Title: | Музеї ХХІ століття в умовах глобалізації: нові смисли, виклики та тенденції |
Authors: | Панас, Н. Б. |
Affiliation: | Національний університет “Львівська політехніка” |
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): | Панас Н. Б. Музеї ХХІ століття в умовах глобалізації: нові смисли, виклики та тенденції / Н. Б. Панас // Historical and Cultural Studies. – 2016. – Volume 3, number 1. – P. 93–96. – Бібліографія: 14 назв. |
Journal/Collection: | Historical and Cultural Studies |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Publisher: | Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House |
Country (code): | UA |
Place of the edition/event: | Львів |
UDC: | 379.822+008 |
Keywords: | музей культура глобалізація смисли інтерпетація museum culture globalization meanings interpretation |
Number of pages: | 93-96 |
Abstract: | Визначено сучасну парадигму розвитку музеїв як основних презентаторів історико-культурної спадщини, наведено провідні тенденції в середовищі європейських музеїв, окреслено основні проблеми щодо інтерпретації фондів музеїв. Велику увагу звернено на аналіз негативних тенденцій у розвитку культурного сектору. Розглянуто роль музею як ефективного інструменту для формування іміджу “відкритого суспільства”, його здатності до інтеграції громадськості до інтелектуального європейського і світового співтовариства. Modern museum environment intensively passes the process of transformation in the context of global geopolitical, economic, social and cultural changes. It is impossible to forget that exactly museums are for today that perform the duty of forming of historical memory of the Ukrainian people and identities, promotes self-actualization of nation. Museum is now regarded not only as a storage center of cultural heritage and cultural values. Accordingly, the museum collections serve as an attractive resource for historical and cultural, social and economic environment. Traditional for museums educational activity changes its shape and scale, active recreational function of the museum is examined. The question of how the audience perceives the museum as a whole, as well as various types of displays and forms of cultural and educational activities that expectations of museums in society is actualizes. We can see changing the role of the museums in contemporary society, including in matters of education of patriotism, tolerance and overcoming cultural, ethnic fragmentation, as each of us can contribute to this area and had a positive effect on this interaction. The purpose of this article is to define modern paradigm for the development of museums as main presenters of historical and cultural heritage, to review leading trends in European museums and to identify the main problems of museums collections interpretation. Great attention is paid to the analysis of negative tendencies in the development of cultural industry, dictated by the imperatives of market relations – the imposition of consumer’s culture on exhibits presentation, the necessary of adaptation the collection and its interpretation in accordance with the ”primitive tastes” of the visitors. The role of the museum as an effective tool for formation openness of the society, its ability to integrate public to intellectual European and world community is also reviewed. Main results obtained through usage of intermediate and empirical levels of knowledge by application methods of observation, analysis, comparison, modeling of researched sources and simulation processed sources. This set of methods ensured the validity of results. |
URI: | |
Copyright owner: | © Панас Н. Б., 2016 |
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Appears in Collections: | Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2016. – Vol. 3, No. 1 |
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