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Title: Проблема ґендерної рівності: нові виклики і небезпека
Other Titles: The problem of gender equality: new challenges and threats
Authors: Липка, Ольга
Affiliation: Львівська національна музична академія імені Миколи Лисенка
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Липка О. Проблема ґендерної рівності: нові виклики і небезпека / Ольга Липка // Humanitarian Vision. – 2016. – Volume 2, number 2. – Р. 81–86. – Бібліографія: 13 назв.
Journal/Collection: Humanitarian Vision
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House
Country (code): UA
Place of the edition/event: Львів
UDC: 316.36
Keywords: ґендерна рівність
gender equality
Number of pages: 81-86
Abstract: Розглянуто розуміння ґендерної рівності крізь призму християнського світогляду; показано викривлення понять “свобода” і “рівність”. Шляхом аналізу деяких наслідків ґендерної політики в Європі висвітлено небезпеки для інституту родини та виховання дітей, а також загрозу нав’язування ґендеризму як єдиного прийнятного світогляду. According to sociological data, the majority of Ukraine’s population has the highest level of confidence in a Church and shares traditional Christian views on the composition of family, education of children, role of a mother and a father in children’s education. Therefore, the paper focuses upon understanding of gender equality through the prism of Christian worldview. All citizens are equal before the law of Ukraine irrespective of their sexual orientation. “Inequality” is manifested, in particular, in the right to register marriage relationship. Since marital love presupposes mutual responsibility, as well as giving birth and bringing up children, while the way of life of LGBT representatives in itself makes birth and regular bringing up of children impossible, statements about discrimination in this sphere are inappropriate. The natural right of a child to grow up in a regular family should be protected. Freedom presupposes the right to choose and responsibility for this choice, while according to the gender theory, freedom means to do what one wants, what brings him/her pleasure with no responsibility for consequences. Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe proclaim it a norm what traditionally have been considered as corruption of children: encouragement of masturbation, sexual games, etc. This threatens psychic health of children, their future ability to adequately accept people of an opposite sex, and to create their own families. This is a threat to the state, since the state owes its existence to the family and not vice versa. Another worrying fact is that there are efforts to implant ideas of gender equality into children’s consciousness even by means of cartoons. Therefore, we can talk about imposing on everyone a certain ideology which is considered to be the only truthful one. Ukraine already had similar experience of the sole ideology in the Soviet Union. When everybody thinks the same, it is easier to exert control. It is important for us today to have our eyes open and our mind lucid in order to adopt positive things from Europe and say a radical “no” to things undermining the fundamentals of not only Christian morality, but also common morality of the mankind.
Copyright owner: © Липка О., 2016
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Content type: Article
Appears in Collections:Humanitarian Vision. – 2016. – Vol. 2, No. 2

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