133–1153, 2001.
dc.relation.referencesen[16] J. Shao and B. T. Davis. A burst scheduling access reordering mechanism. In HPCA '07: 13 th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture, Phoenix, AZ, USA, Februaru 10–14, 2007.
dc.relation.referencesen[17] Jingtong Hu, Chun Jason Xue, Wei-Che Tseng, Meikang Qiu, Yingchao Zhao, Edwin H.-M. Sha. Minimizing Memory Access Schedule for Memories. The Fifteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'09), 2009.
dc.relation.referencesen[18] Jingtong Hu, Chun Jason Xue, Wei-Che Tseng, Qingfeng Zhuge, Yingchao Zhao, Edwin H.-M. Sha. Memory Access Schedule Minimization for Embedded Systems. Journal of Systems Architecture: Embedded Software Design (JSA), Oct. 2011.
dc.relation.referencesen[19] Knuth D.E. The Art of Computer Programming. Volume 3: Sorting and Searching. 2nd edn. Addison-Wesley. 1998.
dc.relation.referencesen[20] H. S. Stone. Parallel Processing with the Perfect Shuffle, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 20, pp. 153–161, 1971.
dc.relation.referencesen[21] G. M. Masson, G. C. Gingher and S. Nakamura. A Sampler of Circuit Switching Networks. EEE Computer, Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 32–47, June 1979.
dc.relation.referencesen[22] D. Nassimi and S. Sahni. A Self-Routing Benes Network and Parallel Permutation Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 30, pp. 332–340, 1981.
dc.relation.referencesen[23] K. E. Batcher. Sorting Networks and Their Applications. Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conf. 32, pp. 307–314, 1968.
dc.relation.referencesen[24] C. D. Thompson and H. T. Kung. Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Parallel Computer. Comm. ACM, Vol. 20, pp. 263–271, 1977.
dc.relation.referencesen[25] Rene Mueller, Jens Teubner, Gustavo Alonso. Sorting Networks on FPGAs. The VLDB Journal, Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 1–23, February 2012.
dc.relation.referencesen[26] Y.Jun, Li Na, D. Jun, Guo Y., Tang Z. A research of high-speed Batcher's odd-even merging network. E-Health Networking, Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (EDT), Vol. 1, pp. 77–80, April 2010.
dc.relation.referencesen[27] Jean-Philippe Thiran, Herve Bourlard, Ferran Marques, Multi-Modal signal processing: methods and techniques to build multimodal interactive systems. Academic Press Inc. 23 November 2009, 448 p.
dc.relation.referencesen[28] F. Camastra and A. Vinciarelli. Machine Learning for Audio, Image and Video Analysis: Theory and Applications. Springer, 2008.
dc.relation.referencesen[29] Handbook of Signal Processing Systems. Editors: Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Ed F. Deprettere, Rainer Leupers, Jarmo Takala, Springer, 2010, 1117 p.
dc.relation.referencesen[30] Melnyk A., Melnyk V. "Personal Supercomputers: Architecture, Design, Application", Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2013, 516 p.
dc.relation.referencesen[31] J.Leverich Comparative Evaluation of Memory Models for Chip Multiprocessors/ J. Leverich, H. Arakida, A. Solomatnikov, A. Firoozshahian, M. Horowitz, C. Kozyrakis, ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, November 2008.
Appears in Collections:Advances In Cyber-Physical Systems. – 2017. – Vol. 2, No. 2

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