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dc.contributor.authorБожко, Н. М.-
dc.contributor.authorЦубов, Л. В.-
dc.identifier.citationБожко Н. М. Культурно-мистецькі заклади Львова наприкінці XVIII–XIX століть та їхній вплив на розвиток міста / Н. М. Божко, Л. В. Цубов // Historical and Cultural Studies. – 2016. – Volume 3, number 1. – P. 13–19. – Бібліографія: 13 назв.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractПроаналізовано діяльність культурно-мистецьких установ Львова, що з’явилися наприкінці XVIII і XIX століть та їхній вплив на соціально-економічний розвиток міста. Lviv has never been a large manufacturing center with the huge enterprises, factories, and integrated producers. This city has never been related to the populous cities of Ukraine. The success of this city is in a beneficial geopolitical position, an attractive investment climate, a great amount of academic and cultural institutions and the most important is a high qualification of the staff that lives there. The aim of this article is an effort to analyze the development of cultural and art institutions of Lviv at the end of XVIII during XIX centuries, their appearance, functioning and the influence on economic and social development of the urban infrastructure. In 1772, as a result of the first division of Poland, Galicia became a part of Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the ХІХ of September 1772 Hungarian troops penetrated into Lviv, which became an administrative centre of newly created Hungarian province – “The Kingdom of Hungary and Lodomeria”. At the end of 18th century Lviv was a provincial city where the first manufactures just began to appear. The main kinds of production in the city still remained a trade and raw material manufacturer. A deficiency of large and medium enterprises in the city caused that just 30.8% of active population were engaged in an industrial production. The most of Lviv population, it was 25 thousand in 1772, consisted of employees, renters, servants and freelance job’s people. It was situation in which Lviv still remained in a role of back country empire. As late as in 30s of XIX century, the population of Lviv increased in two times. The city became more attractive and more comfortable to live in. From that time, in Lviv were living many officials, merchants, doctors, lawyers, students, artists, litterateurs and other representatives of freelance jobs, who weren’t just the citizens – they became creators of the city. In the 90s mostly multi-storey habitable buildings and numerous administrative, cultural and art purpose buildings were built. Lviv became attractive for people of broad professions and rich representatives of region’s population. Art associations, societies, museums were organized in the city. Archives and literary private collections were set and then given to public organizations. All that enriched Lviv’s cultural life influenced the development of the multinational city and formed its identity.uk_UA
dc.publisherLviv Polytechnic Publishing Houseuk_UA
dc.titleКультурно-мистецькі заклади Львова наприкінці XVIII–XIX століть та їхній вплив на розвиток містаuk_UA
dc.rights.holder© Божко Н. М., Цубов Л. В., 2016uk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationНаціональний університет “Львівська політехніка”uk_UA
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dc.citation.journalTitleHistorical and Cultural Studies-
Appears in Collections:Historical And Cultural Studies. – 2016. – Vol. 3, No. 1

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